Public Document Pack For the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 Iofdiidfgi0dfgdfigdiufgdfgiogduioigijgijo This page is intentionally blank. CITY OF LINCOLN COUNCIL Sir/Madam, You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the COUNCIL of the City of Lincoln to be held at The Guildhall on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 6.30 pm. Deputy Chief Executive and Town Clerk Angela Andrews A G E N D A SECTION A Page(s) 1. Confirmation of Minutes - 29 September 2014 5 - 10 2. Declarations of Interest Please note that, in accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct, when declaring interests members must disclose the existence and nature of the interest, and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) or personal and/or pecuniary. 3. Receive Any Questions under Council Procedure Rule 11 from Members of the Public and Provide Answers thereon None received 4. Receive Any Questions under Council Procedure Rule 12 from Members and Provide Answers thereon 5. Receive Reports under Council Procedure Rule 2 (vi) from Members (a) Chair of Performance Scrutiny Committee 11 - 16 6. To Consider the Following Recommendations of the Executive and Committees of the Council (a) Executive - 24 November 2014 - Strategic Plan 2012-2017 - A New 17 - 76 Delivery Plan 2014-2017 (b) Audit Committee - 28 October 2014 - Code of Corporate 77 - 102 Governance (c) Executive - 22 August 2014 - Annual Report 2013 -14 103 - 140 7. Polling Station Review 141 - 176 8. Appointment of Deputy Electoral Registration Officer 177 - 180 9. Amendments to the Constitution 181 - 184 10. Appointment of Member Safeguarding Champion 185 - 186 11. Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 - Decisions Taken as a Matter of Urgency 187 - 192 Item No. 1 Public Document Pack Council 29 September 2014 Present: Councillor Brent Charlesworth (in the Chair) , Councillor Bill Bilton, Councillor Kathleen Brothwell, Councillor Chris Burke, Councillor Sue Burke, Councillor Bob Bushell, Councillor Gill Clayton-Hewson, Councillor Tony Gray, Councillor Gary Hewson, Councillor Ronald Hills, Councillor Andy Kerry, Councillor Rosanne Kirk, Councillor Karen Lee, Councillor Liz Maxwell, Councillor Ric Metcalfe, Councillor Neil Murray, Councillor Donald Nannestad, Councillor Marika Riddick, Councillor Fay Smith, Councillor Tony Speakman, Councillor Edmund Strengiel, Councillor Ralph Toofany, Councillor Katie Vause, Councillor Pat Vaughan, Councillor Keith Weaver, Councillor Peter West and Councillor Loraine Woolley Apologies for Absence: Councillor Geoff Ellis, Councillor David Gratrick, Councillor Jim Hanrahan, Councillor David Jackson, Councillor Jackie Kirk and Councillor Adrianna McNulty 27. Mayoral Announcements The Mayor advised that Ralph Wadsworth a Councillor for 15 years from July 1958 and Mayor in 1968 -69 had passed away. A minutes silence was held in recognition of him passing. 28. Confirmation of Minutes - 12 August 2014 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 August 2014 be confirmed subject to the reference to Councillor Hewson in minute number 25(a) being amended to read Councillor Speakman. 29. Declarations of Interest Councillor Pat Vaughan declared a Personal Interest with regard to the agenda item titled 'Portfolio Holder for Corporate Management and Customer Services'. His daughter worked in the Benefits Advice Section of the City Council. 30. Receive Any Questions under Council Procedure Rule 11 from Members of the Public and Provide Answers thereon None received 31. Receive Any Questions under Council Procedure Rule 12 from Members and Provide Answers thereon Question 1 Question from Councillor Strengiel Do we as a council in England believe that devolution should also apply to the existing cities and counties as they already exist and have been proved to 5 have the capacity and ability to deliver more services, and do we agree that any devolved power should be accompanied by a corresponding reduction in central taxation so that there is no additional financial burden on the public?. Answered by Councillor Metcalfe, Leader of the Council This is a highly topical question on a subject which this Council will no doubt have to debate in the future. The DCLG Select Committee reported on this a short while ago and they concluded that fiscal devolution in England is certainly something that needs to be considered. Scotland and Wales both receive significant fiscal devolution and there is a need for England to keep abreast of this and there is a need for a debate on it. However it is not something we should rush into and consultation needs to take place with all interested parties, including the DCLG. There is a need to agree what taxes can be devolved and how they would be controlled possibly by a group of authorities rather than an individual. Whatever happens the functional area must display competence and the capability to manage such a system. Any powers and responsibilities to be devolved should be by agreement not imposition. Whilst authorities might agree with the arrangements there will be a need to ensure any taxes collected are distributed equally. The downside for poor authorities like Lincoln is that with a narrow tax base we would want some redistribution. National expenditure levels are a matter for all governments and tend to be led by national policy. The lending cap on the Housing Revenue Account is an example of a policy which hinders local authorities. This authority has a creditable programme of house building but we could do more if borrowing within the HRA was not capped. This is an important subject and I would welcome a further debate on it in the future. Supplementary Question from Councillor Strengiel I am delighted to a certain extent with the Leaders reply, but I don’t necessarily agree with his comments on borrowing. I am delighted with the result in Scotland and ask whether you agree that on behalf of the Council that you should be promoting English votes for English laws with the Leader of your party?. Answered by Councillor Metcalfe No, I don’t believe for all sorts of reasons, or agree that we should disbar Scottish MP’s from voting in Parliament. 32. Portfolio Holder for Corporate Management and Customer Services The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Management and Customer Services: a. Presented his report highlighting key elements as follows:- • Financial savings • Revenues and Benefits Shared Service • Customer Services 6 • Complaints • Website Development • Local Authority Mortgage Scheme (LAMS) • Procurement • Property including asset management, maintenance of strategic assets and protection of heritage assets • Business Development and Information Technology including the Five District IT Partnership • Emergency Planning • Risk Management • Human Resources • Work Based Learning –Apprenticeships • Audit Arrangements • Equality and Diversity • Annual Report • Key Performance Issues • Housing Benefits • Customer Services • Procurement • Revenues Collection • Performance in delivering Strategic Plan Projects • Corporate Measures – Sickness Indicators – Q1 2014/15 • Communications • Future Challenges and Targets b. Answered members questions thereon RESOLVED that the report be noted 33. Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration and Planning Policy including Historic Environment Advocate The Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration and Planning Policy: a. Presented his report highlighting key elements as follows: • Economic Regeneration • Infrastructure Development • Car Parking • Planning Policy • Shared Housing • Heritage • Tourism b. Answered members questions thereon RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted 34. Statement of Accounts 2013/14 It was moved by Councillor Metcalfe, seconded by Councillor Nannestad, debated and 7 RESOLVED that the Statement of Accounts (including the Annual Governance Statement) for 2013/14 be approved 35. Scrutiny Committees' Terms of Reference It was proposed by Councillor Metcalfe, seconded by Councillor Nannestad debated and RESOLVED that the revised Terms of Reference for Performance Scrutiny Committee and Policy Scrutiny Committee as detailed in appendices A and B to the report be approved 36. Scrutiny Annual Report 2013/14 It was proposed by Councillor Lee, seconded by Councillor Hewson debated and RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Annual Report 2013/14 be received 37. Decisions Taken under Special Urgency Measures RESOLVED that the decision taken by the Leader under special urgency provisions be noted. 38. Proposed Amendment to Policy Scrutiny Committee Membership That the change in membership to the Policy Scrutiny Committee as detailed in the report be noted 39. Interim Corporate Management Arrangements It was proposed by Councillor Metcalfe, seconded by Councillor Nannestad debated and RESOLVED 1. That the Director of Resources be appointed as the Interim Deputy Chief Executive including the positions of Electoral Registration Officer, Returning Officer for the City of Lincoln Council and Acting Returning Officer for Parliamentary elections pending the return of the original postholder. 2. That the Interim Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Resources be given authority to exercise any powers delegated to the Director of Housing & Community Services relating to the housing element of the post until a replacement postholder is in place. 3. That the Director of Development & Environmental Services be given authority to exercise any powers delegated to the Director of Housing & Community Services relating to the community services element of the post until a replacement postholder is in place.
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