i»* .. \ *’ • t.-t ► < - -a i ..t ■ » — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June 10, 19M FOCUS 1 m ^ 'lil TAG SALE SIGN 1 Microwave cooks SMI - Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? ||rj]l spring’s bounty The best way to announce it is with a Herald Tag Sale ... page 14 Classified Ad. When you place your ad, you’ll receive Hj !.lll ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments Of The Heralds STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE. 1 HERALD SQUARE, MANCHESTER I ^ GOOO THINGS KIT‘N» CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright CLOTHING TO EAT Mens custom made shoes Strowberrles-PIck your CMITTea H rralJi 11AA cost $89. Sell $25. own at Lombardo's Berry mulmtnManchesler — A City of Village Charm IME, OUT ltl$ Four months old. 649-1170. Basket, 340 Forest ST., ■IS, East Hartford (Off of ^QmIAICII o h . Forbes St.) Open from 8;30am to 8pm, 7 days a ICMIE ffiMOOEUNS ' 4 ; Wednesday, June 11,1986 FURNITURE week. Free containers. 25 Cents Call 569-7216 for Carpentry and remodel* Fogarty Brothers — Bo* O d d . to b s i Information. I no Services — Complete throom remodeHns; In­ Home repairs, yo home repairs and remo­ stallation water twoters. It we do It. ff w ill do bobvsmino In my deling. Quality work. oarbooe dispesolsi taucet m otes. Innnred. t Licensed Manchester erences. licensed ond In­ repairs. 649*4539. VIso/M - T eacher King - Sized bed. Firm lOFFICE/RETAIL home. (VenikmcK School sured. Call A4MI141 r' osterCord accepted. Cassano drops mattress. Two twin box I EQUIPMENT Area). Ctetl «46««3. Howfces Tree Sbrvlee m .- springs. Frame. Excellent Bucket 'ITuck B Chliidir. condition. Will be sold Stump RentowB. fysp M * with 2 complete sets of For Sole-Desks, filing ca­ EUAimiUS ttmotes. Spwdat talks sheets, 1 bedspread. All binets, office chairs, all IG«li>8ITIIY/ \mtm/ for $220, or best offer. excellent condition. Days REMODBJMI bid to oppose 643-6669. 643-8082, evenings 8, wee­ Name your own price — kends. Keep trying!. Farrond Remodeling — Oellverind clean form Pother end son. Fast, loam; SvardssncBus tax. Homeowners.; M e^ elec­ likely Cabinets, rooflnp, gut­ dependable service. Also send, stona, and trical work andm ^and Mahogany side table. 31'/> IROATS/MARINE ters, room additions, 6-1. = 1 - X 15'/4. Expandable $99. Painting, Poperhonglng grovel. Coll 6434504. yard eoulmnent repairs, decks, all types of remo­ & Removal. Coll 646-5761. By Alex GIrelll Call after 6 6464)599. I EQUIPMENT deling and repairs. FREE also town core servleb. Zinsser in 4th estimates. Fully Insured. Masonry, eorpentry, Call 649-2254 offer 7pm. Associate Editor Bunk Beds. Excellent con­ 16 foot Mad River canoe, Telephone 643-6017, after stucco repair work and' efBBr»aA.Mg. dition - must sell $65. paddles Included. Used 6pm , 647-8S09. alterations, Call 643-9S0I Custom Rotalfillna. Have The Manchester Education As­ Bv George Lavng bly have gained enough votes to 646-1760.D four times. Excellent con­ or 649-5635. , Troy Blit Rotaniiot. wnt INVITATION TO BID sociation will seek an increase in Herald Reporter force a primary in September. dition. $800. Please call ELKTRiCM. trdvol. Gardens;,' lawns, teachers' salaries if the town is Moving - Must Sell. Maho­ 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- Sealed bids w ill be received One source close to Manches­ e- flow sr’'bods, largs'<iar In the General Services' of­ forced to reopen talks to get Town Director Stephen T. Cas­ gany dining room set $500. 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Dumos Btactrlc-rHovIng BECAUSE YOU never ter’s Democratic leadership said smoil. Coll 663-1M5 know when someone will fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ education grants under terms of sano this morning dropped out of King size bed with 3 sets of Bob. Independent Cons^e- Electrical Probioms? te r, C T u n til J U N E 2 5 ,19S6ot this morning that no deals had be searching for the Item the bill passed by the General the race for the Democratic sheets $125. Twin bed tlon Co. General Contrac­ Nood a loroo mr o small D & D Landscaping. Bookosglng taHcherao 14 11:00 o .m . fo r the fo llo w in g : been struck to get Cassano out of frame with matching 6 tors, custom home build­ Ropoir? Wo Spedotlze In you have for sale. It's (1) Y E A R R O U N D Assembly Friday. nomination in the Fourth Senator­ the race. The source said Cassa- Spring Clson U ps, Prun- voars oxpsrionco for- better to run your want ad drawer dresser $100. P E T 8 A N 0 ing and i remodeling, RosWenttai Work. Jesoph 4-WHEEL DRIVE MEA President William Brin- ial District. no’s decision was based on the fact ingstfiowsrBshriAplont- small businses; W rits C B for several days... cancel­ MUNICIPAL TRACTOR Other miscellaneous 646- 8UPPU ES ^ n g , excavation, otc. Dumos. Fully Licensed. Ings. Free eetlmotee. Call N Bodceepind, 4?. Teresa damour said today that he would R eversing e a rlie r threats to that he did not have the .support of 6332 evenings. Coll 4564665 or «6-72I5. Free EsH mates. 646-5253. ing It os soon as you get (2) 6000* MINIMUM GVW favor restricting the negotiations force' a primary in the five-town 4S9-2436|^er 5:30pm. M ., AAonchester, Ct. results. PICKUP TRUCK enough delegates and did not want W/TRADE-IN to salaries and would not support district. Cassano announced he King Size water bed, Free Kittens. HI, we need to incur large campaign debts, as a home with lots of love (3) O N E N E W 6 -W H E E L waiving the right to binding will support Democrat William he did in his last bid for the office. heater, padded side rails, TRUCK W/DO AL BODY, head board. Excellent and wormth. Please call LtO AL NOTICB arbitration. Ferris of Glastonbury in his bid to Zinsser, a 48-year-old Manches­ AUDIT RIFORT PLOW FRAME & PLOW condition. 646-0538. $99n 649-1280. W/TRAOE-IN OF ONE Brindamour said he was voicing unseat incumbent Republican Carl ler real estate broker who recently INTERNATIONAL DUMP Zinsser of Manchester. In accordance with Sectlon7- his own opinion and had not announced plans to seek a fourth Free to good home. Tiger IMI8CEUANE0U8 CARS CARS TRUCKS/VAN8 TRUCK 394 o f tho G o n a ro l Statutes, discussed the matter with other "Our efforts to compete with term, said this morning Cassano’s I7cm /STERE0/ angora. Male cat, neu­ F 0R 8A L E FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE notice It hereby given that The Town of Manchester Is members of the M EA. the bargain­ each other to win delegates were tered. Needs tender lov­ th e re Is on file In the O ffic e of on equal opoortunlty em­ decision will not affect his 1 ^ 0 1 APPLIANCES ployer, and requires qn offlr- ing unit for more than 500 Man­ taking away from the effort to win ing care. 649-7193. the Town Clerk, the Audit Re­ cam paign. Ladles 26" Bicycle for Firebird 1982, 6 cylinder, 4 1979 Vw Rabbit. Am/Fm For Sole-1974 % ton chevy port of the Eighth Utilities m qtlve qctlon policy for oil of chester teachers. the senatorial seat." Cassano said Its Contractors and Vendors "They're, as far as I'm con­ Used Refrigerators, sale with folding baskets speed, Am/Fm stereo cassette. Good running pick-up, equipped. 31 cole- District of Manchester for Under certain conditions, the this morning al a news conference Free kittens, tabbies and carrier. Call between the veor ending June 30,19SS, os o condition of doing busi­ cerned. the same.” he said of Washers, Ranges — cassette, sun roof, power condition. $850. Coll 659- man Rd., Manchester. ness with the Town, os per Board of Education will have to in Lincoln Center. "It just doesn’t double pawed. 742-5768. 8pm or 9pm. 643-8573. $65 steering, power brakes, 2895. which It open for public In­ F e rris and Ca.ssano. clean, guaranteed, parts $1900. spection during the regular Federal Order 11246. reopen negotiations to get part of make sense to run al this time.” firmo excellent condition. Ca.ssano said this morning that and service. Low prices. Toy Poodle-One year old, business hours. Bid Forms, plans and specifi­ its grant money. There was still Cassano. 44. said he made his B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 $5,600. Coll 643-6802. 1983 Dodge Chorger-4 Truck For Sole. 1965 Doted at Manchester, Con­ cations ore available at the despite the advantage of incum­ male, black with papers. speed, front wheel drive, Generol Services' office. some doubt today over whether decision 10 days ago. He said he Main Street, 643-2171. Needs good home, $75, Chevy holt ton. Runs necticut this 9th day of June, bency. Zinsser is beatable because om/fm cassette stereo, great. Good tires. New 1996. T O W N O F that will be necessary, but most briefed the Democratic town Ronald Reagan is not up for 646-7529. Automotive MANCHESTER, CT. Panasonic Upright Va­ 37,000 miles, $3,500. Coll Exhaust. Coll 649-2547, EDWARD TOMKIEL evidence indicates that new talks chairmen from the towns that election as he was in 1984. ROBERT B. WEISS, make up the district — Manches­ cuum — With attach­ 646-1152 or 644-0060. Evenings. T O W N C L E R K GENERAL MANAGER w ill be needed. However, Zinsser pointed to his ments, bags 8< extra belt. 7 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix.
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