July 16, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1061 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING HENRY POSEY 2007, Father Pat was also assigned Pastor of assignment without the distraction of hunger, Saint Mark Catholic Church in Gary. Through- guarantees healthy meals to struggling fami- HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER out the years, Father Gaza has served in var- lies who have been hit hard by the recent eco- OF TENNESSEE ious organizations throughout Northwest Indi- nomic downturn, and lends to the economic ana and Gary, including the LaPorte County advancement of communities across the coun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FEMA Food Program, the Gary Ten Point Co- try. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 alition, the Gary Urban Enterprise Association, Forty-seven million people experience food Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Gary branch of the NAACP, Rebuilding insecurity in the United States. In New York honor the retirement of Henry Posey from the Together, and the Catholic Youth Organiza- alone, over three million New Yorkers receive Memphis Fire Department. tion. Father Gaza’s involvement with these or- food stamps. This bill as it currently stands is Mr. Posey has devoted his life to a career ganizations evidences his absolute commit- an attack on the nutrition programs, specifi- of public service. As a fire fighter and the retir- ment to minister and tirelessly work and advo- cally food stamps. ing Division Chief for the Memphis Fire De- cate on behalf of ‘‘the least amongst us.’’ We have an unparalleled moment of oppor- partment, he worked to keep communities in Those who are without, those who suffer tunity to generate policy that is in tune with the the Eighth District of Tennessee safe for over physically or are challenged physiologically, circumstances of ALL of the American peo- 36 years. In this time, he has truly made a dif- and those who need spiritual guidance have ple—those in both rural and urban commu- ference in people’s lives, and in some cases always found compassion, warmth, and a gen- nities. his efforts have meant the difference between erosity of spirit in Father Pat. Father J. Patrick Decoupling the nutrition programs from the life and death. Gaza is a gifted, Godly, and good man. For agricultural subsidies programs will in effect be I am proud to join Mr. Posey’s family, his constant and passionate devotion to his the death nail for the food stamps program. friends, and colleagues in congratulating him God, his church and his flock, Father is worthy There will be no incentives for conservatives for his many years of service. He deserves of our profound respect and gratitude. to support nutritional programs if this decou- our deepest thanks and appreciation. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other pling occurs, which is why I oppose this bill. f distinguished colleagues join me in honoring f Father Patrick Gaza for his lifetime of leader- HONORING FATHER J. PATRICK ship and selfless service to others. Saints CONGRATULATING JON MOWL AND GAZA Monica and Luke and Saint Mark Catholic THE UNITED STATES DELEGA- Churches, the community of Gary, and all of TION TO THE 2013 SUMMER HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Northwest Indiana have certainly been blessed DEAFLYMPICS IN SOFIA, BUL- GARIA OF INDIANA by the good work of Father Gaza. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f HON. JAMES P. MORAN Tuesday, July 16, 2013 FEDERAL AGRICULTURE REFORM OF VIRGINIA AND RISK MANAGEMENT ACT OF Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES great pleasure and admiration that I stand be- 2013 fore you today to recognize Father J. Patrick Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Gaza, Pastor of Saints Monica and Luke and SPEECH OF Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Saint Mark Catholic Churches in Gary, as he HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE congratulate Jon Mowl and the 180 deaf and celebrates his retirement after 44 years of self- OF NEW YORK hard of hearing athletes and coaches heading less service to the Catholic Church and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Sofia, Bulgaria for the 2013 Summer countless individuals he has ministered to Deaflympics. Held quadrennially, the throughout his life. Father Pat will be honored Thursday, July 11, 2013 Deaflympics are the world’s second oldest at a retirement reception on Sunday, July 21, Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in multiple sports games after the Olympics. 2013, at Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Indiana. vehement opposition to H.R. 2642, the Fed- From July 26 through August 4 this summer, Father Gaza dedicated his life to becoming eral Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Sofia will host 14,707 athletes from over 90 a priest from the time of his studies at Saints Act of 2013. Specifically, I oppose separating countries. Peter and Paul School in Merrillville. Since nutrition assistance programs from the agricul- The Summer Deaflympics are built on 89 then, he has not faltered in his commitment to tural subsidies programs and this is exactly years of tradition. At the recent 2009 Summer God and to serving the people of his commu- what this bill does. Deaflympics in Taipei, Taiwan, more than nity, especially those most in need. He com- Agricultural and nutrition assistance pro- 2,500 athletes from 77 nations participated, in- pleted his higher education at Our Lady of the grams have traditionally moved through Con- cluding 140 Americans. The Summer Lake Seminary in Wawasee, Indiana, Saint gress as part of the same authorizing legisla- Deaflympics are sanctioned by the Inter- Meinrad College in Saint Meinrad, Indiana, tion, allowing us to comprehensively address national Olympic Committee. For the 2013 and Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. both issues. Summer Deaflympics, the United States plans In 1968, Father Gaza was ordained a Catholic This amalgamation has united urban and to bring its best team that has been training priest at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. rural areas of America, serving as a mani- for four years for this opportunity. The need Through his experiences as an instructor of festation of the connection shared between for separate games for deaf athletes is not just religion at Bishop Noll Institute in Hammond, these seemingly disparate communities. evident in the number of participants. Deaf as well as his supervision of theological field Divorcing food stamps from agricultural sub- athletes are distinguished from all others in education at the North American College in sidies would halt much-needed action that in- their special communication needs on the Rome, Father Gaza has contributed tremen- sures funding for food assistance to low-in- sports field. Visual presentation of information dously to the religious schooling of youth. come Americans. during the Games for both athletes and visi- These stand as just a few teaching experi- Republicans accuse Democrats of playing tors are a critical part of the Games infrastruc- ences among his extensive contributions to politics with farm issues, yet they propose a ture, which includes the use of video screens, the younger generation. two-bill strategy that is likely to stagnate any captioning and information boards. A visual In 1992, Father Patrick Gaza became Pas- progress toward assisting the nation’s most environment is critical for communication with tor of Saints Monica and Luke Catholic vulnerable populations. deaf athletes, deaf officials and deaf spec- Church. With his devoted guidance, the The moment has arrived in our Congress tators. church has thrived in the community and has where we have the ability to pass legislation Unlike Olympians or Paralympians, elite expanded its community outreach efforts. In that ensures a child can focus on a homework deaf and hard of hearing athletes must ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:52 Jul 17, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16JY8.001 E16JYPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2013 fundraise to pay their way and do not receive rishioners, and community leaders as Our member of the Garth Fagan Student Dance financial support from the United States Olym- Lady of Mount Carmel Church celebrates its Company and enjoys hiking, swimming, and pic Committee. This presents a twofold chal- 75th Annual Feast—a celebration which raises biking. Ms. Thomas hopes to pursue a career lenge for the Deaflympics athletes: fundraising funds to support the Our Lady of Mount Car- in viola performance. on top of training for the Games. People like mel School and its students. She will join a group of 120 of the finest you who support the mission of USADSF and Over the last 75 years, the congregants of young musicians in this country aged 16–19, its athletes are the ones who make it possible Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church have to each of whom was selected from over 1,200 for the athletes to accomplish their lifelong commemorate ‘‘the devotion that the Blessed applicants from all 50 states. Organized by the dream. Each Deaflympian must fundraise Virgin Mary has to those who are committed famed Carnegie Hall in New York City, it is $2,350 (not including international travel and to her.’’ The four-day feast features food, fun, truly a significant accomplishment. As part of training camp expenses) to cover all costs at and fellowship. After Sunday Mass at noon, their experience, in July the group will travel to the 2013 Summer Deaflympics.
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