Iron from 3:00 to 4:00. “I felt the thrill and satisfac­ Marjorie Evenscrn, a niece, act­ On Friday, September 25 the g __FALLON COUNTY TIMES—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 tion of being in business for my­ Paul Remmen's ed as hostess. .... f bookmobile will be at EkaiaKa Many relatives and mends at­ WEEKLY self,” he writes, “making my own from 2:00 to 5:00. estimates of the cost of the jobs, tended from out of town. Also, on Friday, September 25 Observe 25th Paul Remmen and MabeUe Wilbur Knapp called at the Oscar meeting a payroll, and running the the 'bookmobile will be at Bell NEWS REVIEW Reese were married in Miles City Knipfer home ' Friday afternoon. risk of losing my shirt or making Tower from 9 to 10; at Ridgeway 101 NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Art Tronstad vis­ By Robert E. Miller Anniversary August 29th, 1945. They have re­ a l.'tti'e profit. Before me, the from 11 to 12. ■Mr. and, Mrs. Bud Madler and ited. Friday evening with Mr. and Those who read “ The Gallop­ free enterprise system of Ameri­ Over one hundred friends and sided in their present home m family drove to Miles City Sun- Mrs Frank Birtic. ing Swede,” the autobiography of ca was - beginning to unfold.” relatives of_.-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ekalaka for 25 years. day, September 6, where Mike Mrs. L. Strangford and Patricia former Governor J. Hugo Aron­ Gradually his interests broad­ Remrrien'r Ekalaka, attended open stayed to enroll in the Miles City visited Saturday afternoon with son, will be impressed by the ened as success came. He had in- house ’ in their home honoring BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE— MOLINE’S Junior College. Mrs. Oscar Knipfer. intensity of his feelings about venteu. a new way to move oil' them on their 25th wedding an- Oh -Wednesday, Septmber 23 the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thornton, Amerioa, about his occuptation, derricks and he went into the Vversarv, Sunday, August- 30th. bookmobile will tie at Locate TRUCKING Mr and Mrs. Harold Tronstad from 9:00 to 10:00; at Cottonwood San Diego arrived Tuesday to vis­ and family were Saturday, after­ about his state, about his friends. trucking business. Then he was Turquoise and silver were the it with her mother, Minnie Ide- In fact, it is as interesting to invited to join in organizing a cblors used throughout the house. from 10:30 to 11:30; -at Plevna noon and evening visitors at the read about how Hugo felt about The cake w-as decorated in tur­ from 1:00 to 3:00; at Baker from ker of Baker, and her brother and Gerald Knutson home in Baker. bank, and so he became a bank­ General Hauling : things as it is to read about what quoise and silver by Mary Setinc. 4:00 to 5:00. family Harvey Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McCamish er. Then he became a rancher Phone Days 778-3724 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meccage left he did in transforming himself near Elliston, and finally a wheat Sisters and nieces assisted with On Thursday, September 24, the were Sunday guests at the Darrell from a poor immigrant boy to a the serving of cake, ice cream, bookmobile will be at O’Donnell Phone Nights 778-2138 for Helena Wednesday for Mr. Johnson home. farmer on the Blackfeet Indian Meccage to attend the State Dem­ well-to-do citizen. reservation. sandwiches, coffee and punch. from 9:00 to 10:30; at Willard BAKER, MONTANA Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thornton, He homesteaded in the Elk Ba­ from 12:00 to 12:30; at Wills ocratic Convention. - Minnie Ideker, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ One of the emothnal stories in Mrs. Merlet Hayden, Mrs. Harry sin of Wyoming as his first ven­ the book is that of the hailstorm here, for he managed to save School from 1:00 to 1:30; at Mill vey Nichols ancl Marjorie were ture after being booted off the Tronstad, Mrs. Darrell Johnson, coffee guests Sunday morning at which almost wiped out his first some of his crop by importing a Mrs. Robert Varner went to Eka- freight train in Columbus, and he crop on the 3,300 acres of wheat drier from Nebraska, while the Art Tronstad home. says, ‘I used to write home and laka Wednesday evening for the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peck" and which was ready for harvesting. neighbors made no efforts to sal­ 101 Booster Club meeting con­ tell my folks about this place and But hie intensity prevailed even vage any o f their losses. Granddaughter Barbara Neu­ how I loved' it. This getting a cerning the Fall Council to be mann were Sunday guests of Mr. held at Ekalaka September 24. piece of land in America-was a ard Mrs. Harold Tronstad. Mrs. A. J. Gerleman and Mrs. thrill for me beyond description— Ernest Knipfer took his nephew I.had come to America — and Steve McComos to Miles City Mon­ now I could run some* of her FOR ALCOHOLICS day where he took the bus for soil through my hands and call his home in Tennessee. it my own — my own America.” ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Martin Myhre, Then he went to war and he LIVESTOCK GRUB TREATMENT Meeting . Monday at 8:00 p.m- daughter Lila and Mrs. Myhre’s was just as intense about that Basement. Masonic Hall mother Mrs. Frye Winlock, Wash­ experience. He wept when he Art Classes Will Again Be Given Ph.778-2797 778-3642 778-2047ington, are' visiting relatives in was hospitalized and his buddies THE BEST BUY IN TOWN ON Baker and surrounding area. boarded the ship, but when the This Year Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Scott and ship was torpedoed he realized . Carol and Rulene Grub LeAnn drove to Rapid City Mon­ that the Lord had been on his FIRST MEETING FOR ORGANIZING WILL BE B' day where Fred will have a med­ side. ical cehckup. It was in France that he met Treatment - Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Myhre Matilda, who later became his RENT A were hosts last week • to Mrs. first wife, and who came to Mhyre’s cousins, Darold and America with him at the end of THURSDAY, OCT. 1 at 8 O’Clock Duane Nath from" EUensburg, the waT. It was she who became WE WILL BE RECEIVING A LARGE SHIPMENT OF PIANO Washington. » business manager of his operations Mrs. Alice Newell. Baker, was and when she died" after 17 years Men’s and Women’s BASEMENT OF HOSPITAL ON OCR FAMOUS hostess to a family gathering Sun­ of marriage he was as intense in ART AND CRAFT ROOM day evening in honor of the Mar­ his loneliness as he had, been in OVERSHOES and SNOWBOOTS tin Myhres. his enthusiasms. ALL AT LOW, LOW PRICES — STOP IN WHILE R. T. 0. One of the facets of his char­ THE SELECTION IS COMPLETE REGULAR MEETING DATE FOR PAINTING CLASSES acter which is not explained in WILL BE DECIDED AT TIHS MEETING. RENT TO OWN New Bonus the book is his mechanical apti­ tude. He indicates that he was as surprised as anyone when it li GORDON TRAWEEK PLAN On Bonds became evident that he had. the E. V. Wellenstein, Fallon Coun­ natural ability to be an oil rig TRIANGLE SUPPLY PnONE 489-4221 — OR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION } No Time Limit ty Chairman for U. S. Savings builder, a trucker, a mover of EAST OF BAKER — PHONE 778-3660 CALL PASTOR BARNARD — 778-2545 Bonds, reports that the Vs-per­ derricks, and fina'lv a contractor 37-39C ¿No Delivery Costcent bonus approved by President on his own account. ? CHOOSE FROM TOP Nixon means that Savings Bond BRAND NAMES. ACL owners can realize 5Vs pecent STYLES AND PRICE annual interest on their holdings. RANGES “ “ The bonus applies both to Bonds purchased on and after .Tune 1, 1970 arc! those bought before, and still outstanding. Williams There’ll be no need to redeem anv Bonds to benefit from the mew rate. Now, more than ever Better ideas make better cars. Piano Co. before, it pays to buy and hold onto your, Bonds The increase is Rapid City, S. D. a real boon,” Wellenstein said. 57701 Call Collect (605) 348.0217 Read The Times Weekly! THE 1971MERCURYS. —GET YOUR MOTOROLA COLOR TV AT— REDISKE RADIO ELECTRIC CHANNEL 4 and CHANNEL 11 1971 Mercury Marquis, LEAD, SOUTH DAKOTA A better medium-priced car. - ■ Baseball Divisional Playoff Games Beginning October 3, 1970 1. Tales the most, dramatic styling in the 1970 World Series Beginning October 10, 1970 medium-priced class. 2. Add the best ride ideas from the world's SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 7:00 Motor Mouse 6:00 Heckle and Jeckle most prestigious cars. 7:30 Smokey Bear 6:30 Woody Woodpecker 3. And you have a better medium-priced car. 8:00 Johnny Quest 7:00 Lancelot Link 8:30 Cattanooga Cats 8:00 Jerry Lewis • Concealed headlamps standard. 9:00 Dr. Doolittle 8:30 Pink Panther • Select-Shift automatic transmission standard. 9:30 Discovery 9:00 H. R. Puf ’N Stuf • Steel guard rails in the doors standard. 10:00 NCAA Highlights 9:30 Here Comes the Grump • 429 cu. in. V-8 engine standard. 11:00 NFL Football 10:00 Hot Dog • Power steering standard Denver at Buffalo 10:30 Jambo 2:00 NFL Football 11:00 Tom Foolery • Power front disc brakes standard Kansas City at Minn. 11:30 Bugaloos • Power windows standard (Brougham only). 5:00 Wild Kingdom 12:00 Game of the Week 5:30 Wonderful World of 2:00 NCAA Football Disney Penn State at Colorado 6:30 Bill Cosby 5:30 Andy Williams fc 7:00 Bonanza 6:30 Premier — Lawrence 8:00 Bold Ones Welk 9:00 The FBI 7:30 Adam 12 1971 Mercury Cougar.
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