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News 2 Ashburton Guardian Saturday, June 6, 2020 www.guardianonline.co.nz Sharplin Falls shovel-ready soon BY SUSAN SANDYS bridges and consultation with Left – Sounding out the Shar- [email protected] iwi. plin Falls track and bridge A new track to Sharplin Falls will Ross said Overmars had spent abutments are (from left) be shovel-ready by September if three days at the site last week- Darcy Roberts of Fulton Ho- the Mt Somers Walkway Society end, examining the environmen- gan, Cam Bisset of D&E Track has its way. tal effects. & Trail, Shane Reynolds of President Charles Ross said So far the society had spent Fulton Hogan, Sam Polson of the organisation still needed to $40,000 on the project that it Engineering Design Consult- jump through a few hoops prior had raised itself, and expected ants, Charles Ross of the Mt to submitting its proposal to the the remaining cost to be about Somers Walkway Society and Department of Conservation, $260,000. environmental scientist Fred but he was confident that the ap- It expected traditional sourc- Overmars. proval would come through. es of funding, such as the Lion PHOTO SUSAN SANDYS 290520-SS-0114 A one-kilometre track design, Foundation and Ashburton and route, earthquake risk as- Trust, had been affected by sessment and bridge site surveys the pandemic, so it would also had all been conducted. The be looking at other potential track with great scenery. society was now waiting for its funders, such as the Provincial Past president Barry Austin consultant environmental sci- Growth Fund and government said it had been good to get Over- entist Fred Overmars of Nelson grants. mars on site recently, alongside to finalise his assessmentof en- Ross said walkways in the area track builders and Fulton Hogan vironmental effects, and bring were proving more popular than staff, who would help with bridge all the elements together so the ever with Cantabrians post lock- abutments. submission could be put to the down. He said the two bridges would department. “A lot of people are getting into each be 34 metres long, made in Overmars would also be as- the hills at the moment, even And to have the Sharplin Falls Canterbury earthquakes, would Ashburton and trucked up to the sisting with future steps such as though it’s a colder time of year,” access reinstated, after it was be fantastic. The walk was par- area before being airlifted in half getting building consent for the he said. shut about five years ago by the ticularly valued for being a short segments. Local MPs not in support of regularly armed police BY JAIME PITT-MACKAY “New Zealand has seen a sharp it could direct police to not insti- [email protected] increase in new style gangs, many tute such units,” he said. The police’s trial of armed re- copying gangs in Australia. A When asked if she is concerned sponse teams have attracted criti- ready resort to extreme violence we could move towards a more cism from all corners of the coun- has been a common factor with militarised police force should try, and Rangitata’s two MPs are the rise in those gangs,” he said. the ART trial be deemed success- united in their views that police “We have seen reports of in- ful, Luxton said she remains un- should not be regularly armed. nocent people gunned down on changed in her commitment to Both Labour list MP, based in their doorstep and in their homes, back local policemen and women Rangitata, Jo Luxton and Ran- along with a number of apparent in Ashburton in their day-to-day % gitata and National MP Andrew executions of gang members and activities that ensure the streets 50 OFF* Falloon, say they have concerns associates.” are well-protected. % % over the general arming of police, “The number of gang members “With the decision to deploy 50 OFF* 50 OFF* however Falloon indicated he be- has skyrocketed over the past two the ART trial independently made lieves there may be a role for the and a half years. They now num- by the then commissioner of po- armed response teams. ber over 7000, an increase of more lice, and not a government initi- HALF YEARLY SALE Luxton said, as an advocate in than 30 per cent. There is no sign ative, I’ll let my stance through HALF YEARLY SALE HALF YEARLY SALE Parliament for Mid Canterbury, yet of that growth slowing.” the Maori caucus reflect my con- she shares the concerns of fami- Falloon said MPs do not direct cerns, as I await the evaluation of lies over the general arming of our An armed police officer at a house where an arrest was made in police over their operations and, the ART pilot later in June,” she police force. November28 MAY last28 MAY year. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN ultimately, any decision will rest said. “Being part of the 13-strong La- 31 JUL 31 JUL with the police commissioner, The Green party issued a state- % Powered Powered Ardern,” 2020she said.2020 view is that while he would not % % bour Maori caucus, we have used Andrew Coster. ment yesterday morning urg- Powered Recline Powered Powered Recline Powered our collective voice to publicly “This action followed a meeting want to see local police routinely “The Government can fund ing the police to rule out armed Recline Recline Recline Recline NATIONWIDENATIONWIDE FLOORING FLOORING make clear to the police commis- of the Maori caucus with the Min- armed, unless it is absolutely re- specific initiatives within police, patrols following the death of OFF TAYLOR POWER TAYLOR 3 SEATER TAYLOR 2 SEATER ister, to directly discuss our col- quired, that specialist units like but it is difficult to see how, un- American man George Floyd in OFF TAYLOR POWER OFFTAYLOR 3 SEATERTAYLOR POWER TAYLOR 2TAYLOR SEATER 3 SEATER TAYLOR 2 SEATER sioner that we totally oppose this 50 RECLINER TWIN RECLINE TWIN RECLINE move on behalf of our communi- lective concerns around the Arms the armed response teams are der section 16 of the Policing Act police custody that has led to 50 RECLINER50 TWIN RECLINERECLINER TWIN RECLINETWIN RECLINE TWIN RECLINE * * * Response Team trials.” different, utilising existing armed * * NOW $999 (Milan Leather) * NOW* $1,999 (Milan Leather) * * NOW $1,799 (Milan Leather) * ties, as do Police Minister Stuart which legislates the independ- widespread protests in the United all La-Z-Boyall La-Z-Boy* NOWall $999 La-Z-Boy(Milan Leather) *NOW $1,999NOW(Milan Leather)$999 (Milan Leather) NOW $1,799NOW(Milan $1,999 Leather) (Milan Leather) NOW $1,799 (Milan Leather) Nash and Prime Minister Jacinda Falloon said his own personalSale Saleoffenders squad members. ence of the police commissioner, States and across the world. 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