M Javelinotc M Javelinot C Muh-Seeö Zhah-Vuh-Lee-No C

M Javelinotc M Javelinot C Muh-Seeö Zhah-Vuh-Lee-No C

M javelinot C M Javelinot C muh-seeö zhah-vuh-lee-no C (character in the opera Dialogues des Carmélites [deeah-lawg day kar-may-leet] — Dialogues of the Carmelites [KAR-muh- l§tss]; music by Francis Poulenc [frah6-seess pôô-lah6k]; libretto by Poulenc after Georges Bernanos [zhawrzh behr-nah-nawss]) Ma C Ma, Yo-Yo C MAH, YO-yo C (the Chinese family name is Ma, but the musician is often known as Yo-Yo Ma in the United States) Ma belle mere requiem C A ma belle-mère (requiem) C ah mah bell-mehr (ray-küee-emm) C (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]) Ma belle rebelleC O ma belle rebelle C o mah bell ruh-bell C (Oh My Pitiless Beauty) C (song by Charles Gounod [sharl gôô-no]) Ma bergere ma lumiere C Ma bergère, ma lumière C mah behr-zhehr, mah lü-meeehr C (song by Jehan Planson [zhehah6 plah6-soh6]) Ma bravi ma benone C Ma bravi! Ma benone! C mah BRAH-vee! mah bay-NO-nay! C (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo- ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Ma dallorrido divulsa C Ma dall’orrido divulsa C mah dahl-lohr-REE-doh dee-VOOL-sah C (aria from the opera Un ballo in maschera [oon BAHL-lo een MAH-skay-rah] — A Masked Ball; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Antonio Somma [ahn- TAW-neeo SOHM-mah] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) Ma femme C A ma femme C ah mah fahm C (poems by Maurice Carême [mo-reess kah- remm] set to music by Jacques Chailley [zhack shahee-yee]) Ma joie me semont C mah zh’wah meh seh-maw6 C (My Joy Summons Me) C (composition by Blondel de Nesle [blaw6-dell duh nell]) Ma lisette C Ma Lisette C mah lee-zett C (traditional song) Ma mere loye C Ma mère l’oye C mah mehr l’wah C (My Mother Goose) C (suite by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell]) Ma se con la pieta C Ma se con la pietà C MAH say kohn lah peeay-TAH C (But If Your Innate Gentleness) C (madrigal [MADD-rih-gull] by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee]) Ma se vi talenta tra voi belle C Ma se vi talenta ... Tra voi, belle C MAH say vee tah-LAYN- tah ... trah vwah, BAY-lay C (excerpt from the opera Manon Lescaut [mah-naw6 less-ko]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Domenico Oliva [doh- MAY-nee-ko o-LEE-vah] and Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] after Antoine-François Prévost [ah6-twahn-frah6-swah pray-vo]; additional contributions to the libretto by Marco Praga [MAR-ko PRAH-gah], Ruggero Leoncavallo [rood-JAY-ro lay-ohn-kah-VAHL-lo], Giulio Ricordi [JOO-leeo ree-KOHR-dee], and Puccini) Ma seul amour et ma belle maistresse C mah söl ah-môôr ay mah bell meh-tress C (My only love, my fair mistress) C (rondeau [RAHN-doh] by Briquet [bree-keh]) Ma signor C Ma, signor C MAH, see-n’YOHR C (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Ma signor zitto tu C Ma signor ... Zitto, tu! C mah see-n’YOHR ... TSEET-toh, TOO! C (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo- ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Ma tu piu che mai C Ma tu, più che mai C mah TOO, peeOO kay MAHEE C (But Thou, More Harsh) C (madrigal [MADD-rih-gull] by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay- VAYR-dee]) Ma vedi il mio destino C Ma vedi il mio destino! C mah VAY-dee eel MEE-o day-STEE-no C (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo- ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Maag C Peter Maag C PAY-tur MAHAHK C (known also as Ernst Peter Johannes Maag [EHRNST PAY-tur yo-HAHN-nuss MAHAHK]) Maamin C Ani Maamin C ah-NEE mah-ah-MEEN C (I Believe — traditional Ashkenazi [ahsh-keh-NAH-zee] song) Maannacht C MAHAHN-nahkt C (Moon Night) C (excerpt from Songs With Piano by Bernard Wagenaar [{BUR-nurd WA-guh-nur} BEHR-nart WAH-kuh-nahahr]) Maarse C Job Maarse C YAWP MAHAHR-suh Maas C Louis Maas C LOO-uss MAHSS C (known also as Louis Philipp Otto MAAS [LOO- ee FEE-lipp AWT-toh MAHAHSS]) Maasalo C Armas Maasalo C AHR-mahss MAHAH-sah-law C (known also as Armas Toivo Valdemar [TAWIH-vaw VAHL-deh-mar] Maasalo) Maayani C Ami Ma’ayani C AH-mee mah-ah-YAH-nee Maazel C Lorin Maazel C LAW-rinn mah-ZELL C (known also as Lorin Varencove [VAH- runn-kohv] Maazel) Mabarak C Carlos Jiménez-Mabarak C KAR-lawss hee-MAY-ness-mah-bah-RAHK Mabellini C Teodulo Mabellini C tay-o-DOO-lo mah-bayl-LEE-nee Macak C Ivan Macák C IH-vunn MAH-tsahahk Macal C Zdenk Mácal C ZDEH-nyeck MAHAH-tsull Macaux C Geneviève Macaux C zheh-n’veeevv mah-ko Macbeth / muck-BEHTH / (an opera, with music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR- dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) Maccabeus C Judas Maccabaeus C JOO-duss mack-kah-BAY-uss C (an oratorio, with music by George Frideric Handel [JAW-urj FRIH-duh-rick HANN-d’l] and libretto by Thomas Morell [TAH-muss maw-RELL]) Macchia C Una macchia C OO-nah MAHK-keeah C (aria from the opera Macbeth [muck- BEHTH]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) Macchia e qui tuttora C Una macchia è qui tuttora! C OO-nah MAHK-keeah ay kee toot- TOH-rah! C (aria from the opera Macbeth [muck-BEHTH]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo- ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr) Maccourt C Donald MacCourt C DAH-nulld muck-KAWRT Maccunn C Hamish MacCunn C HAY-mihsh muck-KUNN Maceda C José Maceda C ho-SAY mah-SAY-thah Macewan C Canon Sydney MacEwan C KA-nunn SIDD-nee muck-YOO-wunn Macfarren C Sir George Macfarren C (Sir) JAW-urj muck-FEHR-runn C (known also as Sir George Alexander [a-ligg-ZANN-dur] Macfarren) Macfarren C Walter Macfarren C WAWL-tur muck-FEHR-runn C (known also as Walter Cecil [SEE-sull] Macfarren) Macgimsey C Robert MacGimsey C RAH-burt muck-JIMM-zee Mach C Ernst Mach C EHRNST MAHK Macha C Otmar Mácha C AWT-mar MAHAH-kah Machabey C Armand Machabey C ahr-mah6 mah-shah-bay Machado C Augusto Machado C ahoo-GÔÔSH-tôô muh-SHAH-dôô C (known also as Augusto de Oliveira [duh o-lee-VAY-ruh] Machado) Machaut C Guillaume de Machaut C ghee-yohm duh mah-sho C (the last name is also spelled Machault [mah-sho], Machau [mah-sho], and Mauchault [mo-sho]; the name is Latinized as Guillelmus de Mascaudio [gôôihl-LELL-môôss day mahss-KUHÔÔ-diho]) Machavariani C Alexei Machavariani C ah-lyeck-SAYEE mah-chuh-vah-reeAH-nyih C (known also as Alexei Davidovich [dah-VIH-duh-vihch] Machavariani) Mache C François-Bernard Mâche C frah6-swah-behr-nahr mahsh Mache dich mein geist bereit C Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit C MAH-kuh dihh, m§n G¦ST, buh-R¦T C (Come, My Soul, Thyself Prepare) C (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Mache dich mein herze rein C Mache dich, mein Herze, rein C MAH-kuh dihh, M¦N HEHR- tsuh, R¦N C (Make Thee Clean, My Heart, from Sin) C (aria from the St. Matthew Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Macheath C muck-HEETH C (character in Die Dreigroschenoper [dee dr§-GRAW-shunn-o- pur] — The Threepenny Opera; a play, with music by Kurt Weill [KÔÔRT V¦L]; book by Bertolt Brecht [BEHR-tawlt BREHHT] from the translation by Elisabeth Hauptmann [ay-LEE- zah-bett HAHÔÔPT-mahn] of the libretto by John Gay [JAHN GAY] from the original 1728 version of The Beggar’s Opera]) Macheath C muck-HEETH C (character in a 20th-century version of The Beggar's Opera; music by Benjamin Britten [BENN-juh-munn BRITT-tunn], and libretto from the original 1728 version of The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay [JAHN GAY]) Machl C Tadeusz Machl C tah-DEH-ôôsh MAH-h’l Machlis C Joseph Machlis C JO-zuff MACK-luss Machover C Tod Machover C TAHD MA-kuh-vur Machree C Mother Machree C (Mother) muh-KREE C (Irish song) Maciejewski C Roman Maciejewski C RAW-mahn mah-tsee-YEFF-skee Mackay C John Henry Mackay C JAHN HENN-ree muck-KAY Mackenzie C Hugh MacKenzie C h’YOO muck-KENN-zee Mackenzie C Sir Alexander Mackenzie C (Sir) a-ligg-ZANN-dur muck-KENN-zee C (known also as Sir Alexander Campbell [KAMM-b’l] Mackenzie) Mackerras C Sir Charles Mackerras C (Sir) CHAH-rullz muck-KEHR-russ C (known also as Sir Alan Charles MacLaurin Mackerras [(Sir) A-lunn CHAH-rullz muck-LAW-rinn muck- KEHR-russ]) Mackie C Neil Mackie C NEEL MA-kee Mackintosh C Catherine Mackintosh C KA-thuh-runn MACK-'n-tahsh MacLeish C

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