July 7, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7609 Percy E. Sutton, the former Manhattan major league baseball. They are Darin young people and community busi- Borough President, remembered Mr. Erstad of the Anaheim Angels and Rick nesses in the Metro Detroit area. More O’Dwyer’s flights to help Soviet Jews, and Helling of the Texas Rangers. A few than 16,000 young people are expected bus rides to help elect a black man in Ala- weeks ago, ESPN referred to Darin to take part in the daylong activities. bama. ‘‘You see,’’ Mr. Sutton said, ‘‘Paul O’Dwyer Erstad as ‘‘the all-star no one’s heard This event is significant in that com- was not just Irish. Paul O’Dwyer was Italian. of.’’ That will change after his intro- munity volunteers, from across Metro Paul O’Dwyer was Jewish. Paul O’Dwyer was duction tonight at the Major League Detroit, have come together to make a Greek. He was Polish. Paul O’Dwyer was also Baseball All-Star Game in Denver. Al- difference in young people’s lives. The African-American. In his involvement in the though baseball fans did not elect many organizers of this event have rec- causes that were not necessarily his, Paul Darin to the all-star team, the Amer- ognized the need for more youth activi- O’Dwyer was us.’’ ican League coaching staff recognized ties, emphasizing physical education Mr. Sutton concluded, ‘‘At that place, his brilliant play and named him as a and good sportsmanship in improving where he should finally rest, you can bet one thing: There’ll be an organizing of protests reserve. So far this season, the James- the lives of Metro Detroit Youth. It is there. Because that is the nature of Paul town, North Dakota, native is batting for this reason that they have spon- O’Dwyer.’’ .313, and his 115 hits ranks second in sored this wonderful program that has A niece, Joan O’Dwyer Savarese, invoked the American League. He currently grown more successful each year. the notion that at death, life plays back like leads his Angels’ teammates in home Over the course of the last 16 years, a movie. ‘‘Uncle Paul,’’ she said, ‘‘what a runs (18) and runs batted in (59). I am this event has garnered tremendous show you’re in for.’’ sure that few who watched him play as support from the people within the That show would have included boarding a youngster in North Dakota, or as a Metro Detroit community from both house life and night law school after immi- the private sector and from all levels of grating to Manhattan, defense of Irish Re- college player with the Nebraska publican Army members facing extradition, Cornhuskers, are surprised at his suc- government. This year over ninety or- registration of black voters in Mississippi, cess at the major league level. He is ganizations serve as co-sponsors. At marches against the Vietnam War, four los- clearly a disciplined, hard-working this time I would like to extend my ap- ing races for United States Senate, and elec- player, and his election to this year’s preciation and best wishes to Mr. Ed tion as Councilman at Large in Manhattan all-star team is well deserved. Deeb who has again chaired this event and City Council President. Rick Helling’s success in Texas this and brought it to new levels of success. His wife, Patricia, recalled a Board of Esti- summer has been no less spectacular. I wish all the children participating mate meeting when a fight broke out be- As a starting pitcher with the Rangers, and the sponsors tremendous success.∑ tween landlords and tenants (‘‘Odd, that,’’ she said to appreciative laughter), and Mr. the Devils Lake, North Dakota, native f finished the first half of the season O’Dwyer descended into the skirmish as IRAN MISSILE TECHNOLOGY peacemaker. She went on to say that her with an impressive record of 11 wins, 4 husband ‘‘is truly not dead.’’ losses, and an earned run average of ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I would ‘‘We have evidence of his physical pass- 4.40. Only two pitchers in the American like to express my serious concern ing,’’ Mrs. O’Dwyer said. ‘‘But that spirit and League have posted more wins this sea- about Iran’s continuing efforts to ob- that passion—it will stay alive if we all leave son. Unfortunately, Rick was not cho- tain missile technology. here today committed to making the lives of sen to the all-star squad. That is a It has been widely reported that Iran our fellow human beings better.’’ shame, but the rosters for the game are has produced chemical weapons and is At the service’s close, the white pall that actively pursuing the development of shrouded the coffin was replaced by the Irish limited and each year deserving play- flag. Friends, certain Mr. O’Dwyer would be ers are left out. Rick deserved to be on biological and nuclear weapons. When delighted to be wrapped in the tricolor, gave the team and his omission should not these deadly technologies are coupled a standing ovation as the casket passed by.∑ overshadow what has so far been an with advanced ballistic missiles, they f outstanding year. He is well on a pace become true weapons of mass destruc- to win 20 games, the benchmark all tion, posing a grave and direct threat TRIBUTE TO LAURIE DONOVAN starting major league pitchers strive to U.S. troops stationed in the Persian ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise for. I know he has the talent to do it Gulf are as well as our key ally in the today to pay tribute to one of Mis- and I wish him continued success. Middle East, the State of Israel. souri’s finest legislators, State Rep- Considering how few North Dakotans Iran’s quest to develop ballistic mis- resentative Laurie Donovan. She has have ever played in the major leagues, siles has been aided by several Russian served Missouri’s 74th District since my state is understandably proud that corporations, who have sold Iran key 1982, and done so with a combination of two of them are achieving such terrific technology and provided important conviction, compassion, and just plain success at the same time. But it is even technical support. Public reports indi- good humor. more fitting that Darin Erstad and cate that Iran is extremely close to de- There is no question that Laurie has Rick Helling are having breakthrough ploying advanced ballistic missiles. If been a maverick. She has marched to seasons this year. Those who follow we fail to take meaningful action her own drummer, voting only in ac- baseball know that the summer’s big- quickly, Iran could deploy chemical- cordance with her conscience. Laurie gest story has been the attempt by sev- tipped ballistic missiles within one has stood second to no one in her sup- eral players, most notably Mark year. port for early childhood education—a McGwire, Ken Griffey, Jr., and Sammy Congress reacted appropriately to topic upon which I share her intense Sosa, to break the single season record this threat by passing the Iran Missile interest. Her efforts on behalf of the for most home runs. That enduring Proliferation Sanctions Act in May by mentally ill likewise are the stuff of record of 61 home runs, which has stood a vote of 90–4. The bill would impose Missouri legislative legend. for nearly four decades, was set by the sanctions on individual companies—not It is clear that State Representative New York Yankees’ slugger Roger governments—that assist Iran in devel- Laurie Donovan’s retirement is a loss Maris. Roger Maris, I am very proud to oping ballistic missile technology. for every Missouri citizen. I join all say, was raised in Fargo, North Da- To its credit, the government of Rus- Missourians in wishing her well, and kota.∑ sia, after considerable prodding from thanking her for her many years of f the U.S. State Department, has taken dedicated service.∑ meaningful steps toward halting the 16TH ANNUAL METRO DETROIT f export of sensitive technology. Unfor- YOUTH DAY tunately, these measures alone are not NORTH DAKOTANS DARIN ERSTAD ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise sufficient to freeze the Iranian missile AND RICK HELLING today to recognize a special event that program. The Iran Missile Prolifera- ∑ Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I want will take place in the City of Detroit. tion Sanctions Act is needed. to call the Senate’s attention today to July 8, 1998 will mark the 16th Annual I regret the Administration’s deci- two young men from my state who are Metro Detroit Youth Day on Belle Isle sion to veto this important bill. I un- making their marks this year where in Detroit. This event is designed to derstand its view that the Executive few North Dakotans have before: in help improve relationships between Branch alone should attempt to resolve VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:35 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S07JY8.REC S07JY8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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