GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY ABSTRACT Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Puducherry - Implementation of the Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for Poor Families, 2012 in the Puducherry district of the Union Territory of Puducherry - Expenditure Sanction for the current financial year 2018-19 with permission to disburse the amount on ECSafter the conclusion of Model Code of Conduct for General Election to the Lok Sabha-2019 - Accorded. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEAND DISASTERMANAGEMENT G.O. Rt. No. 34/DRDM/2018-19 Puducherry, the 27.03.2019 READ: 1. This Department's G.0.Ms.No.14 dated 28.09.2012 2. This Department's G.0.Ms.No.15 dated 28.09.2012. 3. G.0.Ms.No.47/F3/2014 dated 09.12.2014. 4. I.D.Note No.1110/Rev/D4/RGSSS/2018-19,dt.25 .03.2019 ORDER The RajivGandhi SocialSecurity Schemefor Poor Families' 2012 notified vide order read above, is being implemented by the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Government of Puducherry for granting financial assistanceto all the members of families below poverty line in the Union Territory of Puducherry in the event of death or partial or permanent total disability of their family members in the agegroup of 18-60years. 2. Accordingly, sanction of the l.ieutenant Governor is hereby conveyed to incur an expenditure not exceeding~.1,59,45,000/- (Rupeesone crore fifty-nine lakhs and forty-five thousand only) towards the grant of financial assistanceto 467 beneficiaries/claimant who have lost their family members due to natural and unnatural death, partial total disability and permanent total disability due to accidents in the Union Territory of Puducherry under the provisions of "Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Schemefor Poor Families,2012" asdetailed in the annexure. 3. Asthe general elections to the LokSabha2019 was notified by the Election Commissionof India on 10.03.2019, the proposal was referred to the Screening Committee for clearance through Nodal Officer(MCC) and Chief Electoral Officer. The ScreeningCommittee suggestedthat the funds may be withdrawn and kept in personal ledger and then disbursedto eligible beneficiariesafter the elections so as to avoid lapse. In accordancewith the direction of the ScreeningCommittee for election, the entire amount shall be drawn and deposited in the official account of the SpecialOfficer-cum-DDO,Office of the Special Secretary(Rev),Puducherry bearing Current Account NO.30928404361at SBI, Puducherry until the date of conclusionof Model Codeof Conduct for General Election to the Lok Sabha-2019and later the sameshall be disbursedto the beneficiariesaccountsthrough ECS. 4. The expenditure is debitable under the Headof Account "2235-SocialSecurity and Welfare - 60 -Other Social Security and Welfare Programme - 60/101(01) - Group Personal Accident Insurance Schemefor Below Poverty line family members in the Head of Account 60/101(01)(01) Puducherry region - 50 Other Charges" in the budget. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Puducherry vide their I.D.No.3280/FC/F4/A3/2018-19,dt.27.03.2019. //BYORDER// (Dr. T. N, I.A.S) SPECIALSECRETARY(REVENUE)-cum• DISTRICTCOLLECTOR End: Annexure To The SpecialOfficer, % the SpecialSecretary(Revenue),Puducherry Copyto : 1.The FinanceDepartment, Puducherry. 2. The Director of Accounts& Treasuries,Puducherry 3. The Deputy Director, PaySectionVIII, DAT., Puducherry 4. The Sub/Dy.Collector (Revenue)North/South, Puducherry 5. TheTahsildar,Puducherry/Oulgaret/Villianur/Bahour 6. The Bill Section,% the SpecialSecretary(Revenue),Puducherry 7. Webmaster, DR&DMWebsite" https://collectorate.py.gov.in" - with a requestto host the Order in the official website of DR&DM 8. The Notice Board,DR&DM,Puducherry. 9. FileCopy/ SpareCopy. ANNEXURE to the G.O.Rt.No.34/DRDM/2018-19, Dt.27.03.2019 Name & Father Name & Address of the SI Date of Relationsh Name of the Eligible IJame of the Claimant • No Death ip Bank Amount ~ Deceased Thiruffmt. Form-C No.OOllDCRS/REV/RGSSS/2017-18rrOV/7, DT.16.02.2018 1 Kanagavalli 21-06-2013 Ravi, Husband Indian Bank 30,000 Wlo Ravi #19, Mariamman Koil St., Sathamangalam Melsathamangalam. 2 Kuppammal Wlo 15-08-2015 Kalyani, Daughter Indian Bank 30,000 Kothandapani #31, 2nd Street, Villianur Pudhu Nagar. 3 Vengadesan S/o 30-12-2015 Sarasu, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Erisappan 33, Main Road, Ariyur Sivaranthagam. 4 Arunachalam 18-04-2016 Navaneetham, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Kuppusamy #21, Murugan Koil St., Sathamangalam KeezhsathamangaIam. 5 Perumal@ 16-08-2016 Meena, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Dhandapani Slo #53, Big Street, Katterikuppam I1\A"n"on~' L.R Palayam, 6 Baskar 01-10-2016 Pachaiyammal, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 s/o Madhurai #37, Murthy Nagar, Villianur Villianur. 7 Srinuvasan 29-10-2016 Ranjini, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Muthu No. 17, Mankulam Street, Madagadipet K. Andiyar Palayam. 8 Murugan 30-10-2016 Kalaichelvi, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Veerappan #48, Mariamman Koil St., Koodapakkam Pillaivarkuppam, 9 Ranganathan 01-11-2016 Amirtham Wife UCOBank 30,000 Slo Ramasamy #26, Mariamman Koil St., Villianur Uthiravaginipet. 10 Sankar 08-11-2016 Rani, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Govindhan #5, lyyanar Koil St., Villianur Thiruvalluvar Nagar, 11 Ramu 24-12-2016 Lakshmi, Wife State Bank Of 30,000 Slo Krishnasamy # 19, Ist Cross, Pandiyan India Nagar, Villianur 12 Iyyanar 17-01-2017 Kalaiarasi Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Ganesan #04, Mariamman Koil St., Thirukkanur K. Manaveli, 13 Jeeva 27-01-2017 Thamizhselvi, Wife Vijaya Bank 30,000 Slo Duraisamy #18, Nadu Theru, Kurumbapet Kurumbapet. 14 Arjunan 06-02-2017 Rajeshwari, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Ramasamy #2, Mariamman Koil St., Thirukkanur chettipet, 15 Ranganathan 07-02-2017 Angammal Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Kesavan #07, Arasumarathu St., Sathamangalam Sangaran Pettai, 16 Ramakrishnan 10-02-2017 Amsavalli, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Kuppusamy #31, Periyathoppu, Thirukkanur Sellipet, 17 Bhaskaran 04-02-2016 Bhavani, Wife State Bank of 30,000 Slo Radhakrishnan #6, North Street, India Mangalam, Villianur 18 Rajendiran 10-11-2016 Nambinachi Wife Puduvai 30,000 Slo Valliyappan #42, M.K St., Bharathiyar Ramachadira Nagar, Grama Bank 19 Murugesan 13-11-2016 Thenmozhi Wife Indian Overseas 30,000 Slo Manickam W/o Murugesan Bank Thirubhuvanai 20 Selvam 05-12-2016 Kavitha, Wife State Bank of 30,000 Slo Krishnan #6,First St., India Gandhi Nagar, Thirukkanur. 21 Arulraj 13-12-2016 Rajeswari, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Kandhan #23, Pudhu Nagar, Koodapakkam Pillaivarkuppam, 22 Abdullah 22-12-2016 Fathimabeevi, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Rahamathullah #31, South Pallivasal St., Katterikuppam. Katterikuppam, 23 Palani 17-02-2017 Pushpa, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Slo Vellikannu #18, First St., Katterikuppam. Thethampakkam, 24 Egambaram 22-02-2017 Navarnmal, Wife Puduvai 30,000 S/o Namusukavundar #28, Balar Palli St., Bharathiyar Andiarpalavam. GramaBank 25 Vengadesan 14/12/2014 Lakshmi, Wife Indian Bank, 30,000 S/o Mannangatti 6, kamarajar nagar south, Ariyur keezhur. • Page 1 of 20 ANNEXURE to the G.O.Rt.No.34/DRDM/2018-19, Dt.27.03.2019 Name & Father Name & Address of the SI Date of Relationsh Name of the Eligible name of the Claimant No Death Bank Deceased Thiru/Tmt, ip Amount ~ 26 Murugan 03-11-2016 Gowri, Wife Central Bank of I 30,000 S/o. Anandhan II, Anganwadi St, PidarikllQ]l_am 27 Saravanan 21-02-2017 Lalitha, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 S/o. Seetharaman 36, Middle St, Villianur Pillayarkuppam 28 Panneerselvam 09-04-2017 Kasthuri, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 S/o. Angamuthu 2A, Mariamman Koil St, Villianur Uthiravaginipet 29 Dakshinamoorthy 13-04-2017 Bhuvana, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 S/o. Velayutham 14, Sivan koil St, Sathamangalam Melsathamangalam 30 SenthilMurugan 27-03-2017 Manju,80, Vanigar St, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 S/o. Narayanasamy Thirukkanur Thirukkanur 31 Sumathy, 15-04-2017 SenthilKumar, Husband SBI Thirukkanur 30,000 W/o. Senthil Kumar 100, Perumal Koil St, Thirukkanur 32 Vijaya, 17-04-2017 Arumugam, Father Indian Bank 30,000 0/0. Arumugam 2, Mariamman Koil st, Thirukkanur Sompet Form-C No.OOllDCRS/REV/RGSSS/2017-IS/TOV/S, DT.16.02.20IS 33 Kanagaraj S/o 18-07-2011 Rani, Wife Indian Overseas 75,000 karuppaiya #46, Kuppusamy Pillai Nagar, Bank, Ariyapalayam, Villianur. Villianur. 34 Selvaraj 19-03-2012 Selvi, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 S/o Veerappan #3, Rajiv Gandhi Thirukkanur Nagar.Mutrampet, Form-C No.OOllDCRSIREV/RGSSS/2017-ISITOV/9, DT.04.04.201S 35 Raji S/o Ramassmy 08-11-2016 Kumar #36, Theni Nagar, Son Indian Bank 30,000 Melsathamangalam. Melsathamanga lam 36 Silambarasan S/o 17-05-2017 lIavarasan #2, Mailam Road, Father IndianBank 30,000 llavarasan Amattankulam, Katterikuppam. Thethampakkam. 37 Noordheen S/o 02-04-2017 Muhammad Ali #3, 2nd cross, Father Indian Bank 75,000 Muhammad Ali Gandhi Nagar, Thirukkanur. Thirukanur. 38 Veeramani S/o 02-08-2017 Latha, #55, TV Malai Road, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Krishnasamy Thirukkanur. Thirukanur. 39 Surendra Babu S/o 20-07-2017 Krishnaveni, #34, Meenatchi Wife Syndicate Bank 30,000 Nannaiya Naidu Amman Koil St., Villanur. Thondamanatham. 40 Lakshmi 0/0 14-03-2017 Nirmala, # I0,Ist Cross Street, Sister Indian Bank 30,000 Muthukaruppan Pudhu Nagar, Keezh Villianur Aghraharam. 41 Krishnamurthy S/o 28-06-2017 Abirami Gandhimathi, #2, Wife Indian Sank 30,000 Ramu Nathamedu, Uruvaiyar. Villianur 42 Kunjidham S/o 15-08-2017 Suguna, # II, Ambedkar Wife State Bank of 30,000 Vellikannu Street, Perungatore. India Karikalampakka 43 Kuppusamy S/o 20-07-2017 Anjalai #9, Thiruvalluvar St., Wife Central Bank of 30,000 Mahalingam Vadhanur. India Vadhanur 44 Kumar S/o Nagappan 18-06-2017 Vijayalakshmi, #54, Manga Wife Indian Bank 30,000 lam Road, Jeeva Nagar,. Villianur Umvaiyar. 45 Arumugam S/o 05-03-2017 Muthulakshmi, Pudu Nagar, Wife Indian Bank 30,000 Kattayan Piliaiyarkuppam.
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