George Washington University Law School Scholarly Commons Amicus Curiae, 1956 Amicus Curiae, 1950s 12-3-1956 Amicus Curiae, December 3, 1956 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.gwu.edu/amicus_curiae_1956 Recommended Citation George Washington University Law School, 6 Amicus Curiae 2 (1956) This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Amicus Curiae, 1950s at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Amicus Curiae, 1956 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the Student Bar Association AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 6, No.2 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Dec. 3, 1956 Van Vleck's Death Our Moot Court Team Is Mourned by John Hogan Will Go To New York by J. C. Cherry WILLIAM CABELL VAN VLECK, The U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Charles S. Solomon, with P. Phillips Dean of the George Washington Uni- filled almost to overflowing by an esti- Connor on the brief. versity Law School for twenty-five years, mated 300 persons, was the scene of the passed away recently at Suburban Hos- The court's opinion, delivered by Mr. presentation of final arguments for the pital after a short illness. Justice Clark, was by unanimous deci- 5th. region in the National Moot Court sion for Georgetown, the defending na- A native of Washington, Dr. Van Competition held on Friday evening, tional champion. Both on presentation Vleck received his bachelor of arts de- Nov. 16. and the brief, the decision was excep- goree in 1908 and his law degree in 1n11 A distinguished court composed of tionally close, Mr. Justice Clark ob- from George Washington University. the Honorable Tom Clark, Associate served. GWU was defeated on the He received a degree of doctor of jur- Justice of the Supreme Court of the brief by a scant two points. idical science at Harvard Law School United States, presiding, and Circuit in 1921. Following the initial decision, the Justices Bazelon and Washington of the court announced GWU was the winner Court of Appeals for the District of .for the 5th. region. This too was by Columbia heard arguments by George unanimous decision. Earlier, on Nov. 5, Washington as petitioner favoring the GWU defeated Catholic University, Durham rules where criminal insanity Messrs. Connor and Coulter arguing, is in issue. The established McNaghten with Mr. Solomon on the brief, and was rules were defended by Georgetown as rated above AU and Howard after th~r respondent. elimination rounds on Nov. 12. Thus, For George Washington, oral presenta- both GWU and Georgetown will com- tion was made by George P. Coulter and pete for national honors when the final rounds are heard in New York City Twenty-Four Frosh this month. See New York page 4 Take Law Frat's Dr. Wm. C. Van Vleck Practice Exam .SBA To Publish At first set on a career of active law So that they might be better prepared practice, Dr. Van Vleck instead became for their first law school exam, Delta an instructor at George Washington Theta Phi Law Fraternity offered fresh- Student Directory Law School upon graduation. men students a unique proposition. "If you take our practice exam, we'll Dr. Van Vleck became Dean of the grade them and tell you how you can Law School in 1924, after serving as Will Be Out Soon do better when its time for the real Acting Dean the year before. His tenure thing next January," said Delta Theta as Dean saw the enrollment of the Law It i~ expected that the law school di- Phi. Twenty-four new students re- School triple before his retirement in rectory will be ready for distribution sponded. 1948. He continued his association with during the first week of December. At the Law School as a professor of law The exam contained four questions, this time the final draft has been pre- until 1954. The former dean took 8 one each on Torts, Contracts, Legal pared and the stencils are being cut. great deal of interest in the Case Club Method, and Personal Property. Par- The law school directory is a contin- which was named in his honor. ticipants were asked to answer any two. uing project of the Student Bar Asso- The papers will be graded by recent Dr. Van Vleck also served as an act- ciation, and contains the name, address, honor graduates of Delta Theta Phi. ing professor of law for several sum- telephone number, and section (night mers at Michigan, Stanford and Chicago Grading will be based on ability to see or day) of every student attending the Universities. the issues, approach to the questions, law school. The committee chairman is and technique in answering, rather than Richard Kline, and Hugh Gordon is Vice See Van Vleck page 4 on the substantive law. Chairman. Page 2 AMICUS CURIAE Magazine Asks To AMICUS C.URIAE Published under the auspices of The Reprint Cartoons Student Bar Association by the Students Earl A. Hogan, Director of the Law of the George Washington University Law School, Washington 6, D. C. Student Program of the American Bar Telephone: STerling 3-0250, Ext. 482. Association, has asked Amicus Curiae for permission to reprint in the Editor-in-Cbie] Clifton T. Hilderley Student Lawyer Journal the series of cartoons Associate Editor J. C. Cherry, Jr. t'J (jeorge Coulter, "How to Avoid Being Called on When News Editor Frederick Schmitt You Haven't Read the Case." Fraternity News. Bailin 1. Kuch preJiJenl Copy Editor George Weller The cartoons, which appeared last year Features Editor John Hogan 'in- Amicus Curiae, were conveived and Something new has been added! The Business Mana/(er Gerald E. Kiltz drawn by Charles A. Hobbs. At the Amicus Curiae "President's Corner" goes Staff: George Coulter, Joel Stearman, time, Hobbs was News Editor of Amicus to press under a new masthead. The George Wilsey, Clay Cook, George Curiae. Hobbs is presently Editor of the change in title signals the beginning of Malhoit, Reina Grant, Erica Mathur, Law Review. a complete overhaul of Amicus Curiae Walter Landry. content and format to bring you more The Student Lawyer Journal is pub- Advisor " David B. Weaver and better coverage of SBA and Law lished by the American Law Student School events. According to Editor Clif Association. Its timely articles intro- Hilderley, extra issues are in the offing duce law students to the professional this year, and they will be designed to How Little We Know problems and responsibilities they will carry more news and features, less face upon admission to the bar. Sub- It's surprising how little, most of the "history. " scription price is only $2.00 per year. But as for the SBA President's column, students in law school know about what's Find out what's going on. Subscribe to we will stilI be doing business on the going on in various activities around the Student Lawyer Journal. school. same corner, with comments on Student You can bet the first buck you're going Bar activities, and orchids where orchids to make as a lawyer that half the people are due. in law school don't know who our rep- Wanted ... Alive ... In this issue, the SBA bouquet goes resentative to the American Law Stu- to the Van Vleck Case Club and Pro- dent Association is, or who sits in on ... a few law students who want to fessor Walburn, the Club's faculty ad- the University Student Council on our join the Amicus Curiae staff. No experi- visor. behalf. ence necessary. Your job? ... write Eager to improve its program, the articles. Just drop your name in the Case Club Executive Council, President How many of you know who the Amicus Curiae mail box. Charles Atchisson and Messrs. Eglington, Treasurer of the Student Bar Associa- Kiltz, Bernstein, Stokes and Connor, tion is? He hands out the $3.50 you began work on fall activities in the deposited last September, in case you're early months of the summer, and all interested. Omicron Delta Kappa members have been tireless in their ef- Who is Secretary of the SBA? forts in recent weeks. the Day and Night Delegates? You Semi-final arguments for the annual elected them, remember? Taps Three From Van Vleck Competition are now com- You can bet the second buck you're plete, with contestants Connor, Hobbs, going to make that someday you will The Law School Solomon and Thatcher selected to argue be talking about the great Student Bar on Law Day next spring. Association they had at GW, selected Omicron Delta Kappa, national men's The George Washington University the best of all law schools in 1955 and honorary fraternity, tapped three stu- National Moot Court Competition team, runner-up in 1956. dents from the law school during the selected from contestants who presented Why not find out what's going on intermission at the Homecoming Dance. arguments early in the semester, chalked while you're here. The men tapped were Charles Thompson, up a better than average record in the Day Vice President of the Student Bar regional rounds of the annual competi- Association; Charles Hobbs, Editor in tion, having been defeated in the final SBA Schedule Chief of the Law Review; and Lawrence round of arguments by Georgetown Uni- Wiser, ALSA Delegate of the Student versity, the defending national cham- December 3 Bar Association. The initiation was held pions in the final regional argument on Board of Governors Meeting- on November 14th. November 16. Harlan-Brewer House Omicron Delta Kappa is a service As runner-up in the regional argu- fraternity, founded in 1914.
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