New Mineral Names*

New Mineral Names*

American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages 665-67 I, 1991 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JonN L. J.Lrvrnon CANMET. 555 Booth Street.Ottawa. Ontario KIA OGl. Canada J,c.cnx Puzrnwtcz Institute of Geological Sciences,University of Wroclaw, Cybulskiego30, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland Astrocyanite-(Ce)* Burpalite, ideally NarCaZrSirOrFr, a new member of family, is monoclinic, M. Deliens,P. Piret (1990)Astrocyanite-(Ce), CurREE,- the cuspidine-wdhleriteJivenite : : (UOTXCO3)5(OH)r.l.5HrO,a new mineral from Ka- spacegroup P2,/a, a: l0.t 173(8),b l0.aaa6(6),c : moto, Shaba,Zaire. Eur. J. Mineral., 2, 407-4ll (in 7.2555(3)A, B 90.039(7f. Strongesrlines of a 114.6- French, English abstract). mm Gandolfi X-ray pattern (FeKa radiation) are 3.306(m,I 30),3.035(m,i 3I ),2.962(vs,202),1.886(ms,520), Electron-microprobe and CHN analyses(H,O by dif- I .787 s2,432,432),1 .67 8 (m,2 4 3), and I .5 5 6 (ms, 3 60). The ference)gave CuO 15.55,UO3 28.16,CaO 0.61, Ce,O, structure, which was refined to R : 0.067, showed that I 1.83,NdrO. 9.74,I-a,2O3 3.38, PrrO, 2.48,SmrO, 2.00, burpalite-type and lAvenite-type structures are two dis- YrO3 0.15, CO22l .40,H2O 4.70, sum 100 wto/0,corre- tinct orderedmembers in a family of order-disorder struc- spondingto 2.02 CuO.0. 9 8 Pro [(Ca"or)(Ceo rrNdo rola",, *- tures. SmoouYuo o,)lrOr. l.02UO3' 5.02COr.2.7HrO, ideally Burpalite occurs in a fenitized sandstoneat the western Cu,REE,(UO,XCO3)5(OH)r.l. 5HrO. Occursas pale blue, contact of the Burpalinskii alkaline massive, 120 km bright blue, and blue-green delicate millimetric rosettes northeast of the northern extremity of Lake Baikal, North of tablets,platy {00 I }, translucentto opaquewith an earthy Transbaikal, USSR. The new name is for the locality. luster; also as isolated, vitreous, tabular blue crystals. Type material is in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Cleavage{001}, H : 2-3, D-""" : 3.80,D",,. : 3.95g1cm3 Moscow, and in the Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Uni- with Z : 12, soluble with eflervescencein dilute HCl. versiti di Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Optically uniaxial negative,e : 1.638(2),co : 1.688(2),<.r "Orthorhombic lavenite", reported previously from the normal to {00 I }; strongly pleochroic from bright blue (<,r) same locality as burpalite, consists of a twinned mono- to pale blue, almost colorless.X-ray single-crystalstudy clinicphase with a : l1.l l, D: 10.05,c:7.23 4,, : indicated hexagonalsymmetry, spacegroup P6/mmm or P 108.99'.The phaseis probably a polytype ofburpalite. a correspondingsubgroup, a: 14.96(2),c : 26.86(QA; Baghdadite and burpalite are probably isostructural and the strongestlines of the powder pattern (l14.6-mm De- related by the coupled substitutions Na+ * F + Caz* I bye-Scherrer camera, copper Ka radiation) are or. l 3.3(40,002),6.73(100,004), 4.30(50,300), 4.1 6(60,205'), Discussion. A description of the physical and optical 3.72(90,220), 2.488(40,330), 2.154(40,600), and 2.07r(40,s20). properties of burpalite was given in the abstract for the then-unnamedmineral in Am. Mineral., 75, 436-437 The mineral was found as an oxidation product of ura- ( I 990). The improved X-ray powder data given above are ninite in the EastKamoto Cu-Co deposit,southern Shaba, from a crystal free of lAvenite-typ€domains. J.L.J. Zaire. Associated minerals are uranophane, kamotoite- (Y), francoisite-(Nd), shabaite-(Nd),schuilingite, and ma- suyite. The new name alludes to the combined star-like Byelorussite-(Ce)* morphology and color (Greek for blue), as well as the E.P. Shpanov, G.N. Netschelyustov, S.V. Baturin, dominant REE. Type material is in the Institut royal des L.S. Solntseva(1989) Byelorussite-(CelNaMnBarTi,- Sciencesnaturalles de Belgique,Brussels, Belgium. J.L.J. Si8Or6(F,OH).HrO-A new mineral of the joaquinite group. Zapiski Vses. Mineralog. Obshch., I l8(5), 100- 107 (in Russian). Burpalite* Electron-microprobe analysis(average of 4) gaveNarO S. Merlino, N. Perchaiazzi, A.P. Khomyakhov, D.Y. 2.08,KrO 0.40,SrO 0.43, BaO 20.58,MnO 2.58,FeO Pushcharovskii,I.M. Kulikova, V.I. Kuzmin (1990) 0.82,MgO 0.l5,ZnO 1.58,CerO. l2.l3,Ia2O3 8.33, PrrO. Burpalite, a new mineral from Burpalinskii massf North 0.58,NdrO3 2.3, SmrO,0.1, GdrO3 0. 15, >REErO323.59, Transbajkal, USSR: Its crystal structure and OD char- SiO,33.98, TiO, I1.35,F 0.98,O : Fr0.4l, sum98.1l, acter.Eur. J. Mineral..2.177-185. HrO (calc.) I .45, sum 99.56 wto/o,corresponding to (Ntu n,- IG,r)", or(Mno,rZnorrFeo,uMgoor)", oo(Ba, noSroou)", nu(Ce, or- * Before publication, minerals marked witih an asterisk were Lao 72Nd0 ,nPro orGdo o,SIno o,)", o3Ti, orSis ooOru[Fo,r- approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral (OH)orrl' oo HrO. Spectral analysis revealed (wto/o)Nb Names, International Mineralogical Association. 0.06,Ta 0.03,Be 0.1,Pb 0.03,Cd 0.001,Sn 0.001,Ge 0003-004x/9I /0304466 5$02.00 665 666 JAMBOR AND PUZIEWICZ: NEW MINERAL NAMES 0.0006,Y 0.07,Yb 0.0009.The presenceof OH and H,O 18.05,17.00; 590 17.80,16.75; 610 17.60,16.65:' 630 was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy. 17.40,16.50; 650 17.30,16.45;670 r7.20, 16.30;690 Tabular and thin-tabular crystals of the mineral are up 17.00,16.15. For the largestgrain, H,o: 108 kglmm' to 25 x 20 x 4 mm and are fractured on margins. Cleav- (Mohs 3.2);D^.^": 3.65,D.",.: 3.67g,/cm3 with Z : l. agesare filled with quartz or a fine mixture of brookite, In transmitted light, parallel extinction, negative elonga- bastniisite,and montmorillonite. Paleyellow to pale brown tion, optically uniaxial negative,e : 2.3(l), o: : 2.4(l). color, colorlessstreak, cleavages {001} perfect,{ 100} im- Strongestlines of the X-ray powder pattern, indexed with perfect, and {010} very imperfect. Vitreous luster, very a hexagonalcell of a : 8.970, c : 12.207 A, are: brittle, H : 5.5-6.0, D-"." : 3.92, Do,, : 4.09 g/cm3. 3.300(100,004),3.050(90,104), 2.510(50,105), 2.060 Opticallybiaxial positive, a : 1.743,g : 1.760(3),7: (50,312),and 1.655(50,008).Indexing is in harmony with 1.820(5)at 589nm, 2V:58-62. Optic axisplane (010), the spacegroups P6322, P6'm, and P6r. Synthesized,at negativeelongation, X : a, Y: b, Z: c. Pleochroism 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 "C (heatingtimes 3-28 absent to very weakly yellow with Z 2 f = X. No lu- days); highest temperatures give the coarsestgrains (to minescencein UV. The infrared spectrum has absorption 0.2 mm). Refractive indices decreasewith increasedtem- bandsat3510,3480, 1610, 1450, 1200, 1085, 1040, 1015, peratureofsynthesis, and the X-ray pattern changesslight- 985,920,900, 800, 795, 720, 690,655, 545, 495, 470, ly. The DTA curve showsendothermic peaks a|831,954, 445, and 410 cm-'. X-ray study showsthe mineral to be and 1106"C, and a majorweight lossat 1000'C. The orthorhombic, a : 10.57(6),b : 9.69(6),c : 22.38(10) infrared spectrum has absorption bands characteristicof A, spacegroup P2r2,2,. The strongestlines (62 given) of an oxide. the powder patternar e: 4.42(59B,022,1 | 4), 3.00(6 8, 3 I 3), The mineral occursin quartz veins associatedwith bis- 2.95(63,224,026), 2.9 t(52,t t7), 2.783(100,008,225), and muthinite, molybdenite, joseite, koechlinite, and cassit- 2.606(52,03s). erite in a molybdenite deposit at Chilu, Fujian Province, Byelorussite-(ce)occurs in a salband of a quartz vein China. in lower Proterozoic metasomatized granosyenitesbe- Discussion.The repository for type material is not giv- longing to the Zhitkovitschskij horst, Homel district, Bye- en. Calculated d values are in only moderate agreement lorussia SSR.The mineral is associatedwith quartz, mag- with the measuredvalues, suggestingthat the cell param- nesioriebeckite,aegerine, perthite, albite, leucophanite,and eters (and inappropriate space-grouppossibilities) need titanite. The name is for the locality. Type material is at revision. According to J.A. Mandarino, Chairman of the the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow. J.P. CNMMN-IMA, the new name that was approved was chilunite rather than chiluite. J.L.J. Chiluite* Xiuzhen Yong, Deren Li, Guanxin Wang, Mengxiang Clinobehoite* Deng,Nansheng Chen, ShuzhenWang (1989)A study A.V. Voloshin, Ya.A. Pakhomovskii, D.L. Rogatschev, of chiluite-A new mineral found in Chilu, Fujian, Chi- T.N. Nadezhina, D.Yu. Pustscharovskii,A.Yu, Bahk- na. Acta MineralogicaSinica, 9(l), 9-14 (in Chinese, chisaraytsev(1989) Clinobehoite-A new naturalmod- English abstract). ification of Be(OH), from desilicatedpegmatites. Min- eral. Zhurnal, I l(5), 88-95 (in Russian). Twenty-four electron-microprobeanalyses gave an av- erageand (range)of Bi,O, 68.5 9 (7 1.90-63.7 l), TeO. I 5.8 3 Laser spectral analysis gave 55 + 5 wtoloBe, and cou- (18.65-12.07),MoO, 15.40(19.04-13.18), Sb,O3 0.17 lometric analysis gave 41.0 wto/oHrO, corresponding to (0.29-0.07),WO3 0.21 (0.33-0.01),sum 99.55[00.20] Be(OH)r. Solublein HCl. Cuneiform, platy crystalsof the wto/o;the presenceofO was confirmed, and CHN analyses mineral occur in radial aggregatesup to I mm in size.

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