Gold Coast Bulletin No 4 Wednesday 23rd Feb 2005 Editors Nick Hughes & Nicoleta Giura Silverware going offshore Michelle Brunner and John Holland, Major Pairs Winners bridge professionals from England, Prize Money goes to the top three in won the Gold Coast Pairs yesterday. all sections, down to the Z Consola- Both have represented England, tion (& to 5th in Championships, 4th Michelle has won a World Champi- in Plates). Major prizes will be pre- onship (the Venice Cup in Brazil) sented at the Victory Dinner. Others They are on their second trip to can get theirs after 6pm Friday from Surfers. This time Adelaide, Mel- the ANA desk. bourne, Perth and Uluru are on their itinerary. Championship (& Playoff Points) Michelle & John 1 J Holland - M Brunner Michelle warmed up for yesterday’s 2 M Cornell - R Jedrychowski 20 Success on their second visit final session by giving a talk at the 3 K Dyke - D Wiltshire 15 well-attended teacher’s meeting. 4 M Courtney - P Wyer 10 She will also be one of the panellists Hands from the final 5 P Gosney - N van Jole 5 on the second You ask, We answer, Here’s a neat trump coup: tonight at around 11pm. ]KJT3 Best Women’s Pair Mike Cornell & Ryszard [K M Gidley-Baird - R Finkelstein Jedrychowski had a big final set to }AQT Open Plate overtake Kieran Dyke and David {JT964 1 B Neill - R Klinger Wiltshire, who led overnight but ]Q87652 ]A4 2 J Wignall - B Scott scored below average in Session 3. [6 [J942 3 A & K Nelson Bruce Neill and Ron Klinger won the }J92 }8765 Plate comfortably. {AK2 {873 Seniors Championship Ask the Experts ]9 [AQT8753 1 P Kahler - J Collins 20 Tonight at the end of play, in the }K43 2 I McKinnon - W Westwood 15 Tilba Rooms at the ANA, Michelle {Q5 3 T Lenart - Freeman-Greene Brunner will be joined by Australia’s 4 P Collins - I Afflick 10 leading bridge theorist and publisher David Wiltshire and Michelle Brun- 5 B Hunt - R Lachman 5 of Australian Bridge – Paul Marston ner both made 4[. Deep Finesse Seniors Plate and laconic all-swimming has no problems defeating it, seeing 1 A Doddridge - J Lenart all-dancing Bobby Richman, al- the need to attack dummy’s entries 2 P Chan - J Hewitt ways the centre of attention. by leading diamonds whenever pos- In the Tilba Room, level 2 ANA, just sible. after the end of the evening session. Against Wiltshire, West cashed the Restricted Championship $1 or $2 donation to charity will get {A and switched well to a trump. He 1= P Trenerry - R Groom you a ringside seat. won the next club and led a spade to 1= G McCarthy - B Carroll the king and ace. East naturally re- 3 E & S Kotzander Restricted Plate 1 D Johnson - J Watson Gold Coast Teams (Seniors at GCI, Restricted at ANA) 2 B Horton - J Harris Wed 1pm & 7.30 Swiss Rds3-6 11pm “You ask, we answer” at ANA Thu 10.30 & 3.30 Swiss Rds 7 - 10, don’t sleep in Thursday night off for everyone Fri 9.30 Semis start, then 2pm 11am Restricted & Seniors finals start 12.30 Swiss Rds 11 & 12, finishing at 5 pm 8 pm Vu-graph at ANA, first 20 boards of final The semis and the final will be cov- Sat 9.30 ANA Shield starts, walk-in, 9.45 cut-off ered live by Bridgebase’s online 9am Final bds 21-50 vugraph. Go to bridgebase.com. 7.30 for 8 pm Dinner/Dance (1) 44th Gold Coast Congress at the ANA & GCI turned a spade, ruffed. Here’s a nice slam from the last set: When West showed out on the [A, Final 3, Bd 11, S/Nil GNOT change Wiltshire saw what he needed to do ]KQ2 ]AT On the back page of yesterday’s – ruff twice in hand to reduce his [Q [AKT52 Bulletin, I published a date and trump length, then get to dummy at }AQT64 }J532 venue for this year’s GNOT fi- trick 11 to coup East’s [J-9. {A762 {Q9 nals in November. In fact this matter is yet to be decided – it That meant three diamond entries to will be considered at the ABF dummy, so he played the }K to the 1} 1[ Management Committee meet- ace, ruffed a club, then a diamond to 2{ 2] ing this weekend. the ten for a spade ruff, then over to 3NT 4} the }Q at trick 11. etc You’ll read about it in the next ABF Newsletter or online at Good cardplay wins pairs events. In At one table, East-West started this abf.com.au. the game where every trick counts, a way, reaching 6} and making 12 sound knowledge of squeeze theory tricks when the trump finesse failed. can make all the difference. Brunner On to the next board and a similar showed her skill here: auction for North-South, this time Dinner Dance Final 2, Bd 6 stopping in 5}, again making 12 Although it still seems a long E/EW ]AQJ853 tricks. way away, you need to get your [AJ9 “Hang on, we’ve already got a score }9 tables organized today. First in, for Board 11.” A sleepy North had best tables. {A93 picked up the same board and ro- Complimentary if you are ]T942 ]6 tated it through 90º ! Yes, it’s a long, playing in Pairs and Teams, $30 [Q765 [T843 gruelling event. }64 }QT753 if you’ve just arrived. $60 for {KJ4 {T86 Loose Lips Department non-entrants. You can collect ]K7 South helped Peter Jamieson make tickets after 5pm on Friday. [K2 this slam from the Pairs: }AKJ82 Final 3, Bd 25 {Q752 N/EW ]5 One Teams hand [T73 Okay who bid that 7} in the first ses- It’s easy enough to reach 6] but the }Q976532 sion and knew what they were do- winners reached 6NT/S. Brunner {92 ing? Entries in the box please. This figured 6] could well make 13 tricks ]K963 ]AJ8 is it: and figured she had to match them. [K98 [AJ54 Teams 1, Bd 10 (rotated) West found the best lead of a spade, }A }J4 ]AKQ ]3 which she won in dummy to take the {KT654 {AQ83 [— [JT85 diamond finesse. 12 tricks now. ]QT742 }KJ94 }AT76532 She cashed the }A-K pitching clubs, [Q62 {AT9765 {3 unblocked the ]K and {A, then ran }KT8 spades to reach this expected end- {J7 ing: WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH E/EW ]5 Ruth PJ [AJ9 No 1{ 1]? }— 2] No 2NT No Tuesday walk-in winners {— 4{ No 4[ No L Edrich - J Lovell ]— ]— 6{ End L Abbenbroek - M Aikin [? 76 [? T8 }— }Q Declarer “knew” South had ]QTxxx N Mcmillan - A Webb {K {— and likely [Q. On a trump lead, he P Barker - S Barlow ]— stripped diamonds, cashed the ]A [K2 then played [A-K in an attempt to }8 drop the queen then exited with a {Q heart to endplay South. You ask, we answer Placing the {K with West, she had The next and last session is on the rest. East must pitch a heart on Wednesday night after Match 6, the ]5, so South discards the }8. in the Tilba Rooms on Level 2 West also has to pitch a heart to ANA.. Throw your questions at a hang on to the {K, so the [J must panel that will include (World win trick 13. It didn’t matter where Champion) Michelle Brunner, the [Q was. Paul Marston, Bobby Richman. Printed & sponsored by The Local Newsletters (2) More from Phaic Tan Appeal # 1 MACA’S Phaic Tanese shopping centres of- Pairs Final 2, Bd 24 Nuts & Sweets fer a huge W/Nil ]Q63 range of [Q6 “Love at first bite” silk, fash- }A Ph: 07 5596 3251 ion shoes, {AK98762 Nerang jewellery ]A42 ]T9875 and handi- [K987 [JT3 www.macas.com.au crafts. }KQ76 }98542 {43 {— ]KJ The only down-side is that these [A542 goods are generally of poor quality }JT3 and made in Taiwan. P is for Prizes {QJT5 If you see a P next to your name, For a more 'authentic' experience, visit one of the many teeming street WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH it means you have won a ses- M’mphy Pszczola Cummings Otvosi bazaars you'll find throughout the sional prize. Includes anyone 1} 2{ 3] 1 4{ country. These are a wonderful way who finished in the top 10 in ei- 4] 5{ No No to pick up bargains and even the ther session of the Pairs Qual- Dbl 2 No 5} End ifying. most half-hearted shopper will come away with something, 1 fit-showing limit raise See Clare at the ANA or Pam at whether it's silk clothing, jewellery or 2 agreed long hesitation the GCI to pick up your prize – a simply an upper respiratory infec- high quality pen or Mind Games, tion. I’ve paraphrased some of the the story of Queensland Bridge. following. Ed There is no doubting it, Phaic Tan If you finished in the top three in has become something of a centre Director: There was an agreed hesi- your final, you can collect your for fake and pirated goods, ranging tation by West before the double of cheque from the Level 2 ANA from DVDs and watches through to 5{. However, the directors consid- desk on Friday afternoon. clothing and shoes. So successful ered it was not a Logical Alternative have the black market traders be- for East to pass 5{x , given (a) 3] come that there is now a new group had shown values and (b) East had This is of vendors emerging who specialize 5+ cards in partner’s opened suit.
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