BROOKS 1885 CENSUS Pg 29-Amanda c. Brooks 53F Tenn. F II 23 M Ore Clayburn It 14 M " Pg 120-H. Brooks 26M Ore s. s." 28M 11 Married Victoria" 18F II II 1887 CENSUS Pg 13-W. o. Brooks 42M Io. Bertha II 6F 11 1889 CENSUS Pg 5-W. o. Brooks 44M Clerk Iowa Married L. L. 11 27F II II B. B. " 7F 11 Pg 58-A. C. Brooks 58F W. T. Frank II 28M Tenn D. c. II 19M Ore 1200 CENSUS Pg 2-(Huntsville Precinct-under Rachel H• . stouderJ?) Clayburn Brooks s-i-1 June 1869 Ore --­ Iris R " d-i-1 Dec 1894 Wa Ore Ore Pg 6-(Huntsville Precinct) Flavus Brooks head July 1861 Ore Mich Tenn m Oy Henrietta (4/1) wife June 1874 Iowa Pa Eng Ollie Stimmel s-dau July 1887 Kan Ill Iowa Pg 54-(Brooklyn Precinct)(Under George Hutcheon) (Mrs. Hamilton Brook visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hutcheon in Oct. 1903) Pg 122-(Dayton Precinct) William Brooks head Jan 1845 Iowa Ohio Ohio m 12y Lidia ( 1/0) 11 wife Jan 1 862 11 11 11 COLUMBIA CO., WAS HINGTON TERRITORY MARRIAGES 1876-1899 WITNESSES William o. Brooks Married Lydia L. Townsend 10/14/1888 L.M. Cantril Clara Cantril BURIALS ~ E1Q1 CEMETERY DATES Malissa D Dayton 17 Oct 1850-8 Apr 1887 - Elmer W D II 26 Oct 1870-23 Aug 1885 Harvey II Buried 15 Oct 1890 ·-• .· ... ··• ,.,,.,, '-s··- ... -.. ·- .. •~'·· ;..:_;.·_;'I . f} ·2~<.> .' ;"-' !I -;·' ' !! r 0 )7,.f · . · .._~. ,._ - .......- • .· ~ -•. :%_-_ ..........\ .. ·.. ·~ ~ ✓- • ...... • 1 .. :1 . ..~ (J . ~) f.. _·_ ·:_ ,:, ._-• ~~ "tJ-.t C· J. ! ! t., ',{'\' . .. _,_: : ; , ·r:. J .,;, . :: -l.... ~. rr o·:::.· . ~ ··,•·.: •.•. ,--. .' :::;_) r _._,,....__. •._, ,·-... ··-·--···•--: ... ,. _ .. J. :") ~ . ~ ;-.:1 : ---. :2 2:~~ ~ .p(,C·,. - !! ·.·.,•: j .. ! "\~~ rfi ;-Lrr ~)'l1 !l ~ .,.;_:f·: e-:::·~·) r l:~ :~__ . ·":-L :..rt L:.:c-<{ r::)i ·~JC'!:: ~ t:.; _:~.:r r~ ~ ~~ ~-~_r:~!~ 1:r·~:. :.:.>V/G :c .;~ \, E r J .. -1:j ~-~ C; ·~:_tN -: ~ \ \.; '.. ) -~~}" ~:- ::; .~.··~•:f :-, :) : : n '/I() ~r i .. ~: I n,r~ ···.t~ \'2,E~ r \:-:~.rJ~·, J~ ,,_. ..... )·· ... ·. .C;-2:J.L=::. ·.;_:•, · ··•::~:--:1 .. , ·r::)Dl~ :f- :J ::iL.t::-s·~ ·:.. t~\:~~·.:<2c-r;U )-{:?/ ~-•·; ............... ; ,·:r,,::-;l _:·)ei _taj:·.; ::-[r_)·.~.·:rJ:: ff_~/j- i'lr~t!\\-~: • ~r1}·:) ..: le:_"~:::· r • :t ~ ~ ...- ~: .:: r~ ~J e·r1 ~ ~- JJ.: ::) :J 4:C f·· :~; ;:~~ ...,.,I ........... • ···,:·.,··- ..~• . ........... _, ___ ~-· -:. ~) ::.:. .. , .,.•.i:;--~: f.i. ' - fr,"; .. :.:'.. ~.·:.~-.:. -......... -~) ,-.. ,_· , ... ,_, '~-..,.____ ~.,· t,.... '';;.:,••:_,.:..::~~ ... ~·,.-,·.i.--. BROOKS WITNESS TO COLUMBIA co,, WASH. TERRITORY MARRIAGES c. D. Brooks Witnessed-m/e-8/6/1888 Frank Larkin & Maud Tresinriter? BOLUMBIA co,, NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS 1884-1886 iR Pg 38-Ma~ied in Lewiston, I.T. 8 March 1885, Mr. Seneber s. Brooks of Dayton and Victoria A. Forgey of Asotin. 188?-1890 Pg 34-Married at the residence of L.W. Cantriel in this city, 14 Oct 1888, w.o. Brooks and Mrs. Lydia L. Townsend. Pg 43-Marriage licenses issued in 1888: 13 Oct 1888 Wm. o. Brooks and Lydia L. Townsend 1890-1892 Pg 20-Died 20 Nov 1890, Henry Brooks, aged 33 years, brother of Mrs. L.W. Cantril. Pg 53-Huntsville News: Mr. Clayborn D. Brooks and Lulu Bailey were married. (Nov 1891) Pg 55-W.o. Brooks arrived from Denver to take his 9 year old dau­ ghter home with him. For some time his da~g~ter has been ~\ living in this city with Mrs. L.W. Cantril, whe is a sister to Mr. Brooks. Upon his ar:tival he found Mrs. Cantril had left fer parts unkD.own with his daughter. Mrs. Cantril had told him previously that he could not have the child. Mr. Brooks thinks they have gone to Cantrilt Idwa where Mrs. Cantril formerly lived and he left of Saturdays train to see if he could find their whereabouts. (Dec 1891) 1899:-1896 Pg 21-c.D. Brooks has sold his interest in Huntsville to his bro­ ther, Flavius. We have not learned where Clay will Go. (Feb 1895) 1896-1898 Pg 41-Huntsville News: Died near Farmington, Wash. 27 June 1897 Mrs. Lulu Brooks, daughter or Mrs. Raley of Huntsville. Mrs. Brooks was 23 years old, married about five years and leaves two children to mourn her loss. Funeral in Huntsville and buried Waitsburg. 1898-1901 Pg 42-Miss Stella Brooks left for Eldow, Iowa to visit relatives she has not seen since a little girl. (Dec 1899) •'f.. • j r .. ... J .:, :,; f' r - •.. t .! 'j V ~ .. , l :, All .. I. )~ .....4 ·.,. .... , • I.. J \. .- BROOKS 1901-1903 Pg 29-Mr. H. E. Brooke of Portland and Miss Annie Hutcheon of this city were married Monday at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutcheons. Mr. and Mrs. Brooke will reide in Portland. (list of guests followed) (Nov 1901) 1903-1905 Pg 38-Mrs. Hamilton Brooke is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hutcheon. (Oct 1903) 1905-1908 Pg ?-15 year old Florence Atkinson of Dayton, was in Jave with her 1? year old cousin, "Bud'' Brooks of Harrington. She eloped with him Monday. {June 1905) Pg 30-Mr. Hamilton Brooke of Portland, came up for the funeral of his sister-in-law Miss Myrtle Hutcheon. (Jan 1906) Pg 91-E.J. McMorris Tuesday received the sad news of the death of his brother-in-law, B.E. Brooks and his wife's sister, Mrs. Myers, of Charleston, Ill. His brother-in-law, an old man of 80 years was run down and killed by a ---1... running 60 miles an hour, while the other died of sickness. (June 1907) Pg 102-Hamilton E. Brooke, a well-known Portland man died yester­ day at his home, 50 20th Street North. He was born Dec. 18, 1860. His widow survives him. There were no children. He was a son of the late Lloyd Brooke. Death was by tuber~ erculosis. He was the grandson of Edward Hamilton, an Oregon pioneer of 1850 and the son of Lloyd and Genevieve Brooke, both deceased. His widow was formerly Miss Anna Hutcheon, of Dayton, Wash. They were married? years ago. Hamilton E. Brooks inherited a snug fortune form his father. The funeral will be Friday at Trinity Episcopal church. - Oregonian, August 22,1907. Mrs. Geo. Hutcheon departed for Portland to be present at the funeral. 1908-1909 Pg 49-Mrs. H.E. Brook of Portland is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hutcheon and other relatives here. 1883 CENSUS Pg 10-Amand c. Burk 53F Tenn Married Hershell " 24M Ore Flavus " 21M " Clayburn " 12M "' (I beleive this lzst name should be Brook) j ,• ,, /J. •' ., •( ' , ,. )• 1- J ••> .r ., ; ,. • • C • ·&, " l. ., /89:2.. C~iC-v k ;;1. - PI&' -dzeua./ ~ /O/° (.A,,,4'"°,c/ v~10--v.,£ °t #. i. ~,z.[f.d; > --T I _(\_ BROOKS OBITUARIES IRIS WEBBER (May 19?9) DAYTON-Iris Webber, 85, 102 Warren St., Waitsburg,died Wed­ nesday at Dayton General Hospital. Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at the Waitsburg Christian Church with the Rev. Vernon Smith officiating. Burial will be in the Waitsburg Odd Fellows Cemetery. Mrs. Webber was born Dec. 1, 1894, in Huntsville, Wash, to Mr. and Mrs. Clay Brooks. She attended local schools. She married Randolph Webber in Walla Walla on Sept. 28, 1916, and the couple lived in Huntsville. In 1918, they farmed at Pleasant view for a short time. The Webbers moved to Walla Walla in 1930•. In 1942 they moved to their present home in Waitsburg. Mrs. Webber was a member of the Methodist church, the Thimble Club, the Priscilla Club, Schuyler Rebekah Lodge and the Daughters of the Pioneers. She is survived by her husband, Randolph at home; four daugh­ ters, Elaine Yager, Thelma Webber, Ethel Wills and Jamis John, all of Waitsburg; four sons, Hubert of Napa, Calif., Cecil of Waitsburg, Robert of Vancouver and Richard of Walla Walla; 24 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. A son and a daughter preceded her in death. ....... -__,--$ii - n--:m7Tt: a e = < ... ,-, ;.!.:.,,J... --he\'; c ·~: {7 (i (.~ !-~ ~t :1 l:c f; J.:~ ::•1 :,: 0 f:1.,.~ ff • ~~I! i: jt. ,:] .~ :) .~ r= ·: C: i ~~ -J: .·:·: ~::~ 1.-r C: ...· i ·): ~-:~. / • "\r £~ :; ~ ::~: ![ j· ~-'[ j· ~t ::.: r·~ ~; ~·.t:--~ ·:.:: ~~: -~::. _,~ -:, .. :: 2.- ~:,~~~<I ri ~) :g ~s. ~J :i a ,j· _;~ .f~, \'] .-=,:·:[·:·:~:i";.:;;!J~3::·_,_ ~:.::.·:· .. f .. [::;;·:i~ ?>~=!(_) ~3/"j:JJ(f:::j·_,[-:_~ ... / E.!J}j~ Si,.t: ~~:-G- .. 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