1 , 1 • • .....', ' - ' • ' • .. • ........_,_ ,, ✓ • - ·-.. " .. .. -........ -,, • - L I 1 FM-AM STEREO RECEIVER Model sta-501 G F.E.T. (FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR ct LOUDNESS CONTROL for low volume listen­ FRONT-END) produces lower cross-modu­ ing without sacrificing highs and lows. lation ratio, superior sensitivity and im­ Provides extra bass emphasis at high volume. proved signal-to-noise ratio. e TAPE MONITOR enables you to listen to the source (AM-FM-PHONO) while recording, G LC. (INTEGRATED CIRCUIT). This cir­ as wen as to the taped recording, merely cuitry, the equivalent of two L F. stages when added to the basic I.F. circuit produces the by a flip of the switch. maximum useable sensitivity of L8 micro­ ffi TUNING METER permits precise tuning to volts. the peak of the signal for maximum reception efficiency. G SILICON TRANSISTORS are used as a local osciHator in the R.F. stage. This assures ffi STEREO HEADPHONE jack is accessible negligible drift during FM reception and from the front panel. An on/off switch enables eliminates the need for AFC. the user to listen in completeprivacy. ffi SCRATCH FILTER - RUMBLE FILTER al­ e CIRCUIT BREAKER PROTECTION elimin­ lows compensating adjustments while listen­ ates fuses and protects against costly burn­ outs. ing to your favorite recordings. ffi DUAL TONE CONTROLS provide separate D N0:i:SE CANCELLATION CIRCUIT provides bass and treble controls for both left and improved rejection of unwanted signals. right channels. 48 EAST OAK 2035 WEST 95TH 337-4150 779-6500 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10 AM· 6 PM; Monday & Thursday 10 AM - 9 PM SCHUBERT Songs: '' Alinde, '' D. 904 - Heinrich Schlusnus, bt; Sebastian Peschkc, p (Dec DL 9620); "An die Lautc," D, 905 - Fritz \Vun­ PROGRAM SCHEDULE dedich, t; Hubert Giesen,p {DGG 139125); & "Jaegers Licbeslicd," D. t109 & "Schiffers Sehei­ 97.1 fm Dec., 1969 dclied," D. 910 - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bt; Joerg Dcmus,p {DGG J:J9 201/3) SCHUBERT String Quintet in C, D, 956 - Jascha Heifetz, vn; Israel Baker, vn; Williain Primrose, va; Gregor P1atigomky, 'c; Gabor Rejto, 'c (RCA LSC 6159) WNIB Program Schedule is publ.l.shed by Radie Station WNIB, 2 North Riverside iJ PM. KHACHATURIAN "Gayne" Ball.et Suite Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 6(Ji306. :!63-5252. Subscription rates: 01w year $5. 00; -Vienna Phil/Ara111 Khachaturian(LonCM 9322) two years $9. 00; throe years $12. 00. GUERE Harp Concerto - Ossian EIIis, harp;Londoo Sym/ltichardBonyngu {Lon OS 26110} The \\,'NIB broadcast schedule is 6AM to 11:30PM, l\fonday through Friday, and 10 AM to 1 l. PM, Saturday and Sunday. From 6 to 8 AM \VNIB presents "Music 9:45 MAHLER Sym if.6 in a - Bavazian Radio in tho Morning", a program of short, familiar classical music with frequent time S:1n:n/Rafael Kubelik {DC,G 139 J41/2) checks and weather reports. At 11 PM we carry the "Casper Citron Program'' of interviews with suthors, artists, and people in the news. TUESDAY 2 COVER: "Checkeaboard Pattern" hy Sehorncr Lichtner of Milwaukee, A white 8 A.iv! SCHUMANN Symphonic Etudes in o#, cut paper, over black print from the Craft Show at The Art Institute of Chicago. Op. 13 - Gary Grafiman, p (Col ML 6378) Courtesy The Art Institute of Chicago. Vi.EBER Cantata, "Kampf und Sieg, " Op. 44 - Soloists; Cho & Orch of Radio Leipzig/ licrbert Kegel (Urania UR 7126} l(J AM BEETHOVEN String quarteU2 in G, Op. 18#2; - BudapestStringQuartet (Od 32-36-0023) HAYDN Sym #104 in D {"London") - RCA Italiana Opera Orch & Chc/Ceorges Protrc New Philli/Otto Kkmperer (Ang 26346) MONDAY 1 (RCA LSC 3036) 11. AJVI HA.SSE Flute Concerto i.n D - ,Jean Pi- 9 AM ROSSINI Sonata for Strings #4 in B'> - I 4 PM DRAHJ\IS Viola Quintet 4:2 in G, Op. 111 erro Ramps.I, fl; Orch Musica Antiqua/Jacquea Sclisti di Zagreb/ Antonio Janigro {Van VRS 488) - Cecil Arnnowit.z, va; Am:irlbws String Quartet ROSSL'lI "Aseisa e pie" from "OteUo" Roussel (Mer MG 50408} (DGG !illl 430) - Montserrat Caballe, a (RCA LSC lS) MOZART ''Bastion und Bastienne" - ao CRJEG Ya.niahini; Days; & Wedding Day K, Adele Stolte, s (Bastienne); Peter Schreier, t MOZART Piano Concerto t37 in Bb, at Troidhaugen - Hans HichtH-Haaser,p (Epic 595 - Robert Casadeaua, p; Columbia Sym/ George (Bastien); Theo Adam, hs (Colas); Berlin Cham­ LC 3620) Szell {Col ML 580:J) SMETANA ''Haakon ,fari" (Gym Poom) ber Orch/Helnmt Koch {DGG 1:m 213/5) - Czech Phil/Karel Sejna (Artia ALP 11 7) 10 AM SCHUBERT Syn1 /!9 Jn C ("Grcat")-.:Wonu- 12 PM STRAUSS Danoe 8uits After Harpsi- hin Festival Orch/Yehu.di Menuhin (Ang S 3HG3G) 5 PM ROSSINI "Erwis.mc" Overture - Orch & chord Pieces by Couperin - Philh/Artur Rod­ Cht, of Naples/Edcardo Brizio (I Grandi Musl­ zinski (Cap G 7147) n AM scm:.:!UAJ-IN Liedcrkrcis, Op. 39 - Chris- clBti 71) (llnµortud) RAVEL Le Tcmbeau de Couperin - ta Ludwlg,ms; Walter Horry, bt; Erik Werba,p !{0SSIN1 Arias: 'Tn tal periglfo" from John Bmwning,p (HCA LSC 3028) {DGG LlB 886) "The Siege of Corinth" - Montt:Jerrat Cnballc, s; COUPERIN ''Apotheose de Ci,relli" - MENDELSSOHN Octet in El,, Op. 20 - & "M quel gicrno" from "Semiramide" - Mari­ Marl.ewe Ensernhie (Dee DL 7101.59) Marlboro Festival Ern; (Col MS C84S) lyn Horne, ms (LGn OS 26068) SCHLl\IANN InLroduction & Allegre iu 1PM THE WNIB LIBRARY #1112 12 PM CHOPIN Waltzes N<,s. l - 4 - Ag1.1stin G, Op, 92 - Rudolf SHkln,p; Philadelphia Orch/ PROKOFIEFF "Alexander Nevsky" (Se­ Aniovas, p (Ang S :l55i}t) Eupx,no Ormandy {Col ML cos,,) cular Cantatt) - Itcsallm! Elias,ms; Chicago J STRAUSS JR Tales from tho Vienna SARASATE IntrodueHon & Tarantella, Syw Orch & Cho/Fritz Reiner (RCA LM 2/HJ5) \\/cods - Philadelphia ()rch/Eugone Ormandy Op, 43 - !{ugglero Ricci, rn; Brooks Smith, p {Col MS 7502) {Dec DL 710044) 2 PM KWIL GIL.ELS RECITAL LEHA.R "Waer'es auch nichtsaes ,m BOCC!IERINI Introduction & Fandaugo"' (Carnegie HaJJ. - February 2, .1.869) Traum von Glueck'! from nhva0 ; ' 1 Lovc live for= Juli.an Bream, g; George Malcolm, hpsd(RCA 3027) BACH/BUSONI Prelude & FUL'Ue in D; 11 11 eve.r from Paganini"; & H\}1ljan frorn ,.The BEJ>:THffV'EN 82 Variations in c 011 an Original Mercy Widow" - Joani:sutherhmd, s (LonOSA 1263) GPM TOl'lIGIIT AT LYRJC OPE HA Theme; BEETHOVEN Plano Sonata #14 in ct KREISLER Selection of Violin Pieces - FALLA "El Amer Brnjo" - Victoria do Op.27#2 {"Moonlight''); MEDTNER Sonnta Re­ Ruggiero Ricci, vn; Brooks Smith, p (Dec Hl052) loo Angeles, s; Philh/Carlo Maria Giulini (Ang miniscenza in a, Op. 38; PROKOFIEFF Scherzo S SG:l&G) & Man::h from "Lov" for Three Oranges"; HAVEL 1 PM THE Wl'.'1P LIBRARY illlll G;30 ALBENIZ Pavana-Caprldw - Alicia de Favanc for a Dead Princess; RAVEL Joux d'eau; PROKOFIEFF "Love for Three Oranges'' Larrocha, p (Col ML 6003); & Lcyenda - Chris­ CIIOPIN Etude #26 in Ah & J>;tude #14 in£, Op. Suite, Op. 33a; & 8cythlan Suit.e, Op. 20 - SL tq:,her Parkcning, g (Ang S :.\G020) 25il2; BACH/S1LOT1 Prelude in b Emil Giiels, Louis Sym/Edouardvan Hemootiel (CoDdL G4f\2) GLA:i'.OUNOV "AllaSµagnuola" f.wmNo­ p (Mel/ Ang SR.BO 4110) velel1es - Hollywoud String Quart,:)!. (Cap P 83'.ll) 2 PM TCHAIKOVSKY Concert Fantaey.Oµ, CHAJ\JHNADI::/4\tT KREISLER Spanish ;)::36 TAYLOR "Thru the Locking Glags'',Op. 56 - 1'otor Katin,p; London Phil/Sir Adrian Dance - Erica l\lo1•ini, v:n; L,con Pon1mers,p i~ - Intorlochen Youth Orch/Joseph Maddy {RCA Boult (Lon CS 6055} (Wes, XWN 1'.<037) LJ\.l 2867} DVORAK Serenade in E, Op, 22 - CY.e,:h CHAHRIER Lspairn Rhapsody - Phila­ Chamber Orch/Josef Vlach (Ct· 22 lG Ui70) delphia Orch/Eugern: Ormandy (Col M:lX 736) 4 1'h{ l!Il\'DE:VIITH Viola Concerto ("D'1r bchwanendrt)hcr"1) - f>aul Doktor~ va; London 3 PM VERDI Highlights frnm ''La Traviata" - 7 PM NEW CLASSICAL llECOfIDINGS Phil/Edward Down();, (OJ :,2-lG-0368) Monl$'1rrat Caballe, s (Violetta); Carlo Dnrgonzi, SIDELIUS Sym f:l in C, Op. 52 - PhiLh/ t (Alfredo); Sherrill Milnes, ht (Ghrgio Germon\.); >l PM MUSIC OF SCHUBERT Paul KleL~ki (Ang 353\5) 3 5 PM LISZT Reminiscenes of BeUini's "Nor- H AlW TCHAIKOVSKY Trie in a, Op. 50 - Ar- Witold llowidd (Hel HS 25086) ma" - Raymond Lewnnthal,p (RCA LSC 28!l5) tur Rubinstein, p; Jascha Heifetz, vn; Gregor BEETHOVEN Sym #6 in F, Op. 68 BELLINI Arias: "Come per me sercno" Platigoraky, 'e (RCA LM 1120) ("Pastoral") - Philadelphia Orch/Brnno Walter from "La t;onnamhuiu" - Amelita GalJi-•Curd, s RACHMAllINOFT 3 Russlnn Folksongs (Od 22 li6 0001) (Cam CAL £i25); & "Qui la voce .•• Vion d:ilotto'' {"Across l:he Swilt Little lliver"; "Oh, You Van­ from "IPuritani" -JoanSuthotland, s {Lon A 4241) ka"; & ''My Powdered Rosy mushes") - St, Am­ 1{);15 MOZART Concerto #10 in Ef> for Two CHOPIN lnl:rodm:Uon and T'olonal:se, Op. brose Cathedral Choir; New Philh/lgor Buketoff Pianos & Oreb, K '.365 -Hephzibah Menuhin & 3 - Pierre Fournier, 'c; C',0rald Moere,p (Ang') (RCA LSC :t051) Fou Ts'ong, pianists; Bath Festival Orch/Yshn­ CHABRIEll Fete Polonaise from "Le di Menuhin (Ser S 60072) iioi Malgre Lui" -Suisse Hemande Orch/Ernest 12 Pl\1 SHOSTAKOVICH Ballet Suitt, i:l - Bd- BACH Suite #4 il1 D - Philh/Otto AMermet (Lnn CS 64:38) shci Theatn, O rch/1fakslm Shostakovich (1Iel/ Klempercr (Ang: 35:!6 B) TCHAIKOVSKY Polonaise from "Eugen Ang SR 40115) Onegin" - Philadelphia Or,:h/l<ugene Ormandy KHACHATURIAN Piano Ccmx,rto - (Col MS 6623) Lorin Hclfander, p: Royal Phil/ Andre P revin G PM lIDlSKY KORSAKOV Russian Eask,r (HCA LM 2801) THlJRSDAY 4 Overture-Royal Phil/Artur Rodzinskl {Ser 6007 4) HALAKIREV"islamcy" (Orientsl Fan­ 0 AM SAINT SAENS Septet, Op.
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