Final Exarn nations + Tensions =Dexedrine l' i "| [ s 1 ' | .1 | s,| , KUI I'| ' ' stiIi- I']|'''~ li'' pie I ~Ar' LU liIlk a , i[[ I cie' Iibh~l r(iIlw, [31' [l 'lI t [; ,. -KI,. I I t 1s r [dlldrI\ 'tn tii|t ',~iVtIL iIPi I aie lI I I to pai' iertlstlvi if l1] a' sie t1 II itaip 'It' .t' 'j--il deI| that they Y,'J ifon I' t ae hr. Ii its Lust the,' st cuit dexe&rITrIe arid ol her pep prlls .icr- W'V I pills, lDr. Bl Rr noPii thit these ig finals, points out Ir. Benijrinirt Cxr I pe ricli Ies> tIlan tkO weeks SN Ntei I? ',|ig .,i. Harger, head of P1 dle rs IyV n- aw, the rinilier of 'tuleI]b, reel-. cf watkilir Alslegli)ii (See DEX poge 4) The Floriidia ator Vol.56, No. 125 University of Florida, Gcinesville Thursday,Morch 26, 1964 Message ToAbr (EDITOR'S NOTE - ils IESt,ilgic *irth I.' was WI ittern 1,'t week by an All ig Pm r f writer before A 1bert was g ito ir-napped by g rsons - unknown. It isprintei for those who ''ourn fi ite roble beat LAa long for hks retur ix.) 0n* beam of tight fromIi ithi Oon shrill' tireitly or, AIIlurt's heid ',s e lay dozing in the Ix)Itd. A Florida man ambledi up to the gate. For a moment he stod s ileritly besht dihLI fe ne putting his hands in and out of his pockets. He glanced closely it Albert, but Albert didn't recognize that he was there. 'Albert what am I going to do?" The night was still and so was the alligator. But the student wasn't dismayed, lie continued talking, asking and answering his own questions. In fact the alligator never gave arny sign of recognition, but Miss 'Terina Arm [Awls, an 18-year-old stenographer at the Health Center, listened from a tree above the ponKd. She said people often conic to the pond and talk to Albert. They tell hint their problems and then answer them. Miss [Awls said that she anallzes people from the trees, and per- haps Albert analyzes them while dozing in hIs pond. Race Violence CONTEMPLATING Sear ch Widens Gator's pen is Barry'Sinnoff. For e gvna Gon The pen was dres- Gator May Be Easing The scope of suslulcion in the 12. Watson said however, that rx sing of black crepe paper missing alligator case widened pirns have bevn made to check out JACKSONVILLE, FHa. (UPD) - Sporadic racial violence - Including an and the sign by two Florida temiporarily yesterday when all thr call. attack on a white man by 15 Negro youths - continued in this seaport anonymous phonecall reported that "'We don't put much fruit in the city yesterday, but officials said tensions showed signs of easing. coeds after a four-day search Albert might be on the University call,'" Watson said. President Johnson discussed the local situation with Justice Depart- far the missing mascot had of South Florida campus. Watson said that no call has conis ment officials In~ Washington, andwhite House spokesman later indicated from Florida Stat. University netted no results. Campus police investljator(,ene that no federal intervention is currently contemplated. stil campus police. H. said that he * * Last night was definitely would wait until Priday for their * quieter than the night before," c~all, and if no word has conmc by said Police Chief Luther Reynolds, FamousgE M thent, he will ('all them. but added, " We have to play it by "i'm sure they're doing all they' Mn Slas85hed ear fret, hour to hour." I' can," Watson sald. If they haven't Reports of smashed car win- railed by Friday, I'll call them." dows, brokenstore fronts andother By JIM McBATII to Laszio Moholy-Nagy, her late Meanwhile, two sympathetic co- Himelf vandalism continued tobW received Staff Writer husband, provided the unacademic sds, Misses Sharon Ann Morlan at police headquarters, but In each A love affair that began in post- road on which Mrs. Moholy-Nagy (Sam) and Roberta Rwnkin (Rob- JACKSONVILLE (UPI) - Police instance only a few Negroes were WW I days started world renowned traveled to her present position as bi.), both IUC, decided to pay yesterday concluded that a yowng involved, .rchitectural critic Mrs.Sibyl Mo- Brilliant .nd noted architectural mourning tribut, to the missing white man who claimed to have This was a marked departure holy-Nagy on the road to the world critic. Albert by decorating the north end been tied to a tree by Negroes from Tuesday when 1,500 scream- of design. of Her husband, besides being a his pen with black crepe paper .nd slashed numerous times with fig Negro youths attacked police Mrs. Moholy-Nagy, who comes and . .1g. reading "ALBERT, a razor actually infected the with stones, set fir, to an auto- to the UF Thursday for a short painter, photographer and stage designer, was one of the most PLEASE COME HOME," wounds on himself. mobile and a junior high school series of lectures, entered the effective teachers responsible for The mining mascat is believed William Leroy Janmes, 25, Mon- and beat a newsman. world of design without apparently to have been abducted sometime day night told police . tal. of Intending to do so. Her marriage (See ARCHITECT, Page 4) Thursday night. terror. He claimed to have been BRYANT, POLITICA L peatedly. Hospial authorities re- CA NDIDATES VIEW ported it took 169 stItches to Sew STA TE'S RACIAL SCENE (See Page 9) Barricades on some Channel citystreets English Chief J.C. Patrick of the Duval leading off the expressways were By GLENN LANEY County detectives said "we found Sports Editor several disrepancies in his story."' removed Wednesday and city bus A 22-year-old UEi business administration senior will attempt to Patrick said following an ex-, lines into the Negro sections re- swim the English Channel somnetlime in late August in what will be the tnsve Investigatioa, durliig wtich sunied after a two-day laps. first channel try by any UP student or graduate. James took a lledetector tust,"we "I think it'. just about over Tomn Olson, a former Gator swim teem letterman, will plunge Into came to the conclusion he Inflicted with," said Police Capt. J.B. the icy waters of the 20-mile current-swept stretch between Britain them (the cuts) hlmsalI."' Mashburn. Cit. nffirisls and Nern leaders and France in August when h,. water will be at its warmest -- a F CL U.S. Cigarette Sales Begin Upswing 1 -.ill1 i ' inLI Iii' with it5 rep<>nt IIukiij i .r,'frfth' *I i er"- "i [K 'i, Ia i 14)i k 'im (Lih t, igu iis sretii 'wi Lii 15111a i~L v\ii ts y.$i day. sit nir t k k r o r kn Ibl tw ut ',[ 'II ' i rI l Lited Iress [uterivitwit ii hiek.I stie tix till- rimeij L(m~riittei I ePejU t ivrimiit ijL'(jtiiL.' pi1Ii NI iu~L IuitC$ tiret muiki' thoU IOr I p Vdt i> I,' ( als .,ind niajor whttlesaleis ijic retailers thpro,,hriit VI',OiQI Aiiti->iijtkmri ,Ilv&( t1511< oiL}gri,e mlt' a. jPtS.,ILIt' tid lhe Cigzs istittt ol Amiulii L . he ountry to tietrmhiL wliatliat IiajpenI 1(1 t iret- sills rose toa r,'oi I S1 lhi]Iuit HI li it Jl It ear. I Lii rtged lii it t6t.U(J0 AmeiCtl(,I wVomlenl hiv'o t in the two iid t half trojiths siiice lhi ,urpgroii Whether t*. SmtOkil Ar, Rettlik 'LvQI thtur l11t<1<, I ,p~ir pittei'. iih,-, sit!, ,tff, ts ol the rutiiitry S Llci tt m -Pip. ,rid pipe tobacco dealers joined II Wuelti,i ii, Autthorititive sour' es ini .t least 12 states i-pjxrted] wi re stern: I <layers truin lie cigarette habit. SKuui y I Lhat rxigarette sales aiuli tax revenujis had fallen riff TIajitge' Ilagmai -( Ika mii kJ(1S tiev'r lh nif1 ,t,'rI'I ii ret ruut se(I ot t' Wholesale Toba2t 1rastIcally I,, Jirnutry ad February, bitt wer, comnijm nii''' s,' uIp, I I 1% hivli is mkl'., ,ail pipe and tobacco s,2esso up Iii Mart i. and111t I can't keep enough - ['II hit I *I in a few bii I ties, soim rotailrs saWd their ' garit- -Thiere WaS ii cwi iid im smTL(kin~g - tippuec '' ivirilla- hive Six high quality pipes In the housee' 7 Tutoring Program Nursing Honorary To Begin6 Minoitie AlUl Signa Thet fau nur rng pprvdIrmm a 0atIna organi- College of Nursinrg undergrdu at.' o Aid honorary society chapter will be zition, but it should be established and graduate students adfcl T ii members, as well as individuals established in May, according to somietimie May,'' Miss (Ilm~an edu-- A prog ramn seek hg to tid " hers and their wives and lute rested Miss Toba Uilman, president-ee t said. who have outstanding 'ontributmni, cationally in d culturally dIs- citizens and about 200 Negro ''The purpose of this honorary to the local chapter. in the field of nursing, will be, advantaged'' Negro students students. society is to foster high profess- The Sigma Theta Tau Nursing qualified for membership. other minority group students had Mrs. W. Jape Taylor, secretary- Honorary Society is a national ional standards and to promote its beginnings last summer after administrator fo Students who apply for m>'m- r the program and professional organization for fellowship among members as well Robert A. l~arson, a graduate stu- bership should maintaina'lI' aver- said, "We have expanded consi- nurses.
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