MEXICANMEXICAN FOLKFOLK MEDICINEMEDICINE ANDAND FOLKFOLK BELIEFSBELIEFS CuranderismoCuranderismo yy yerbasyerbas MedicinalesMedicinales EliseoEliseo ““CheoCheo”” Torres,Torres, UniversityUniversity Administrator,Administrator, Professor,Professor, AuthorAuthor www.unm.edu/~cheo/Cheo’s folk healing page.htm TraditionalTraditional MexicanMexican HealingHealing CertificateCertificate ProgramProgram OfferedOffered throughthrough thethe CenterCenter forfor ContinuingContinuing Education,Education, UniversityUniversity ofof NewNew MexicoMexico First certificate program of its kind in the U.S. 9-10 modules totaling 400 hours Instructors are healers and faculty from Mexico City area and Cuernavaca, Mexico Hands-on curriculum will provide participants with knowledge and skills used by traditional folk healers, including diagnosing illness, preparing natural medicines, identifying and using medicinal plants, massage therapy, iridology, etc. Certificate continues to be offered through University of New Mexico’s Continuing Education program For further information, please visit: www.unm.edu/~cheo/Cheo’s folk healing page.htm Book:Book: Curandero:Curandero: AA LifeLife inin MexicanMexican FolkFolk HealingHealing This book about my life and research in curanderismo is now available through the University of New Mexico Press. You can order it through my website, or by going to the UNM press website, or by getting an order form from me after class. My website: www.unm.edu/~cheo/Cheo’s folk healing page.htm UNM Press ordering page: http://www.unmpress.com/Book .php?id=10546036839987 Book:Book: HealingHealing withwith HerbsHerbs andand Rituals:Rituals: AA MexicanMexican TraditionTradition This book about herbs and rituals used in Mexican Folk Healing is now available through the University of New Mexico Press. You can order it through my website, or by going to the UNM press website, or by getting an order form from me after class. My website: www.unm.edu/~cheo/Cheo’s folk healing page.htm UNM Press ordering page: http://www.unmpress.com/Book .php?id=11085670627549 I.I. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION InfluencesInfluences ofof CuranderismoCuranderismo 1.)1.) JudeoJudeo--ChristianChristian –– giftgift fromfrom GodGod andand beliefbelief inin GodGod 2.)2.) GreekGreek HumoralHumoral –– equilibriumequilibrium ofof hothot andand coldcold 3.)3.) ArabicArabic –– directingdirecting psychicpsychic energyenergy 4.)4.) EuropeanEuropean WitchcraftWitchcraft –– supernaturalsupernatural forcesforces 5.)5.) AfricanAfrican –– SanteriaSanteria blendblend ofof CatholicCatholic saintssaints andand AfricanAfrican orichasorichas InfluencesInfluences ofof CuranderismoCuranderismo (Continued) 6.)6.) SpiritualismSpiritualism andand psychicpsychic –– spiritualspiritual trancestrances andand communicationcommunication withwith spiritsspirits 7.)7.) ScientificScientific –– germgerm theory,theory, psychologypsychology andand biomedicinebiomedicine BlendBlend ofof OldOld andand NewNew WorldsWorlds HISTORYHISTORY 15191519 –– SpaniardsSpaniards arrivedarrived inin MexicoMexico 15211521 –– TenochitlanTenochitlan andand 3,0003,000 medicinalmedicinal plantsplants destroyeddestroyed 15521552 –– MartinMartin dede lala Cruz,Cruz, AztecAztec IndianIndian doctor,doctor, wrotewrote firstfirst bookbook (listing(listing 251251 herbs)herbs) onon medicinalmedicinal plantsplants atat SchoolSchool ofof SantaSanta CruzCruz dede TlaltelolcoTlaltelolco;; writtenwritten 3131 yearsyears afterafter conquestconquest ofof MexicoMexico 15541554 –– CervantesCervantes dede SalazarSalazar describeddescribed MontezumaMontezuma II’sII’s gardens;gardens; physiciansphysicians experimentedexperimented withwith hundredshundreds ofof medicalmedical herbsherbs PagesPages fromfrom CodexCodex BadianoBadiano MoreMore CodexCodex BadianoBadiano pagespages TraditionalTraditional remediesremedies ofof EuropeEurope andand AsiaAsia havehave beenbeen blendedblended withwith thosethose ofof AztecsAztecs andand Mayans.Mayans. EvolutionEvolution ofof MedicinalMedicinal HerbsHerbs AztecAztec pharmacologypharmacology –– 1,2001,200 medicinalmedicinal herbsherbs AztecsAztecs treatedtreated arthritis,arthritis, gastrointestinalgastrointestinal ills,ills, hepatitis,hepatitis, etc.etc. Today,Today, CuranderismoCuranderismo hashas influencedinfluenced thethe revivalrevival ofof Alternative/Complementary/HolisticAlternative/Complementary/Holistic IntegratedIntegrated Medicine,Medicine, including:including: $21 Billion in Consumer Spending Andrew Weil’s Common Sense Approach – “Can’t hurt, could help” Less fat, animal food, stress Eliminate or reduce intake of booze, cigarettes, coffee Begin exercise, massage and hypnosis therapy Use herbs, olive oil, garlic, ginger, etc. Keep lots of fresh flowers AndrewAndrew WeilWeil GuruGuru ofof thethe “integrative”“integrative” medicinemedicine approach,approach, Dr.Dr. WeilWeil preachespreaches thatthat modernmodern medicinemedicine needsneeds toto paypay moremore attentionattention toto thethe wholewhole picturepicture –– mindmind asas wellwell asas body.body. II.II. TheThe Curandero’sCurandero’s ThreeThree LevelsLevels ofof KnowledgeKnowledge 1.)1.) MATERIALMATERIAL –– herbs,herbs, animals,animals, eggs,eggs, water,water, candles,candles, cigars,cigars, etc.etc. 2.)2.) SPIRITUALSPIRITUAL –– CuranderoCurandero asas medium;medium; soulsoul conceptconcept 3.)3.) MENTALMENTAL –– channelschannels mentalmental vibrationsvibrations toto patientpatient 1.)1.) MaterialMaterial LevelLevel CanCan useuse plantsplants –– Simple,Simple, Mixed,Mixed, andand PopularPopular WaterWater AjoAjo MachoMacho (Elephant(Elephant Garlic)Garlic) PiedraPiedra ImanIman (Lodestone)(Lodestone) MagicalMagical PerfumesPerfumes NaturalNatural “Viagra”“Viagra” SnakeSnake MedicineMedicine CandlesCandles TemezcalTemezcal SimpleSimple MedicinalMedicinal PlantsPlants UsedUsed forfor FoodFood andand MedicineMedicine Garlic – with olive oil for burns; clove in ear for earaches; in brandy for asthma; with brown sugar for coughs; with honey for dandruff; reduces cholesterol. Onion – treats anemia, bronchial complaints and asthma; cooked in oil prevents scarlet fever and diphtheria; as tea for coughs and sore throats; when hot, applied to boils. SimpleSimple MedicinalMedicinal PlantsPlants ---- Continued Orange – Leaves used as tea for digestion and stronger tea for insomnia; flowers and peel for stress and insomnia; tea from bark of bitter orange to improve appetite. AloeAloe VeraVera –– ZabilaZabila Referred to as Planta Milagrosa, or Miraculous Plant 333 B.C. – used as medicine Member Lily family – onion and garlic (not cactus) External use – burns, cuts, rashes, acne and wrinkles Internal use – arthritis, rheumatism, stomach disorders and constipation Folk belief: brings positive vibrations and good luck AloeAloe VeraVera –– PositivePositive VibrationsVibrations andand GoodGood LuckLuck PopularPopular PlantsPlants ChayaChaya –– hashas beenbeen usedused asas dietdiet supplementsupplement byby thethe MayansMayans sincesince beforebefore SpaniardsSpaniards arrivedarrived inin 1519.1519. ChayaChaya outweighsoutweighs bothboth SpinachSpinach andand AlfalfaAlfalfa inin protein,protein, carbohydrates,carbohydrates, calcium,calcium, iron,iron, phosphorus,phosphorus, andand VitaminsVitamins C,C, A,A, BB--11 andand BB--2.2. ScientistsScientists areare studyingstudying itsits antianti--diabeticdiabetic potential.potential. TepezcohuiteTepezcohuite –– thethe MimosaMimosa treetree hashas propertiesproperties thatthat promotepromote healing,healing, esp.esp. forfor burns.burns. ItIt alsoalso promotespromotes healthyhealthy scarscar tissuetissue formationformation inin bodybody cuts,cuts, wounds,wounds, skinskin irritations.irritations. PopularPopular PlantsPlants ---- Continued Cat’sCat’s ClawClaw oror UUññaa dede GatoGato isis anan herbherb fromfrom Peru’sPeru’s rainrain forestforest saidsaid toto bebe anan effectiveeffective multimulti-- purposepurpose medicinalmedicinal plant.plant. Cat’sCat’s ClawClaw containscontains severalseveral OxindoleOxindole AlkaloidsAlkaloids whichwhich stimulatestimulate thethe immunologicimmunologic system.system. ResearchResearch showsshows thatthat Cat’sCat’s ClawClaw hashas antiviral,antiviral, antioxidant,antioxidant, antianti-- inflammatory,inflammatory, andand antianti--tumortumor properties.properties. SpiritualSpiritual WaterWater –– UsedUsed asas SpiritualSpiritual FoodFood ManMan drinkingdrinking SpiritualSpiritual WaterWater toto helphelp inin Curative/HealingCurative/Healing processprocess AjoAjo MachoMacho –– ElephantElephant GarlicGarlic OneOne greatgreat cloveclove (as(as opposedopposed toto TableTable GarlicGarlic –– manymany cloves)cloves) ElephantElephant GarlicGarlic usedused asas powderpowder oror perfumeperfume toto bringbring goodgood vibrationsvibrations andand goodgood luckluck PiedraPiedra ImanIman ((CompuestaCompuesta)) –– LodestoneLodestone signifiessignifies GoldGold –– wealthwealth SilverSilver –– goodgood homehome andand familyfamily CoralCoral (red(red bean)bean) –– getsgets ridrid ofof envyenvy andand allall that’sthat’s badbad WheatWheat –– goodgood husband,husband, wife,wife, marriagemarriage oror relationshiprelationship HorseshoeHorseshoe –– prosperousprosperous jobjob oror businessbusiness PiedraPiedra ImanIman ---- LodestoneLodestone SoapSoap PerfumePerfume PowderPowder AmuletAmulet StoneStone AllAll bringbring positivepositive vibrationsvibrations MagicalMagical PerfumesPerfumes •Iman –Luck •Contra Embrujo -- Against a
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