FREE DECEMBER 2014 - N°311 VIVRE LA NATURE ! VIVRE LA NATURE Terre Sauvage Terre BEL: 6,30 € - LUX: 5,95 € - PORT CONT: 6.2 € - AUTRES UE/EU: 6.2 € - CH: 11,90SFR - DOM: 6.2 € n° 311Terre Sauvage DÉCEMBRE 2014 SOS SAUVONS NOS ESPÈCES ! - UICN, LA LISTE ROUGE DES ESPÈCES MENACÉES DE A 50 ANS ZONE CFP: 800 XPF - MAROC: 80 DH - TUNISIE: 12000 DT - CANADA: 10,95 $C - USA: 10,95 $US JOIN SOS TODAY www.SaveOurSpecies.org www.sospecies.org/donate SaveOurSpecies speciessavers newsletter Michel Gunther EDITORIAL BY JEAN-JACQUES FRESKO Editor WHAT ABOUT PIERRE WITT PIERRE THE RACOON? u’ve got to be a nutcase, or perhaps (Critically Endangered) to the most reassuring (Least utterly Italian, to write a highly Concern). But the Red List is a long way from recor- erudite book (406 pages, no less) ding all living things. It teems with et cetera’s; the list entitled The Infi nity of Lists. In it, suggests more than it says. It suggests the infi niteness Umberto Eco explains that there of life, the fascinating plasticity of species, their ability are lists and lists: those of the prac- to move between categories. Practical or poetic, or both tical sort, and of the poetic variety. at once, the Red List is above all a tremendous working The former category covers such things as shopping tool for all the – increasingly numerous – people for Ylists, library inventories, restaurant menus and tele- whom conserving nature is a priority objective. Under phone directories. Those lists contain things that exist the leadership of Julia Marton-Lefèvre, its Director and are truly known; they are exhaustive, fi nite, and General for the past eight years and still for a few more coherent. And they are orderly too: you won’t store weeks, IUCN and its partners have launched the SOS the tiramisu with the vegetables, or Modiano with – Save Our Species initiative to translate the Red List’s the humorists. The poetic list is quite the opposite: to sometimes depressing informa- hell with exhaustiveness, classifi cation and coherence. tion into concrete actions and In this category can be found Jacques Prévert’s poem Translating mobilisations on the ground; to Inventaire (“Inventory”) and its racoon; the enume- the Red List’s transform the sorry observation ration of the ships in the Greek fl eet (350 lines in The information that biodiversity is wilting into Iliad!), the litanies of the saints, and the stars in the into concrete momentum that inspires hope. sky. Here, the aim is not to draw up a fi nite inventory, actions, on the Behind Marton-Lefèvre, whose but, conversely, to open a window onto the infi nite, ground. obstinate work Terre Sauvage the incommensurable. The purpose of such a list is the applauds, and behind IUCN explicit or implied et cetera to which it leads. and its experts, whole swathes of our societies are swin- ging into action. In this issue you will fi nd out about CAUTIOUSLY – or perhaps with just a hint of unexpected and often little-known actions led by, among cowardice –, Eco did not fi nd room to state in which other parties, large corporations (BNP Paribas, Kering, category he would place the Red List of Threatened Klorane) – out of conviction, economic realism, or both Species, to which we devote this issue, coinciding with at the same time. its fi ftieth anniversary. Is it a practical list? Come to think of it, which Red List category does Defi nitely: the species it surveys actually exist; they are Prévert’s racoon fall into? “Least concern”. So: no known and perfectly described by the 10,000 experts worries for that species. It’s one of the lucky ones... (do you want the list?) who continually supply data for PS – Terre Sauvage dedicates this issue to Christophe Sidamon-Pesson. it worldwide, coordinated by IUCN (the International Union for Conservation of Nature), our partner in pro- ducing this issue. It contains animals and plants neatly arranged in rigorous categories, from the most alarming N°311 Terre Sauvage 3 CONTENTS Savoie Technolac, 12, allée du Lac de Garde, BP 308, 73377 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France. To contact the editorial department: call +33 (0)4 79 26 27 then your correspondent’s extension (2 digits); or go to our website [www.terre-sauvage.com]. SPECIAL 50 YEARS OF To contact the editorial department: call +33 4 79 26 27 then your correspondent’s extension (2 digits); or go to our website + 33 (0)826 20 00 00 (0.15 €/min.) THE IUCN RED LIST Terre Sauvage subscriptions: Milan Presse, Service Abonnements, B 150, 60732 Sainte-Geneviève, France Cedex. Via email: [[email protected]]. Via website: www.terre-sauvage.com 3 Editorial One-year subscription: 12 issues. Mainland France: €49 All reproduction rights reserved, unless prior consent is obtained. 4 Contents MANAGEMENT Executive director: Éric de Kermel 6 Wild Talk EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT 8 Seasonal Diary Editor: Jean-Jacques Fresko 41 [email protected] Head of editorial:Catherine Perrin 44 18 HISTORY OF THE LIST [email protected] Art director : Pascal Riner 56 THE BAROMETER [email protected] OF LIFE Contributors to this issue : Paul Barlet, Yann Chavance, Denis For 50 years, the IUCN Red Cheissoux, Alain Cugno, Floriane Dupuis, Jean-Philippe Grillet, Étienne Hurault, Guilhem Lesaffre, Marie Lescroart, Philippe Mouche, List has been recording the Jean-Baptiste Pouchain, Ronan Rousseau, Ann & Steve Toon, Nathalie Kouyoumdjian (sub-editor)), Léonie Schlosser (maps). conservation status of thousands CONTRACT PUBLISHING of threatened species. Executive editor-in-chief: Olivier Thevenet [email protected] + 33 (0)4 79 26 28 26 26 NATIONAL RED LIST Sub-editor: Cécile Dufrène + 33 (0)4 79 26 16 63 FRANCE: [email protected] Sub-editor: Stéphanie Reynaud 27 A STATUS UPDATE [email protected] A look at France’s undertakings, and Art director : Ivan Racine 49 [email protected] at country-level species assessment. Graphic designer: Gaëlle Haas 48 [email protected] 28 NFOGRAPHICS Bayard Nature et Territoires assistant: Emmanuelle Kerbati 60 ; THE RED LIST: [email protected] SALES & ADVERTISING A PRIMER Advertising director: Valérie Gourhant To fi nd out more, especially about +33 (0) 1 74 31 62 84 ; [email protected] 50 the Red List allocation criteria. Artworker: Morgane Genty +33 (0)1 74 31 69 72 [email protected] REPORT Invoicing: Bayard Publicité +33 (0)1 74 31 69 89 30 PORTFOLIO EDITORIAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: SAIGA, NOMAD Martin Arnould, Christophe Aubel, Marie-Christine Blandin, HOW ARE YOU DOING? NIGGE Alain Cugno, Michel Delmas, Odile Gauthier, Jean-Philippe Grillet, OF THE STEPPE A close-up on the health status Chantal Jouanno, Dominique Lang, Catherine Laurain, Jean-Claude Lefeuvre, François Lemarchand, François Letourneux, KLAUS of species around the world. Erik Orsenna, Pierre Rabhi, Agnès Rochefort-Turquin Business club Terre Sauvage 48 ACTION MARIGOLD Terre des hommes Nature & Découvertes - Voyageurs du Monde IS THE TIDE Yves Rocher - Petzl - Melvita Léa Nature - Pur Projet - Zooparc de Beauval TURNING FOR THE Individual past issues and replenishment for newsagents: + 33(0) 800 22 86 22 (n° vert) SEA MARIGOLD? Director of administration and fi nance: Céline Cavalié-Marty This plant endemic to Sicily, Production : Vincent Tixier, Mathilde Jalès-Laplanche Calendula maritima, is under threat, Presstalis sales : Philippe Orillac Terre Sauvage is published by Milan Presse SAS, 300, but programmes are being set up. rue Léon-Joulin, 31100 Toulouse, France. CHAIRMAN AND PUBLISHER: Bayard Presse, represented by Georges Senerot. 50 REPORT Main shareholder: Bayard Presse Investissement. SAIGA, NOMAD OF PRODUCTION Photoengraver:Belgomedia (B Verviers) THE STEPPE Printer: Maury (ZI, 45330 Malesherbes) A journey to the Eurasian Steppe, in IPrinted on chlorine-free bleached paper from sustainably managed forests. search of a much-coveted antelope. JACQUEMOUD N° de commission paritaire : 0718 K 83444. H Copyright depost: December 2014, 12 issues a year; COLLECTE ET ÉLIMINE publication distributed by Transport Presse. LA TOTALITÉ DE SES DÉCHETS 60 INTERVIEW Imprimé ISSN 0981-4140. Registered member of Diffusion Contrôle OJD. chez Maury, Your personal details (surname, fi rst name, address) are intended for entreprise Groupe Bayard, to which Terre Sauvage publisher Milan Presse belongs. JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VIÉ certifi ée These details are recorded in your customer fi le in order to process Imprim’vert your subscription. Bank-account details aside, they are liable to be sent The Depty Director of the IUCN outside the European Community for the purpose of registering and 76 processing your subscription and subscription renewal. In accordance Global Species Programme, with the amended French data-protection law of January 6th 1978, you CONSERVATION may exercise your right to access and amend your details by writing and Director of the SOS – Save to: Bayard (CNIL), TSA 10065, 59714 Lille cedex, France. If you do not want your data to be used by our partners for commercial canvassing NATURE’S Our Species initiative. purposes, you must advise us in writing at the same address. CUSTODIANS 4 Terre Sauvage N°311 CONTENTS PORTFOLIO TO KNOW HOW ARE WHAT’S WHAT 30 YOU DOING? The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ uses categories ranging from Not Evaluated to Extinct, based on defi ned criteria (see p.28). 64 REPORT For each of the species featured in VULTURES UNDER this issue, one of the symbols below THREAT: WHO IS is shown to indicate its category. GOING TO DO THE DIRTY WORK? EX EXTINCT It’s time to take action to help these natural carcass disposers, EW EXTINCT IN THE WILD which are essential yet fragile. 72 ACTION REPTILES CR CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SAVING THE CROCS’ SKIN EN ENDANGERED With farming and trade now regulated, crocodiles have VU VULNERABLE rebounded in recent years.
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