\ Temple Beth-El. 688 Broad St. _Provi<ience , R. I. Attn : Miss Pincus Rhode Island's Only Anglo-Jewish Greatest Newspaper Independent Weekly The Jewish Herald in Rhode Island VOL. XXXVII, No .. 36 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I. TWELVE PAGES 10 CENTS TIU: COPY Center· Announces Assembly to ·Discuss Problems GJC to Hold. h1itial Gifts JWB DeJegates In Financing U.S. Responsibilities I Planning to provide equitable only for 1953, but for the years The Providence Jewish Com­ financing for local. national and ahead." munity Center will be host to the overseas needs in the face of Dinner Sunday_Night "In attempting to chart the New England Regional Conference mounting pressures and tecent of the J ewish Welfare Board next campaign experience will be one paths to meet their financing Saturday and Sunday. A large of the major tasks of tt,e 21st problems," Mr. Freeman declared, Convention Sp.eaker !Jessel to be number of delegates and a lternates General Assembly of the Council of "delegates at these meetings will from 42 affiliated Centers in the J ewish Federations and Welfare integrate domestic and overseas six-state area are expected to at-· Funds, in Boston, November 21-23. problems into the entire frame­ tend. · Julian Freeman, Indianapolis, work of recent financial experi­ Guest Speaker- The feature address at the con- CJFWF president, in announcing ence, federation and welfare fund With reservations pouring in at vention will be given by Irving furthel details of the program, income, Community Chest grants, Edison of St. Louis, president of declared that as the dnnual work­ reimbursements from governmen­ a record rate, all indications were this week that' the OJC's Men's the National Jewish Welfare ing conference of the organized tal agencies. and fees from clients ·Boa rd. Bertram L. Bernhardt is Jewish communities of America·, and memberships. They will also Division Initial Gifts Dinner would attract a banner " udience on Sun­ chairman of the conclave and Mil- the Assembly will "stress full dis­ study developments in the financ­ tqn C. Kay is co-chairman. cussion by delegates as they at- ing of capital fund projects, both day evening at the Sheraton­ Biltmore Hotel. within community organizations Plans for the celebration of the tempt I to set guideposts for com­ Highlighting the speaking pro­ and by other institutions." Centennial of the Jewish Commun- munity action and planning, not gram are Georgie Jessel, "Toast­ ity Center movement will be map- ----------------------------­ master General of the United ped out and the future course for States," and Oved Ben-Ami, Mayor Centers in meeting individual and Sid Stone, Jessel at YAO Initial Gifts of Nathanya, who is known as community needs will be charted. Israel's "One-Ma n Chamber of Delegates from the local Center The Young Adults Division of Commerce.'' are Mesdames Leo Borenstein, the General Jewish Committee of Senator John 0. P ijstor!', Gov- ,Herbert Cohen, Raymond G . Providence will inaugurate its an­ ernor Dennis J. Roberts and Mayor ,,,,-- Franks, Benjamin Lewis, Arthur nual fund-raising campaign, this Walter H Reynolds of Providence f M. Newman and Stanley D. Simon, Sunday eveniI\g with the Initial are among the ctty and state offi- ·.,,,--' , - Messrs. Saul Feinberg, Sau 1 Gifts Dinner in the Garden Room cials who wtll be on hand to gi:i,eV Abrams, Milton Brier, Herman of the Sheraton-Biltmor_e Hotel. both Jessel and Ben-Ami. ./ Galkin, Saul . Geffner, P,aul Hey­ Because of the keen,,mterest mann, Paul Litwin, Lawrence A. Headlining the event will be Sid MRS. CHAYA SURCHIN evidenced in the affair-which Paley, Ira Rakatansky, Milton Stone, TV and , night club comic; marks the official opening of the Rubin, Walter Rutman, Stephen George Jessel, who will make a Men's Division drive in behalf of Siner, Harold C. Sydney and Ed­ brief a ppearance <Jessel will be Pioneer Conclave the United J ewish Appeal--,Joseph mund Wexler. featured speaker at the Men's Galkin, OJC executive director, Alternates include Mesdames Al­ Division Initial Gifts Dinner in requested · today that all last­ bert Alter, Harold s. Braunstein , the hotel :S ballroom on the same Here Next Sunday Irving Brodsky, Harold Chase, evening J ; and Dr. Alisa Klausner minute reservations be confirmed by Sunday· noon. He urged pro­ Albert Cohen, George Cassock, Eskol, Israeli writer ·and lecturer. The _ New England Regional Hyman Goldstein, Milton C. Kay, Sam Kart and his orchestra will spective guests to calr GJC head­ Conference of Pioneer '{/'omen Will quarters at GA 1-4111 or his own Irving Kritz, Sydney Marks, Alex provide music for dancing. be held in Providence at the Shera­ home, ST 1-5397. Miller, Nathan Shwartz and Isa­ ton-Biltmore Hotel, on Nov. 14-16, Admission to the YAD Initial Jessel,· famed star of stage, dore Wolf. · Also, Jules Goldsmith, coinciding with similar regional Gifts function is free to those who screen and radio, is expected to Dr. Frank Goldstein, Abra ham conferences throughout the United pledge $25 or more. per couple to g rive i n Providence late Sunday Greenberg, Milton Levitt, Hayim States a nd Canada. The confer­ the campaign. Reservations may afternoon for a joint press con­ Mushnick, Bernard Pollock and ence will set in motion Pioneer be ma~e by calling GA 1-4111. ference with Mayor Ben-Ami. Last Maurice J . Share. Women's annual mei:nbership cam­ month, Jessel returned from a Sheldon Heller, chairman of the paign. YAD campaign, and Leonard Bla­ tour of Europe and Israel in order zer , chairman of the dinner, said Mrs. Fra nces Finkle of Boston to prepare himself for an exten- Physician to Address· Hospital Women this week that the enthusiastic is regional chairman, a nd/ Mrs. sive speaking tour in b eh alf of the response to the dinner assures a Sally Blumenthal heads the Provi­ UJA's fall and win'ter campaigns. Dr. E. Mi~hael Bluestone, noted successful affair. At a committee dence chapter's conference com­ Ben-Ami, one of Israel's most medical consultant to numerous meeting early in the week, Blazer mittee. prominent . industrialists, is now American and European hospitals, added: "We have tried through Among the guest speakers will engaged in a five-week tour of key will speak on "The Hospital, the our captains to contact all young be Mrs. Chaya Surch in of Mon­ American. cities in connection with Community a nd You" at the first adult couples in the Providence treal, first vice-president of Na ­ the UJA's emergency appeal to regular meeting of the Miriam area who might be interested -in tional Pioneer Women, and one of raise $35,000,000 in cash to meet Hospital Women's Association on attending this affair. However, we the founders of the movement in current commitments. During the Monday, Nov. 17 , at 2 P. M. at the· know there a re many new young Canada; and Mrs. Clara Petchers, Initial Gifts Dinner program, he Narragansett Hotel. adults now living in the Providence national membei·ship chairman will present Mayor Reynolds with - The meeting will be open to the area, and in case we have over­ and director of education . a specially inscribed Hebrew Bible. general public. Invitations h ave looked any of them, they. are cer­ Pioneer Women, sister organi­ Alvin A. Sopkin, GJC president. been sent to several, interested tainly welcome to attend." zation to the Moatzat Hapoalot, will open the dinner program by local health and welfa•e groups. Working Women 's Council in Is­ presenting Henry J . Hassenfeld. Dr. Bluestone, a graduate of th e rael, has establish ed and main­ 1952 : campaign chairman; Sidney Columbia University College of More Opposition tained a broad network of child­ A. Kane, initial gifts chairman, Physicians · and Surgeons, has ren's homes. rehabilitation centers, and Governor Roberts. served as president of the Ameri­ To Mc Carran Act immigrants, agricultural traiiling With the Womi:_n's Division can Association of Hospital Con­ LOS ANGELES-Opposition to schools, youth villages, vocational campaign in its final stages and sultants since 1951. He was direc­ the McCarran Immigration A-ct and trade schools, domestic ser­ the Young Adult Division drive tor of the Hadassah Medical Or­ was expressed here by leaders of vice Rnd home economics courses slated ' to kick-off that same night. ganization for all of Palestine from Jewish , Protestant and Catholic and ·other social service institutions officials of the Men's Division were 1926-28 a nd was director of the groups testifying at a h earing held throughout 'Israel. predicting this week that the 1952 Montefiore Hospital from 1928 un­ by P residen t Truman's Commission campaign will surpass last year's til 1951. on Immigration and Na foraliza­ final total. DR. E. MA URICE BLUESTONE Dr. Bluestone served with the tlon . which is gathering public Sopkln summed up feelings of Office of Vocationa l Rehabilitation testimony on the McCarran Act. BV UJA M-Day local GJC officials this week when at the Federal Security Agency lil The Commission previously held he said: "Israel is now fi ghting her Washington and with several hos­ public hearings In San Francisco. second war-a war for economic Plan Dedication of pitals throughout this country and Drive This , Sunday independence. Her first war for abroad, and has taken a n active ·military survival was victorious. Miriam Hospital part In both public and private Workers fot· the Pa wtucket­ We in America know. however, that health programs. Annual Meeting Blackstone Valley United Jewish victory in the second war is just Plans tor the 4edlcatlon ot Appeal M-Day Drive this Sunday as vita l as in the first.
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