FEllOWS OF THE IN TERN ATIONAL PLANETA RIUM SOCIETy........................... 4 LETTERS .................................................................................................... 5 PROCEE DINGS OF THE EIGHTH BIEN IAL CONFE RENCE IN TERNATIONAL PLANETARIUM SOCIETY TUCSON, AR IZO A - JUNE 29-JULY 4, 1986 - PART I .......................... 6-24 FEATU RES Prt'sid ent's Mess,lse .......................................... .................A /.ln friedm.ln 25 Ikgional Ro undup ......................................................... K.lthl('f.'n Hedges 26 Gihbous Gazelle ............................................................... .J ohn Wharton 27 CUlllpu lt'r Corner ............. .. ... ......... ................. ................... John Mosley 30 Focus on Educ.llion ........................................................ M.Jrk S. Sonntag 32 PI.lnt'!;uiUIll Usage for SecondMY Students ........................ Gerald L. Million 35 Wh.l t's Nev,' ...................................................................... J.lnJ eS Brown 41 1" nt"S Corn er ................................................................ Jdne G. Hastings 42 Volullll' 15, umber 4 Fourth Quarter, 1986 TEHE A!!!!!!E!!!T!!"!!!!A!!!!!!!!N!!!~~Th~e:-p:L-;A~N::f:L::::4~R::/:A:N-:(-;;1S;:S:N~OO~9:0:--3:-2~7~3~) ~is-:p~u~b:1 i~sh~e~d-;q~u~a:-=rt=e~r/~y-:b~y-:th-:e=-:I n::te~r=n~a~tio=-n~a~/1 L N ,1"RIA Planetarium Society under the auspices of the Publications Committee. © 7986, International Planetarium Societ}j Inc., all rights reserved. "OL. 15. NO.4 DEC. 1986 EXECUTIVE EDITOR TREASURER AND MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Jordan Marchi? /I Mark C. Petersen North Museum Planetarium Loch Ness Productions Franklin & Marshall College P.O. Box 3023 Lancaster, PA 17604 Bou Ider, CO 80307 303-455-0611 ASSOCIATE EDITORS James Brown INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR P.o. Box 460 Thomas Hocking Clarion, PA 16214-0460 4201 University Drive Francis Downey Suite 102 Gengras Planetarium Durham, NC 27707 Science Museum of (919) 542-3488 Connecticut Dues: $125, first year; $50 annual renewal. 950 Trout Brook Drive West Hartford, CT 06119 MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES, 1986 Jane G. Hastings 305-) N. Hamilton Street Individual Membership Richmond, VA 23221 U.S. (3rd class bulk mail): $34. Kathleen Hedges, Other North America, Overseas Atlantic (1st class): I nformation Services $5 postage supplement New Mexico Institute of Overseas Pacific (1st class): $8 postage supplement Mining & Technology Socorro, NM 87801 Library Subscription: U.S. - $24 with same postal supplement as above Gerald L. Mallon Methacton School District PUBLICATIONS CHAIRPERSON Planetarium AND ADVERTISIN y COORDINATOR Arcola Intermediate School Eagleville Road Carolyn Collins Petersen Norristown, PA 19401 Loch Ness Productions P.O. Box 3023 Eric Melenbrink Boulder, CO 80307 Science Museum of Virginia 2500 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23220 I.P.S. JOB INfORMATION SERVICE John Mosley To receive word of new position openings in the planetarium field, send up Griffith Observatory to six self-addressed stamped envelopes (SASE's) to: 2800 E. Observatory Road Los Angeles, CA 90027 Donald Hall, Director Strasenburgh Planetarium Sheldon Schafer Rochester Museum & Science Center Lakeview Museum P.o. Box 1480 Planetarium Rochester, NY 14603 1125 West Lake Peoria, IL 61614 Mark 5. Sonntag BACK ISSUES Of THE PlANfTARIAN: Department of Physics Beginning with Volume 14, No.4, individual copies are $6.00 each. All previous Angelo State University issues are still sold at $1.00 each from the address below. San Angelo, TX 76909 For back issues and other IPS publications, please write for an order form to: John Wharton St. Louis Science Center Charlene Oukes McDonnell Star Theater IPS BACK PUBLICATIONS REPOSITORY 5050 Oakland Avenue Strasen bu rgh Planetari u m St. Louis, MO 63110 P.O. Box 1480 Rochester, NY 14603 Lauray Yule Steward Observatory University of Arizona The Planelarian is designed and printed by INNOVATIVE INK, 29 East King Tucson, AZ 85721 Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 / 3364 Paxton Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111 EELLOWS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLANETARIUM SOCIETY Bruce l. Dietrich (Awards Committee Chairman) Reading Public Museum and Art Callery Readingl Pennsylvania In order to be named as a Fellow, a member must meet one of the following qual ifications: a) Continuous active membership in good standing in the Society for at least ten years. b) Continuous active membership in good standing in the Society for at least five years, and substantial contributions in at least two of the foltowing respects: 1) Serving IPS in elective office, diligent and devoted committee work, and the organization of conferences and meetings. 2J Relevant and significant publications, and/or conference presentations. 3) Cooperation with professional societies, organizations, and groups which bring attention to the importance of planetariums' existence. 4) The development of new methods and media in planetarium presentations. Baker, Lonny Friedman, Afan J. Peery, Richard A. Ballantyne, Robert J. Hagar, Charles F. Peters, William T. Batch, David Hall, Donald S. Petersen, Mark C. Bishop, Jeanne E. Hamilton, George Petersen, Carolyn Collins Blain, Auray Harber, Hubert Pitluga, Phyllis Broman, lars Hare, John Pogue, John A. Campbell, Paul B. Hastings, Jane Geohegan Reed, George Can, Claire Hennig, Lee Anrt Reede, Roger J. Carr, Everett Q. Hooks, James A. Schafer, Sheldon Chamberlain, Von Del Ki ng, Henry C. Seltzer, AUen Chamberlain, Joseph M. Knappenberger, Paul Simopoulos, Dennis P. Clarke, Thomas Levine, Mark J. Sperling, Norman Couary, joh n Lowry, W~lIiam H. Starr, Eileen Dietrreh,. Bruce L. Mallon, Gerald L. Stec, Tom C. Doyle,· Robert J. Marche, Jordan D., II Sumners, Carolyn Dumas; Jacques A. McGregor, Ian Tenschert, Walter Dundee, David A. Melenbrink, Eric Toy, larry Ounor Jack A. Mosley, John E. Wharton, John Engle; Paul R.. "· Munoz, Gabriel Wieser, Sig Faicr.mafl, Rita Murtagh, Terence Zimmerman, R." Erik , . '. Editor: The recent letter by James Rusk (Volume 15, Number 3, 1986) regarding the need for pronunciation guides has I15TTERS a ready solution. All of the names that he queries, namely • Perseus, Halley, 10, Charon, Uranus, and Betelgeuse, are listed along with their correct pronunciations in the most recent edition of the Observer's Handbook of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. As noted by Rusk, Sky and Telescope magazine has Editor: been a frequent source of pronunciation guides for astro­ I found Dan Siemasko's "Screwed-Down Script­ nomical names. However, I know of no other ready refer­ writing" to cover the gamut of generalizations with the ence than the Observer's Handbook where a compendium exception of the "screw" metaphor: the on Iy specific of pronunciations for the constellations, planets, satellites; instructional information in the piece. In contrast, I thought and bright stars can be found. In fact, I have used it fre­ the "Scri ptwriti ng Workshop" to be excellent. Francis quently in the past to instruct the "voices" for my taped Biddy's section serves as an introduction that sets the pace planetarium presentations in the correct pronunciations for of the workshop. As a comparison point, take Siemasko's the very words which James Rusk notes have frequently sentence on "Objective defining": been mispronounced. It is also quite useful for refresher " ... involves choosing the specific areas of the prob­ purposes, and over the years I have found myself making lem to which media can be applied. The goal's out­ a conscious effort to use the correct pronunciations for all line may be: Let's produce a program that tells the such words. In fact, with the correct pronunciation for audience items one, two, and three. After viewing, Betelgeuse (which is not "beetle-juice") I have rarely heard they should know four, believe five and practice six:' titters from my audiences. Compare this with Biddy's "In documentaries, we should Copies of the Observer's Handbook, which is up­ not limit ourselves to the basics; it may be difficult to con­ dated each year, can be ordered through the Astronomi­ vey the joys of gamma-ray astronomy, for example, but it's cal Society of the Pacific, or more di rectly from the also important National Office of the RASe, 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5R lV2, Canada. I strongly recommend it as a Use of the specifics "gam ma-ray astronomy," and constant desk-top companion for all planetarians. "joys:' and "basics:' conveys what I believe is the same message far better than using "items one, two, and three:' Dr. David G. Turner etc. Combining the two authors, one could say, "Let's Department of Astronomy produce a program that tells our audience the basics Saint Mary's University about gamma-ray astronomy, but also about the joys of Halifax; Nova Scotia the field so that they know the facts, believe the value Canada of the science, and might even want to practice it (or a related area) some day:' John Kenny's section was the one I most identified with personally. His specific points include usable tools: "similes, alliteration ... :' his paragraph on the documen­ Mr. Rusk responds: tary approach versus the use of characters, the use of fantasy-adventure elements with children. Rather than pre­ As David Turner points out, the Observers Handbook senting instructions, Kenny not only introduces his ideas contains suggestions for pronouncing difficult astronomical. but explains their relevance to what he is trying to do ("Up names and I should have included it in my list. However, to
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