"American editions of Byron, 1811 to 1830 with a supplement containing Byroniana" in "Byron in America to 1830" The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Accardo, Peter X. 1999. "American editions of Byron, 1811 to 1830 with a supplement containing Byroniana" in "Byron in America to 1830". Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (2), Summer 1998: 36-56. Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:42674276 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA 36 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN AMERICAN EDITIONS OF BYRON, 1811 TO 1830 WITH A SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING BYRONIANA 1811 Blake; and in Baltimore by E Lucas, Junr. William Fry, Printer. 1812. la. English bards and Scotch reviewers; a satire, by Lord Byron. [two mottos] First a6 A-G 12; 179, [1] p.; 15 x 8 cm. American from the third London edi- Printed buff boards tion. References: 25010 (var.) Philadelphia: Published by Brannan and Locations:Y+:AAS-, BA-, BPL-, MH- Morford, No. 118, Chesnut-street, and E. Morford, Willington, and Co. Charleston, S. 1813 C.J. Maxwell, Printer. 1811. 3a. The giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. [A]4 B-M 4 (M4 blank); viii, 86 p.; 20 x 13 cm. By Lord Byron. [motto] From the third Printed buff boards; Price: $1.00 London edition. References: 22463 (var.) Boston: Printed by John Eliot, No. 5, Court Locations: AAS+: BA-, MH+, NYPL+, Street. 1813. PXA +, [Y, LC] A-B 12 C1° (ClO blank); 66 p.; 14.4 x 8 cm. 1b. English bards and Scotch reviewers; a Printed brown boards; Price: 37½¢ satire, by Lord Byron. [two mottos] First References: Not in Shoemaker American from the third London edition. Locations: EI+: MH+ Charleston, S.C.: Published by E. Morford, Willington, and Co.J. Maxwell, Printer, 3b. The giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. By Lord Byron. [motto] From the third Philadelphia. 1811. London edition. [A]4 B-M 4 (M4 blank);viii,86 p.;20 x 13 cm. Boston: Printed by John Eliot, No. 5, Court Printed buff boards; Price: $1.00 Street. 1813. References: 22463, Tinker 516 A-B 12 C 10 (C9 + D 4) (C9, D4 blank); 72 p.; Locations:AAS+: LCP-, MH+, PXA+,Y+, 14.4 x 7.5 cm. [LC] Page 57 misnumbered 75; in some copies, a 1812 stop press correction has been made. In this issue a gathering of four leaves con- 2a. Childe Harold's pilgrimage, a romaunt: taining pp. 6 7-72 is inserted at end, headed and other poems. By Lord Byron. with note: "Since the preceding sheets were [motto] The first American edition. printed, the publisher has seen in the Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas, Boston Athen:rum a copy of the fourth No. 52, Chesnut-street. William Fry, London edition, which contains the follow- Printer. 1812. ing passages." a6 A-G 12; 179, [1] p.; 15 x 8.4 cm. a) Printed green boards; b) Printed brown Printed brown boards; Price: 75¢ boards; Price: 37½¢ References: 25010 References: 28060 Locations: EI+: LCP-, MH-, NYPL-,Y- Locations: AAS+ (binding a), EI+ (binding b): BA+ (binding a), LCP+, MH + (binding 2b. Childe Harold's pilgrimage, a romaunt: a),Y+ (binding a) and other poems. By Lord Byron. [motto] The first American edition. 4a. The giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas. By Lord Byron. [motto] For sale in Philadelphia, by the publisher, M. Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas, Carey,and Bradford and Inskeep;in New York, and by Eastburn, Kirk, and Co., New-York. by Inskeep and Bradford, and J. Eastburn; in William Fry, Printer. 1813. Boston, by Munroe and Francis, and West and 1t2 A-B 12 C4; [4], 53, [3] p.; 14.1 x 8 cm. Advertisements on the final leaf. Byron in America to 1830 37 Price: 37½¢ In vol. 1, p. 202 misnumbered 20. References: Not in Shoemaker Two advertisement leaves at the end of v. 1 and Locations: BPL- one advertisement leaf at the end of v. 2. Vol. 1, p. [3]: "Note. This volume of Lord 46. The giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. Byron's Poems, being complete in itself, is By Lord Byron. [motto] intended to be sold, either as a separate Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas, work, or as the first volume of his entire No. 52, Chesnut-Street. William Fry, works, (which are now printing by the sub- Printer. 1813. scriber)-on that account, it has two title a2 A-B 12 C; [4], 53, [3] p.; 14.9 x 8 cm. pages, one of which is to be cancelled when P. [1]: "Note. M. Thomas has lately pub- the work is bound. M. Thomas." lished, vol. I. of Lord Byron's Poetical Works, Vol. 2, p. [1]: "Note. This volume of Lord comprising his first work entitled Poems, Byron's Poems, being complete in itself, is Original and Translated, and a secondedition intended to be sold, either as a separate of English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. He work, or as the second and last volume of has now in press, a second edition of Chi/de his entire works-on that account, it has two Harold's Pilgrimage,which with the present title pages, one of which is to be cancelled poem, will form the second volume and when the work is bound. M. Thomas." complete the work. To accomodate those Drab green boards who have purchased Childe Harold, the References: 28062 Giaour is sold separate." Locations: MH+ (v. 1 only): AAS+ (v. 1 Advertisements on the final leaf. only), BU- (v. 2 only), HSP@LCP- (v.1 Printed olive boards only), LCP-,Y- (2 copies), [LC] References: 28061 1814 Locations: MH+: PXA+, NYPL+, [Y] 7. The bride of Abydos. A Turkish tale. By 5. The giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. Lord Byron. [motto] By Lord Byron. [motto] From the fifth London edition. Boston: Printed and published by E. G. House, No. 100, Court Street. 1814. Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas, No. 52, Chesnut street.William Fry, Printer. A-C 12; 72 p.; 14.3 x 8 cm. 1813. Printed brown boards [dagger A]' dagger B-F"; 65, [3] p.; 14.4 x References: 31048 7.5 cm. Locations: EI+:AAS+, BA+, MH+ Direction line, p. 5 7: Vol. II 8. The bride of Abydos. A Turkish tale. By a) Printed olive wrappers; b) Printed buff Lord Byron. [motto] boards Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas, Front wrapper, binding a: "Second No. 52, Chesnut-Street. William Fry, Philadelphia edition, from the fifth London, Printer. 1814. with large Additions." A-C 12; 72 p.; 15.4 x 8.5 cm. References: 28061 AAS has a copy bound with The corsair (see Locations: MH+ (binding a),AAS+ (bind- no. 12), as issued. Printed buff board cover- ing b):Y- ing preserved, with imprint: Philadelphia: 6. The poetical works of Lord Byron. In Published by Moses Thomas, No. 52 two volumes. Vol. I [-II]. From the last Chesnut Street.]. Maxwell, Printer. 1814. London edition. a) Printed buff boards; b) Printed blue- Philadelphia: Published by Moses Thomas, green boards. Price: 37½¢ No. 52, Chesnut-Street. William Fry, References: 31049 Printer. 1813. Locations: AAS+: BPL-, LCP+ (2 copies = Vol. 1: 17t2 27t4 A-H 12 18;[4], iv, [4], 203, [5] p.; bindings a and b) MH- (2 copies), NYPL +, Vol. 2: a" A-G 12 *l-*K 12 L6 ; 261, [3] p.; 15 x PXA+,Y-, [LC] 8.8 cm. 38 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN 9. The corsair, a tale. By Lord Byron. Boston: Published by West & Blake. 1814. [motto] From the London edition. fifth 1-3 12; 72 p.; 14 x 7.4 cm. Baltimore: Printed and published by B. a) Printed buff boards; b) Unprinted buff Edes, for the Booksellers. 1814. boards, white paper label on cover: Byron's A-C' 2; 72 p.; 15 x 7.7 cm. English bards; Price: 38¢ Page viii rnisnumbered ix. "C. Stebbins, Printer": p. 72. Printed blue-gray boards References: 31054 "B. Edes, Printer": p. 72. Locations: AAS+ (binding a), BA+ (front References: 31050 board wanting): MH+ (binding a), Y + (binding b) Locations:AAS+: MH+ EI+ (binding a; 14 x 7.4 cm), PXA+ (bind- 10. The corsair, a tale. By Lord Byron. ing a), NYPL-, BPL- [motto] From the fifth London edition. 14. Lara, a tale.Jacqueline, a tale. Boston: Published by West & Blake. 1814. Boston: Published by Wells and Lilly. 1814. 1-3 12; 71, [1] p.; 14.3 x 7.5 cm. 1t4 18 1* 4 28 2*4 38 3*4 48 (48 blank); iv, [5], a) Tan boards, white paper label on cover: 14-98 p.; 14.5 x 7.8 cm. Byron's Corsair; b) Printed blue-green boards Printed drab boards "C. Stebbins, Printer": p. 71. References: 31055 References: 31051 Locations: BPL+:AAS+, EI+, LCP-, MH+ (2 copies), NYPL+, UV+,Y+ Locations: AAS+ (binding a), EI+ (binding b; 14.7 x 7.8 cm.): LCP-, MH+ (binding a) 15. Lara, a tale.Jacqueline, a tale. 11. The corsair, a tale. By Lord Byron. New-York: Published by Eastburn, Kirk & [motto] From the fifth London edition. Co. Literary-Roorns, corner of Wall & Nassau-streets. 1814. New-York: Published by Eastburn, Kirk, and Co. Literary Rooms, Corner of Wall [A]12 B-E 12 P; 136 p.; 15 x 7.5 cm.
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