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They meet the requirements of the State Records Committee concerning "the photographic TITLE OF RECORDS: \ Wtt. ^Sv^\Mwi\4- V\ grYil_.nl ' ^ reproduction of public records,"—Approved under N.J.S.A. «--^ iUjSH? iS-a*—:*~'- fi*d!s(Sri#S«.a-KW!L. ^5^1* - -_ ™*f*~ - c / ; ^SZ^tJ^^^-ilrfjS^ I jl-JV ^•-•i^i 'T •" y-^iataa^cv-^^-^"^- j"' ^.A^-."r'TJ<ij mjc ,,Jya,f^'HjBT. ~- — It is the expressed intent knd purpose of this government <# agency to destroy or otherwise dispose of the original records ^jnicrophotographed herein. This destruction or disposition of FIRST RECORD:. the records on this reel is only to be accomplished after inspection of the microfilm to insure completeness of LAST RECORD: coverage. v t_t_ _ _ ,jt ^ c Date: ov^dj^ ' ) j%5' ^ • J FILMED, FOR (use-name of agency): atn^v^ -Tulolie LiWrarv V Authorization: REDUCTION RATIO: _ FILM TYPE: 16mm 35mm t* 1 TYPE CAMERA:. CAMERA NUMBER: 1_ ^^Si^L ' &-z s&sC^g* Signature / •^ , I-M^&V^ ^x ^a^w>C£**-£) Signature of Microfilm Supervisor j.^.tt.^f^*^- *AJJLXJ>^ ' - - ^ Signatur^e of Camera Operator fc *'(?-< *T/ "AT; S.Ti'S"-* •"•**• i , J , -1-^. ...j TtrcnTJ' ,t ;;j »_J, S>T«4 vr*TB*TitlF«TliiHJn(!--f,i,-liJ-t!»SS5»f Vr .' •• -J .ri i-\ •- -..*.-. •• r i-'.i ,•:. •I* t*> tEE PARTIES — Bill Blaze JVecessitiifed Assistance State Charities Commissioner JPrai_.es G0=T0=CHURCH WRITE PLATFORMS From Summit Firemen. - Summit Honie^ „_ The, Chemical" Engine Cohipany of NATIONAL PRAYER DAY FOR PEACE WILL Last,-Friday, Joseph P. Bycrs, State SUNDAY IN SUMMIT Summit was of material assistance in Commissioner of Charities, , and fighting the fire on the farm of one of Charles L. H,tona__er, secretary of the' «3r The first suns in Die fight to control Summit's citizens. Mr. Norman BE OBSERVED IN SUMMIT CHURCftES. Sunday, October-25th, has been set , the" State government, were fired this State Charities Aid Association, visited Sehultz, of Prospect street, at Milling- . •*? . the Arthur Home for Blind-Babies, the as^dc for a Go-to-ehurch Sunday in. week when the Republicans,' Demo­ ton on Monday afternoon. No one has Summit. .The s.nlendid results obj^in- crats and Progressives held their institution at Summit around which been able Jo explain tlie cause of the _ . " SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1914. wartfhas waged for so many months. ed in the cities throughout the, coun­ "State conventions.-simultaneously in fire which broke out in a large hay try which joined in such a movement Trenton as prbvid'cd in the Geran elcc- They went' unannounced, and spent : J JJlQ.W..„I_e.T_T-flin..roof -ni',.J.hA_.tn.air---h President Woqdrqw Wilson,_ by proclamation, has The 'OMInf' duy' 'lif the buildiiig^uii g—we-re-ttr-revt5>fition~-«mti—rwt—• —ttonratif.- - - —-^ " """" The assistance of fire-companies .from appointed Sunday, Oct. 4, a" national day of prayer for only greatly increased \hc attendance The platform adopted by the Re­ around the" grounds, in an effort to Bernardsville, Stirling, Basking Ridge peace in Europe and called upon all God fearing persons see the Arthur Home as it is, and to in all the chupches on the one day, but, publicans had as its. chief feature an and Summit were immediately sum­ determine whether the continued and also raised materially the average at­ attack upon the Democratic tariff, de­ moned. Assistant Chief Wilson, ac- to gather in church on-that d,ay and petition Almighty tendance in the churches since that claring that the low tariff of the Demo­ .aggressive opposition of the' New Jer­ companicd .about a dozen members of God to heal again and restore oncey more concord among sey Commision for the Blind -was war­ time. cratic Administration—was la-rgcly r-e- the Chemical Company in the run with ranted. Before leaYftfg at nightfall, Two meetings have been held by a> - sponsible for war tax in time of peace their apparatus to Millington and men and nations. The proclamation follows: joint committee of all the churches, of and that this tariff has not resulted in Commission'cr Bycrs shook hands with Chief Scott followed a few minutes "Whereas, Great nations of the world have taken up the superintendent, Miss Anna Welch, which Rev, M. C. Morgan is chairman, a lower cost of living, as was prom­ later in a private machine. one last Friday and one on Wednes­ a....anl. saidbiiiu:, "You may tell Mrs. Alden, ised by the Democrats, is, not a correct Because of. the large quantity of Jiay, arms against one another and war now draws millions of ^ telephone or, letter or in any day evening. The ten churches "which economical principle and, therefore, eit^V by te have signified their intention pf co­ stored in the big barn, the ilajmes men. into battle whom the counsel of statesmen have not other' way. thai. 1 am' for the Arthur the people are to be called upon to pay gained a great headway so that it was been able to save from the terrible sacrifice; -and . Home, to-day, tomorrow and always." operating in the movement, so far are a deficit in the shape of this war tax. ad follows: Central Presbyterian,, impossible to save the structure or to "Whereas, In this as in all things it is our privilege Following up Ins work at the home The platform also contained an at­ save the machinery building and one both Sunimit and East Summit Metho­ tack, upon the Democratic State ad­ and duty to seek counsel and succor of Almighty God, • last Friday, the commissioner has sent dist, Calvary, St. Term's Catholic, St. ministration, which was arraigned tor or two other small adjoining struc­ to William FeHowes Morgan, president tures. However, thrpugh the efforts humbling ourselves before hiri}, confessing* our weakness of the i^e'w Jersey Commission for the John's Lutheran, First Baptist, Colored ' imposing various State taxes, such as of the Summit firemen, the residence "of Baptist, All Souls' (ITnUarian-Unive'r- the inheritance tax, rather than ef­ and our lack of any wisdom equal to these things; and, „ Blind, a letter In which he says that salisjt), and , Christian^ Science. ,Thc " fecting retrenchment in State govern­ Mr. ScTfoTfz's superintendent about "Whereas, It is the especial wish and longing of the -Jic^has no-apologies tol offer for ap­ 100 -yards from the main barn, was proving the- incorporation of the In­ general committee in" charge of thfe ment, so as to make additional taxes saved, the building receiving only a people^ of the United States, in prayer and counsel and pUns--consists- of the pastor and'two. unnecessary. It also states that the ternational Sunshine Society in New laymen of each churchy Democrats failed to passf legislation slight scor,£h4-Rg--OJi one side. Extra all friendliness,-to serve the cause of peace, Jersey, an approval which the com­ 1 water pressure was obtained by the "Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, president of the mission had sought to ' circumvent. ,The advertising and publicity com­ for the consolidation of certain State mittee is composed ot'fW. C/KimbalL'~ departments, recommended by the auxiliary "pump which was immediate­ United States of America, do designate Sunday, the Tins endorsement by the Slate official ly started when the fire was discov­ will help, to kill the criticisms which O. B. Merrill, F. W.'CliW, and Rev. R. Economy and Efficiency Commission, fourth day-of October next, a day of prayer and suppli­ C. Hull.- The finance committee is:~W. and provided no other alterative, so ered. have been leveled.at the home and<the Therewas said to* be nearly 100 tons cation and do request all God fearing persone to repair International Sunshine Society's work> F. Russell, Jr., S. W. Kent; and H. E. that, they have not kept their platform Webb. Distribution committee. T. B. plbdges. On the other hand it shows o£ hay-stored in,-the barn and wliile on that day to their places of worship; there to unite their •* in New Jersev. -"• - l some of'"this may be- in condition to Adams, chairman, aild one representn- how the'.Republicans had' in'troduced petitions.tp. Almighty God, that, overruling the "counsel", live of each church, to he appointed. bills for greater economy and efficiency use, it is practically a total loss. For­ tunately all the fancy cattle which of,men, setting straight the things' they cannot govl ^a OFFICIAL COCJSTY VOTE. " .At the meeting last week a verv en­ in the State^ government in keeping thusiastic account of the.splendid re­ with tlxeir. platform pledges -of last numbers about 00'and is valued at or alter, taking pity" on" the nations now in the fhroes of about $20,000, was out at pasture. Mr. conflict, in His mercy and goodness showing a Way where A- According to the figures of tlie of­ sults from the Go-to-church Sunday in •'year, but,'being in the' minority,] were ficial count as completed this week oiv Madison last spring was given by Mr,.
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