Engagement Stakeholder Discussions PURPOSE KEY OBSERVATIONS The Town at the End of the Road Engaging conversations with people is a hallmark of good The stakeholder group was diverse in their interests and were :KLOHVHYHUDOSHRSOHHFKRHGWKHWRZQ¶VPRWWR³the town at the community planning. To help better understand the unique issues passionate about the elements they felt contribute to the high end of the road”, what they seem to be highlighting was the sense impacting Waterville Valley, the Consulting Team reached out quality of life in Waterville Valley; natural beauty of the area, that geographic isolation helps makes the community both unique to a broad cross-section of long-term residents, business owners being at the “end of the road”, the feeling of safety and security, and safe. For many Waterville Valley is - DQGWRZQRɤFLDOVWRKHOSXVEHWWHUXQGHUVWDQGWKHFRQWH[WZLWKLQ the small-town “vibe” and the unique recreational experiences. ³RɣWKHURDG´ which the Study is happening. From these conversations many “themes” emerged that more fully illuminated the context for this project. • where “kids can be independent” • “slower” Come to visit, end up staying WHO WE TALKED WITH • “a place to escape to” ,QDOOVRPHGLɣHUHQWLQWHUYLHZVZHUHKHOG7KHVHFRQYHUVDWLRQV One common story that came though during the stakeholder • “family-oriented” ZHUHLQIRUPDODQGRIWHQIUHHÀRZLQJ7KH\FRYHUHGDZLGH interviews went something like this - “came to Waterville Valley, • “where things slow down” YDULHW\RIWRSLFVVRPHGLUHFWO\UHODWHGWRVSHFL¿FFRQFHUQVRWKHUV fell in love, decided to stay or buy”. The motivations that PRUHJHQHUDOLQQDWXUH:KLOHWKHVSHFL¿FFRQYHUVDWLRQVZLWK prompted the initial visit were widely varied. For some it was The importance of hiking, walking and Nordic skiing in the VWDNHKROGHUVDUHNHSWFRQ¿GHQWLDOWRHQFRXUDJHDQRSHQDQGIUDQN to introduce their children (or themselves) to alpine skiing at community and the quality of the extensive network of trails discussion, the general composition of the stakeholder group the Waterville Valley Resort. For others, it was to support their was often noted; although some lamented at the inconsistency included: FKLOGUHQ¶VDOSLQHRUIUHHVW\OHWUDLQLQJDW%%76)RUVWLOORWKHUVLW of maintenance of this trail system. Most stakeholders felt that was because someone told them it was a special place. And so they the roads, sidewalks and mobility infrastructure in Town was • Representatives from businesses including lodging, retail, real were converted. generally good, but there was some concern that future growth, estate and restaurant particularly in the core area, might disconnect things. 7KHUROOWKDW%%76 DVZHOODVWKH+RFNH\$FDGHP\ KDVDQG • Recreational providers including Waterville Valley Resort continues to play as an incubator of new owners/residents Us and Them • Key department heads from the Town of Waterville Valley should not be discounted. Anecdotally, nearly half of recent real HVWDWHVDOHVKDYHEHHQLQÀXHQFHGLQVRPHZD\E\%%765HFHQW The long-term stability of the Waterville Valley Resort was a key • 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPDVVRFLDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJ:9$,$6LOYHU GLVFXVVLRQVDERXW%%76RɣHULQJPRUH\HDUURXQGDFDGHPLF concern within the stakeholder group. The perceived lack of Streaks and the Lodging Association. and training opportunities would only appear to strengthen its investment at the Resort was often cited as a major frustration. position as a “draw” to the community. This frustration appears to be focused on the feeling that RSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHQRWEHLQJFDSLWDOL]HGRQDQGWKDWWKH5HVRUW¶V WHAT IS A “WORD CLOUD” history implies it can (and should) be a stronger player in the To help better illustrate some of the breadth in the conversations winter. Some suggested that the lack of summer mountain- with stakeholders we have prepared a series of graphic “word oriented programming (more mountain biking, zip-lines) is a lost cloud” images (see next page). opportunity. The “mountain could do more to….” was a frequent comment. A “word cloud” is a visual representation of text. The size, placement and proximity of words relative to each other “CAME TO WATERVILLE VALLEY, FELL IN While this sense of frustration resonated strongly with many, correlates in some way to the frequency and consistency in use. LOVE, DECIDED TO STAY OR BUY” some also felt it was time to move past it; the “town can’t change While this is not an exact science, this representation can be a the mountain”. This was sometimes conveyed with a sense of useful and interesting way to explore what people are saying. fatalism; uncertainty that things can change to the positive. What appears to have emerged from all this is an “us and them” mentality and a sense that community interests are not well TOWN OF WATERVILLE VALLEY - NEW HAMPSHIRE PEDESTRIAN VILLAGE REVITALIZATION STUDY [ 20 ] Engagement Stakeholder Discussions aligned. This sense of misalignment was not limited to the relationship with the Waterville Valley Resort. Many raised FRQFHUQVRQWKHGLUHFWLRQRI%%76:9$,$:0$&+RFNH\ Academy, the Rey Center, etc. ,WVHHPVWKDWWKHFRPPXQLW\KDVWRRPDQ\VLORVDQGSHUKDSVD lack of collective discussion on shared interests. As one person VWDWHGLW¶VWLPHIRUD“meeting of the minds”. Or as stated by another, “What do we want to be when we grow up?” “VISITORS DON’T SEE THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TOWN AND THE RESORT… NEED TO HAVE UNITY” Building a Common Brand, Telling the Story Another pervasive sentiment expressed was that Waterville Valley does not have a “brand” and needs one. We did not, however, hear unanimity on the purpose of a brand. Some felt it was needed to solidify economic opportunity and promote sustainability. Others thought it could help shape the pattern of growth and development. Many ideas were expressed for what might constitute the “brand” for Waterville Valley. The most strongly held ideas encompassed aspects of the uniqueness of the physical setting, the natural and unspoiled beauty of the place, its multiple-season appeal, the “small-town” feel and the recreational heritage. Many potential elements of a brand seemed to transcend stakeholder groups. We also heard that some individual groups have and continue to communicate a “brand” for Waterville Valley; “a place for families”, “the hiker’s mecca”, “a place apart”, etc.” What most seemed to recognize was that this was all happening within a STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS “vacuum” and often the messages that emerge are not consistent. This inconsistency, in both in tone and (sometimes) substance, may create “confusion” within the marketplace. No single voice “WORD CLOUD” tells the real “story” of Waterville Valley. People believe it exists, but it has not yet been discovered. [ 21 ] Engagement Survey #1 Not a One-Season Town COMMUNITY SURVEY #1 Demographics HOW OLD ARE YOU? As a part of the engagement process outlined for the Study, While winter may have been the primary draw to Waterville $ERXWRIUHVSRQGHQWVZHUH 4% the Consulting Team recommended that a community survey 9DOOH\LW¶VWKHVXPPHUDQGIDOOZKLFKNHHSWKHPFRPLQJEDFN aged 55 years or greater. Slightly be prepared and distributed to help better understand the Some felt that the community was “stronger” in the summer PRUH ZHUHEHWZHHQ XQGHUO\LQJLVVXHVUHODWHGWRPRELOLW\DQGUHYLWDOL]DWLRQ7KH¿UVW when interests were better aligned. Summer is “growing” as one \HDUVRIDJH+DYLQJDVL]HDEOH community survey was designed to better understand who lives/ participant noted and the opportunity for economic development response from a younger cohort 47% visits Waterville Valley, what they do while they visit and how 49% is better. Focusing on “weather independence” was noted as a is a good indicator that the survey they get around. SRWHQWLDOJRRGVWUDWHJ\$JDLQWKHOLPLWHGQRQZLQWHURɣHULQJV was able to reach deeply into the provided by the Waterville Resort were also noted as a detriment Methods owner/visitor user base. to the success. A strong feeling was that more can be done (e.g. expanding mountain biking). The survey was designed and launched through surveygizmo.com 2IWKHUHVSRQVHVDERXW Under 35 35-54 55+ and was distributed via several proprietary mailing lists from the indicated they were “year-round WHERE DO YOU LIVE? The business that weddings provide in the summer is strong and lodging associations, Town of Waterville Valley, and the seasons residents”. The vast majority were some thought the potential for more exists. Challenges include pass list from the Waterville Valley Resort. While not statistically seasonal. ¿QGLQJVXLWDEOHVWDɤQJDQGODFNRIIDFLOLWLHVWRVXSSRUWWKHP7KH controlled in its distribution, it was delivered broadly to people For those who were not year- ODFNRIÀH[LEOHLQGRRURXWGRRUVSDFHZDVDQRIWFLWHGFRPPHQW who live and/or visit the area. 7KHGHFLVLRQRI%%76WRIXUWKHUH[SDQGLWVRɣHULQJVLQWRWKHQRQ round residents, the overwhelming winter months suggested a recognition that Waterville Valley is a The survey consisted of up to (depending on responses) 32 majority of respondents were multi-season town. questions covering demographics, visitation and use patterns. IURP0DVVDFKXVHWWV DERXW For those who were “residents” of town, the survey also asked $VL]HDEOH RIUHVSRQGHQWV Perhaps the most compelling narrative around this theme relates VSHFL¿FTXHVWLRQVRQWKHWRZQPDVWHUSODQDQGLWVSURPRWLRQRI were from other places in New to how people feel that summer is “the town’s time”; what is going pedestrian improvements. The survey was open from May 5th to +DPSVKLUH:KLOHUHVSRQGHQWV on is more diverse and more dynamic. Events happen nearly -XQH were mostly concentrated from every weekend and opportunities abound. The “program” also
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