FEBRUARY 2021 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 New life for a My Journey Here Black Pandemic very old tree Thomas Nisbett History rearrangements 5 6 Month 6, 9 -11 13 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL FEBRUARY 2021 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON MISSION IN MOTION: food security LORA MCKINNEY READS from the handout during the Community Cupboard dedication service, with Nancy and Dave Shirley in the background. INEZ PAUL PHOTO ‘Take what you need or leave what you can’ Eccumenical bers of the Parish of Gagetown munity members. The cupboard cupboard space in the basement it gives us hope for our future as at a ceremony Jan. 3. is open 24/7 without a custo- foyer. Swift carpentry work by a community of faith, to be able Community The Rev. Jane Johnson from dian. Privacy is maintained by church members resulted in a to continue in the foyer of Saint Grace United Church and the the simple fact that anyone seen welcoming space with bright red John’s Anglican what started at Cupboard opens Rev. Andrew Horne from St. going in could be picking up or shelving. Grace United.” in the Parish of John’s Anglican led a meaningful leaving goods. “People often feel that when Andrew welcomes the service. The concept of the Commu- we are few, we can’t do much. cupboard and marvels at the ac- Gagetown The concept for the Commu- nity Cupboard came from Grace But being small actually makes complishment. nity Cupboard is simple — not United Church member Boni us more flexible and responsive “The Community Cup- to be a full-service food bank Green. After asking the local to changing needs,” said Jane. board has come about because BY MARIAN LANGHUS like the one operated in Oro- service clubs and Gagetown resi- “[Boni’s] idea caught on imme- a few lay people recognized a mocto, but more a place that dents, she soon had an operating diately, and the two signs went need in their community, and The dedication of the Com- provides food to “tide people cupboard at Grace United, but up at the same time: ‘For Sale’ the leadership of the church had munity Cupboard in the base- over” when they fall short. the building was sold. and ‘Community Cupboard.’ the good sense to get out of their ment foyer of St. John’s Anglican Donations are made by the Creative minds at St. John’s “So, in the sadness of having Church was celebrated by mem- Oromocto Food Bank and com- came up with the idea of making to let go of our beloved building, Cupboard continued on page 2 “SHARING HOPE & HELP” 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN FEBRUARY 2021 D I O C E S A N N E W S TOP LEFT: COMMUNITY CUPBOARD ORGANIZER Boni Green shares a laugh with Paul Mills after hanging the “Community Cupboard” sign. TOP RIGHT: Participating in the dedication, from left: the Rev. Andrew Horne, Dona King, Boni Green, Clair Ripley, Anna Ripley, Leith Box. BELOW LEFT: Sam (Samantha) Scott organizes the Community Cupboard. BELOW RIGHT: The Rev. Andrew Horne enjoys refreshments and fellowship after the service. MARIAN LANGHUS PHOTO BOTTOM: The Rev. Jane Johnson of Grace United Church enjoys hot chocolate after the service. INEZ PAUL PHOTOS DEADLINE for news and photos for the March edition of the New Brunswick Anglican is Feb. 1. People often feel that when we are few, we Send submissions to “ can’t do much. But being small actually makes us [email protected] more flexible and responsive to changing needs. www.anglican.nb.ca Community Cupboard OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL opens in Gagetown The Most Rev. David Edwards Archbishop and Publisher Cupboard continued from page 1 said Eric McKinney of St. John’s. Gisele McKnight Editor The parish takes inspiration Cheryl Jacobs & Ben Bourque Proofreaders w ay.” from this piece of scripture: The turnout to the event on James 2: 15-17: Published 10 times per year. Price of subscription $10.00 a cold Sunday afternoon after a If a brother or sister is naked Please send news and photo submissions to: large snow fall is testimony that and lacks daily food, and one of 12 Spruce Street, Sussex, N.B. E4E 1L9 the Community Cupboard has you says to them, ‘Go in peace; Phone: 506-459-1801, ext. 1009; E-mail: [email protected] support. keep warm and eat your fill’, “The community cupboard is and yet you do not supply their Please send subscription renewals and changes of address to: a great initiative and I’m pleased bodily needs, what is the good of The New Brunswick Anglican, c/o Anglican Journal Circulation Dept., 80 Hayden St, Toronto, Ont. M4Y 3G2 that we were able to help with that? So faith by itself, if it has no [email protected] OR 1-866-924-9192 ext. 259 the continuity of the program,” works, is dead. Printed & mailed in North York, Ontario By Webnews Printing Inc. “SHARING HOPE & HELP” FEBRUARY 2021 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 3 T H E B I S H O P’ S P A G E P R I N C I P A L Mission and evangelism E N G A G E M E N T S January 28 Diocesan am writing this early in the Christian Forum New Year and I imagine it is that which has made me January 31 Ithink across the ministry I have * Parish of been part of during the last 40 plus years. Lancaster In general, the underlying focus for me has been evange- February 7 lism and mission. It remains so * Parish of to this day. Coldbrook Over the years I have been asked many times what the - St. Mary difference is between the two — mission and evangelism. February 15 The way that I see it is that the Parish of former is broader than the latter, function effectively outside a Richmond but they are both intimately con- missional environment. People nected and essential for the life and communities can encounter February 20 SUBMITTED FILE PHOTO and well-being of the Church. God in many different ways and Diocesan Mission is about the creation places. of an environment in which What churches focused on THE NEW FOOD BANK at St. Mary-St. Bartholomew in Saint Council evangelism can take place. Es- declaring the good news of the John is an excellent example of mission. tablishing this has two aspects. Kingdom do, is heighten the February 21 The first has to do with possibility of those encounters. Parish of Bright the Body of Christ in its local An evangelist is often the ing community serving those and Holy Spirit. context. The ethos of those who person who can come along- around them. This is made possible by the February 28 follow Jesus in a particular wor- side another and help them to Evangelism is about giving work of Jesus on the cross and Parishes of shipping community needs to be understand God’s love and care people the opportunity to re- his rising to life. Waterford and outwardly focused. for them. spond to the love of God, which Concern for individuals, the That being said, a missionally inhabits the whole universe and St. Mark region, the wider world, and cre- oriented church in an area can in yet is, on one level, demonstrat- (via Zoom) ation is basic to being a church itself be evangelistic, because its ed through and by the Body of with mission at its heart. An- very existence allows people to Christ locally. * confirmation other way of saying this is that be drawn to God in Jesus. The purpose of mission is to the extending of God’s Kingdom What we might say is mission work with God as part of mak- is central to the church’s life is who we are, and evangelism is ing God known. Evangelism is Prayer Attributed to together. what we do. Individual Chris- to invite people to follow Jesus, St. Francis Evangelism is more specific tians and churches are to be a thereby entering into full rela- David Edwards is Lord, make me an than mission, though it cannot loving, caring, outward look- tionship with God, Father, Son Diocesan Bishop of Fredericton. instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; Sharing your gifts: outreach during a pandemic where there is injury, s I write this we are in Kee Food Centre. We also run help others, either directly with pardon; the church season of a ‘Learn to Cook’ program — a volunteer work or by generating where there is doubt, Epiphany. But only a few five-week course with between funds to assist with our out- faith; Aweeks after you read this, it will six and eight middle school stu- reach. where there is despair, be Ash Wednesday and then dents from a school across the Along with three other local hope; Lent, a season of repentance, street from our church. parishes, we donated to provide reflection and self-sacrifice as Due to COVID we have had personal protective equipment where there is some of us give up something to put this on hold as it is not through the PWRDF gift cata- darkness, light; we like. Mike Briggs possible to physically distance in logue. Parishes working together and where there is In this ever-changing world, it the kitchen with four instructors can achieve more than parishes sadness, joy. is sometimes difficult to write a and the students.
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