India's Reutions with the Major Qulf States Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia 1971-81

India's Reutions with the Major Qulf States Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia 1971-81

INDIA'S REUTIONS WITH THE MAJOR QULF STATES IRAN, IRAQ, KUWAIT AND SAUDI ARABIA 1971-81 THESIS SUBMITTED ^F0R THE DE^BK OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY : INC? POLITICAL SCIENCE BY ATiQ AHMAD FARUIIJI UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DR, S. A. H. BILGRAMI DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALiG ARH 1986 I'rM^tt.iimally IE^IA has It^id cXosm Itokn viih the Gulf eoantrlMii oX caBi>il«aMBtsji^^f trJsh hav« not ¥,eii u';iliMd to an^ ^^vftat «xt«cit for smifeuil b4Ni«tii W ^^ (^^^ cquatzles or ladia^ tt<l«[t b«tt«r infoxsaatloa aol inpgroved perooptions, thi^ can hc^p OS* «aotkfir forvssid in thslx vi€nneloi)BMQt «oi«avoarat partlottlj^ at ih# ;^rad«at tliaa uicr* rogloaAl sconottie oo<^fatJU»i is iddLa^ ^&p« in t£i« ^ilX ar«ft ami lodlan polic|f» uiakem \^1» tz^^iins the t«v«ath H^a hav* giv«a fttXl coRsia«c»tl(» to tliis treudU tt)A lodo* In«il«is b(Mre the cosiioa aatiooel oesi9 ra^& and tiusif app«ar to have bd«a lM«M>gcn—M« in 7ac«« %« aruiaat gcrlptaure oi th« .iindua «ad itosses throw soao ll^t on tlio ot:1^8 %ad c^trl^ hl«toz3r of Axyan* ^ooxdlnci to tiio tradition oi V'oodi4«d, the handbot^ of tHe AaTKMOy t^ aBceetors of tbo Iroaieas liveti ia i if teen other ooun tries tasn l^ texn« yne of Iheatt eoaniriesi i-ma Baytshiada, i«e«, ijaptasindlm, the oiradle land ox' li^o- <^aa civlIX^^txoa, ^lis is tlie clearest ]»oof o« ^te fset that the ^c^^sua waceetox^ Qi. ttte Irafiiane vere otM$e a part .md paroel of the Axymom of ^ptaaindi'i beloxe tbut^ finally eettled in Iraa* EMesaive h>^ at oxeated io tois re^oo )iy ^yitpra i^>aiA^ tia« aoooriiag to the testiaoi^' of the Vimdiiad, the xeftsoo i^ the aooestors of the Iraniaais left this eouatx?. LilMriileo» the laSo" Axah z^atioos date tig^ to pre* Xslamio tises. ^or Imiis the 7tfa osatuzy ti»ii« %«« a period of politics! diszaption and dsoliae* ^iie gloriats y are of the Mattrjres aad ^« Ql^>'l(w had e«Mi«d to W, iiat the litaanoy and aoiflntlfle •£cfai«v«i«at» ol* ihm ladlaw db&KUg tii«^^i pazlods vn 1BUMA» tbooi^ vB|9i^ to ihm ASftbs also* Tor tiiogr site rdTocrod to in tho AzaWLe litsmtttro ^ttt i<aXow«d la tho Ml> dlo iotft «il»s«gtMatljr* J3io p«»ie4 o£ Hanh* ooiaoidod witfai t&«t of |so^t skiammaA la Mij4Mi« tiiillo tlM ladlaiia fao^ &m«x§3L pelitieal doeXii^ ^im Azabt were QOiae tiaiMib tuw pdlitleftL «tp«ti«ao« £os tiat fire^ ^sio IA tholr hi«t«er« "QM poUtiAal attoeoao of tiie ixmim of Si^an aad Hftjd bvoo^t thaoi oloso to thm boottilwi^o of ladiA aad finoUjr, lOio ooo^iast of Slad \^ nohvmmA b» ^MIB la A«B. 71V12 aoKtondod Uto 4si]» xalo to th« vax^- aoil of Iadia« .^^a having haoa «p aapatatod fz«at t^ia hodar* poUtio of India* SlBd b^Kume a part oX ttM vast laUade &|dx» oaEtaodia^ fxon i4dLzm«aa in i^toarth Afxica to uootxal Aais and £vom t,\e caaoaaM rosUma to the ahorea of tha Axtthiaa sae* ilanoof lado •> Qolf raXaiioaa havo a long hiatoa^t <AA »• ^^ h»va a faw o«ap«taat atadiaa on tae &&%»!!«, aagnttada and aigaifloitfioa of tbaaa rdatioao* "&» aaoiant eivUJUatioea tdiioh fIou;id.abad on tha hsuBkm of tha Aiphieataa* tha Silo and turn Indac ata^ %}«11 W rai»rdad aa x'apraaantlns « aort of zalaar raoa of iyoHia oaltura* :£ha aacpanaioo of lalaa iNQrstti tha oonfinaa of Araldan paoiaaula all tha «a/ to tarn land oX tha Qanea aat oi'f a pgrooaaa of acaHtttsation aad gave zlsa to awaar aovwMota of aooial agalitaclaaiaB in tha Indian aabeontiaaot* A OO^;»> atsmt Indian edu^dar id«ttifiad tha aadiaval pariod aa * a goldan aga oT Isdc • Gkilf raiationa* oidLnf to tiio laaR^i* aoala fxultfta axtiUAsa that th«n oci«rared between India axid &ne CMIX »^oa la tiie fields OiT aolture and aoiiDCMi* 'IMs was Jtollouod l^ a period ol 2.i::dt«d otmtaots* . ioall^' %fith the aaergeflee o£ national solr- ooasoiouaoesa la the o^deikial warXd* a &«w «ra oi apinrecia.«loa o£ ^^h oth.^ r*;^ iMxLitioal aspir«ittioaa dsuned both in India and in the GiUi* states* ^Sianks to ths psirspsotive aifocdsd liy the appreciation, the Indian fiationaX ^ng7«ss MM i^s to perceive the colonial ssohinaticMis in Pislestine Tor ^e ox«ation oi a seotaxlan sta;o Tor a gloltal oaK:»iQity« l^e tk>veraBent of India Mts able to adopt a wttll<* dotfinevi t:tatt:e on the ^ialestioe <|ciGition as a oaxdinal t^inciple for its forei^ ^lioy, la recent ysars the policy has paid dividofods W ^>t»¥ ol grat^^ appreoiatiott oak the part of the tittlf states aad» in a vei^t j^ved tho «^ for fdeadly Xado-dilf Ues* One or the stxikiog f eatoras of Xndo-Iranlan nOatlona in i&odezn period is the setting ap of Irid<»lraii •i^oiat Ooaaissiooalliroui^ ii,^ ac-eti:^ of the ooBBisaioe the IMO sidss hars been ahls to Mcplors l^ie possibilities of c^peratioa in Tijcious fialda* ^^^akiutao's close rolatioos vith Iran ( until KhansifKt lorolution) has been a fsotor in India* s p<dLioy to^^azds Iran and an obstaole in the «•# of cordial r43.ations bst^sieeii the two oouatrlao* Break ap of PaJcistwa has had daaagiatf effect &a Indo> InAian rdLations and had hurt ihe fsaling of Qiah as vail as Icaoiaa people* ^t the is^^tsct of strcog traditional tie tms reflected in the frank statcat<Kit of iihah whwa ho said that he did A t doubt India's bonafids and tii.i.t the peace in the gal^ontinent .4 imm in th* ini«anMit of all p«rtl«»» In^tef faklstan and Itm^ laiariim ^i« vim or the JHah l%ro. Indira Gajadk^ staresaad that both the owotKlM vara coafsoatad vith aora or leaa ttio seaa psohlana inbadiad lagr tha €ai|Mia«Loalat antiltloaa o£ Great Fow^^^* '£ba auOa ttshlavananta 9£ l^ra» aand&l*a Tlalt t& Iran in Apxil 1974 hitvo baan tha agrament an having a acawen aazkat for tha ladiaa Ooteu £tr j& sad tha dadaioQ to fosa a joint ehipiiin$ line to opar»ta hattMMKi the tw> c4Matieieo* I3ia o<mataot ££ad fvaqpuHBt aap.inanga» at tha hlc^iaat lavai v«?a a haitpsr xa&tttra tf IA4O» Ixanim ralAtiann* So £ax na iado- Iraq ralatimta axa ooncasnad tha foot that l^mq, ia a atumflli Arah VBA S nanbar ox tha noo- ali^^Md aov«Mni« la a aatttzal oanae ^or draidag India and Ixn^*^ oleaer to ooo iwaoth(»r« India* a oo&aistaat and (uunLinehli^ Mpport to 4ral) causa and h«r bt&ns a iooadar mmlbn •£ Urn momm aliipMd mmmma^ aira BBIDB Imealadga \tf >nraMM«at» aai faUtiaal «aui«a« 9i tbm %m •eatailatat to «tr«wtluAins tte xi^Atiawi im vaxiina CiaUs* 21» daalaiaa to atft my aa Into U«|L ^a&at ii«winc CB—Itt— in 3ne«ri»av mt vhMi aanOaf maftatar of iMi viaitad Mm MiAti f«r tha £nat that Wtb tha oanKla^aa te*a tha «iU ta fa«ia a WnaCiaial xaaatiaaa katataa tbai, fhm viatt of tHa ttaa flaa Saraaldant af Xaiq Sr* HiiitMi •MMIA to India pavad tlui aaar t9m tha Mttlat «# of a <MKMiitxiaa Zsa% mm ttM firit to hara ooaaittad to mwtH^f osaAa to Xaiia faa taa yaara* ^hm aaafaniiHi af tha hnaawny dagaaa •t fiaotar af 4MI liM* QmSta Lm si^af least i» that Baghdad Ooivvnit^^ hMl maAm « fimi its tartdiUoR aiao* tti« 4«grM is tUttsUy B^«ttt Sox m ^»A oi ths •4«t«* B»tt» th« OQfoaul** idjii tht aaOstiaaae* of tla« mAf^ and aolidixitgr or th* aoo» allsMd aovsMot and «• lnl«to«l to ttm Pntocda GovnmMot fev its iU«a ooaifftUM oT lirittia nsntiog ths ^^•xmtlhiUmmm SM Iadis*s sttMvl ss ths aihwr sT tiis Sott* aUsasd GoocdinatiMi BursM ts and ths «•*• UMI ivoiv is tbst feo«tt tim sscariag ooustriss oislai to bs tiM MS^ra sC «Mi aorsasttt sad tli^r sxm o«i^stia« ia d«C«atia« t&s v«qr gttgpsss of tias ttsrsssnt sstsWIstiimt of VMOO* Xado- Saudi mUtioBs ore bssad oo tiio foot that i^Mlias oeosUtttto tho sssoQd Isxvast mjositsr ia iadis and HMdi AsslMU is ths hlrtli ylsso of XaiaM* It is Iadi«*s intspast to taavs ooxdial xsiotioas with ftwdi ^yasfedo is ftsw of ths oMss^oaoo of ittista% so tbaX ladia is not issUtoi fsoi ths Islaads world sad aot aaqpossd to ths tUk of loolAg ths hMsat of sU heasas* It U sUo iaBoahoat i^sa Xadis to shew to ths wmAA ths inessss sad Ja«tttoas of h«v polifir of sswilarisa* It hss to bs se^AUahsd that tha ri^to of tho lltsU«o ia ladio sso Wttsr psotsetod th«ft ths rii^s of thsss ia Xsl«y.e ststso* A 9004- «iU dolsgatiai visits Saadi imHm nt^OacOf st tho tlao of Ba^. ladU aKtsadsd aaofad^osl, ai^iort to Fahd Has iihich stroasod ths assd for vasstfBiUea of tho HA ( IWLostiao i4.haaemtiaft €kiMiioaU«B ) so a vaOitgr sod 00 ths issitiaato soyroosatativo of Urn Tslsotiaisa psoyls* flM wislt of ilxa. Gsa^ai to Saadi AnJbU ia A|»a I9i2 ia ai«iifioMit ia that it .6 Mw Hkm iitt^ rUAt ^ aa IMlaii £idUMi lliaici«r la twtB^ six ymammm }S9twi%iiai%&B&iae tl^ £m% tHat S«i^ ^laUl* i» f al^ ^ro-as, ab* 41*- fSjgr^di iOElxttQViiitojqr e^pottittT to aeMttoAat* Zi^lin oiwttonttUi Iqr •iQrMwlJig T<a<H«>M to aalcc • joir^ aaiwPOttr to miA mpKttnwme iaflxMaiMi to iSim stf!<»• HM aaiii% <««raU? antaiiEaalstto to tte S»vi«ft itoMittt aolPWid.«ds«d tte •iiesU'ieaiio* of ]Adi«*o xolatiooo wltti Uw BSSS «ad ag^paeo^Ufctod IftftU*o pcMriLiiea oo Af^^haodLstaA* thm oliMv hltfiUgh* of i^ra* Gan^ftU vlalt to %Mdl AxataU mm tha daeialoa to aot «» a 4oiai aaoaoado Cwtanlne ahioh ia ita Hsrat saatlac iA Kaw atSM is iii^Kkst 19B5 oaqpyUomA Urn pcmtlUlltgr e^ aayandlBf tacada aa4 iaKeaaadLAff taaiintnal ooayasrmtiws batiMan tte tiie ooittixiao* Ia«ia md fiiaalt oaaa cloaa tea to tha f oat that thU la tha oolj oouBt^ itt Utm QaXi tbat iam tooafA* iMwad doaaoxmtlo follttaal jAatitatiostt aoi ttiat xapraaasta tnfto ^asaetar of a aoo» aligoad oattoa* Itaar fonigja POUAJ o«t to tanai a« * oytMatanoa ttem toth tha aayav powan** ikuAm tha vi^t of ^* i^MWMi Siadi ( lita «b«a JiaraisB maiatar Of Za^U) to fitnalt ia ilatoaa^ 1975* ^halkti SakA A JUmaO^ «to B»vot4PBi maiatar of that ooaatae^« offiai 4 Mam hMio prlaeiflM of «a»» aUfiOBM* aaft hott tta laad^eea wmBmAiMmi.

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