Cemetery Records from Loudoun County, Virginia

Cemetery Records from Loudoun County, Virginia

''''; -^r^^"'''?'?v'*'.r' ' ^ 0000663 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Family Search http://www.archive.org/details/cemeteryrecordsfOOjewerich JKESXSD G. 3.1 3 CEIiETERY INSCRIPTIONS from LOUDOUN COmiTY, VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL sSciifi ©F THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST --• PF tATTS«-DAY SAlNt^ 53^80 Copied & Typed by Mrs. '.'(alter Towner Jewell Arlington, Virginia £':L3 U- H- ... "' \ TABLE OF CONTENTS Aldie Mt. Zion Old School Baptist Church Cemetery .... 1-9 Hamilton City Cemetery lO-U? Hillsboro City Cemetery U8-7^ Lovettsville Union Cemetery ''C—136 Old Cemetery in rear of New Jersalem Lutheran Church 137-16? Uliddleburg Old Baptist Church Cemetery -1^2 Waterford Waterf ord Union Cemetery .'3-lyO Friends Cemetery Fairfax Meeting House Churchyard ^91-211 Catoctin Methodist Gnurch Cemetery ? 1.2 -219 INSCRIPTIONS FROM MT. ZION OLD bCHO'L BkPTIST ChUHCH C i'iSTSRY, NR ALDIE, LOUDOUN COUNTY,VA. Page 1 ^ ;|^ 1. Claudius T. Hixcn, b. Dec. 27, 1;j79, d. hpr. 2^, lSh9 2. Sllzabeth T. Hixon, b. Aug. 1, 1^62, d. - 3. Helen Frances, dfiu, of C, S, & Mery W, Utterback, b, July 11, ISl'', d, Dec. 2U, 1916 h, Lt^lia :^teadm.an, eldest daxi, cf Thoinfas P, i: Mildred a, Hereford, b. I'lay 9, 1855, d. - 5. Warren G. Lttarbiick, d. Dec, IJ, — , aged 12 yrs, 6. Charles Lewis Ayeres, d, .>ent, 2, 1931 i^t, 61 yrs, 7. Bertie H., wife of P. F. Phillips, b. line, K'., 1888, d.Feb. 11,1923 6. Peggy . nn, dau. of P.E, «< Savilla G, niillips, b. Mar, 3, 1939, d. ,lan, 25, I9I4C 9. Abraham C, Phillips, b, July 2, 1912, d. Oct. 18, 191j3 10. Canada H. Shockley, b. Dec, 18, iaU9, d. riiir. 7, 1932 11. Mary N., wife of G, H, Shockley, b, 'Iv. 7, 1862, d, Nov. 3, 1917 12. Ruth Earl, dau, of i, L. u Pamelia I. Skinner, b. Mar. 25, 1931, d. Sept. 22, 1933 13. Charles E. Skinner, b. Dec. 7, I8U0, d. Aug. l5, 1922 llx, Laura M., wife of Charles S, Skinner, b. i.ept. 7, l856,d,Aug.ll,1933 15, .Villian h, Johnson, 1858 - 1928 16, 51izabf»th G,, wife of William A. Johnson, 1857 - 17, William Grehan, b. Nov, 30, 1883, d. Feb. 13, 1928 16, Sffa M., wife of William Grehan, b. July Iv., 1S('Y 19. Sal lie G\ilick Powell, d. Dec. 28, 1926 20. Bettie K, Bolt, d. Anr. 7, 19l*6 at '-.1 yrs. 21. David H. G. ^'Iston, b. Jan. 10, iSUb, d. tor. 8, 1927 22. Laurence Dickens, d. Feb, 21, 19U2 at 9 mo. 2 ds. 23. Thomas J. Pelt, b. Feb. 28, 1863, d, uec. 17, 1928 2U. John werdell, d. Apr. 18, 19U7 at 77 yrs, 25. Sallie N. Taylor, dau. of Basil A- Hebecca Cole, t. June f^, I81i3, d, Apr, 11, 1883 at 3" yrs. 26. Mrs, Rpbecca C. Cole, b, Kay 25, 1813, d. Aug.3,l890 at 77 yrs. 27. John \,, sen of C,M. 'r L,S, Tunnan,Sr. b. May 25, 1909, d, Feb. 16, 1911 28. Th>na8 W, Litchfield, b. Juno 10, 181,2, d. Feb. 8, 1908 . Pago 2 2 29. Mary Litchfield, b, hby 27, 1820, d. i.pr. 19, 1901 30. Sarah Catherine, dau. cf Thomas S. /. hary L. ^jauls, b.Nov.2U, 190v., d. Dec. 2, 1900 31. Florence T., dau. cf K.& A.McF&rland, d. July 1,1896, in 23rd yr. 32. Anestfesis, wife of Morris F. KcFarland, b.Av)g.23,l8U3,d.act.20,ldo2 33. William H. btenhenson, b. Kar. 6, 1316, d. n^r. 11, 18&8 3U. iiarah Jane KcFarland, b, Nov, 30, I8h5, d. July 3, 1900 35. Edward Thompson, b. Jan. 28, 1803, d. ^ec. 17, 1386 36. Mary E. Pierson, b. Jan. 18, l8J.i6, d. Oct. 10, 1895 37. Majrr .William Hibbs, of Co a, Mosby's Command, Ct.A Ir 17-188? 3^^. Mary J., wifs of Major Hibbs, 1820 - 1882 39. Nancy D., wife of Cant. John T. Lynn, b. Oct. 12, 1822, d.Mov.l3,19u7 liO. Cant. Jchn T. Lynn, d. Aug. 3, l''!72 at about h9 yrs. hi. Thomas H.A., son of John h Nancy Ljiin, b.Anr.21,l85u, d. June 11, 1852 at 2 yrs.l mo.U ds. L2. Charl'^s W. Partrn, l63S - 1925 Ii3. S13& Furr, wife of Charles W. Bnrton, d. Nov. 22, 1910 at 70 yr. 7 no. ii d.. hh. Susannah, wife cf I. K. Marsliall, b. Mar. 12, 1876, d. Aug. 11, 1931 h5. William E. Jordan, b. rtay 6, 1890, d. Oct. 16, 1939 Li6. Louise R, ,dau. of William *; Bes-ie Jordfcn,b. Jept.16, 1920, d. ;.ug.l5, 1921 h7. Miss Martha Hibbs, d. A-.r. 19, 1919 at 61 yrsi. h8, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Thcmas & Hannah i^ard, b. Feb, 1,1836, d. Mar. 11, 1907 L9. Martha A. Mftthew, b. Mar. 10, l8hO, d. Nov. h, 1920 50. y^artin V. Matthews, d. June 3, lt^95 at 73 yr: 51. Rebecca w., wife rf waiter R. Bradshaw, b. Feb. 1, 1829, d. Dec. 12, 1909 at 80 yrs, 10 mo. 11 ds. 52. Mary Margaret, wife of w. S. Demory, b. Nov.l7,l8ljU,d.lor.6,1906 53. Rebecca B. Thomas, b. Oct. 10, 1821, d. Sept. 15, 1911 51i. Griffethe £. Thomas, b. Itor.l6,l8lh, d. Oct. 11, 1899 55. Corbin I., son of L.F. h M.F. Palmer, b. Jan. 2'^, l57o,d.June 22,1878 56. Edna Annie, dau. of L.F, & M.F. Palmar, b. Nov. 30,l876,d. June 5,1882 57. L. F. Palmer, CSA, b. Oct. 3, 1829, d. Feb. 13, 1392 58. Mary F., wife cf L. F. Palmer, b. July l6, lbU3, d. Feb. 12, 1909 Page 3- .. 3 59. rtallacf3 H.F., son of L.F. & h.F. Palmer, b. Dec. 3, I8c53, d.Mur.l9, I69ii 60. Margtret V,, wife of F,. H. VanSickler, b. ^ct. 13, 186$, d. Apr. 8, 1898 61. Harriet C. Jam^s, b. Mar. 29, 1829, a. ;ct. 28, 1902 62. Sleonora Jim'^s, B. Dae. 21, 16?3, d. Uec. 11, 1922 63. ThomRS E, Hunday, d, Dec, 7, 19^5 ^^t 5!i yrs, 6h, (Fathnr) Sinclair, 1833 - 1926 6!^, (Kcther) Sinclair, I8li8 - 1900 66. (Son) Sinclair, 1872 - l^:91 67. Iinizfcbf5tb, wife cf John T. Ligftfcct, b. Jan. 29, 1826, d. Aug. 9, 1872 at I.j6 yrs, 6 mo. 10 ds, 68. J. T. K-lly,C:j^, b, Jan. 21,1838, d. Sent. h, 1862 of wounds at 2nd Battle of Manasses 69. John Kelly, b.Ch*?ster Co. Pa.Mar. 29, l803,d. Loudoun Co. Va. Oct. 3, 1866 70. Susan C., wife of D.A. Pettitt, b. Jan. 8, 1660, d, Dec. 2li, 1906 71. Josias Ferguson, b. Dec. 25, 1812, d. Nov. 8, I896 72. Lowell H. Middle ten, d. Dec. 13, 1872 it 6b yrs. 73. Frances P., eldest dau, of Lovell H. ft buaan A. Middlcton, b, Oct. 2, I81i8, d. upt. 13, 1883 7!», Guy Milton, son of J,A. >^ G.L. Wall, b. i-ent. 27, 1892, d. Aug. 13, 1893 75. Laura Pagf , wife of Aaron B. Francis, b.D C.l5,l850,d,i;ept.l5,l897 76. v.illard Hume, son cf A.D.& L.P.Francis,b.oeot,10,lH83,d. Jan.2li,l892 77. Maude Thedolle, deu.of A.w, >,• L.£, Middleton, b. i<ent. 21, 18^.9, d. Nov. h, 1891 78. I4aury A., sen of A.W. f, L.E. Kiddleton, b.May 29,l89li.d.Jan.6,190h 79. Arthur W. Middleton, 1852 - 1933 80. Fjama H. Young, d. July 1, 1916 at 52 yrs, 81. J. Clay Jenkins, d. Feb. 6, 1899 at Ll yrs. 82. Rose Myrtle, dau, of J.Clay 't. E.H. Jenkins, b. bent, 2h, I869, d, Jan. 2h, 1890 83. Infant Jenkins, b. '< d. July 26, 1887 8I1, John G. , son of J, /i b.F. Carruthers, d. Dec. 7, 1857 at 7 wks. 85. Milton E. Corrut^ers, d. Ji.n, 10, 1912 at 31 yrs. 66. Mary F, Ferguson, b. Apr. 15, I8I8, d. May 20, 1872 87, Amsnda V, Ferguson, b. May 12, 1837, d, June 11, 1861 ^ Pago It J. SB. W, L. Bergusm, b. Oct. 9, 1G?0, d. /or. 13, 1913 89. Angelina Walker, b. Sent. 30, ir>20, d. Dec. 29, 1899 90. Kiltcn L. F-rguson, b. Sept. 12, 1370, d. July 29, 1908 91. Mary K. Ferguson, b. July 3«, IfibJ, d. July 2^, 19o8 92. I.orc.ine, dfeu. of C.E. & H.w. Ferguson, b. June 2o,1^12, d. iipr. ju, 1<915 93. Corinne Blizabeth, wife of Herbert W, F rguson, b. June 17, 1885, d. Dec. 25, 1918 9h. Jacob B. rtfitson, b. Msr. 6, 18U2, d. i^npt. 15, 1919 95. FiTS. Rose Powell Watson, d. Apr. 6, 1938 et 78 yrs. 17 dt.. 96. Rebecca Kay Thomas, 1886 - 1933 97. "-arah Thrmas Carruthers, b. Mov. 2l, I81i8, d. June 30, 1930 98. Joel Carruthers, tt, Nov, 8, 191i4 at 73 yrs, h mo. 99. Louisa Ellen, wife of William L.H.Kendrick,d.Aug.l3,lo82 in 59th yr. l;)0. Zilpha Riticor, b. Feb. 2, 1807, d. May 10, 1891 fat 81 yrs. 101. i'l&llnda Uiticor, b. Oct. 9, l809, d. Juno 28, 1662 102. Margaret Triplitte, b. Feb. 28, Irtll, d. i.ug. 6, 1882 lOD. Ruth S., wife of W.T.

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