Title Linnaeus, Chinese flora and 'linguistic imperialism' Author(s) Cook, GA The 2009 Symposium of the University of Hong Kong Summer Institute in Arts & Humanities: 'The Appropriation of Chinese Citation Nature during the Enlightenment', Hong Kong, China, 14 July 2009. Issued Date 2009 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10722/123694 Rights Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong License Linnaeus, Chinese flora and ‘linguistic imperialism’ Alexandra Cook Department of Philosophy HKU [email protected] Theses Linnaeus did not practice „linguistic imperialism‟ in naming Chinese plants; In naming Chinese plants, Linnaeus applied his rules less restrictively than is generally thought (Needham, Schiebinger); assigned a relatively small percentage of patronymic names; and offered a road map to many indigenous usages and names through his synonymies and materia medica. Some statistics 160 Chinese species determined by Linnaeus father and son; 100 of these in Species plantarum (1753): SP marks official beginning of modern botanical nomenclature Binomial names: Genus + specific epithet Total of 319 Chinese species known to L. and L. fil. Total genera named by Linnaeus: 1,313 23% of 286 economically-useful species named by Linnaeus have generic names referring to use contradicting his rules of 1737 (Crit. Bot.) Patronymics: 10% (i.e. 13) of 131 genera designations of Chinese plants by L. and L. fil. However, mine is primarily a qualitative, rather than a quantitative or statistical, argument. Critiques of Linnaean generic names Joseph Needham, with Lu Gwei-Djen and Huang Hsin-Tsung, Science and Civilisation in China, vol. 6: Biology and Biological Technology, part I: Botany (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986). Londa Schiebinger, Plants and Empire: Colonial Biosprospecting in the Atlantic World (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 2004). Michel Adanson, Familles des plantes, facs. ed., introduction by Frans A. Stafleu (New York: J. Cramer-Lehre, 1966 [1763-4]). Needham’s Critique of Linnaeus It has to be admitted that Linnaeus was the evil genius of this Europocentrism. In +1737 [Critica botanica] he laid down that he would admit no generic name unless it came from Greek or Latin, or looked as if it did, or commemorated a king or someone who had advanced the study of botany. He was only prepared to accept „barbarous‟ words as adjectival nouns forming a specific name….Linnaeus‟s transfer of old classical names to plants or groups unknown in antiquity was very unfortunate, and he also employed Latin names without any regard tor their original use, e.g. Cactus, Ceonathus… (emph. added; Needham, et al. p. 168). Schiebinger’s Critique of Linnaeus Linnaean Latin generic names, especially those commemorating famous botanists, banish folk wisdom re: uses; Ignore contributions of indigenous peoples, e.g. Taino, Arawak Women‟s contributions to herbalism are marginalized; The same holds for the herbal knowledge of African slaves in the Caribbean. 18th c. critic: Adanson Adanson criticises „règle de latinité‟ imposed universally (Adanson 1966: pp. clxxiii-iv). Champions „indigenous names [noms de païs], that some modern Botanists call Barbaric‟: „…if these Dogmatic Authors had traveled, they would have recognized that in these diverse countries people treat our European names as equally Barbaric […si ces Auteurs Dogmatikes eussent voyajé, ils eussent reconnu que dans ces divers païs on traite pareillement de Barbares nos noms Européens…]‟ (Adanson 1966, p. clxxiii). Why the critique fails: what indigenous names actually do Many names not based on use Folk taxonomies not based on utility (Atran, 1983 and 1990); Names based on various plant features, e.g. names for ginseng based on appearance: 人參 (ren shen, man-root)—Chinese; human thighs—Iroquois. Occult character of plant names: Medical use of plant a professional secret of shamans, and traditional healers, e.g. Delaware Indians‟ medicine lodge; This point has been passed over in the literature. What Chinese plant names do Chinese plant names refer not only to uses, but also to shape and form, size colour aroma taste special characteristics habitat, geographical origin climatic property sex famous people: „there was an exact parallelism between East and West in the choice and construction of plant names…every one of the categories into which the Chinese phytonyms were divided has its counterpart among the Western ones‟ (Needham, p. 165). Patronymics „Generic names that have been formed to perpetuate the memory of a botanist who has done excellent service should be religiously preserved‟ (Linnaeus, Phil. Bot. 2003 [1751], p. 185); „…a naming system abstract in relation to the properties of plants, but concrete in relation to the history of botany in Europe‟ (emph. added; Schiebinger 2004, p. 201); „Chinese names were also derived from the names of people in a way analogous to that which gave us Fuchsia or Sigesbeckia‟ (Needham, p. 159). Needham calls this „surprising‟ (p. 159). Needham on patronymics patronymics „are indeed much more common in Latin binomials than they are in the Chinese nomenclature‟ (Needham, p. 167); He does not provide statistics to support this claim; Actually, only 10% of names bestowed on Chinese plants by Linnaeus and son were patronymics (13 out of 131)! Hence, a minority practice in respect to Chinese plants named by Linnaeus and Linnaeus filius. Chinese patronymics Li Shizhen (1518-1593), Bencao gangmu (Outline of roots and herbs, 本草綱目 [1596]): Solidago Virga-aurea Auct. (Golden rod, 劉寄奴草) named for an emperor Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. (Rubber tree, 杜仲) named for a „semi-legendary Taoist‟, Heterosmilax japonica Kunth (China root, 草禹餘糧): named for a „legendary culture-hero‟; Paeonia moutan Sims (Tree-peony, 姚黃) named for a „family of gardeners‟. Needham, p. 155. Banishment of certain categories of names Linnaeus’s rules for naming „No sane person introduces primitive generic names. All barbarous names are regarded by us as primitive, since they are from languages not understood by the learned. [So are] doubtful appellations of plants, when it is hard to decide what language they are derived from‟. „Generic names that do not have a root derived from Greek or Latin are to be rejected‟ (Phil. Bot., p. 172) Banishment of vernacular names? Latin names are for communication among botanists; Linnaeus never advocated the abolition of indigenous or vernacular names: „Let each nation use its own language, only let Botanists come to an agreement among themselves…‟; „I do not object to any nation retaining its own vernacular names for plants; what I do earnestly desire is that all learned Botanists should agree over the Latin names; since they have not done so, I foresee barbarism knocking at our gates‟ (emph. added; Crit. Bot., pp. 37, 38). Chinese botanical nomenclature ‘unscientific’? „The idea often prevalent that traditional Chinese botanical nomenclature was in some sense “unscientific” is clearly connected with the prejudice in the European, and now in the modern, mind, that nothing can be scientifically identifiable unless it bears a Latin name. But the fission of the learned from the popular plant nomenclature occurred remarkably late in Europe. According to Greene, the distinction between Latin names and European vernacular names is hardly found before the time of Otto Brunfels…‟ (Needham, p. 144). Did Linnaeus consider the Chinese language ‘unscientific’? There is no evidence that Linnaeus took this view of the Chinese language; It simply fell outside Latin and Greek, and for him was therefore „barbarous‟; Linnaeus knew only Swedish and Latin; Even his geographical knowledge of Asia was limited and sometimes outright wrong (next slide); However, he did not stick to his naming rules, admitting names from Taino (Caribbean) and Malayalam (South Asia)! Was Linnaeus anti-Chinese (a Sinophobe) and/or an imperialist? Not a Sinophobe, praised China Influence of physiocrats, e.g. Mirabeau Sinophile Swedish aristocrat, Carl Fredrik Scheffer (1715-1786) L. dispatched Pehr Osbeck and Olaf Torèn to collect Chinese plants But confused many of their „habitats‟ as „in India‟ An autarkic cameralist; favored inward-looking imperialism: Import substitution Colonization of Lapland (Mü ller-Wille, Koerner) Naming system transcended cultures; Although it did serve colonial botany very well. Linnaean Geography „Linnaeus the father is generally very careless in his statements regarding the native countries of exotic plants. He seems to have had a very confused idea with respect to the geographical position of China, for he identifies it not unfrequently [sic] with India….Many of Osbeck‟s Chinese plants appear in the Species Plantarum as plants collected by Osbeck in India. But… Osbeck never visited India. Linnaeus even does not distinguish between India orientalis and India occidentalis. Linnaeus, in describing new plants he had received from foreign countries deems it generally superfluous to notice the names of the collectors‟ (Bretschneider 1898, p. 64). Swedish Tea: A bio-geographical mistake? Linnaeus believed that tea grows as far north as Beijing, and that he could cultivate it in Uppsala, Sweden; He had a plant brought from China in 1763, „It has been an object of wonder that the tea plant has not been introduced into Europe … and we must look for the cause of our want of success in the plant itself. This has been overcome by the most consummate Botanist of his age, and we may now promise ourselves, that the Tea plant will be in a little time as common in Europe as the Syringa, and native of the same country [China]‟ („Usus Historiæ Naturalis‟ (1769). Despite his efforts, tea has never been naturalised in Europe; By 1765 the one remaining tea plant was nearly dead; Linnaeus‟s climatological assumptions were simply incorrect: „…tea is not grown at Peking. The extreme line of its cultivation does not go farther north than the 31o degree of lat.‟, e.g. Shanghai (Bretschneider, p. 64). Multiple indigenous names: what to do? „It might have been difficult to decide, in the case of a plant growing in six different countries, which of the six different names should be adopted as official.
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