Public Document Pack Executive Date: Wednesday, 24 July 2019 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Council Antechamber - Level 2, Town Hall Extension Everyone is welcome to attend this committee meeting. Access to the Council Antechamber Public access to the Antechamber is via the Council Chamber on Level 2 of the Town Hall Extension, using the lift or stairs in the lobby of the Mount Street entrance to the Extension. That lobby can also be reached from the St. Peter’s Square entrance and from Library Walk. There is no public access from the Lloyd Street entrances of the Extension. Filming and broadcast of the meeting Meetings of the Executive are ‘webcast’. These meetings are filmed and broadcast live on the Internet. If you attend this meeting you should be aware that you might be filmed and included in that transmission. Membership of the Executive Councillors Leese (Chair), Akbar, Bridges, Craig, N Murphy, S Murphy, Ollerhead, Rahman, Stogia and Richards Membership of the Consultative Panel Councillors Karney, Leech, M Sharif Mahamed, Sheikh, Midgley, Ilyas, Taylor and S Judge The Consultative Panel has a standing invitation to attend meetings of the Executive. The Members of the Panel may speak at these meetings but cannot vote on the decision taken at the meetings. Executive Agenda 1. Appeals To consider any appeals from the public against refusal to allow inspection of background documents and/or the inclusion of items in the confidential part of the agenda. 2. Interests To allow Members an opportunity to [a] declare any personal, prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests they might have in any items which appear on this agenda; and [b] record any items from which they are precluded from voting as a result of Council Tax/Council rent arrears; [c] the existence and nature of party whipping arrangements in respect of any item to be considered at this meeting. Members with a personal interest should declare that at the start of the item under consideration. If Members also have a prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interest they must withdraw from the meeting during the consideration of the item. 3. Minutes To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 5 - 20 on 26 June 2019. 4. Council Resolution on Declaring a Climate Emergency All Wards The report of the City Solicitor is to follow. 5. The Eastlands Regeneration Framework Ancoats and The report of the Strategic Director – Growth and Development is Beswick; enclosed. Clayton and Openshaw; Miles Platting and Newton Heath 21 - 118 6. Addendum to the Christie Hospital Christie Strategic Didsbury Planning Framework East; The report of the Chief Executive is to follow. Didsbury West; Old Moat; Withington 7. Expansion of the Residents' Parking Zone around the Didsbury Christie Hospital East; The report of the Director Highways is to follow. Didsbury West; Old Moat; Withington 8. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20 to the end of May 2019 All Wards The report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer is 119 - 136 enclosed. Executive 9. Capital Programme Update All Wards The report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer is to follow. 10. Revising the Ethical Procurement Policy All Wards The report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer is to follow. 11. Decisions from the Joint GMCA and AGMA Executive Board All Wards meeting on 28 June 2018 137 - 144 The Decision Notice from the joint GMCA and AGMA Executive Board meeting on 28 June is enclosed. Executive Information about the Executive The Executive is made up of ten Councillors: the Leader and two Deputy Leaders of the Council and seven Executive Members with responsibility for: Children Services; Finance & Human Resources; Adult Services; Schools, Culture & Leisure; Neighbourhoods; Housing & Regeneration; and Environment, Planning & Transport. The Leader of the Council chairs the meetings of the Executive The Executive has full authority for implementing the Council’s Budgetary and Policy Framework, and this means that most of its decisions do not need approval by Council, although they may still be subject to detailed review through the Council’s overview and scrutiny procedures. It is the Council’s policy to consult people as fully as possible before making decisions that affect them. Members of the public do not have a right to speak at meetings but may do so if invited by the Chair. The Council is concerned to ensure that its meetings are as open as possible and confidential business is kept to a strict minimum. When confidential items are involved these are considered at the end of the meeting at which point members of the public and the press are asked to leave. Joanne Roney OBE Chief Executive Level 3, Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA Further Information For help, advice and information about this meeting please contact the Committee Officer: Donald Connolly Tel: 0161 2343034 Email: [email protected] This agenda was issued on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 by the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit, Manchester City Council, Level 3, Town Hall Extension (Mount Street Elevation), Manchester M60 2LA Item 3 Manchester City Council Minutes Executive 26 June 2019 Executive Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 26 June 2019 Present: Councillor Leese (Chair) Councillors: Akbar, Bridges, Craig, N Murphy, Ollerhead, Rahman, Stogia, and Richards Also present as Members of the Standing Consultative Panel: Councillors: Leech, M Sharif Mahamed, Sheikh, Midgley, Ilyas, Taylor and S Judge Apologies: Councillors S Murphy and Karney Exe/19/41 Minutes Decision To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting on 13 March 2019. Exe/19/42 Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Executive Functions In May 2019 the Council had approved the establishment of the new Greater Manchester Transport Committee as a joint committee of the 10 districts, Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Mayor (Minute CC/19/47). The Council had also approved the Terms of Reference and Operating Agreement for the Committee and agreed to delegate functions as set out in the Terms of Reference. A report now submitted explained that some of the matters to be delated to the joint committee were Executive Functions and therefore their delegation lay with the Executive rather than the Council. Decision To note and endorse the establishment of the new GM Transport Committee as a joint committee of the 10 districts, GMCA and Mayor and the delegation of functions, including Executive Functions, as set out in the Terms of Reference to the Transport Committee. Exe/19/43 Delegation of Executive Functions to the Executive and Council Officers A report was submitted seeking approval for the delegation of various executive functions to officers of the Council; those functions being recorded at Part 3, Section A of the Council’s 2019 Constitution. The report also sought approval for the delegation to officers of the Council’s various executive functions set out in Part 3, Section F of the Council’s 2019 Constitution. Page 5 Item 3 Manchester City Council Minutes Executive 26 June 2019 The report explained the legal powers available to the Leader and to the Executive to arrange for the exercise of and delegation of executive functions within the Council. We supported the proposed delegations. Decisions 1. To note the decision of the Leader of the Council to exercise his power under Section 9(E)(2) of the Local Government Act 2000 (as amended) to delegate the discharge of all of the Council’s executive functions to the Executive. 2. Subject to 3 below, to note and endorses the arrangements agreed by the Leader to delegate to officers the discharge of all of the Council’s executive functions recorded at Part 3, Section F of the Council’s Constitution as set out in the version of that section presented to Council at its Annual Meeting on 15 May 2019. 3. To note and endorses subsequent minor amendments made to Part 3, Section F of the Council’s Constitution by the City Solicitor under Article 15.2(a) of the Constitution. 4. To note and endorses the consequential amendments to the delegations of executive of functions to officers recorded at Part 3, Section A of the Council’s Constitution, made by City Solicitor under delegated authority granted by the Leader. 5. In relation to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers set out in Part 3, Section F of the Council’s Constitution, to note that delegations of executive functions include those functions that are designated as “Executive Functions” and those functions that are designated as “General Functions” insofar as these are executive functions. Exe/19/44 Revenue Outturn Position 2018/19 The report from the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer outlined the final outturn position for 2018/19 for the Council’s revenue expenditure and income. For the previous financial year the outturn variance compared to the revised budget was an overspend of £293k. The summary of the overall position was: Table 1 – outturn position for Revised Outturn Variance 2018/19 Budget £000 £000 £000 Available Resources (578,828) (580,628) (1,800) Corporate Budgets 122,578 119,972 (2,606) Directorate Budgets - Children's Services 112,855 119,877 7,022 - Adult Social Care 182,901 186,126 3,225 - Homelessness 9,643 10,711 1,068 - Corporate Core 70,650 67,187 (3,463) Page 6 Item 3 Manchester City Council Minutes Executive 26 June 2019 - Neighbourhoods and Highways 72,909 72,273 (636) - Strategic Development 7,293 4,776 (2,517) Total Directorate Budgets 456,250 460,949 4,699 Total Use of Resources 578,828 580,921 2,093 Total forecast over / (under) spend 0 293 293 The report examined and explained the most significant of the variances that had arisen in the directorate budgets and the corporate budgets, with large budget overspends in both Children’s and Adult’s Services as the Council had sought to cope with continuing high demands for support and service provision.
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