INFORMATION Village Activities Hire of Rooms (All held in the chapel) Penpoll Methodist Church Meetings, functions, parties etc Village WI: 2nd Monday in the month contact Bridget 862662 2.00pm: Sally Brocklehurst 864717 Mobile Library Coffee Stop: 1st Friday in the Saturdays—fortnightly month, 10.00—11.30am; except Jan Penpoll Bridge & Point Green Sale of coffee, cakes, preserves etc Home Library Service View Lunch Club: one Wednesday Angela Spurgin, Truro Library each month, dates vary. Contact 0800 032 2345 (freephone) The Village Magazine for Point & Penpoll Betty 863902 / Bridget 862662 [email protected] Corlink From Penpoll ROCKs—Right On Church for Taxi service to nearest Methodist Church Kids: every Sunday 10.30—11.30 appropriate bus route am in the school rooms Sept— Tel: 0845 8505556 June. Contact Penny 862624 www.cornishkey.com Issue No 29 Easter 2009 Bus Service B*olders —8-16 year olds. www.truronian.co.uk Times vary. Contact Kath 864415 01872 273453 Café Church —every Sunday Point Quay Association 10:45-11-30 am Sept-June (11-18 Billy Trebilcock 864415 years). Contact Vicky 864729 www.pointquayassociation.org.uk Restronguet Creek Society Parish Office Antony Lane 870123 Opening Hours www.restronguetcreeksociety.org Monday 9.30 am—12.30pm Wednesday 1.30 pm—4.30 pm Village View Editors Friday 9.30 am—12.30pm Ewan McClymont 862624 Tez Smith 865413 At other times please leave a Gerald Nicholls 862875 message — 863333. Nicki John 864750 Printed by Mid Cornwall Printing 16 Message from... in Christ, there is a new creation: every- thing old has passed away, see, every- So much is making the news thing has become new!’ (2 Cor. 5v17) today that it is difficult to know where to So like a candle, I burn for God and live begin. I’m going to try and stay reasona- my life so that the light of God might be bly safe by steering clear of credit seen and known by others. Like the old crunch, increase in crime, decline in wax that the candle-maker uses, I want church attendance, government etc! to be used – useful to the one who has ALMOND’S I wonder what you do in your set me free and given purpose and di- Maintenance spare time. I wonder how many different rection to my life. MOBILE NEWSAGENTS answers I would receive if I invited Repairs TEL. 01872 870477 What is true for me can be true Renovations ‘answers on a postcard, please’? I won- for us all, for all Christian disciples have Extensions der how many answers would include been recycled and our desire should be NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES candle-making? No, I don’t make can- DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR that we are the best that we can be for WE PROVIDE A FRIENDLY AND dles, not as a hobby, although I do re- God. Some may have forgotten where EFFICIENT SERVICE—WHATEVER THE member making candles for Christmas we have come from, or have lost that WEATHER, 364 DAYS OF THE YEAR one year. I am reminded of this from first love for God in Christ. As we hear Tel: 01872 862361 reading an article in a magazine from 01209 716411 PLEASE CALL TO DISCUSS YOUR again, the Easter message, and cele- REQUIREMENTS my home county. The writer ‘waxed brate Christ crucified for our sakes, and lyrically(!)’ about wax being a wonderful sing our Alleluias, He is risen, let us commodity but was quick to point out reflect on our relationship with God; if it that he recycled old candle stubs. is past, let your memories of all that God Recycled. Remember those has done for you refresh and encourage little teddies in a box with a (sometimes) you to seek to live for Him again; if your David Vowles cryptic comment on the box? A friend of relationship with God is glorious and on- Interior and Exterior mine had one, ‘born to shop;’ I received Computer Training going, sing aloud your Alleluias, as you Painting and Decorating one on a particular birthday, ‘recycled continue on your journey with the risen teenager!’ Recycled. Yes, rightly so, we Christ. For friendly, professional are encouraged to recycle all we can, Wherever you are with God, help with: The Old Counthouse and, hopefully, eventually, we will find He is always there with you. May you Creegbrawse that almost all of what we produce will experience, again, the rich blessings of St Day be able to be rescued, thus making the a Risen Saviour this Eastertide. Come E-mail, Digital Cameras, most of the gifts that God has given to and celebrate with us. Internet, Windows, Word, Cornwall us. A Happy Easter to you all. Excel etc. TR16 5QF Recycling isn’t a new idea. Dare I sug- gest that it is Biblical, in other words, it With love and blessings, Call Ian on: is God’s idea that I have been recycled! Tel 01209 822575 God took me, cleansed me – separating 01872 870702 out the debris from what was useable – made me new and set me to work. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, ‘So if anyone is Reverend Margaret Barnes 2 15 Chapel History page 4 Memory Lane 8 GARDEN Village Summer Party 4 Messy Church 10 WI 5 ShelterBox 11 SERVICES What’s Another Year? 6 Coming Home 12 The Old Tree 7 Adverts 13 All basic garden needs Yoga with Sally 7 Local Information 16 undertaken WHAT’S ON AT PENPOLL METHODIST CHURCH April Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming, Wed 8 th Chapel Meeting at 7:00pm Strimming, Ground Clearance, Fri 10 th Good Friday Walk with refreshments at PMC Fencing and Pressure Washing of th Paths and Patios Sun 12 Easter Sunday Service at 10:30 am led by the Revd. Margaret Barnes, with Communion th Friendly, prompt and polite Wed 15 Lunch Club, 12 noon service at all times May Fri 1 st Coffee Stop, 10.00 – 11.30am Tel. 01872 870400 Sun 3 rd Morning Service commencing at 9:30 am instead of Mob. 07974 563857 10:30 am for May and June– experimental. Wed 13 th Lunch Club, 12 noon June Sharon Thomas Fri 5 th Coffee Stop, 10.00 – 11.30am Loe Beach th Wed 10 Lunch Club, 12 noon Ladies Mobile Sun 28 th ROCKS Anniversary, led by Dr. Andrew Dye of St. Boat Hire Hairstylist Austell—9:30 am Loe Beach, Feock, Truro, July 25 years experience rd Cornwall, TR3 6SH Fri 3 Coffee Stop, 10.00 – 11.30am Sun 5 th Open Air Service in the Orchard at 6:00 pm Hire: Kayaks - Motor Tel. 01872 862 361 th Sat 11 Regatta Stall on Point Quay, pm Boats - Rowing Boats For an appointment Sun 12 th Regatta Service on Point Quay at 10:30 am. Speaker Sailing Dinghies - Wind- the Revd. Aubyn de Gruchy, Chaplain to Truro School surf Equipment th If you would like to Wed 15 Lunch Club, 12 noon August advertise here Special offers throughout Fri 7 th Coffee Stop, 10.00 – 11.30am April & May - please contact: NO LUNCH CLUB in August Check out our new web site: September Nicki John th www.loebeachwatersports Fri 4 Coffee Stop, 10.00 – 11.30am th .com Sun 6 Covenant Service at 10:30 am led by the Revd. 01872 864750 Margaret Barnes th 01872 864295 Wed 16 Lunch Club, 12 noon 14 3 History of Village Penpoll Chapel Party At a Penpoll Methodist Church Come one, come all, residents meeting, encouragement was given to of Point and Penpoll, to the Quay on investigate the possibility of writing a Saturday 6th June for the Village book to mark the 150 th anniversary of Summer Party! In the tradition of the the building of the present chapel. That Millennium and Jubilee parties, this date is 2011 if you take the date from year’s event will be a cheese and wine above the chapel entrance, or 2012 if affair. In addition there will be live folk using the date of the first church ser- music and children's entertainment in- vice. Christopher Kingston (01872 cluding Splat the Rat, Tin Can Shy, Pis- 862662) and John Lander (01872 tol Shooting and Quoits. 862297) are to start gathering material Tickets prices are £7.50 for together to see if sufficient information adults and £3.00 for the 12’s and over, can be acquired. children under 12 go free! Admission price includes a glass of wine or soft drink and cheese. The party com- mences at 6pm so turn up with a smile for a fun evening. Keep your eyes peeled for posters with further information about the party, including who to contact for tickets, which will be posted around Point and Penpoll closer to the date. All profits from the Village Party will be donated to Cornwall Hos- Have you ever dreamed of handing over your ‘to do’ list to someone you can trust? We have no doubt that many pice Care who aim to provide the high- readers of Village View will have infor- est quality care to alleviate pain and Are you simply too busy to find time, to complete mation to give us and we would be very distressing symptoms for people with your weekly tasks or mini projects? grateful to receive it, in any format. life-threatening illness, and to offer prac- Right Hand Woman has vast experience of Would those of you who can help us tical, emotional and spiritual support to co-ordinating a wide range of life style projects and events. with memories, either directly or as a them, their family and their carers.
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