LIGHTLIGHT HORSEHORSE INTERCHANGEINTERCHANGE BUSINESSBUSINESS HUB,HUB, EASTERNEASTERN CREEKCREEK URBANURBAN DESIGNDESIGN GUIDELINESGUIDELINES REV 3 - APRIL 2019 [SSD 9667] LOCATION PENRITH BLACKTOWN SITE PARRAMATTA SYDNEY CBD BADGERYS CREEK AIRPORT BANKSTOWN SYDNEY AIRPORT Figure 1: Location Plan N 2 GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY M ARNDELL PARK MINCHINBURY INTRODUCTION GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY W E S T L I N K The Light Horse Interchange Business Hub is located at the intersection of the Westlink M7 and M4 Western Motorway. It comprises a discrete parcel of land which is seperated from the broader parklands. It is surrounded by estabished and developing employment generating land uses to the HUNTINGWOOD north & west M 4 W E S T E R N M O T O R W A Y Objectives The key objectives of these design guidelines are: BRABHAM DRIVE - to provide an urban design framework that guides the development of the land for the purpose of employment generating development - to provide environmentally attractive and sustainable industrial business hub PETER BROCK DRIVE EXISTING M7 UNDERPASS - to ensure high quality built form in a parkland setting EMERGENCY ACCESS POINT FROM WALLGROVE ROAD PROPOSED PRIMARY ACCESS POINT FROM FERRERS ROAD PROPOSED FERRERS ROAD EASTERN DEVELOPMENT CREEK WALLGROVE ROAD LGROVE ROAD W E S T L I N K M 7 LEY DRIVE THE HORSLEY DRIVE N Figure 2: Locality Plan 3 M 4 W E S T E R N M O T O R W A Y URBAN DESIGN PRINCIPLES W/H 1 The following design principals provide the foundation for the urban structure and PRIMARY ACCESS POINT FROM FERRERS ROAD development of the business hub W E S T L I N K M 7 W/H 2 W/H 7 Land Use 6m WIDE RIGHT OF WAY (15.5m WIDE CARRIAGEWAY) BASINS The business hub will offer flexible business premises suitable for future industrial and W/H 3 light industrial users EMERGENCY ACCESS POINT FROM WALLGROVE ROAD Vehicle Access & Circulation W/H 4 - Provide a well defined entry to the business hub through 2 connection points (figure 3): A C C E S S R O A D W/H 6 FERRERS ROAD - Primary access - main traffic connection from Ferrers Road WALLGROVE ROAD - Emergency access - emergency traffic access point through existing M7 W/H 5 underpass from Wallgrove Road - The traffic circulation for the business hub include the following elements as illustrated W E S T L I N K M 7 in Figure 3: - An internal access road comprising 15.5m wide carriageway for its full length to enable two travel lanes - Round-a-bout access point from Ferrers Road to facilitate main traffic movement Figure 3: Vehicle Access & Circulation Pedestrian Access & Circulation - Connect with existing bicycle and pedestrian networks via shared footpath to promote connectivity and permeability (Figure 4) PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN/CYCLIST - Provide 2.5m/3.5m wide pedestrian / cyclist shared footpath connecting SHARED PATH FROM ACCESS ROAD between Ferrers Road and existing M7 cycleway (3.5m WIDE CONCRETE FOOTPATH) - Provide 1.2m wide internal pedestrian footpath along eastern side of Access Road Environment and Conservations - Incorporate environmentally sustainable design principals M7 UNDERPASS - Provide landscaping with appropriate setbacks - Use Water Sensitive Urban Design principles to manage stormwater - To incorporate best practice Western Sydney Parklands Design Manual measures CONNECT TO EXISTING M7 CYCLEWAY PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN/CYCLIST Concept Built Area SHARED PATH FROM FERRERS ROAD (2.5m WIDE CONCRETE FOOTPATH) EX. CYCLEWAY - Figure 5 (next page) illustrates concept building footprints within the business hub PROPOSED PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN INTERNAL PATH CONNECTION POINT (1.2m WIDE CONCRETE FOOTPATH) TO EX. CYCLEWAY WESTLINK M7 N EX. CYCLEWAY Figure 4: Pedestrian / Cyclist Access & Circulation (background source: Cycleway Finder - NSW Transport - RMS) 4 DEVELOPMENT DATA TO WALLGROVE RD. OVERALL SITE AREA 336,285m² W E S T L I N K M 7 LOT 8 (RESIDUAL) - ESTATE BIO-BASIN/OSD 21,511m² M7 UNDERPASS EMERGENCY ACCESS POINT ACCESS ROAD RESERVE 21,137m² 10000 SITE BOUNDARY TOTAL DEVELOPABLE AREA (LOT 1 TO 7) 293,637m² RW 6m WIDE FIRE TRAIL CARPARK (51) CARPARK (58) TOTAL BUILDING AREA 165,500m² 10000 CARPARK (38) 10m LANDSCAPE SETBACK 3.5m WIDE SHARED PATH OFFICE 4A RW FLOOR SPACE RATIO 56.4% 20m BUILDING SETBACK 500 sqm OFFICE 3A OFFICE 2A 600 sqm 400 sqm DEVELOPABLE LOT W/H AREAOFFICE AREA TOTAL CARPARK (100) RW LOT 1 19,000 1,000 20,000 WAREHOUSE 4A WAREHOUSE 3A WAREHOUSE 2A SITE BOUNDARY 8,400 sqm SITE AREA (41,270m² ) DOCK 10,700 sqm 11,600 sqm OFFICE 100 sqm LOT 2 16,900 800 17,700 OFFICE 1 SITE AREA (34,141m² ) 900 sqm LOT 3 23,200 1,200 24,400 LOT 5 LOT 4 3500 SITE AREA (41,112m² ) LOT 3 LOT 2 WAREHOUSE 5 LOT 4 21,400 1,000 22,400 24,700 sqm M 4 W E S T E R N M O T O R W A Y SITE AREA (38,686m²) RW DOCK LOT 1 OFFICE LOT 5 24,700 1,300 26,000 WAREHOUSE 4B 100 sqm SITE AREA (44,193m²) 10,700 sqm WAREHOUSE 1 OFFICE 5 WAREHOUSE 3B ESKDALE CREEK WAREHOUSE 2B 19,000 sqm 1,200 sqm 11,600 sqm 8,500 sqm LOT 6 20,000 1,000 21,000 SITE AREA (38,406m²) CAR ENTRY/EXIT (EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS) EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS 6m WIDE EMERGENCE ACCESS RESERVE (RIGHT OF WAY) 10000 10000 CARPARK (120) OFFICE 4B LOT 7 32,400 1,600 34,000 500 sqm SITE AREA (55,829m²) OFFICE 3B CARPARK (58) 600 sqm OFFICE 2B ENTRY/EXIT CAR 400 sqm 7.5m BUILDING SETBACK TOTAL 157,600 7,900 165,500 7500 CAR ENTRY/EXIT 7.5m BUILDING SETBACK CARPARK (55) CARPARK (40) 23000 CARPARK PROVISIONS CAR ENTRY/EXIT 15500 15.5m WIDE ACCESS ROAD TOTAL CARPARK REQUIRED 723 spaces 7500 7.5m BUILDING SETBACK 6m WIDE SEWER EASEMENT RMS - Warehouse: 1 space/300sqm 7.5m BUILDING SETBACK 2.5m WIDE SHARED PATH Office: 1 space/40sqm OFFICE 6A 500 sqm 6m WIDE SEWER EASEMENT TOTAL CARPARK PROVIDED 782 spaces WAREHOUSE 6A OFFICE 7B CARPARK (45) 800 sqm 9,500 sqm OFFICE 6B OFFICE 7A 500 sqm RW LOT 6 WAREHOUSE 6B 800 sqm 7500 WAREHOUSE 7B 10,500 sqm (79) CARPARK REEDY CREEK 16,200 sqm PROPOSED ESKDALE CREEK LINE 6m WIDE FIRE TRAIL WAREHOUSE 7A LOT 7 16,200 sqm CARPARK (90) CARPARK 10m LANDSCAPE SETBACK RW (FUTURE) RW SITE BOUNDARY 20m BUILDING SETBACK CARPARK (48) 6m WIDE ACCESS RESERVE (BASIN MAINTENANCE) (BASIN RESERVE ACCESS WIDE 6m 3.5m EASEMENT FOR RW (FUTURE) DRAINAGE SYSTEM 6m WIDE FIRE TRAIL RW (FUTURE) RW REEDY CREEK C RW LOT 8 SITE BOUNDARY BIO BASIN / OSD 21,511m² (INCL. 6m ACCESS RESERVE) HIGH PRESSURE GAS EASEMENT PRIMARY ACCESS (PROPOSED CREEK CROSSING) TO FERRERS RD. Client Project Concept Masterplan Light Horse Interchange Business Hub 1:3000@ A3 or 1:1500@A1 Eastern Creek NSW [SSD 9667] DATE April, 2019 DRAWING NUMBER 10935_MP100[P2] © copyright nettleton tribe partnership pty ltd Figure 5: Concept Masterplan 5 Material Pallette (External) DESIGN GUIDELINES Built-forms & Architecture Objectives: - To ensure that built-forms are consistent and are of an appropriate scale for an Metal Sheeting employment area with consideration for market trends - To ensure building envelope and facade enhances the visual character of the business hub and response to market trends - To use land efficiently Design Guidelines: - Dynamic forms and accent materials should be incorporated at corners of prominent Translucent elevations Wall Cladding - Corporate identification colours should be expressed with subtlety on the corners of warehouses and office components - Building facades to public road frontages should be articulated using architectural elements such as: a. Varying facade alignments and heights b. Variation in materials and colours c. Regular breaks in material and patterns Prefinished CFC Sheeting - Avoid roof top A/C units on building facades to public road frontages - A pallette of materials that enhances the parklands character of the business hub Setbacks from M4/M7 Motorways & Access Road Objectives: - To provide adequate distance between development and road alignments - To provide visual screening via landscape buffer Office Facade Treatment Glazing Design Guidelines: - Provide 10 m landscape setbacks along the motorways - Provide 20m building setbacks along the motorways - Provide 7.5m building setbacks along the internal Access Road Metal Cladding 6 Sustainable materials DESIGN GUIDELINES Sustainable Building Design Objectives: - To ensure that developments are environmetally sustainable to minimise energy and water consumption in buildings - To encourage use of building materials to minimise impact to the environment TimberBricks / Pavers Green Wall - To ensure that developments incorporate water conservations and re-use measure into the design and operation - To provide a healthy, safe and comfortable working environment Design Guidelines: - Developments shall install rainwater tanks to supply grey-water to serve areas such as toilets, laundry and outdoor areas - Developments shall use energy efficient materials - Windows/glazing should be protected from summer sunlights by mean of shading device including eaves, landscaping and sunshade structures - Developments shall minimise energy consumption and mechanical cooling with architectural strategies including: a. Passive solar access to internal & outdoor recreation areas b. Natrual light penetration and cross ventilation c. Use of landscaping to minimise thermal loads Outdoor Areas Rain Water Tank 7 DESIGN GUIDELINES Landscaping Objectives: Incorporate relevant guidelines and controls (refer below): - To create a sense of arrival/place through entry statements and considered planting - To provide visual and shade amenity for workers and visitors to the sites - To reinstate/enhance vegetative buffer; increase native vegetation around site perimeter to ameliorate the views into site and soften proposed built form - To use endemic species where possible - To incoroporate WSUD principles where possible - Provide street tree planting and onsite planting.
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