Courage and Compassion A HISTORY OF THE SISTERS OF BON SECOURS, USA 1981-2016 Molly Pyle Otter Bay Books BALTIMORE, MD 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Sisters of Bon Secours, USA All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce in any form must be secured from the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA If you would like additional information about the Sisters of Bon Secours, please visit our website: bonsecours.us or direct all inquiries to 410-442-1333 Library of Congress Control Number 2018957160 Published for the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA by Otter Bay Books, LLC 3507 Newland Road Baltimore, MD 21218-2513 www.otter-bay-books.com Printed in the United States of America Dedication To all who search for healing, we offer this message of hope and assurance of God's love, and to all those who are committed to this caring mission, we share stories intended to inspire. &SSBUB *OUIFGJOBMTUBHFTJOQSFQBSBUJPOPGUIJTCPPLGPS1VCMJDBUJPOUIF GPMMPXJOHFSSPSTXFSFJEFOUJGJFE 1BHFy*OEFOUJPOUPSFBE*FOUFSFEUIF4JTUFST PG#PO4FDPVSTBGUFSIBWJOHXPSLFEGPSBZFBSBT /FX:PSL$JUZ.FEJDBM&YBNJOFSBOEIBWJOHQSBDUJDFE GPSTJYZFBSTBTBIPTQJUBMQBUIPMPHJTUJO-POH*TMBOE /FX:PSL 1IPUPT5FOUIQBHF MPXFSQIPUPXPNBOPOSJHIU JT&MMB.BSJF 4JTTZ /FWJMMF.FDIMJOTLJOPU#FUUZ /FWJMMF.FTTJDL IPXFWFSUIFZBSFBMM4JTUFST Table of Contents "DLOPXMFEHFNFOUT Preface vii Author’s Note ix Prologue xv Chapter One: Renewal in Communal Life 1 Chapter Two: Our Liberation 25 Chapter Three: Recommitment and Innovation in Ministry 49 Chapter Four: A Congregation without Province Boundaries 113 Photo Insert following page 142 Chapter Five: Spiritual Direction and Vocational Discernment 143 Epilogue 161 Appendix A: Individuals Interviewed for this History 167 Appendix B: Sisters of Bon Secours, 1981-2016 171 Appendix C: Statements and Directives of Sisters of Bon Secours 175 Appendix D: Statements and Directives of Bon Secours Ministries 199 About the Author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reface We commissioned this history of the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA from 1981 to 2016 to recount our growth during the historical period following our first century. That earlier history was well told by our Sister Mary Cecilia O’Sullivan in Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States 1881-1981: A Century of Caring. In presenting this part of our history, we have taken a different approach to produce an account that conveys the impact of events on our inner lives. This history explores our thinking, including spiritual and theological motivations, guiding our decisions and actions during the current period. The final product is thus a very personal account of our evolution during the period. As such, we agreed with our author, Molly Pyle, Ph.D., that the narrative should be presented in our voice. Following her explanatory Author’s Note, the ensuing narrative presents what we have felt and thought both as events occurred, reflected in archival documents, and in the present, conveyed in interviews. For readability, references have been provided only for archival and secondary sources. Most of the narrative, including direct quotations, is based on interviews and Assembly discussions that occurred over the course of a year, from fall 2014 through fall 2015. Our chosen format, while unusual, has enabled us to share our consensus view as to the meaning of what we experienced from 1981 to 2016. We arranged for our author to interview nearly every living sister as well as selected individuals involved in our ministries, and to have full access to our USA Archives, including personal correspondence and writings of deceased sisters who lived during the period. Unfortunately, several of our sisters were too ill to participate in interviews. Complete lists of the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA who lived during the period and people interviewed for this history are included as appendixes. viii Preface BOOK REVIEW COMMITTEE Sister Nancy Glynn, CBS Sister Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS Sister Mary Shimo, CBS Mary Herbert, Special Collections Archivist, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA (retired 2017) David McAllister, Special Collections Archivist, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA (2017 to present) Author’s Note Oral history is a special genre of nonfiction, premised on the belief that memories gathered individually and collectively can illuminate the complex consciousness of a group little understood by outsiders.1 Oral history utilizes interviews as the primary source of information; to be sure, the interview process is an art, not a science. The historian provides a place for the interviewee to tell her story, stimulating the individual’s memory with open-ended questions. The bond between the two is what enables information to flow.2 The interviewee freely recalls past events, re-experiencing them, highlighting important details, suggesting connections with long-term developments. The interviews generate content of interest to readers familiar with the narrators and the subject matter. This history offers valuable information about the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA; Catholic sisters generally; and the professional and spiritual calling of health care and social justice. This history may also interest those who appreciate the form of oral history, for the remembrances offer insight into how a group of individuals has given shape to collective experiences. As interviewees recall their past, they may interpret or reinterpret the meaning of events. By its method of giving meaning to the past, oral history differs from other forms of history, offering value both to interviewees and readers. For the latter, it has potential to offer a richer, more complex picture of people and events. For the former, it is an inducement to recall and relate past events for a historical record. More to the point, oral history is a collaborative process on the part of the history’s subjects and their historian. In writing this history of the U.S. Bon Secours sisters, an editorial committee and I agreed on the main questions to guide the history and interviews, and we have edited the final 1 See generally, The Oral History Reader, Robert Perks and Alistair Thomson, eds. (Routledge, 1998), especially “Oral history and Hard Times: a review essay,” by Michael Frisch, pp. 29-37. 2 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Oral History Interview Guidelines, written by Department of Oral History Staff (1998), p. vi. x Author’s Note product. In conducting the interviews and writing the narrative, I, as historian, have done much to reconstruct the context of events and experiences, inferring significant themes, causes, and impacts over time. To orient readers, I offer brief comments about the Bon Secours mission and charism, the history’s main themes, and recent developments affecting the sisters as a social group. As I am not affiliated with the Sisters of Bon Secours, I gained much insight by reading prior histories, especially the volume preceding this one, Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States 1881-1981: A Century of Caring, well researched and written by Sister Mary Cecilia O’Sullivan, CBS.3 As Sister Justine Cyr, CBS, explained in her Foreword to that history, the Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris was founded in 1824 in Paris in response to a dehumanization [that] cried out for healing. The mission of the Sisters of Bon Secours, embodied in the charism and ministry of . the first sisters, was a special gift to the Church. It made Christ present in the lives of people and in society to alleviate suffering and to bring them Christ’s message of hope: There is a God who loves us. This history recounts how the U.S. Bon Secours sisters have lived by their charism, creating new expressions, sustaining their prophetic mission, all in response to changing needs and times. The Bon Secours constitutions4 define the Bon Secours charism, as expressed over time, as follows: A gift of the Holy Spirit, the charism of Mother [Josephine] Potel was, through prayer, work, and every 3 Sr. Mary Cecilia O’Sullivan, Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States 1881-1981: A Century of Caring (1982) (hereafter, A Century of Caring). Other Bon Secours histories I have consulted are as follows: James M. Hayes, The Bon Secours Sisters in the United States (1931); and Rev. Thomas David Williams, The Life of Mother St. Urban of the Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris (1936). 4 Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris, Constitutions, approved by General Chapter, September 30, 2014 (Ch. II, Apostolate, no. 8). Author’s
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