Dinosaurs-on-Stamps . info For completeness, I have included ALL prehistoric sets. Prehistoric sets that do not contain any dinosaurs are in italics. Animal names that appear in parenthesis () are omissions or corrections to what is printed on the stamp. A superscript (1, 2, 3, etc.) appears after an animal that is NOT a dinosaur: 1. ancestral to the dinosaurs (Permian reptiles or thecodonts) 2. marine animals (ichthyosaurs, nothosaurs, archelons, etc) 3. flying reptiles (pterosaurs, etc) 4. birds 5. mammals 6. mammal relatives 7. other non-dinosaurian fossils The format is basically three (3) columns: 1. Scott catalog number * | | 2. Face value according to the country | | | | 3. Dinosaur(s) that appear on the stamp | | | | | | V V V * When a Scott catalog number is not available; Mi. (Michel) or Y. (Yvert et Tellier) or D. (Domfil) catalog numbers will be noted. last updated – September 5, 2021 Abkhazia (Абха́ зия) Oblast see: Georgia Afars and Issas see: Djibouti (1987-1992) Afghanistan, Republic of Afghanistan - June 6, 1988 (set of 7) (100 pouls = 1 afghani rupee) 1279 3.00 Mesosaurus2 1280 5.00 Styracosaurus 1281 10.00 Uintatherium5 1282 15.00 Protoceratops 1283 20.00 Stegosaurus 1284 25.00 Ceratosaurus 1285 30.00 Dinornis4 (1992) Afghanistan, Republic of (1992-1996) Afghanistan, Islamic State of Afghanistan - November 5, 1996 (set of 5 – horse evolution) (100 pouls = 1 afghani rupee) illegal 200.00 Eohippus5 illegal 300.00 Miohippus5 illegal 400.00 Merychippus5 illegal 500.00 Pliohippus5 illegal 600.00 Equus5 (1996-1997) Afghanistan, Emirate of (1997-2001) Afghanistan, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan - May 30, 1998 (set of 6 + s/s – prehistoric mammals) (100 pouls = 1 afghani rupee) illegal 400.00 Mammuthus5 illegal 600.00 Megaloceros5 illegal 800.00 Ursus5 illegal 1,000.00 Synthetoceras5 illegal 1,200.00 Coelodonta5 illegal 1,500.00 Hipparion5 illegal 4,000.00 Smilodon5 Afghanistan - 2000 (3 sheetlets of 9 – prehistoric animals) (100 pouls = 1 afghani rupee) illegal a 10,000.00 Cynognathus6 illegal b 15,000.00 Eryops2 illegal c 20,000.00 Kronosaurus2 illegal d 25,000.00 Acanthopholis illegal e 30,000.00 x illegal f 35,000.00 Velociraptor illegal g 40,000.00 Brontotherium5 illegal h 45,000.00 Tsintaosaurus illegal I 50,000.00 Styracosaurus illegal a 10,000.00 Iguanodon illegal b 10,000.00 Corythosaurus illegal c 10,000.00 Pteranodon3 illegal d 10,000.00 Archaeopteryx illegal e 10,000.00 Allosaurus illegal f 10,000.00 Tyrannosaurus illegal g 10,000.00 Elasmosaurus2 illegal h 10,000.00 Mosasaurus2 illegal I 10,000.00 Parasaurolophus illegal a 20,000.00 Indricotherium5 illegal b 20,000.00 Megatherium5 illegal c 20,000.00 Smilodon5 illegal d 20,000.00 Mammuthus5 illegal e 20,000.00 Velociraptor illegal f 20,000.00 Dimorphodon3 illegal g 20,000.00 Edaphosaurus1 illegal h 20,000.00 Brachiosaurus illegal I 20,000.00 Cacops1 (2001-2002) Afghanistan, Islamic State of Afghanistan - 2002 (2 s/s – prehistoric animals) (100 pouls = 1 afghani rupee) illegal 30,000.00 Prosaurolophus + Parasaurolophus illegal 30,000.00 Hypacrosaurus + Lambeosaurus (2002-2004) Afghanistan, Transitional Islamic State of (2004-present) Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Ajman Emirate see: United Arab Emirates Aland Islands see: Finland Albania, Republic of Albania - November 19, 2007 (set of 2 + s/s – Prehistoric Rock Art) (100 qindarka = 1 lek) 2832 20.00 Rock drawing at Lepenice 2833 100.00 Rock drawing at Tren 2834 300.00 Cave drawing at Tren Albania - October 29, 2012 (sheetlet of 3 – Prehistoric Rock Art) (100 qindarka = 1 lek) 2928a 20.00 at Rubik 2928b 60.00 at Boville 2928c 150.00 at Lepenice Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria - August 11, 1952 (set of 2 – International Geological Congress) (100 centimes = 1 franc) 247 15.00 Fossilized Nautilus - ammonite 248 30.00 Phonolite Dike Algeria - January 29, 1966 (set of 4 – Wall Paintings from Tssili-N-Ajjer, circa 6000 BC) (100 centimes = 1 dinar, since 1964) 344 1.00 Bulls 345 1.00 Shepherd 346 2.00 Fleeing ostriches 347 3.00 Two girls Algeria - May 21, 1994 (set of 2 – ancient petroglyphs) (100 centimes = 1 dinar, since 1964) 1000 3.00 inscriptions 1001 10.00 man on horse Algeria - September 21, 1994 (set of 3 – minerals) (100 centimes = 1 dinar, since 1964) 1029 3.00 Gres lite-erode 1030 5.00 Cipolin 1031 10.00 Marne a turitella - gastropod Algeria - September 1, 2014 (set of 3 – prehistoric art) (100 centimes = 1 dinar, since 1964) 1629 15.00 painting on rock of horse-drawn chariot 1630 20.00 head of ram 1631 30.00 baetulus Algeria - June 25, 2020 (set of 3 – Archaeological sites and treasures) (100 centimes = 1 dinar, since 1964) 1800 25.00 rock carvings, Mammoth 1801 25.00 Mammoth tusk 1802 25.00 Abou Al Mouhajir Dinar Mosque, Mila Altai (Алтай) Krai see: Russian Federation Andorra, Principality of (French Administration) Andorra (French Administration) - December 16, 2000 (100 centimes = 1 franc) 529 6.70 prehistoric pottery of Prats Andorra (French Administration) - December 22, 2000 (100 centimes = 1 franc) 530 15.50 prehistoric cave painting Andorra (French Administration) - November 10, 2007 (set of 2 – prehistoric people) (100 centimes = 1 euro, since 2002) 630 .60 at Margineda 631 .85 at Cedre Angola (overseas territory of Portugal) Angola - October 31, 1970 (set of 12 – fossils and minerals) (100 centavos = 1 angolar, 1932-1977) 551 .50 Angolasaurus bocagei 552 1.00 Ferrometeorite 553 1.50 Dioptase crystals 554 2.00 Gondwanidium 555 2.50 Diamonds 556 3.00 Estromatolite 557 3.50 Procarcharodon megalodon 558 4.00 Microceratodus angolensis 559 4.50 Moscovite 560 5.00 Barite 561 6.00 Nostoceras 562 10.00 Rotula orbiculus angolensis Angola, Republic of (1975-present) Angola - August 16, 1994 (set of 4 + s/s) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 906 1,000.00 Brachiosaurus 907 3,000.00 Spinosaurus 908 5,000.00 Ouranosaurus 909 10,000.00 Lesothosaurus 910 19,000.00 Lesothosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Spinosaurus, Ouranosaurus Angola - January 6, 1995 (set of 6 – tribal culture) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 924 10,000.00 Rubbing sticks to start fire 925 15,000.00 Extracting sap from tree 926 20,000.00 Smoking tribal pipe 927 25,000.00 Shooting bow & arrow 928 28,000.00 Mothers & children 929 30,000.00 Cave art Angola - December 28, 1998 (set of 4, 2 sheetlets of 9 + 2 s/s) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 1050 120,000.00 Parasaurolophus 1051 120,000.00 Maiasaura 1052 120,000.00 Iguanodon 1053 120,000.00 Elaphosaurus (Elaphrosaurus) 1054a 120,000.00 Brontosaurus (Apatosaurus) 1054b 120,000.00 Plateosaurus 1054c 120,000.00 Brachiosaurus 1054d 120,000.00 Anatosaurus (Edmontosaurus) 1054e 120,000.00 Tyrannosaurus 1054f 120,000.00 Carnotaurus 1054g 120,000.00 Corythosaurus 1054h 120,000.00 Stegosaurus 1054i 120,000.00 Iguanodon 1055a 120,000.00 Hadrosaurus 1055b 120,000.00 Ouranosaurus 1055c 120,000.00 Hypsilophodon 1055d 120,000.00 Brachiosaurus 1055e 120,000.00 Shunosaurus 1055f 120,000.00 Amargasaurus 1055g 120,000.00 Tuojiangosaurus 1055h 120,000.00 Monoclonius 1055i 120,000.00 Struthiosaurus 1056 550,000.00 Triceratops 1057 550,000.00 Tyrannosaurus Republic of Angola On December 13, 1999, Angola devalued its currency, with approximately 1,000,000 kwanza being the equivalent of 1 kwanza. Angola - 2000 (sheetlet of 9 - dinosaurs / imperforate) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) illegal a 3,500,000.00 (Camarasaurus & Stegosaurus) illegal b 3,500,000.00 (Apatosaurus herd) illegal c 3,500,000.00 (Apatosaurus herd) illegal d 3,500,000.00 (Protoceratops) illegal e 3,500,000.00 (Deinonychus & Hadrosaurus) illegal f 3,500,000.00 (Compsognathus) illegal g 3,500,000.00 (Pachycephalosaurus) illegal h 3,500,000.00 (Pachycephalosaurus) illegal i 3,500,000.00 (Protoceratops hatching) Angola - 2002 (sheetlet of 9 - prehistoric animals, Scout logo) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) illegal a 50.00 (Pinacosaurus) illegal b 50.00 (Iguanodons) illegal c 50.00 (Ouranosaurus) illegal d 50.00 (Iguanodons) illegal e 50.00 (Struthiomimus) illegal f 50.00 (Archaeopteryx) illegal g 50.00 (Deinonychus) illegal h 50.00 (Allosaurus) illegal i 50.00 (Dromaeosaurus) Angola - December 10, 2018 (4 in set of 120, #1420-1539) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 1524 300.00 Diplodocus longus & amethyst 1525 300.00 Rhamphorhynchus3 longicaudus & pyroxenite 1526 300.00 Hatzegopteryx3 thambema & quartz 1527 300.00 Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis & atacamite Angola - December 10, 2018 (s/s in set of 30, #1540-1569) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 1566 1,200.00 Austroraptor cabazai & rhodochrosite Angola - May 15, 2019 (8 in set of 112, #1576-1687) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 1632 300.00 Icthyosaurus communis2 1633 300.00 Liopleurodon ferox2 1634 300.00 Eromangasaurus australis2 1635 300.00 Dinichthys terrelii2 1636 300.00 Parasaurolophus walkeri 1637 300.00 Ceratops (Triceratops) horridus 1638 300.00 C.Darwin + Tyrannosaurus rex 1639 300.00 C.Darwin, map, dinosaur skeleton Angola - May 15, 2019 (2 s/s in set of 28, #1688-1715) (100 lweys = 1 kwanza, since 1977) 1702 1,200.00 Helicoprion beswsonowi2 1703 1,200.00 C.Darwin + Stegosaurus stenops Anguilla (territory of Great Britain) Anguilla - November 17, 1997 (set of 4 - rock carvings at Fountain Cavern) (100 cents = 1 dollar) 970 .30 Juluca (rainbow diety) 971 1.25 lizard 972 2.25 solar chieftan 973 2.75 creator Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda - May 3, 1988 (set of 14 + 2 s/s – Disney) (100 cents = 1 dollar) 1116A .01 The Living Sea 1116B .02 World of Motion 1116C .03 Spaceship Earth 1116D .04 Universe of Energy (Edaphosaurus1) 1116E .05 Journey to Imagination
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