Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18000-0 — The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Brass Instruments Edited by Trevor Herbert , Arnold Myers , John Wallace Index More Information Index Note: Page numbers are given in bold for terms ocurring in entry headers. 24th Massachusetts Infantry 106 Almeida, Irenaeus Gomes de 305 Apparuti, Antonio 106 26th North Carolina Regimental alnair 91 apprentices 253 Band 50, 278 Alpert, Herb 18 Arban, Jean-Baptiste 17, 34, 125, 126, 3D printing 371 alphorn 9, 18, 202 312, 341 Alschausky, Serain 20 Arbuckle, Matthew 126, 203, 243 Aagaard-Nilsen, Torstein 126, 259 alta band 21, 378 archaeology 30 Abblasen 7 Altenburg, Johann Ernst 22, 39, 399 Armée de l’Air 58 abdominal muscles 82, 83 Alter-Bass 296 Armee-Posaune 36, 97, 438 ABS 325 alternative positions 377 Armstrong, Louis 37, 126, 191, 193, absorption of sound 287 Althorn 23, 112, 149 228, 229, 309, 336, 378, 383, 419 Acher horn 444 Altkorno 399 Army Standard Bugle 90 acoustics 7, 69 alto horn 23, 400 Arnold, Malcolm 78, 232, 294, 451 active sound control 290 alto trombone 23, 61, 408, 410 Quintet for Brass No.1, Op. 73 37 Adam, Adolphe 126 Amado water-key 452 articulation 38, 83 Adams, John 275 Amakondere trumpets 12 Asante Court ivory trumpet Adams, Nathaniel 433 amateur brass playing 54 ensembles 26 Adderley, Nat 126 Amati (instrument makers) 97, 513 ascending valve 40, 183, 297, 356, 430 Adelboden 54 American brass bands 24, 457 Ashmolean Museum 114 Adès, homas 275, 321 American Brass Quintet 25, 38 Asioli, Bonifazio 237 Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan 196 American Civil War 50, 106, 309, askari 13 advanced techniques 165 361, 457 assay 258 advertising, of instruments 255 American Legion 152 Association Générale des aeneatores 33 American Musical Instrument Ouvriers 123 aere 33 Society 308, 382 Asté, Jean Hilaire. See Halary aerophor 11 American Wind Quintet 172 asthma 84 Africa 12, 376 Amor-Schall 303, 345, 430 Astor, George 54, 234 Afro-Cuban jazz 355 Anaconda, the 372 Aufzug 40, 401 Aglais 350 añail 91 Augsburg 220 Ågren, Joh. Fr. 300 Anderson, Cat 229 Australasia 41 Agricola, Martin 16 Anderst, Johann Friedrich. 345 Australia 41, 146 Ahlberg & Ohlsson 300 André (serpentist) 371 Australian Brass Quintet 42 Ahlberg, Olof 300 André, Maurice 26, 45, 49, 312, 418 authentic performance 208 Ahlgren, J.G. 300 Andriessen, Louis 273 Aida trumpet 62, 171, 320 angel musicians 218 B&H. See Boosey & Hawkes air 384 angel’s head decoration 167 Bach trumpet 45, 171, 239, 279 air column 72 angular trombone 375 Bach, Johann Sebastian 52, 130, 323 air varie 17, 203 anguli oris muscle 156 horn parts 54, 131, 179 Albion Cornopean 132 animal horns 30 lituus parts 247 Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg 108 Anteilverhältnis 111 post-horn parts 327 Alexander (instrument makers) 17, anthropology 26 trombone parts 383, 409 56, 151, 182, 212, 448 antiquity 30 trumpet parts 45, 46, 53, 239, 250, Alexander III (Russian Tsar) 346 Antoine, Jean-Louis. See Halary 279, 337, 379, 407, 416 Alexander Military Institute 346 antoniophone 33 Bach, Vincent 280, 364 Alexander, Ashley 155 Antonsen, Ole Edvard 201, 301 Bachmann, Georges Chrétien 250 Allard, Louis 241 antsiva 136 Bach-Trompete 18 Allen valve 496 Apostol, Alexei 300 backpack instruments 403 596 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18000-0 — The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Brass Instruments Edited by Trevor Herbert , Arnold Myers , John Wallace Index More Information index Bacup Old Band 163 Bate Collection of instruments 46, 70, cornet parts 126 Bad Säckingen Trumpet Museum 114, 207, 276, 279 horn parts 181 399 batterie-fanfare 58 ophicleide parts 303, 305 Baile, Albert 43 Battle Creek, Brass Band of 25, 259 saxhorn parts 62, 360 Baines, Anthony 46, 286 Bauer, Eduard 237 serpent parts 371 Bakelite 325 Baumann, Hermann 58, 183, 210, 446 trombone parts 148, 342, 411 Baker, Chet 419 Bayerisches Armeemuseum, tuba parts 455 Balkan brass bands 47 Ingolstadt 114 Bernhart, Milt 230 Ball, Eric 48, 88, 339 Bayley, John 370 Bernstein, Steve 231 ball, trumpet bell 167 BB bass 423 bersag horn 62, 152, 320 ballad horn 48, 260 BBC 280 Bertali, Antonio 130 Balsom, Alison 49 Midland Light Orchestra 338 Bessarabof, Nicholas 111, 308 band meetings (in South Symphony Orchestra 191, 198 Besseler, Heinrich 207 America) 390 Beatles 321 Besses o’ th’ Barn Band 43, 63, 175, band of music 267 bebop (school of jazz) 140, 193 177, 310 Band of the 15th New York Becu, Wim 210 Besson (instrument makers) 64, 72, Infantry 164 Beecham, homas 183, 232 164, 210, 256, 369, 370, 400 Band of the 26th North Carolina Beethoven, Ludwig van 108, 397 cornets 124 Regiment 50 horn parts 181, 245, 289, 330 cornophone 133 Band of the 369th Infantry 164 trombone Equali 77, 96, 161 duplex instruments 153, 155 banda de música 388 trombone parts 341, 409 quartertone instruments 331 Banda el Recodo 51 Beiderbecke, ‘Bix’ 126, 150, 229 valves 124, 436, 437 Banda Sinaloense 51 Beijing Central Conservatory of Bessons & Co 255 bannitori 264 Music 100 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 277 Barber, Bill 230 Bejot 292 Bevan, Cliford 65 Barboteu, Georges 183 Belcke, Friedrich August 59 Biber, Heinrich Ignaz von 130 Barclay, Robert 51, 211, 307 Belgian Guides 59 Biblical references to brass barillet 403 bell 60, 350 instruments 66 baritone 52, 162 Bell, William 425 bicycle band 67 baritone bugle 152 Bell’s palsy 157 bicycle bugle 67 Baritone Chromatic Horn 23 Belle Vue contests 225 Billingsgate trumpet 415 baritone saxhorn. See baritone Bellini, Vincenzo 105, 441 Birckholtz, Wolf 168 Barlow, Harry 174, 423 Bellon, Jean-François 78, 177 Birtwistle, Harrison 201, 212, 272, Baroque period 52 Belütungsbohren 440 273, 274, 451 Barossa Valley 43 beme 91 bit 68, 373 Baroxyton 97 Bender, Jean-Valentin 59 biucolo 176 Bartók, Béla 273, 332 Bendinelli, Cesare 38, 53, 61, 108, 171, Blaashorn 504 Barton, William 41 295, 399, 400, 415 Blaauw, Marco 331 Baryton 23, 162 bending, tube 167 Black Dyke Band 68, 163, 177, 213, 335 bas musique 21, 265 bends in instrument tubing 455 Black, Stanley 169 Basel 220 Benge, Eldon 364 Blacking, John 26 Basel Schola Cantorum. See Schola Beni ngoma 13 Blaikley, Arthur 69 Cantorum Basiliensis Benjamin, George 273 Blaikley, David James 69, 71, 436 Basie, ‘Count’ 232 Bennett, Richard Rodney 427 Blakely, David 385 bass cornett 128 Bennett, Sterndale 329 Blandford, W.F.H. 69, 279 bass horn 54, 105, 305 Benson, Ivy 191 Blatný, Pavel 331 bass trombone 331, 336, 408, 410 Berg, Alban 178, 272, 273 Blazhevich, Vladislav 70, 347 bass trumpet 17, 56, 447 Berger, Roland 184 Bloch, Ernest 375 bass tuba 423 Berger, Stephan 373 block, natural trumpet 168 Bassano family 56 Berio, Luciano 141, 195, 245, 274, 367, blood pressure 83 Bassano, Giovanni 129, 140 393, 412, 419 Blood, Sweat and Tears 231 Basse d’Harmonie 305 Berlin Hochschule für Musik 239 Bloomington, University of basse-trompette 55 Berlin Musical Instrument Indiana 172 Bass-Euphonium 55 Museum 114 Blow, John 375 Bass-Klappenhorn 303 Berlin Opera 183 blue notes 262 Basso Profondo 123 Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 183 Blühmel, Friedrich 181, 431 basson russe 55, 105, 348 Berlin valve 357, 433, 454 Bobbie Benson’s Jam Session Bassposaune 59 Berlin, Radio Symphony Orchestra 15 Baß-Tuba 421, 454 Orchestra 445 Bobo, Roger 245, 425 Batashev, Victor 347 Berlioz, Hector 61, 186, 233, 289, 341 Bocchino 280 597 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18000-0 — The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Brass Instruments Edited by Trevor Herbert , Arnold Myers , John Wallace Index More Information index Bohemia 116 Brass and Woodwind Quarterly 334 buisine 91 Bohman, Petter 300 brass band 13, 27, 43, 75, 222, 240, Bujanovsky, Vitaly 183 Boito, Arrigo 442 377 bukkehorn 136 Bolden, ‘Buddy’ 70, 126, 228, 308, 438 diferent types of 75 Bull, William 179, 197, 393, 500 Bolivia 104 brass choir 340 bum note 137 Bolshiyanov, Yuriy 347 Brass ensemble 76 Bundy, George M. 366 Bolshoi heatre Orchestra 70, 346, 347 Brass Quarterly 334 burin 168 bombard 373 Brass Unbound 184 burnishing 167, 168 bombardino 162, 175, 320 brassiness 80 Burns, Stephen 201 bombardon 423 brassiness potential 11, 74, 80, 111, busaner 265 bombardone 106, 175, 320 291, 402 Busaun 16, 444 bombardoni 106 brasswind 110 Busch, F.W. 149 bone (material) 259 brassy sound 10, 401 business models 253, 254 bone trumpets 339 Braun brothers 377 Bussotti, Federico 275 Bonet, Javier 59 Braun, Jean-Christophe 81 busyne 91 Boonzajer Flaes, Rob 184 Braun, Jean-Frédéric 81, 409 butterly model cornet 125 Boosé, Carl 71 Brazil 29, 376 Buyanovsky, Mikhail 347 Boosey & Co 69, 71, 149, 370 Breathing 81 Buyanovsky, Vitaly 347 antoniophones 33 Brémond, François 279 buzzing 7 ballad horn 48 Briggs, Pete 37, 229 bycane 89 bersag horns 63 Bright, Colin 44 contrabass trombone 121 British Bandsman 48 cadenza 92 cornophones 133 British brass bands 68, 85, 86, 136, Cage, John 272, 274, 275 imperialphones 387 144, 145, 149, 177, 280, 336, 338, calamine 258 Koenig horn 238 361 Caldara, Antonio 413, 416 Orthochromatic trumpet 96 British Open Contest 225 California Institute of the Arts 18 tenor cor 400 Britten, Benjamin 75, 79, 137, 439 Calloway, Cab 193 Boosey & Hawkes 65, 71, 137, 171, bronze horns 223 Calvert, Eddie 92 222, 370 bronze lur 248 Cambodia 117 instrument collection 47 Broome, Josias 368 Cammerthon 323 Booth, William 353 Brown, Bernard 393 campana 60 Bordes, Charles 98 Brown, Cliford 419 Canadian Brass 78 bore 72, 80 Brown, Lawrence 153, 398 Canadian Conservation Institute 51 bore proile 384 Brown,
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