2021-2022, HS, African American History, Quarter 1 Students begin a comprehensive study of African American history from pre1619 to present day. The course complies T.C.A. § 49-6-1006 on inclusion of Black history and culture. Historical documents are embedded in the course in compliance with T.C.A. § 49-6-1011. The Beginnings of Slavery and the Slave Trade - pre-1619 State Standards Test Knowledge Suggested Learning Suggested Pacing AAH.01 Analyze the economic, The economic, political, and Analyze and discuss reasons for political, and social reasons for social reasons for colonization the focusing the slave trade on focusing the slave trade on and why the slave trade focused Africa, especially the natural Africa, including the roles of: on Africans. resources, labor shortages, and Africans, Europeans, and religion. 1 Week Introduction The role Africans, Europeans, and colonists. colonist played in the slave trade. Analyze the motivations of Africans, Europeans, and colonists to participate in slave trading. AAH.02 Analyze the role of The geography of Africa including Analyze various maps of Africa geography on the growth and the Sahara, Sahel, Ethiopian including trade routes, physical development of slavery. Highlands, the savanna (e.g., geography, major tribal location, Serengeti), rainforest, African and natural resources. Great Lakes, Atlantic Ocean, Use Exploring Africa Website to Mediterranean Sea, and Indian understand previous uses of Ocean. 1 Week slavery and compare to European Deep Dive into The impact of Africa’s geography slave trade. African Geography on the development of slavery. Compare the practice of slavery Identify the Igbo people. between the internal African slave trade, slave trade in Europe Comparisions of the Trans- during the Middle Ages, the Saharan vs Trans-Atlantic. enslavement of Europeans by the The role of natural resources in Ottoman Empire’s Devşirme the growth of enslavement of System and the later chattel Africans. enslavement of Africans. AAH.03 Assess the impact of the Consequences of the slave trade Examine digital sources, as well slave trade on West Africa and on the different regions of West as use of the textbook (chapter 2) North American colonies. Africa. to analyze and discuss the growth of slavery in the newly developed 3 Days Consequences of the indentured colonies as well as throughout servants/enslaved West Africans Africa. in Jamestown and the spread of slavery throughout the colonies. AAH.04 Explain why the Middle Effects of the Middle Passage on Analyze primary and secondary Passage is considered to be one enslaved Africans, the conditions sources to understand what the of the largest forced migrations of their transportation across the Middle Passage is and how it was in human history. Atlantic, and estimated migration used to transport enslaved numbers of affected people. Africans into the newly formed 3 Days colonies. VOCABULARY: • Middle Passage Use resources such as TED Talk • Tribalism “The Atlantic Slave Trade,” • Equiano “Timeline of the Middle Passage.” African American Life Prior to the Civil War 1619-1860 State Standard Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.05 Analyze the economic, The contradictory economic, Read and analyze contradictory social, religious, and legal social, religious, and legal justifications for slavery, such as: justifications for the justification used for the • Original and final drafts of establishment and continuation establishment and continuation the Declaration of of slavery. of enslavement. Independence. • Thomas Jefferson’s “Notes The approach by founding on VA” and correspondence documents to address slavery. with Benjamin Banneker. 3 Days • How lifelong enslavement was Virginia and Massachusetts established in the American documents that legalize colonies by the enslavement of slavery. John Punch in 1640 by Anthony • Examine former slave John Anderson’s lawsuit to keep Johnson who himself was of John Punch as a lifelong African descent. slave. Examine the chronological laws put in place for enslavement. AAH.06 Describe the varied How the lives of freed Blacks Explore the lives of Benjamin experiences of free Blacks in varied based on the region they Banneker (MD), Phyllis Wheatly colonial America. were in and the ideas of (MA), Equiano (SC) and Prince birthright citizenship. Hall (MA), and how their experiences varied based on region. 3 Days Students create posters or multimedia to show the various experiences and share. AAH.07 Identify the various ways The various rebellions in the Compare the various slave Africans in the United States colonies and other forms of rebellions, such as: Nat Turner, resisted slavery as well as their resistance. Stono, Denmark Vesey, New York ability to buy their freedom. City Conspiracy (1741), Gabriel's Knowledge of rebellion vs Conspiracy (1800), and the resistance. German Coast Uprising of 1811 3 Days and their impact. The methods which enable some Identify how rebellions are enslaved Africans to buy their different from resistance using freedom. Gilder Lehrman “Slave Resistance” primary sources. AAH.08 Analyze the role slavery Correlate how slavery was Compare and contrast actions played in the development of strengthened in the South and taken by the government that nationalism and sectionalism, weakened in the North by leads to nationalism and including the fugitive slave laws. various economic and social sectionalism such as the differences within the colonies Louisiana Purchase, cotton gin, 3 Days including the role of fugitive slave Southern economies, Haitian laws. Revolution, 3/5ths Compromise, Northwest Ordinance, Abolitionist Movements, and other legislation. AAH.09 Assess the development The various forms and impact of Compare assorted styles of of the abolitionist movement and the abolition movements and abolitionism such as: the use of its impact on slavery and the leaders, including: print media and passive vs. active nation, including the efforts of: • American Colonial Society abolitionism. American Colonial Society, • Frederick Douglass 3 Days Discuss David Walker’s quote: Frederick Douglass, Ralph Waldo • Ralph Waldo Emerson “see your Declaration Americans! Emerson, William Lloyd Garrison, • William Lloyd Garrison Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman. Do you understand your own • Sojourner Truth language?” • Harriet Tubman AAH.10 Explain the Underground Relate how the Underground Analyze the life and impact of Railroad and assess its impact on Railroad affected the institution Harriet Tubman and the slavery in the United States. of slavery from both opponent Underground Railroad on slavery and proponent points of view. and attempts to escape, as well 3 Days as how the South viewed supporters of the Railroad. AAH.11 Compare and contrast Correlate how African American In groups, students research African American communities in communities developed based on characteristics of urban and rural the North and South, with their geographical location. communities that differ based on emphasis on those in rural and geographical locations such as: urban areas. Mid-Atlantic, Chesapeake Bay 2 Days regions, Southern Atlantic, New England, and Lower Mississippi Valley OR by state including South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Alabama, and Pennsylvania. AAH.12 Describe and analyze The ways in which African Read and analyze various various experiences of African American family units were accounts of events that directly impacted enslaved African American families in the impacted by enslavement and American families such as: slave Antebellum United States. compare to free Blacks. auctions, intentional separation 3 Days of families, escape, and marriage. Analyze life for free Blacks in the South. AAH.13 Describe the How African Americans built a Examine primary and secondary development of African American community support system sources to depict changes from institutions, such as religion, through churches, colleges, and 1619-1860 in African American education, and benevolent other organizations. institutions such as: 3 Days organizations, during this era. • religion How these communities looked • education similar and different in the North • v. the South. benevolent organizations AAH.14 Identify and explain The contributions to the arts and Research an individual who contributions to science and the sciences made by African contributed to the arts and arts from African Americans Americans prior to the Civil War. sciences during this era such as: during this era. • Thomas Jennings 3 Days • Benjamin Banneker • Phillis Wheatley • Joshua Johnson • Rebecca Cole • James Whitfield 2021-2022, HS, African American History, Quarter 2 Students continue their comprehensive study of African American history from pre1619 to present day. The course complies T.C.A. § 49-6- 1006 on inclusion of Black history and culture. Historical documents are embedded in the course in compliance with T.C.A. § 49-6-1011 African Americans during the Civil War and Reconstruction 1861-1890s State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.15 Describe President How Lincoln’s views of slavery Analyze primary sources from Abraham Lincoln's evolving views changed over time. Abraham Lincoln and trace any on slavery. The Civil War impact on Lincoln’s changes over time. Sources such view of slavery and his as: subsequent actions. • Lincoln-Douglas Debate 1 Day • A House Divided Speech • Letter to Stephens • First Inaugural Address • Emancipation Proclamation •
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