Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 602 Recueil des Traiths Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrs ou classes et inscrits au r'pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations 9 Nations Unies New York, 1969 Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 602 1967 I. Nos. 8704-8718 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 31 July 1967 to 7 August 1967 Page No. 8704. Cyprus and Hungary: Agreement on air transport (with annex). Signed at Nicosia, on 2 June 1964 3 No. 8705. Syria and Cyprus: Agreement on commercial scheduled air transport (with annex). Signed at Damascus, on 22 December 1964 .... ............... .... 25 No. 8706. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Cyprus: Air Transport Agreement (with annexes). Signed at Nicosia, on 29 February 1964 ..... .... ............................ ... 45 No. 8707. Czechoslovakia and Burma: Air Transport Agreement (with annex). Signed at Prague, on 15 December 1965 ..... .... ............................ ... 71 No. 8708. Mali and Tunisia: Agreement relating to air services (with annexes). Signed at Tunis, on 24 July 1963 ..... .... ............................ ... 91 No. 8709. Mauritania and Spain: Air Transport Agreement (with annex). Signed at Madrid, on 11 May 1965 111 No. 8710. Nigeria and Switzerland: Agreement for air services between and beyond their respective territories (with annex). Signed at Lagos, on 11 October 1965 .... ......... 137 Traitis et accords internationauxenregistris ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 602 1967 I. NOs 8704-8718 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds du 31 juillet 1967 au 7 aotit 1967 Pages No 8704. Chypre et Hongrie: Accord relatif aux transports a~riens (avec annexe). Sign6 Nicosie, le 2 juin 1964 ......... ................................ 3 No 8705. Syrie et Chypre: Accord relatif aux transports ariens commerciaux r~guliers (avec annexe). Sign6 h Damas, le 22 d~cembre 1964 .... .............. ... 25 No 8706. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques et Chypre: Accord relatif aux transports a&iens (avec annexes). Sign6 Nicosie, le 29 fvrier 1964 ....... ........................ .... 45 No 8707. Tchicoslovaquie et Birmanie: Accord relatif aux transports a~tiens (avec annexe). Sign6 APrague, le 15 d6- cembre 1965 ........ ......................... ... 71 No 8708. Mali et Tunisie: Accord relatif aux transports a~riens (avec annexes). Sign6 Tunis, le 24juillet 1963 .......... ............................ ... 91 NO 8709. Mauritanie et Espagne: Convention sur le transport arien (avec annexe). Sign~e Madrid, le I1 mai 1965 .... ....... ............................ 111 No 8710. Nigeria et Suisse: Accord relatif aux services ariens entre leurs territoires respectifs et au-delk (avec annexe). Sign6 ALagos, le 11 octobre 1965 .... ......... .. 137 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Page No. 8711. Malaysia and Norway: Agreement for air services between and beyond their respective territories (with annexes). Signed at Kuala Lumpur, on 26 March 1965 . .. 157 No. 8712. Norway and Yugoslavia: Air Transport Agreement (with annex, exchange of notes and proc~s-verbal). Signed at Belgrade, on 15 April 1964 ....... ............... 177 No. 8713. Yugoslavia and Lebanon: Agreement concerning air services (with annex). Signed at Beirut, on 17 April 1954 ......... ............................ ... 199 No. 8714. United Nations, International Labour Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, World Health Organization, International Telecommunication Union, World Meteorological Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, Universal Postal Union and Inter-Govern- mental Maritime Consultative Organization and Ceylon: Standard Agreement on operational assistance (with annex). Signed at Colombo, on 10 June 1967 ...... ............... I . 212 No. 8715. Netherlands and Senegal: Agreement on economic and technical co-operation. Signed at Dakar, on 12 June 1965 ........ ........................ ... 231 No. 8716. Netherlands and Yugoslavia: Cultural Agreement. Signed at Belgrade, on 11 August 1966 ... ....... 243 No. 8717. Denmark and Lebanon: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the avoidance of double taxa- tion on profits derived from shipping and air transport. Beirut, 29 March 1967 ......... ............................ ... 251 No. 8718. International Labour Organisation: Convention (No. 121) concerning benefits in the case of employment injury (with schedules and annex), adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its forty-eighth session, Geneva, 8 July 1964 ........ ......................... ... 259 1967 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds V Pages et Norvige: NO 8711. Malaisie Accord relatif la creation de services a~riens entre les territoires des deux pays et au-delk (avec annexes). Sign6 k Kuala-Lumpur, le 26 mars 1965 . 157 No 8712. Norvige et Yougoslavie: Accord relatif aux transports a6riens (avec annexe, 6change de notes et proc~s-verbal). Sign6 Belgrade, le 15 avril 1964 ............. ... 177 NO 8713. Yougoslavie et Liban: Accord relatif aux services ariens (avec annexe). Sign6 Beyrouth, le 17 avril 1954 ......... ............................ ... 199 No 8714. Organisation des Nations Unies, Organisation internationale du Travail, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimenta- tion et l'agriculture, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'iducation, la science et la culture, Organisation de l'avia- tion civile internationale, Organisation mondiale de la santi, Union internationale des ti1communications, Organisation mitiorologique mondiale, Agence internationale de l'iner- gie atomique, Union postale universelle et Organisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation mari- time et Ceylan: Accord type d'assistance oprationnelle (avec annexe). Sign6 Colombo, le 10juin 1967 ........ ......................... ... 213 NO 8715. Pays-Bas et Sinigal: Accord de cooperation 6conomique et technique. Sign6 h Dakar, le 12 juin 1965 ......... ............................ ... 231 No 8716. Pays-Bas et Yougoslavie: Accord culturel. Sign6 Belgrade, le 11 aoat 1966 ....... .... 243 No 8717. Danemark et Liban: lechange de notes constituant un accord tendant i 6viter la double imposition des b6n6fices provenant de l'exercice de la navigation maritime et a6rienne. Beyrouth, 29 mars 1967 ..... ................ ... 251 No 8718. Organisation internationale du Travail: Convention (no 121) concernant les prestations en cas d'accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles (avec tableaux et annexe), adopt6e par la Conf6rence g6n6rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail h sa quarante-huiti~me session, Gen6ve, 8 juillet 1964 ............ ... 259 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Page etc., concerning treaties and ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 521. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947: Accession by Hungary in respect of certain specialized agencies ... ...... 300 No. 2602. Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Japan for air services. Signed at The Hague, on 17 February 1953: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the schedule of the above-mentioned Agreement, as modified. Tokyo, 19 and 25 May 1964 302 No. 2930. Agreement between the Government of France and the Gov- ernment of the Union of South Africa in regard to air services between their respective territories. Signed at Paris, on 17 September 1954: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement, as amended. Cape Town, 31 January 1966 ........ ... 306 No. 3226. Agreement between Israel and Switzerland relating to air services. Signed at Hakirya, on 19 November 1952: Modification of the route schedules annexed to the above-mentioned Agree- ment ... ......... ........................... 310 No. 3608. Air Transport Agreement between Switzerland and Lebanon. Signed at Beirut, on 3 March 1954: Modification of the annex to the above-mentioned Agreement ....... ... 312 No. 3609. Agreement between Switzerland and Syria concerning reg- ular civil air services. Signed at Damascus, on 26 May 1954: Modification of the annex to the above-mentioned Agreement ....... ... 314 No. 4332. Agreement between the Union of South Africa and Norway in regard to air services. Signed at Pretoria, on 28 March 1958: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending the period of validity of the traffic rights at Zurich, in respect of South African territory, granted to the Scandinavian Airline System by the Agreement of 28 March 1958, as amended and extended. Cape Town, 29 April 1965 . 316 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending the period of validity of the traffic rights at Zurich, in respect of South-African territory, granted to the Scandinavian Airlines Systems by the Agreement of 28 March 1958, as amended and extended. Pretoria and Cape Town, 29 April 1966 ........ ........................ ... 320 1967 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds
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