Hip No. Con signed by Se cret Odds, LLC Hip No. 1200 SE CRET ODDS (TB) 1200 1990 Bay Stal lion North ern Dancer ............Nearc tic Natalma Secreto ............... (1981) Betty’s Se cret ..............Sec re tar iat SE CRET ODDS (TB) Betty Loraine Kaskaskia ..................Catullus Clever Miss ............ Cym bi dium (1974) Kankakee Miss .............Better Bee Golden Beach By SECRETO (1981). Clas sic win ner, $350,665 in Eng land and Ire land, Ever Ready Ep som D. G1. Sire of 379 start ers, 30 stakes win ners, 5 cham pi ons, 238 win ners, earn ing $18,197,295, in clud ing TAMURO CHERRY (Cham - pion in Ja pan, $824,960, Hanshin Ju ve nile Fillies S.), MISS SECRETO (Cham pion in It aly, $278,533, Premio Re gina Elena-Ital ian One Thou sand Guin eas G2), RUFINA (Cham pion in It aly, $266,513, Premio Mel ton-Me - mo rial Tudini G2), Fontvla (Cham pion twice in Mex ico, $140,856), etc 1st dam: CLEVER MISS (1974), by Kaskaskia. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $36,637. Half-sis ter to CLEVER TRICK ($419,787, Bach e lor S.), CLEVER SHOT ($81,585, Rockaway S.), LOVESHINE ($41,558, Spring field H.). Dam of 10 TB foals, 9 to race, 8 win ners; 1 QH foal, 1 to race, 1 ROM, SE CRET ODDS (c. by Secreto). Stakes win ner, see be low. INTEGRA (f. by Tor sion). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $303,653, Haw thorne H. G2, A Gleam H. G3, Santa Lu cia H. [LR], etc. CLEVER POWER (f. by Lines Of Power). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $274,072, Mor- ven S. G3, Co lum bia S. [L], Heav enly Cause S. [R], 2nd Revidere H. [L], Holly S. [L], Sum mer time S. [L]. Dam of 4 win ners, DIXIE POWER (c. by Dix ie land Band). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $142,553, De puted Testamony S. [R], 2nd Knocklofty S. Sire. ONE MORE POWER (c. by Mt. Livermore). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $133,509, Mis- ter Diz S. [R], 2nd T. V. Se ries S., 3rd Ben Co hen S. [L], etc. T. H. Gold (c. by Slew O’ Gold). Placed at 3 and 6, $75,138, in Ja pan. GRAN ITE LAKE SI 101 (c. by First Down Dash). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $104,778, West Texas D. G2, 2nd Ruidoso QH D. G2, Fi nal ist in Texas Clas sic D. G1. Tug (c. by Sauce Boat). 6 wins at 2 and 4, $55,505, 2nd Bashford Manor S. [O]. Clever Quoit (g. by Waquoit). 2 wins at 4, $47,495, 3rd Mary land Mil lion Starter H. [R]. Sham rock Lad (c. by Unbridled). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $145,185. Icy Show (c. by Icecapade). 5 wins, 2 to 6, $62,505. Race Re cord: 8 wins, 3 times 2nd, 3 times 3rd, 2 to 4. Earned $443,841. WON Mary land Budweiser Breeders’ Cup Hand i cap G3, Mor ven Breeders’ Cup Stakes, Rol licking Stakes, Sewickley Stakes, Paumonok Hand i cap, Fire Plug Stakes, 2ND Cham pagne Stakes G1, Vanlandingham Stakes [L], Housebuster Hand i cap [L], 3RD Coaltown Breeders’ Cup Hand i cap G3, Sporting Plate Hand i cap [L], Greek Money Stakes, etc. Sire Re cord: Sire of 61 start ers, 1 stakes win ner, 37 win ners, earn ing $1,627,854, in clud ing, SE CRET RIVER ($242,540, All Along Breeders’ Cup S.), No Strings ($106,325, 3rd Star De Naskra S.), Lay Odds ($38,140, 2nd Tempe H.), Belle’s Se cret ($15,047, 3rd Chantilly S.), Al’s Odds (6 wins, $102,511), Short Odds (8 wins, $92,957), Se cret Mys tique (5 wins, $90,860), Odd Testamony (5 wins, $79,630), Lisura’s Se cret (6 wins, $72,756), etc. Par ent age Ver ified - DNA Typed with AQHA Hip No. Con signed by Al ice Castka Hip No. 1201 DOU BLE SIDE WINDER 1201 SI 95 2001 Bay Gelding Dash For Cash SI 114 .......Rocket Wran gler SI 97 Find A Buyer TB Dou ble Time Dash ...... 2955644 Du pli cate Bid SI 96.......... Du pli cate Copy SI 100 DOU BLE SIDE WINDER SI 95 Dou ble Queen SI 95 X0601347 Phone Trick ................Clever Trick Col lect Caller (TB)...... Over The Phone (1990) Dark Escar .................Rich Cream Brief Escar By DOU BLE TIME DASH (1990). Un placed in 1 start at 2. Sire of 22 start ers, 16 ROM, 1 stakes win ner, earn ing $322,710, in clud ing BE HOLD TIME REY SI 107 ($162,414, Fine Loom H. G3), Get It Dou ble SI 98 (9 wins, $32,945), Timely Class SI 94 (3 wins, $27,515), Plea sures Dash SI 95 (3 wins, $20,212), Gypsys Dou ble SI 98 (3 wins, $14,290, Dou ble Side winder SI 95 ($11,916), Time Dash Zee SI 93 ($11,058), Dou ble Time Travis SI 87 ($7,466), Co bra King Bar SI 83 (to 7, 2006, $7,013), Dou ble Cash Dash SI 90. 1st dam: COL LECT CALLER (TB) (1990), by Phone Trick. Win ner at 4. Dam of 1 TB foal, 1 to race, 1 win ner; 4 QH foals, 4 to race, 3 ROM, Dou ble Side winder SI 95 (g. by Dou ble Time Dash). 2 wins, see be low. Streakin And Freakin SI 92 (g. by Steak And Dash). Win ner in 2 starts at 2, 2006, $3,145. Call Un cle Roy’s TB (c. by Hy per bo rean). 2 wins at 3, $2,858. 2nd dam: DARK ESCAR, by Rich Cream. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 6 win ners, BRICK WORKS (g. by Rare Brick). 3 wins at 2 and 5, $180,960, TTBA Sales Fut. [R], 2nd Jean Lafitte Fut. Lil Cream Puff (f. by Lil’s Lad). 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2006, $99,169, 2nd Gen e- sis S., Lou i si ana Fut. [R]. Coo per’s Pick (f. by Manzotti). Win ner at 2 and 3, $24,665. Seven Card Draw (g. by Golden Gear). Win ner, 4 to 7, 2006, $11,602. Caracey (c. by Marfa). Placed at 3, $9,555. 3rd dam: BRIEF ESCAR, by Up Spirits. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $71,697, Fleur de Lys S., Fury S., Year ling Sales S., 2nd Win ni peg Fut., Prin cess Eliz a beth S., Natalma S., 3rd Duch ess S., Selene S., Year ling Sales S. Dam of 10 foals, 3 win ners, HIGH LAND RIDGE. 25 wins, 2 to 10, $85,961, Vic to ria S. [R]. Nom i na tor. 3 wins, at 3, $18,935. Sire. 4th dam: Brief At tire, by *Menetrier. 11 wins, 3 to 5, $33,965, 3rd Fury S., Warrensville H. Half-sis ter to BUNTY ESCAR ($29,540, Fury S.). Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 5 win ners, in clud ing LE CAMBRIOLEUR ( $122,914, Lieu ten ant Gov er nor’s S., etc.), CHALEUR ($96,335, Glo ri ous Song S., etc.), BRIEF ESCAR, GAY AP PAREL ($56,729); gran dam of SUGINO HAYAKAZE ($3,497,619, in Ja pan), PO TEEN ($183,809, in Eng land; $251,700, in NA), BOG TROTTER ($227,209, in Eng land), ICE TRICK ($121,045), Timbalier ($90,055, dam of MASADA, $267,139), etc. Race Re cord: 2 wins, once 2nd, twice 3rd, 3 to 5, 2006. Earned $11,916. En gage ments: MBNA Racing Chal lenge Par ent age Ver ified - Ac credited Oklahoma Bred - Cur rently in train ing Hip No. Con signed by Al ice & Ron Castka Hip No. 1202 JUST CALL ME WILLIE 1202 SI 85 2003 Bay Gelding Chicks Beduino SI 104.......*Beduino TB A Classy Chick SI 89 Willie Wicked SI 96 ..... 3744149 Wicked Willa SI 101 .........Dash For Cash SI 114 JUST CALL ME WILLIE Vi king Anne SI 116 X0623710 Phone Trick ................Clever Trick Col lect Caller (TB)...... Over The Phone (1990) Dark Escar .................Rich Cream Brief Escar By WILLIE WICKED SI 96 (1998). Win ner of 1 race at 2, $4,460. Sire of 68 start ers, 46 ROM, 3 stakes win ners, earn ing $459,692, in clud ing HEZA FAST WILLIE SI 98 (to 3, 2006, $82,165, Oklahoma Fut. G3), STRIKING BLACK GOLD SI 91 (to 3, 2006, $41,817, Al a bama Bred D. [R] G3), WICKED TUNE SI 89 (to 3, 2006, $26,760, Al a bama Bred Ju ve nile S. [R]), Pals Lit tle Willie SI 103 (at 3, 2006, $31,546, 3rd Oklahoma Fut. [R]), SM Wild Willie SI 92 ($15,488, 2nd Ford Oklahoma Chal lenge Fut. G3), etc. 1st dam: COL LECT CALLER (TB) (1990), by Phone Trick. Win ner at 4. Dam of 1 TB foal, 1 to race, 1 win ner; 4 QH foals, 4 to race, 3 ROM, Dou ble Side winder SI 95 (g. by Dou ble Time Dash). Win ner at 4 and 5, 2006, $11,916. Streakin And Freakin SI 92 (g. by Steak And Dash). Win ner in 2 starts at 2, 2006, $3,145. Call Un cle Roy’s TB (c. by Hy per bo rean). 2 wins at 3, $2,858. 2nd dam: DARK ESCAR, by Rich Cream. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 6 win ners, BRICK WORKS (g. by Rare Brick). 3 wins at 2 and 5, $180,960, TTBA Sales Fut. [R], 2nd Jean Lafitte Fut.
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