# o > ♦ #4s;H r n 3> o r r# i * 070 *iZ70-0* Serving South Slrunswick since 1958 -------- # z r n » ^ Vol. ^% 070-Z.* Thursday, August 29, i 996 60 Cents n S o o o t^ # #iV iq cket -*ro* ation V ote set for fire w on’t be Time u ff station adjusted Proposal for By Ken Weingartner Kendall Park Staff Writer In »order to avoid creating a- By Ken Weingartner $200,000 shortfall for the township’s Staff Writer water and sewer utility, the Township Voters in Kendall Park will be Committee ‘ intends to allow this jsked to approve funding for a pro- year’s rate increase to remain retroac­ ‘‘posed $1.25 million firehouse on tive to the last quarter of 1.995.- Henderson Road in a special election After reviewing its options with Oct. 26. Chief Finance Officer Ralph Palmieri The polls will be open 2 to 9 p.m. dpring Tue.sday night’s work session, at the • Kendall Park Firehouse’ on the "committee decided to .amend, the New Roid. ‘ ; rate ordinance to include money col­ Jim - Paulus, chairman of the lected retroactively from the last Board of Fire Conimissioners, said if quarter of 1995. That money, in the the referendum is approved he antici­ sum of $200,000, already had been pates an increase of 1 cent to the tax calculated, into this year’s budget, .rate of Fire District 1. The current tax Mr. Palmieri said. rate in the district, Which loosely ex­ In addition to amending the origi-. tends from Finnegans Lane south to Toys from the Attic: Those nal ordinance, the committee, was Stouts Lane and from ROute 27. east toys you played with as a considering rebating or crediting cus­ to Route 1, is 4 cents per $100 Of "as­ kid not only have sentimen­ tomers for the retroactive billing. Mr. sessed valuation. \ . tal value; they’re worth Palmieri said either option would The firehouse will be located on leave the utility with a $200,000 the corner of Henderson Road and money as Well. Just ask shortfall that would have to be made Grestview Drive, at the entrance of Steve Stegman of Lambert- up by general taxpayers in 1997. the Timber Ponds development. Mr. ville.SeeT/nie Off,.. A 9 percent increa.se in water and Paulus said the building will contain sewer rates took affect this past Jan. two bays for each the fire and first 1, Sorrie township residents believed aid departments. BUSINESS that meant the rates would increase “There’s still a couple loose ends for water consumption beginning as far as finalizing the building itself, The recent trend in corpo­ from that date. Mr. Palmieri ex­ what It’s going to look like,” Mr. rate downsizing has meant plained, however, that it meant the Paulus said Tuesday,“ The final ver­ sion isn’t ready, butw e’reclgsev^ut-' big' business for area tempo­ new rate was effective as of the Jan. 1 billing cycle. it’s not going to haye^rlm pad as far rary job agencies. Page billing covers usage for the pre­ as anything we do regarding the re­ T7A. •, vious three months, so consumption ferendum.” frorn the last quarter of 1995 was af­ Mr. Paulus said the new firehou.se fected, he said-. In addition, Mr. would save volunteer firefighters val­ NEWS Palmieri^said the utility’s budget was uable time in responding to calls at calculated from billingTor the period the north end of the district. Jan, 1 to Dec. 31, not frobi consump­ “It’s an all-volunteer department tion during that span. so you can’t promise any kind of par­ • - ■ “'We do not believe we did any­ ticular response because it depends on the time of day and who’s avail­ thing ;wrpng,’^M^■.-Palmie^. told the able,” he said. “But just looking at it committee. “We were acting on his­ m the savings in time alone in run­ torical precedent established before I ning up to that eiid of the township, dame to the township. My omission you could look at as much as a was that I did not explain the perime­ 10-minute savings in time. ters of what retroactive was. In my , “Fire multiplies at an exponential mind, the whole time this was being rate when it’s buihing. You start with done it was not a Jan 1. cutoll, it was a small fire and it only takes a couple a Jan. 1 billing date.’’ staff photo by John Keating minutes for it to become big. So time Mr. Palmieri said the same pro­ as critical in responding.” cess was used in "199l, the last time Mr. Paulus added that special water and sewer rates were increased. f )ira Greenberg, 3, gives her teddy bear a big hug at last week’s Teddy Bear Picnic at Congrega- care, was taken during the design He added that nobody complained stage to help the firehouse blend in about the practice at that tm/e. lon B/nai Tikvah. The picnic was part of the summer program for youngsters, whiph is headed by Nancy Danto. ' ’i with existing community; - See WATER, P age^ . See VOTE, Page 9A New ‘kids’ in class The new crop of South Freshman School Brunswick teachers have • spent the past few days get­ ting to know the district, enters second year and the town. Page 3A.. Butt out Administration enthusiastic The chairman of South about Project’s success rate Brunswick’s Board of Health was on hand in By Ken Weingartner submitted for grading. Students will 4-H riders Staff Writer receive 2.5 graduation credits upon Washington when President Statistics can mean diflcrent successful completion ot the project. prepare Clinton unveiled his strong­ things in different situations. “People do get to make .second er anti-smoking measures. For example, the fact that 23.9 cflorts,” Superintendent Samuel ■ PageSA. percent of freshmen had tailed the Stewart said. “Thirty-five kids in one 25-mile trek Freshman Project' at-South Bruns­ month were able to improve their 12th District wick High School as of June could be scores. That’s what we want. We By Keith irrgersoll showdown seen as cause for alarm by some peo­ want to give feedback so students get Staff Writer' ple. ' better. It’s not just grading and sort- The horses didn’t seem to Somerset County Freehold­ - However, the fact that 59.9 per-’’ ‘ing. " “ mind the sweltering heat Fridayi er Michael Pappas and cent passed the project (12.2 percent “That’s the whole idea behind but then again, getting the op­ Lambertville Mayor David have not yet participated and another lifetime learning. They had to define portunity to spend some time 4 percent received extensions) can be a topic, conduct research and then ex­ Del Vecchio are the Repub­ outdoors — far, far away from viewed as a positive step for the first- plain what they learned to someone- the indoor aggressions of lican and Democratic candi­ year program. else. The special appeal to me is that swarms of horse flies — didn’t dates, respectively, for the The Freshman Project, just one it’s .closer to what people do in the seem like a half-bad way to. 12th District congressional component of the-pilot Fre.shman ..real world.” spend the day. - School program instituted at South Dr; Stewart added that states siich Even if it meant some pesky seat being vacated by Rep. Brunswick High In 1995-96, wits a as,Kentucky, and Vermont have insti­ Dick Zimmer. The candi­ humans were involved. major source of discussion at the tuted similar programs, with lesser • Well, that sentiment wasn’t dates discuss the issues on township’s school board meeting rates of success. entirely lost oh 13 members of. Page 11 A. Monday night as a progress report” “They have found a very small the Middlesex County 4-H Club I was presented to board members, number of people are able to pass this either, as they took their horses The project received criticism from kind of high-.stakes testing the first on a 10-mile trail ride in prepar­ many students during the year. time through,” he said. “The Fresh­ ation for a 25-mile jaunt to take , “We tried some new things and man Project falls into that same’cate­ place Sept. 21. Friday’s ride INDEX the freshmen canie through'at a high gory of high-stakes testing. commenced at Bournegann’s level,” Director .of Curriculum Willa “As people begome clearer about Farm in East Brunswick and Spicer said Wednesday. “ We recog­ what is expected, they will do better. went as far as Voight Farm in nize that this was work most kids'had As we rai.se the standards, it raises South Brunswick. never been asked before to do. Most the confidence level of the students. Lest one be mistaken, how­ Business 17A were able to ri.se to that high level, The,initial results are not usually as ever, the 10-mile trail ride Classified 1B and the rest will be able to reach that good as they later become.” wasn’t an entirely carefree trip lev^l by the end of their sophomOre Data collected from Freshman — for the humans or the horses.- Community :year. It’s kind of exciting.” Projects completed "this coming Karen Lesko, a certified Ameri­ For the Freshman Project,' stu­ .school year will provide a clearer can Riding Instructor with 4-H, Capsules 15A dents were to select a system of their, picture about the>results of‘the'pro-., said that’s because both parties Editorial 10 choice to investigate ouLside the gram.
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