Making Chinese Art Accessible to Western Users: A Brief Report from AAT-Taiwan Project Sophy S.J. Chen, Chiao-Chen Kuo, and Ya-Pei Yang Academia Sinica, Taiwan TELDAP AAT-Taiwan Team International Terminology Working Group (ITWG) meeting Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, California 01/07~01/10/2013 AAT-Taiwan: Multilingual Research Project Western Art Resource Chinese Art Resource WtWestern Gtt’AATGetty’s AAT AAT-TiTaiwan [2] users Controlled Vocabularies Mapping AAT‐Taiwan of Chinese Art Make Western Art Accessible Make Chinese Art Accessible to Western Users to Western Users Chinese AAT-Taiwan[1] Digital Archives Thesaurus users (DAT) [3] Getty’s Keywords Translating AAT‐Taiwan Structuring AAT From Taiwan DAT Digital Archives Make Western Art Accessible MkMake Chinese AtAArt Access ible to Chinese Users to Chinese Users 2 Research papers A. Journal papers Chen, S.J., Cheng, C.J. & Chen, H.H. (2011). Methodologies for multilingual information integration in the domain of Chinese art. IFLA Journal, 37(4), 296-304. Chen, S.J. & Chen, H.H. (2012). Mapping multilingual lexical semantics for knowledge organization systems. The Electronic Library, 30(2), 278-294. (SSCI) B. Conference papers Chen, S.J., Wu, D., Peng, P.W. & Chang, Y.T. (2010). AAT-Taiwan: toward a multilingual access to cultural objects. In M. Lalmas et al. (Eds.): European Conf. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2010, LNCS 6273, 389–392. Springer- Verlag. (EI) Chen, S.J. (2010). The Analysis of Mapping Multilingual Lexical Semantics for Knowledge Organization System. In: Academia Sinica (Ed.) 「Symposium on IT Application and Exchange」annual Conference 2010 Symposium, 415-430. Chen, H. H., Chen, S.J. & Lee, SY. (2011). A Case study for multilingual support: applying the AAT-Thesaurus to TELDAP’s multilinggpjual projects. In: C. Xing, F. Crestani, and A. Rauber (Eds.): International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7008. Springer, Heidelberg.(EI) Chen, S.J., Zeng, M.L. & Chen, H.H. (2012). Alignment of conceptual structures in controlled vocabularies in the domain of Chinese art: a discussion of issues and patterns. In: Neelameghan, A. and K.S. Raghavan (Eds.): Categories, Contexts and Relations in KldKnoledge Organ itiization. Advances in Know le dge Organ iza tion, 13, 249-255. Chen, S.J., Kuo, C.C. (2012). A Study of Knowledge Organization System for Digital Archives: Using Vocabularies of Chinese Festivals as an Example. In Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University (Ed.), The 4th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities Symposium, 31-51. C. Thesis Chen, S.J (2012). A Study of Mapping Chinese-English Lexical Semantics for a Thesaurus in Chinese Art. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 3 The Framework : Localization From English to From Chinese to [1]Chinese [2] English Literacy Term Selection Object Warrant Term Collection Warrant Analysis of Identity SemanticSemantic Analysis Analysis Qualia Sources Structure Confirm Identify Types Equivalence Mapping English Mapping of equivalence Translation Mapping Research on KOS Construction Equivalence Hierarchical Associative Research on KOS Construction Relationship Relationship Relationship Content Content Expert Group Verification Revision Scope note Concept Construction Creation English to Chinese to TltiTranslation Chinese English Proofreading Scope Note Term Mapping NPM Scope Note Proofreading Proofreading Terms Proofreading Expert Group Examination Revision Examination Revision Disambiguation Disambiguation Disambiguation 4 AAT-Taiwan: Multilingual Research Project Western Art Resource Chinese Art Resource WtWestern Gtt’AATGetty’s AAT AAT-TiTaiwan [2] users Controlled Vocabularies Mapping AAT‐Taiwan of Chinese Art Make Western Art Accessible Make Chinese Art Accessible to Western Users to Western Users Chinese AAT-Taiwan[1] Digital Archives Thesaurus [3] users (DAT) Getty’s Controlled Translating AAT‐Taiwan Structuring AAT Vocabularies DAT of Chinese Art Make Western Art Accessible MkMake Chinese AtAArt Access ible to Chinese Users to Chinese Users 5 [1] Project at a Glance Records in AAT 35,457* Translation 34,961 / 35,457* 99% 1%E Expert Scope note proofreading 15,467 Review E 56 % 1,012 3% &Term verification 41% /35,457 * 44% Dis- No need of Disambiguation 28,792 / 35,457 * 81% ambiguation 6665 19% 9% 15% 1st &2& 2nd Latest Contribution E Contribution 76% 3,125 / 35,457* 5348/ 35,457* Contributed 24% *According to 2012/12/26 AAT- Taiwan database AAT data version: 2012 May ( ) 6 [1] 2012/02/07 announced (sha jin shi) 1 preferred term (sa jin bo li) (jin xing bo li) (sha jin you) 4 alternative terms (jin xing y ou) 3 transliterated terms AAT now has 3000+ records with Chinese terms, scope notes, and reference books contributed by AAT-Taiwan (TELDAP) Gemology Gemstone s English Chinese Dictionary of Glass & 7 Ceramics 7 Scope Note Term Dis- Translation Expert Review Contribution Proofreading Proofreading ambiguation Re-assign Translation Term Proofreading Translators AAT-Taiwan Expert Y Editors Translation N Review Examination Needed? Passed? AAT-Taiwan N Expert Editors Y Review Scope Note Re-assign Expert Group PfdiProofreading Dis- Proofreaders ambiguation Y Needed? Scope Note Re- N N Proofreading Dis- Passed? ambiguation AAT-Taiwan AAT-Taiwan Editors Editors Y Contribution AAT-Taiwan Editors Expert Group 928 items found Translation 823 items items found found •Expert Group Associate Researcher, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (Expertise:Bronze Ritual Vessels) Proofreading Hwang, Ming Chong 黃銘崇 Dis- AAT ambiguation Expert Group 9 9 [1] From Proofreading to Contribution 10 Remove fallacious Remove already [1] records: -155 contributed records: -288 Remove repeated Contribution records: -88 Amount of Contribution Remove need adding 欄1 qualifiers records: -1537 Records for Remove need Contribution removing AAT-Taiwan : 77365,348 qualifiers Editors Ready for records: -321 Contribution Expert Group March to September Need Already Need adding Ready for 2012 records Repeated Fallacious removing contributed qualifiers Contribution for qualifiers contribution 11 7736 88 155 288 1537 321 5348 11 AAT-Taiwan: Multilingual Research Project Western Art Resource Chinese Art Resource Western Getty’s AAT AAT-Taiw an [2] users Controlled VocabulariesControlled AATA- AT- oVocabulariesf ofMapping MiMapping TaiwanTaiwan ChineseChinese Art Art Make Western Art Accessible Make Chinese Art Accessible to Western Users tWto Wes tern Users Chinese AAT-Taiwan[1] Digital Archives Thesaurus [3] users (DAT)Controlled 數位典藏 索引典 & Getty’s VbliVocabularies AAT- Keywords Structuring AAT- Getty’sAAT Translating AAT- of Translating Taiwan StructuringTaiwan AAT Taiwan FromChinese Taiwan Art DAT Digital Archives Make Western Art Accessible Make Chinese Art Accessible to Chinese Users to Chinese Users 12 [2] Chinese to English 13 :NPM :AAT Term Mapping Types [1]&[2] (NPM & AAT) Code Mapping Type 適用情況Definition =EQ 精準等同 【=】 The concepts of the two terms are exactly the same. Exact, simple equivalence ~EQ 近似等同 【><】 The concepts of the two terms are not exactly the same. Inexact simple equivalence These concepts are equivalent in certain contexts while not in others, or these concepts might overlap in scope or are slightly different from each other in connotation. EQ+ 交集等同 【一對多】 The concepts of the two terms can be represented as Intersecting compound two or more intersecting compound sets. equivalence EQ│ 聯集等同 【一對多】 The concept of one term is equal to the sum of the Cumulative compound + (two) concepts of another term. equivalence BM 狹廣對應 【<】 The concepts of the two terms are in a narrower-to- Hierarchical mapping broader hierarchical relationship. (narrower to broader) NM 廣狹對應 【>】 The concepts of the two terms are in a broader-to- Hierarchical mapping narrower hierarchical relationship. (broader to narrower) RM 關聯對應 The concepts of the two terms are neither equivalent Associative mapping ~ nor hierarchically related, but are associative semantically to a certain degree. 14 [2] Term Mapping Brush Holder with “Ode to the Pavilion of the Inebriated Old Man” Analysis Zhang Xihuang (active early 17th century) The Metropolitan Museum of Art Two Daughters 故宮詞彙 對應 AAT詞彙 AAT Term 備註 of Akhenaten NPM Term 類型 Remarks The 英譯詞彙 Mapping 詞彙 Term 層面 階層 Metropolitan English Type Facet Hierarchy Museum of Art Translation [Bas-Relief] A12026 BM ID: 300053623 KK.KTUC: 77 Collection Items 留青(liu qing) bas-relief (sculpture PM-A Participant Code PM-Sophy (<技法<器物) technique) (G) RhResearcher (relief (sculpture RM9 Liuqing low Verification relief (H), techniques), sculpture Expert techniques, ... Processes and bamboo skin Examination reserved (H) Techniques) Code 書目代號(()H) Biblioggpyraphy Code bas-relief (sculpture technique)淺浮雕 王殿明、楊綺華編譯(2005)。漢英文物考古詞匯/ A Scope Note:Sculptural relief technique in which the projection of the Chinese-English glossary of cultural relics and forms is relatively shallow.(雕塑浮雕技巧,凸起的浮雕外形相當淺) archaeology。北京:紫禁城出版社。 Analysis and suggestion for mapping: 留青(liu qing) : 1.留青陽文(liu qing yang wen) ,簡稱留青。是雕竹的特有技法之一(a Liuqing is a technique of bamboo carving, and technique specific to bamboo carving)。製作留青陽文時,須留下青筠, bas-relif is a sculpture technique not limited to a 將紋飾所不需要的青筠刮除,根據青筠的多寡,以求深淺濃淡變化。該技法在 certain kind of material, so it is suggested to place 唐朝已有,遲至晚名的竹工’張希黃’才將其發揚光大。 Liuqing under bas-relief. 來源:新辭典(民78)。台北市三民書局。P.1345 Activities Facet
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