EUROPEANPARLIAMENT REPORT drawnup on behalfof the Committeeof Inquiry intoRacism and Xenophobia on thefindings of the Committeeof Inquiry Rapporteur:Mr Glyn FORD This publicationis availablein followinglanguages: DA ISBN 92-823-0221-0 DE ISBN 92-823-0279-2 GR |SBN92-823-0283-0 ES ISBN92-823-0281-4 FR ISBN 92-823-0282-2 lT lsBN 92-823-0284-9 NL ISBN 92-823-0285-7 PT |SBN92-823-0286-5 Cataloguingdata can be foundat the end of this publication. Luxembourg:Office for OfficialPublications of the EuropeanCommunities, 1991 tsBN 92-823-0280-6 Cataloguenumber: AX-59-90-81 S-EN-C O ECSC-EEC-EAEC,Brussels - Luxembourg,1991 Reproductionis authorized,except for commercialpurposes, provided the sourceis acknowledged. The Englishversion is the original. Printed in Luxembourg Introductionby Mr EnriqueBARÖN CRESPO, Presidentof the EuropeanParliament This brochuredeals with one of the majorsocial and politicalproblems of our time. In continuingour work for a peacefulanddemocratic united Europe, we mustensure that our Europeis an opensociety based on the respectof fundamentalrights and the rejectionof all formsof discrimination, Racismand xenophobiaspring from the individual'sfear and insecurityabout the future andare nurturedby unemploymentand povefi. The removalof thesefactors should be a primepolicy aim for Europe'snational and localauthorities as well as for the European Community.But this is only part of the picture.The campaignagainst racism and xenophobiacan not simply be handedover to authoritiesand institutions;it is the responsibilityof eachand everyone of us. In orderto makethe citizensof Europeaware of this we haveto enhanceand regularly updatetheir knowledge of the facts,symptoms and structuresin whichthis evil manifests itself.This is oneof thetasks the EuropeanParliament has taken upon itself. This is why it decidedfor the second time in fiveyears to setup a committeeof inquiryinto the problems of racismand xenophobia.The reportof this committee,whose rapporteurwas our colleagueGlyn FORD,forms the basisof this brochure.lt is intendedto followup the previousreport published in 1986,with which the nameof the lateDimitrios EVREGENIS willalways be linked.lt is alsointended to ensurethat concrete progress follows from the jointdeclaration against racism and xenophobia signed on 11 June1986 by the European Parliament,the Commission,the Councilof Ministersand the representativesof all the MemberStates, Maythis brochurecontribute towards the realizationthat racism is ethicallyunacceptable and politicallydangerous, and a greaterawareness of our commonresponsibility to work for a democraticand pluralistEuropean society respecting the dignityof menand women whatevertheir race, sexual orientation, religion, nationality or ethnicorigin. Enrique BARöN CRESPO Resolutionon the report by the Committeeof Inquiry into Racismand Xenophobia TheEuropean Parliament, havingregard to the reportof its Committeeof Inquiryinto Racismand Xenophobia (43-195/90), 1. Resolves to give effect to the recommendationsto the European Parliament containedtherein; 2. Gallson the Commission,the Council,the ForeignMinisters meeting in European PoliticalCooperation and the governmentsof the MemberStates to study in detail the recommendationscontained in the reportof its Committeeof Inquiry; 3. Undertakesto publish and distributewidely the report in the Member States, includingat localand regionallevel, and callson the Commissionand Councilto do the same; 4. Instructsits Presidentto forwardthis resolutionand the reportof its Committeeof Inquirywith the recommendationscontained therein to the Council,the Commission,the ForeignMinisters meeting in EuropeanPolitical Cooperation and the governmentsof the MemberStates. Resolutionon the reportby the Committeeon Inquiryinto Racismand Xenophobia The EuropeanParliament, having regard to Oral Questions with debate 83-1327 and 1329/90 on the recommendationsof the Committeeof Inquiryand the Commission'sresponse, having regard to the findings of the Committeeof Inquiry into Racism and Xenophobia, havingregard to the JointDeclaration against Racism and Xenophobiaof 11June 1986, A. havingnoted the recommendationsset out in the Committeeof Inquiry'sreport, B. whereas particularvigilance is requiredto prevent any threat of racism and xenophobiabecoming more widespread in Europe, 1. Approvesthe appropriatemeasures which will enable the Community'sspecific role in this field to be strengthenedalongside national bodies and welfareand religious authorities; 2. Takesthe viewthat a solutionmust also be soughtin a wide-rangingprogramme encompassingemployment, housing, education and the developmentof harmonious coexistenceat grass-rootslevel; 3. Calls,accordingly, on theCommission, Counciland other Community institutions, as wellas on the governmentsand parliamentsof the MemberStates, to worktowards that goaland callsmore specifically on its Committeeon Budgetsto enterin the budgetat an earlydate the budgetheadings proposed in theCommittee of lnquiry'srecommendations; 4. Instructsits Presidentto fonruardthis resolutionto the Commission,the Counciland the otherCommunity institutions and to the governmentsand parliamentsof the Member States. CONTENTS Page 1. GENERALCONSIDERATIONS 11 2. ORGANIZEDRACISM AND RIGHT.WINGEXTREMISM 19 2.1, Belgium 19 2.2. Denmark 21 2.3. FederalRepublic of Germany. 22 2.4. Greece 27 2.5. France 27 2.6. lreland 31 2.7. ltaly . 32 2.8. Luxembourg... 34 2.9. The Netherlands 35 2.10. Portugal 36 2.11. Spain 37 2.12. UnitedKingdom 38 2.13. Austria 41 2.14. EasternEurope 42 2.15. Norway 44 2.16. Sweden 45 2.17. The internationalskinhead movement 46 Sources 49 3. COUNTRYBY COUNTRYANALYSIS 51 3.1. Foreword 51 The EuropeanCommunity: 3.2. Belgium 52 3.3. Denmark 55 3.4. FederalRepublic of Germany. 57 3,5, Greece 58 3,6. Spain 59 3.7. France 61 3.8. lreland 65 3.9. Italy . 65 3.10. Luxembourg... 67 3.11. The Netherlands 68 3.12. Portugal 70 3.13, UnitedKingdom 71 3.13,1.England 71 3.13.2.Scotland 73 3.13.3.Wales 74 Other EuropeanCountries: 3.14. Austria 74 3.15. Switzerland... 74 3"16. Norway 75 3.17. Sweden 76 3"18. Finland 76 3.19. Eastand CentralEurope (of the WarsawPact) 77 3.19.6. German Democratic Republic 77 Footnotes 79 4. coMMUNtTYACTTON STNCE 1986 . 97 4.1. lntroduction.... 97 4.2. Recommendationsfully implementedat the Communitylevel . 98 The 1986Joint Declaration against Racism and Xenophobia 98 Eurobarometerstudy on racismand xenophobia in the EuropeanCommun- ity... 99 4.3. Recommendationson which some action was or has been taken at the Communitylevel . 99 4.3.1.Definitionof the Commission'scompetence on migrationpolicies in relation to non-membercountries 99 4.3.2. lnformationHandbook 101 4.3.3. A comparativelaw study 101 't02 4.3.4. Migrantwomen and employment 4.3.5.Youth againstracism 102 4.3.6. Fundsset asidefor conductinginformation compaigns 103 4.4. Recommendationswhose implementationis still in progress 103 4.4.1.The'lntercommunityForum' or'Migrants' Forum' 103 4.4.2. Commission'sproposal to combatracism and xenophobia 105 4.5. Measuresimplemented by the Council/MemberStates 108 4.5.1.Europeandimension in education 108 4.5.2.Youth exchangeprogrammes . 108 4,5.3. 1977directive on the educationof the childrenof migrantworkers 109 4.6. Measuresimplemented by the EuropeanParliament . 109 4.6.2. WrittenDeclaration on the fight againstxenophobia and racism 109 4.6.3. Plenarydebate on the fight againstracism 110 4.6.4. Publicsymposium on racismin Europe 110 4.7. Recommendationsnot given sufficientattention by Communityinstitutions 111 4.7.2.Creationof a Europeanlegal area to combat internationalterrorism and extremism 111 4.7.3.Cooperationbetween the Councilof Europeand the EuropeanCommunity 112 4.7.4. EuropeanYear to promoteinter-community harmony 112 4.7.5. Guidelor ethnicminorities on Communi$funding . , . 113 4.7.6.A comparative-lawstudy 113 4.7.7.Casestudies of certainCommunity urban centres experiencing high levels of racism 113 4.7.8. Massrnedia's role in eliminatingracial prejudice and promotingharmonious relationsamong communities resident in Europe 113 4.7.9. Dialoguewith socialforces 114 Footnotes 115 5. GENERAL TRENDS IN POLICIES AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURES. 119 5.1. The foreignpopulation in the Community 119 5.2. Recentdevelopments in Centraland EasternEurope 121 5.3. Labourmarket 123 5.4. Internationalinstruments . , 124 5.5. Intergovernmentalcoordination.... 127 5.6. Humanrights 129 Footnotes 131 6. RACISMAND ANTI.RACISMIN THE CULTURALFIELD 133 6.1" Foreword 133 6.2. Informationabout ethnic minorities 134 6.3. Informationto ethnicminorities in radioand television. 145 10 6.4. lnformationby ethnicminorities 146 6.5. Conclusion 147 150 7. CONCLUSIONSAND RECOMMENDATIONS 153 Annexl: Writtenevidence and documentationreceived 169 Annex ll, consistingof submissionsby nationalofficials at the hearingof 2g-31 January 1990 and by expertsand representativesof associationsat the public hearingof 9-11April 1990, is beingpublished separately. lt is availableonly in two versions- Englishand the originallanguages of the contributors(i.e. 'Rainbow'). 11 Chapter1: Generalconsiderations 1.1. In its second legislativeperiod in particular,the directlyelected European Parliamentdevoted considerable attention to the increaseol racismin Europeand to the riseof extremeright-wing groups which are the politicalexpression,the resultand to some extentthe causeof this increase.One reasonwhy Parliamentbegan to take a greater interestwas, of course,the fact that in the years 1984-89it had to contendwith an increasedpresence
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