SLATER'S MAC 'Hetherington John & Sons (makers Mitchell's Emery Wheel Co. Mill Rt. Bradford MACHINE MAKERS-continued. of all kinds of cotton opening, Moulton George (engravers' and calico printers' scutching, carding, preparing, machines), 76 and 78 Whitley st. ll.ochdale Clarko' ThomaR, 180 Stockport ril. Con M, & 96 spinning and doubling machinery; road Cheetham Hillrd Crichton vertical beater openers, )'[ountford J. & Co. 2 IIulme st.Oxford st. Con )f Cooke, Eccles & Co. Winilsor Street Iron Works, porcupine beater openers, scut­ Muir William & Co. (small arms & orclnanc~ Windsor st. Hegent rd. Salford chers, cards with rollers and machine makers), Shcrborne st. Strangewll.yR Cooper John, 1 St. Simon st. So.lford clearers, also with and without Needham John & Sons (Needham's Craven Brothers, Vo.uxhall Iron "\Vorks, Os borne self stripping dirt rollers, cards handy bench drilling machines), st. Oldham rd wi.th flats, revolving fiat cards 25 Market st-See advertisement opposite Crichton & Sons, Castlefield Iron W m·ks, Castle with the flexible bends, tried EngineeTs st. Knot mill by our own patented appara- Nichols Uriah. Duncan st. Oldficltl rd. Salford Crosland William (priuters,' bookbinders' and ' tus, self-stripped on our patent Oldham & Hicharus, Back Foundry st.Red fancy box mll.kers' mll.chinery), New st. M P principles, either all " flats" bank Crossley Brothers, Limited, Openshaw, Man­ or an union of rollers and Oram William & Co. Greengate Iron chester clearers and flats; grinding ma· Works, Salford Crossley Brothers (j acquard), Dob Lane End chines & rollers, Derby doublers, Ormerod,Grierson & Co.St.George's Mill, Morton st. Failsworth lap machine for making laps for Iron \Vorks, Hulmc, Manchester, Crowley .T ohn & Co. Corporation st. & 77 Hanover combing machines; Heilmann & 5 Westminster chambers, Vic­ st; and Sheffield combing machine for long staple toria st.Westminster ,London,S. W. Cnnliffe & Croom (maehine tool),5Edwunl st.LB cotton, and Pinel-Lecreur and Oxley Edwin .J. (small machines), 43 & 52 Port Curtis, Sons & Co. (late Curtis, Parr Hetherington combing machine st. l'iccaililly-.See adver tise1nent & Made'J.eyl, PhoonixWorks, Chapel for medium & short staple cottons; Parrott James, 49 Brown st. Chapel st. Salford st. Ancoats; branch works, Open· drawing, slubbing, intermediate, Patent Heuld & Eyelet Machine Co. 1 Nightin­ shaw roving, and fine jack frames; ring gaJe st. Stmngeways De Bergue & Co. Limited, Mary st. Strangeways throstle frames with Rabbeth, Phillips E. Caleb & Co. fi4 Oxford st. C on M, nevoge and Co. (manufacturers of Booth-Sawyer or common spindles; & 10 AlP-xandra rd. Moss Side single, double-lift and double flyer throstle frames ; self-acting Platt Brothers & Co. Limited, Hartfonl cham­ jacquard machines, &c.), Jacquard mules on the Parr-Curtis principle, bcrR, St. Ann's squ[1re; works, Oldllam Works, Sycamore st. and 462 Old­ with all our recent improvements; Pooley Henry & Sons (weighing), ham rd-8ee advertisement ring doubling frames, flyer doub­ 30 Half street and Fennel street, Dobson & Barlow, 2 St. Ann's place; works, ling frames, and a patent machine Manchester; wol'ks, Albion Foun­ Bolton-Sam Masm1, jun. agent for grinding and trueing the dry, Liverpool Dronsfield Brothers [machinery for ~rin!ling leather covering of top rollers), Preston Brothers (established 1816 cartls), 59 So nth corritlor, Hoyal Exchange; Vulcan Worl.:s, Pollard st. An· -makers of all descriptions of top works, Atlas ·works, Oldham-T A" ATLA:>,'' coats rollers, letter copying and em­ Oltlham Hcywood Wmiam & Co. Ellesmcro Works, bossing presses, &c.), Ancoats EBdie Brothers & Co. (Paisley-composition Ellcsmere st. H [Hyde rcl. Y.i G Bridge Works, Ardwick ring travellerA, steel fliers, &c.), 9 Heconclfloor, Higginbottom & l\fannock, Crovn Iron '.V arks, Pyc vVilliam & Thomas, Brownsfichl Mill, Gmat Victoria buildings, Victoria Bt l!olroyd John, Tomlinson st. Stret­ AncoatR st Eastwood James rsizing machinery), ford road, Hulme Renoltl Hans (milling machine cutters), Green Collier st. Liverpool rd. and at Holt James (sole malter of Bolt's lane, Brook st. C on M Castleton, near Manchester patent self­ Renshaw Joseph & Co. (makers of Edmondson John B. (railway ticket apparatus), acting feed machinery for dressing, dyeing, Knowsley st. York st. Checth3,m and delivery­ and finishing cotton & s ilk velvets, ElliA H. & J. Irwell Foundry, 1 Stanloy st. willows., patent cords, moleskins & silk plushesl, 2 Salford Lshaw willow teeth, James st. Oldfield road, Salford Farmer Enoch, EdmUJlcl st. AHhton r<l. Open­ No. 1,569 ; also Richards George & Co. Limited, FarmerJames & Sons(makers of all improved Broadheath, !'!Ianchester kinds of machinery used by calico willows for Richardwn Amos W. 279 Stretford rd. H printers, bleachers, dyers, calen­ droppings, fly, Richmond & Chandler (patent brcad-ml1king derers, embossers, silk & cotton &c. with machines, &c.), Sonthall st. by the Assize finishers ; linoleum floor cloth self-acting grid Courts machinery, continuous wire roll­ and delivery Riley Hugh (combing), 204 Riclgwo.y st. Butler ing machinery, wire pointing and motions), Lower Moor Machine street wire testing machinery, patent Works,Oldham-Pay daJ!,la.<t Thursday Robertshaw James (dyeing & sizing rotary web printing and folding Horrocks J obn & Son, Parker Street:liills,Parker machines), 3 & 5 SimpsoiJ st. Roch· machines, &c.), Adelphi Street st. Ashley lane dale rd Iron Works, Salford-See also unde1· Borsfall & Bickham (makers of Robinson Joseph & Co. (indiarubber machines), heading of Enginee!'s "Horsfall's" patent grinders for Springfield Iron vV orks, Senior st. Salford Fit ton F. A. & Son, Beehive Mills, Bengal st cylinders & doffers, & all ldnds m Royle & Co. 84 Arch, I:Iewitt st. Gaythorn Fletcher John & Sons, Ea;;-leFouudry, Booth st. grinding machines, with or with­ Royle George & Thomas Granby row Chapel st. Saliord on t fans, for rollers, &c. & flats; see Salmon James (printing & paper Follows & Bate, Limited, Dutton st. Cheetham also Card Manufacturers and Card machinery, guillotine cuttmg Furnival & Co. (patentees and sole Cloth Manufacturers), Bridge· machines, "patent self clamp,d makers of the" Express"self-clamp water Worlrs, Whit lane, Pendle­ scoring & cornering machines, guillotine cutting machine, litho­ ton Salmon & Co.'s paging & perfora­ graphic printing machine, & platen Howden S. & B. (wood-cutting machinists), 71 ting machines, & every class or letterpress printing machine, & & 73 Oxford st. Peter's, & 59 Shudehill; machines connected with printing general printers' machinists), works, Gm-ton and bookbinding\. Blackfriars Reddish Iron Works,Reddish,near ITughes Ishmael, Store Street Mills, Junction st bridge, W Manchester Hulse J. & Co. Ordsal Works, Calder st. Schofield .Joshua & Sons, Corn brook rd. Hnlme Gadd Thomas (to calico printer'l, paper stainers Regent rd. Salford Scwcll & Hulton, 27 Brown st. & Mosley Mill, and engravers), Regent Iron Works, 1 Regent Kershaw .J. & .T. 88 Store st. Ancoats [st Pendleton road, Salford Kirkpatrick John, Brownsfield Mill, Gt.Ancoats Sharp, Stewart & Co. Limited, ATLAS WORRS, Glasgow & Laing, Bridgewater viaduct, Knot Lancaster&Tonge, Lancaster Works, ·withing- Great Briilgcwater st mill ton st. P endleton [Works, Salford Shepherd and Ayrton (successors to Glover Walter T. & Co. Limited, Larmuth Thomas & Co. Todleben Iron William Wcild& Co.),Gorcbrook Works, 6 Bridgewater st. Broughton rd. Lees Asa & Co. Limited (Oldham,), 23 Hopwoml Longsight Salford avenue, Market :place-James Jackson, sec Sidebotham Henry, Birch Iron Works, Gorton Gregory & Haynes (brewers'),William st. Salford Livesey Henry, Limited, 1 l\'Iarsdcn st ; works, lane, 'Nest Gorton Gregory & Son, Gorton st. Greengate, Salford Black burn Smith & Coventry, Gresley Iron Works, 137 Gresham & Craven, Craven Iron Works, South Lord Brothers (Todmorden), 9 Hopwood avenue Ordsallane, Snlford Hall st.Ordsallane,nearRegent Road br:idge,S Luke and Spencer, Limited (im· Smith & Law (engineers & paper Guest & Brookes, Phamix Iron Works, Poland st proved seU-acting and other machinists, paper machines all Hacking & Co. (makers of power machinery for working emery sizes and construction, friction, looms for weaving fustians, vel· wheels, labour saving tools, &c.l, glazing and other calenders for vets, nankeens, checks, ginghams, Limebank st. Ashton road, Ard­ paper & millboards, with chilled winceys, plaids & other kinds of wick-Henry ~I. Briddon, 1 Chan­ iron rolls), Bury, Lancashire plain and fancy cotton, woollen, cery lane, Pall mall, secretary Stafford Saml. (magnetio nail deteoting machine linen, worsted and silk goods ; M'Murdo James, New st. Miles maker), 17 Hanging ditch jacquards, dobbies, index ma­ Platting Staniar .Tobn & Co. Manchester Wire Works, chines, &c.; winding, warping and Mabbott Thomas & Co. (sewing, wringing and Sherbourne bt. Strangeways-See advt sizing machines, plaiting ma· washing), 17 & 49 Hiltou st. Oldham st Stubbs Joseph (machine maker, chines, cloth presses, heald knit­ I1J:ason William F. (bread, biscuit & malier & patentee of improved ing and reed making machines, confectionery machinery), 11 winding & gassing machinery of and all kinds of preparation · Vernon terrace, Birch lane, Long· all descriptions, for cotton worsted machinery far weaving, also sight and silk yarns, bobbin & cop drying and finishing machines, Masscy B. & S. Steam H11mmer Works, reels, yarn presses, yarn prepar­ &c., &c.), Lord st.Bury Ashton rd. Oponshaw-See Steam Hammer ing machines. warping mills, HallRobert & Sons, 3 Hopwood avenue, Market Manufacture-rs adjustable yarn clearers,& White· place; works, Hope Foundry, Bury Mather & Platt (millwrights, en· head's patent automatic stripper Hardisty William, 156 Chapel st. Salford gineers, and general machine for carding engines. also special Harrop & Co. (soda water machinery), 22 Bridge makers to calico printers, soft castings used for spindle st. !Jeansgate-See arivertisement bleachers, dyers and finishers), makiqg), blill st. Ancoats Hetherint,rton & Co. Ancoa.ts Works, Pollard st Salford Iron Works, Deal street, Salford 143 .
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