DOCUMENT RESUME ED 366 850 CE 065 899 TITLE The National Service Trust Act of 1993. Hearings on S. 919 before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources and the Subcommittee on Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism. United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, First Session (May 11, 18, and June 8, 1993). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources. REPORT NO ISBN-0-16-041557-8; Senate-Hrg-103-210 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 215p.; Document contains some small type. AVAILABLE FROMU.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS College Students; *Federal Legislation; *Federal Programs; Hearings; Higher Education; Program Development; *Public Service; *Voluntary Agencies; *Volunteers IDENTIFIERS Congress 103rd; *National and Community Service Trust Act 1993 ABSTRACT This document records the oral and written testimony at three hearings on proposed legislation that would amend the National Community Service Act of 1990 to establish a corporation for national service, enhance opportunities for such service, and provide awards for participants in the program. Witnesses included the following: U.S. senators; school teachers, administrators, and students; Clinton Administration officials, and representatives of labor organizations, volunteer programs, cities, and colleges. Many of the witnesses supported the idea of a national service corporation. Some witnesses related how volunteers were working in their communities and what a difference they made. They also explained how the various volunteer programs worked. Other witnesses were concerned that such a volunteer program would be tooexpensive, would grow too quickly and spawn increased government bureaucracy, and would be rife with waste and fraud. In addition, some witnesses felt that the program would compete for the same federal dollars now going to college students via Pell grants, which are not adequately funded now.(KC) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** S. HRO. 103-210 THE NATIONAL SERVICE MST ACT OF 1993 HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND HINIAN RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, FAMILY DRUGS AND ALCOHOLISM UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 919 TO AMEND THE NATIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE ACT OF 1990 TO ES- TABLISH A CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL SERVICE, ENHANCE OPPOR- TUNITIES FOR NATIONAL SERVICE, AND PROVIDE NATIONAL SERVICE EDUCATIONAL AWARDS TO PERSONS PARTICIPATING IN SUCH SERV- ICE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES MAY 11, 18, AND JUNE 8, 1993 Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Human Resourccs U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) ;c/hisdocument has been reproduced alk received from the person or organization originating it C Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points ot view or opinions stated in this docu. ment do nOt necessarily represent official OE RI position or pohcy U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 72-268te WASHINGTON : 1993 For salebytheU.S.Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents. Congressional Sales Office. Washington. IX' 20402 ISBN 0-16-041557-8 2 BEST COPY AVAILAUE COMMITTEE ON IABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts, Chairman CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM, Kansas HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, Ohio JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut DAN COATS, Indiana PAUL SIMON, Illinois JUDD GREGG, New Hampshire TOM HARKIN, Iowa STROM THURMOND, South Carolina BARBARA A. MIKULSKI, Maryland ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah JEFF BINGAMAN, New Mexico DAVE DURENBERGER, Minnesota PAUL D. WELLSTONE, Minnesota HARRIS WOFFORD, Pennsylvania NICK LITTLEFIELD, Staff Director and Chief Counsel SUSAN K. HATTAN, Minority Staff Director SUBCOMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, FAMILY, DRUGS AND ALCOHOLISM CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut, Chairman CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island DAN COATS, Indiana BARBARA A. MIKULSKI, Maryland NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM, Kansas JEFF BINGAMAN, New Mexico JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts JUDD GREGG, New Hampshire PAUL D. WELLSTONE, Minnesota STROM THURMOND, South Carolina HARRIS WOFFORD, Pennsylvania DAVE DURENBERGER, Minnesota RICHARD J. TARPLIN, Staff Director STEPHANIE JOHNSON MONROE, Counsel 3 CONTENTS STATEMENTS MAY 11, 1993 Page Kennedy, Hon. Edward M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Massachusetts, prepared statement 1 Kassebaum, Hon. Nancy Landon, a U.S. Senator from the State of Kansas, prepared statement 3 Responses to questions: 116. Milton 63 Secretary Babbitt 64 Pell, Hon. Claiborne,a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode Island 10 Metzenbaum, Hon. Howard M., a US. Senator from the State of Ohio 10 Durenberger, Hon. Dave, a U.S. Senator from the State of Minnesota, pre- pared statement 11 Babbitt, Hon. Bruce, Secretary, US. Department of the Interior, prepared statement 14 Jefrorde, Hon. James M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Vermont 25 Merced, Ada Liz, sophomore at Roger L Putnam Vocational/Technical High School, Springfield, MA; accompanied by Dennis Brunton, community learn- ing facilitation teacher; and Mary Noble, eighth grade teacher and assistant principal, Webster Open School, Minneapolis, 11114, accompanied by Robert Hurt, student, prepared statement 39 McEntee, Gerald, president, American Federation of State, County and Mu- nicipal Employees, AFL--CIO, and Catherine Milton, executive director, Commission on National and Community Service, prepared statement 49 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Articles, publications, letters, etc.: Statement of Donald J. Eberly 60 MAY 18, 1993 Dodd, Hon. Christopher J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Connecticut 67 Edelman, Peter B., counselor to the Secretary, US. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, and senior adviser, White House Office of National Service, prepared statement 69 Durenberger, Hon. Dave, a U.S. Senator from the State of Minnesota, 73 5 Goolsby, Margaret, former VISTA, Central Brooklyn Federal Credit Union, Brooklyn, NY; W. William Cegelka, VISTA, Windham Area Community Action Program, Windham, CT, and Kathleen Wilken, VISTA, Way to Grow Propram, Minneapolis, MN, prepared statement 81 Parry, CoL, Frank, chairman of the board, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Montgomery County, PA; Wilhelmenia ?dayden, Foster Grandparent, Emily Price Jones Head Start Center, Baltimore, MD; Edith Courville, senior companion to Hilda Corbi_n Worcester, MA; and Helen Fiske, daughter of IllIda Corbin, Leicester, MA, prepared statement 105 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Articles, publications, letters, etc.: Statements: Mr. Rasmussen 118 Pate Articles, publications, letters, etc.Continued StatementsContinued Mr. Gurr 126 Ms. Pantos 128 JUNE 8, 1993 Wofforcl, Hon. Harris, a U.S. Senator from the State of Pennsylvania 131 Espy, Hon. Michael, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 132 Mikulski, Hon. Barbara A., a U.S. Senator from the State of Maryland, prepared statement 136 Coats, Hon. Dan, a US. Senator from the State of Indiana 139 Dodd, Hon. Christopher J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Connecticut, prepared statement 140 Pell, Hon. Claiborne, a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode Island, prepared statement 142 Olmos, Edward James, actor, Los Angeles, CA; Franco Harris, ex-professional football player, Pittsburgh, PA, and Ceolric Parker, Pennsylvania Conserva- tion Corps, Erie, PA 144 Prepared statements: 111r. Olmos 145 Mr. Parker 149 Andreas, Dwayne 0., chairman and chief executive officer, Archer Daniels Midland Co., Miami Beach, FL; J. Richard Munro, chairman, board of directors, The Points of Light Foundation, New York, NY,- Jeffrey Swartz, chief operating officer, Timberland Co., Hampton, NH; and Sandra Broadwater, Volunteer Maryland coordinator, Baltimore, MD Prepared statements: 11/r. Andreas (with attachments) 163 Mr. Munro 170 Mr. Swartz (with an attachment) 174 Ms. Broadwater 179 Malloy, Rev. Edward A., C.S.C., president, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN; Sue Donaldson, council member, city of Seattle, Seattle, WA; and Kenneth Bailey, COOL Road Scholar, St. Louis, MO 184 Prepared statements: Reverend Malloy 186 Ms. Donaldson 190 Mr. Bailey 193 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Articles, publications, letters, etc.: Statement of General Schwarzkopf 159 Democratic Presidential candidate Gov. Bill Clinton's address at the Uni- versity of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, September 11, 1992 200 5 THE NATIONAL SERVICE TRUST ACT OF 1993 TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:35 a.m., in room SD-430, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Kennedy (chair- man of the committee) presiding. Present:SenatorsKennedy,Pell,Metzenbaum,Mikulski, Wel !stone, Wofford, Kassebaum, Jeffords, Gregg, and Durenberger. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR KENNEDY The CHAIRMAN. We'll come to order. We want to thank all the representatives of the various service corps from different communities around the country for their at- tendance here today. We're going to do our best to accommodate all of them; perhaps if our good friends in the press could move for- ward, we'll violate the fire laws for
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