Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 110th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 39-110 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, June 1, 2000 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Weingarten’s Lawyer Seeks CRG Financial Disclosures By PAUL J. PEYTON in a favorable light. Michael Ferguson Westfield and launch his campaign. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader has not been mentioned. All of the As a 527, CRG is exempt under With Primary election day less candidates have denied any involve- federal election law and Internal than a week away, one of the four ment with CRG. Revenue Service guidelines from list- Republican Seventh Congressional Following the literature implying ing contributors and has no spending District candidates has launched an that he might be behind CRG, Mr. limits. investigation to determine if any elec- Morrisey commented, “It’s terrible Election law attorney John M. tion laws have been violated in re- that a third party group is weighing Carbone of Carbone and Faase in gard to literature distributed by an in on this race and doesn’t have the Ridgewood, who has been hired by outside political advocacy group. guts to reveal who its donors are.” Mr. Weingarten, has sought inter- The group is listed under Section “It’s rather convenient that this vention by the Union County 527 of the Internal Revenue Service group mentioned my name so that I Prosecutor’s Office. code and is exempt from disclosing would get blamed for this mail piece. In addition, Mr. Morrisey, in a to the public a list of its contributors. Rest assured, I will get to the bottom letter dated May 25, asked Senator Known as the Accountability of this and expose the people who are John McCain to oppose “this highly Project of the Council for Respon- involved in these mailings.” unethical and possibly illegal activ- sible Government (CRG), the group CRG literature depicts Mr. ity.” Mr. McCain had run on cam- has ripped two of the four Republi- Weingarten as a liberal tax and spend paign reform during his Presidential can Congressional candidates in the state legislator, while criticizing Mr. bid. Seventh District race, Joel Kean for moving to New Jersey from CRG Chairman Gary Glenn, in a Weingarten and Tom Kean, Jr. Massachusetts to seek the open Con- written statement issued May 24, Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader One piece of literature implied gressional seat. Mr. Kean was a doc- said the organization “does not en- GOD BLESS AMERICA…The vibrant red, white and blue of American flags were represented by these youngsters at contender Patrick Morrisey might be toral student at Tufts University when dorse the election or defeat of candi- Westfield’s Memorial Day Parade. behind the group by mentioning him he opted to purchase a home in CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Seventh Congressional Candidates Gear Up For Tuesday’s Primary Election Battles By PAUL J. PEYTON nominee, Maryanne S. Connelly; ney hired by Mr. Weingarten, based are looking forward to the results,” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Warren Township Committeeman on negative literature sent out by an she said. Eight candidates. Two political Jeff Golkin, and civil rights activist outside group known as the Council Her counterpart, Lapolla Cam- parties. One open seat. and openly gay candidate Joel Farley. for Responsible Government. (See paign Manager Angie Bowen, said This Tuesday, Republicans and The primary races have featured related story on Page 1). Tuesday that the campaign is now Democrats will go to the polls to cast charges ranging from sexism sparked Going into Tuesday’s election, “shifting into our get out the vote tallies in one of the most hotly con- by a radio spot against Mrs. Connelly Sujata Tejwani, Mrs. Connelly’s effort.” She said that effort is focused tested Congressional primaries in the by Mr. Lapolla, to allegations of Campaign Manager, stated that the on organization support. nation. district shopping by Mr. Ferguson campaign is in a strong position to Mr. Lapolla has received support With Congressman Bob Franks from his opponents. squeak out a victory. to run on organization lines with vacating his House seat to run for the In addition, an investigation of “We feel very good about it (the Presidential nominee-elect Al Gore open Senate seat of retiring Frank possible election law violations was race). We are happy the voters will and United States Senate candidate Lautenberg, Republicans want to underway at press time by an attor- finally have their say on Tuesday. We CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 hold on to the seat while Democrats believe they have a real opportunity to take the seat for the first time in over 30 years. Controversial Concrete Wall The Seventh District seat, long held by Republicans, has been listed as a toss up in Roll Call, a Washing- ton D. C. publication that covers the Removed at Sycamore Field House and Senate. BY MELISSA A. BETKOWSKI wall down, says no. continued to attend meetings and, The race began last November Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mrs. Sokol said “the feeling In response to safety concerns by she said, “inquired about the wisdom when candidates began filing with (among residents) was ‘what’s going of the use of hard surfaces in the play the Federal Election Commission. area residents and decisions by both on at the playground?’” the Westfield Recreation Commis- area.” Republicans vying for the seat in- She said the main safety issue was The Recreation Commission urged clude a state legislator, Assembly- sion and the Town Council, Depart- the fear that children would run into ment of Public Works (DPW) em- her to wait until the project was man Joel Weingarten (R-21st) of or along the wall and risk injury. completed, she said. However, she Millburn; an ex-Congressional aide ployees removed most of a nearly Councilman Sullivan echoed Mrs. two-foot high, brand new concrete noted that her concerns only esca- and son of a former Governor, Tom Sokol’s sentiments, saying there was lated when the play equipment was Kean, Jr.; a community college pro- wall from the playground area at concern that the wall would be viewed Sycamore Field. installed and she saw how close it fessor and former GOP Congressional as part of the play structure by chil- was to the concrete wall. nominee from the neighboring Sixth The only portion of the new struc- dren. ture left standing is a retaining wall. In the original plans from consult- District, Michael Ferguson, and When she heard about the wall, ing firm Kinsey and Associates, a former House Commerce Commit- The question, according to Coun- Mrs. Sokol inquired about the rea- cilman Neil F. Sullivan, is whether concrete patio between the play tee Counsel Patrick Morrisey. soning behind constructing it, and equipment and the swings had been Democrats include a former pros- the wall should have been there in was told it was to contain wood chips Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader the first place. proposed, Councilman Sullivan ex- MARCHING WITH PRIDE…This gentleman is honored to march in the ecutor, ex-freeholder and current in the play area. She noted that prior Resident Kim Sokol, who took an plained. The Recreation Commis- Memorial Day Parade in Westfield on Monday amid groups of attendees who Union County Manager, Michael J. to the wall’s construction, the play sion did not approve constructing a enjoyed waving American flags. Lapolla; former Fanwood Mayor and active role in bringing her concerns area had wood chips and grass. to the town in an effort to bring the patio, but the proposed wall that was 1998 Democratic Seventh District Because of her concerns about the part of the plan remained. Without wall, Mrs. Sokol contacted the United the patio, there was no reason to have States Consumer Products Safety the wall, he pointed out. Westfield to Miss Affordable Housing Deadline; Commission (CPSC) in Washington, Recreation Director Glenn Burrell D.C. and obtained a copy of the admitted that not enough attention CPSC’s Handbook for Public Play- was paid to the details of the plan. ground Safety. The Handbook states He noted that the Parks and Fields Discussions to Continue by Town Council that “hard surfacing materials such Subcommittee recommended the re- as asphalt or concrete are unsuitable moval of what he called “three-quar- By LILLIAN DUGGAN Westfield Mayor Thomas C. number by building new affordable vamping and rehabilitating those ex- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Jardim said the issue actually was for use under and around playground ters of the wall.” housing units or rehabilitating exist- isting units we already have in town. equipment.” Westfield will not meet the June brought up briefly during the public ing housing. It can also meet part of In an effort to prevent something We’re fully developed.” Mrs. Sokol and other residents CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 6 deadline for the state’s Council session of the council meeting Tues- its obligation by making a regional on Affordable Housing (COAH) day. He added that the discussion contribution of funds to construct or six-year certification, according to resulted in no concrete results and rehabilitate housing in nearby towns. Town Attorney William S. the council members were waiting Westfield has made such a contribu- Jeremiah, 2nd. for a report from Town Planner Blais tion. After June 6, the town must either Brancheau of Robert Degnan and Westfield’s master plan includes apply for interim certification or Associates. several provisions for meeting the obtain COAH approval through the There is “no sense of urgency in COAH number.
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