M nm tar Single Copy Tea Cents 94th Y E A H — 22nd W E E K MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 3,962 _____ Now Cr.iM JtoaaacUBou jVb Levitt Building Plays Along Ihe Way As Matawun Rolled ll Up Over Key por i. Sal unlay | Middlesex County Tax Board Rejects Appeal Bv Midtown For “Farm* Levy In Borough Likely Case Pending Before Appellate Division Committeeman Henry f-. Tr»p- Cited As Showing lands .Are Subdivided fraggn, ftt the Matawan 1 ownstup j Middlesex County.Tax Board V\ C : Sewerage Authority meeting list Hearing postponed j week dismissed the appeal/of Mitfr.. Bight, said he was p.utliorued by Marlboro To Reduce ihu Levitt organization to give as- Hearing of an assault and bat­ j io.vji Properties. Inc.; Burgenfield,1; Class Sizes To 30 to have tha ;a»sc smeiu o.iih^ir- tfurance these developers have ‘ no tery charge brought against Mrs 3 ii450*acre tract on the north. *>;d*» present or futuia plans to do any John B Kenner, wits nt the Miun- t Manboro lownship Board of Edti- jot Route 5U> west of Route 9. Madi-- Major building lu Malawiin Bor­ w;ir\ Township Assessor, b> Mayor 1 cation recently adopted h new class \ son Township, reduced froni $291 • o u g h ." N o rm a n V'/Oii was -cstTOned " ues- day mght In Matawan Township 1 districting setup for the SC7 pupils j 200 to $7?,SH.YJ- Former State Sen* It was revealed at a Sewerage Municipal Court, '/Ugntrate Ilu- I on roll as of Nov. 17 plus such add- aror Jonn J. 'loolan, Perth Ambov, Authority meeting last summer old Sherman announced he will | eo enrollment as pre-school surveys I pleaded the case for the anpeHants. that I evltt option1: had been taken diiqualify himself und adjourned ave snown to cc due to come ia, ! lie contended the actio., of the Mad* on properties in tho Mill Rd. a>ea tha hearing un'..l another magis­ ! Robert Sena, supei miendent, sub- j isou luw nship officials and the rul* of the borough. Confirmation of trate is assigned to hear the case I m uting the projection tc the board. | inj* of Superior Court Judge Joseph uichasea were teported at the The chaije grev, out of an alleged | emphasized it was not un attempt | Halpern June 2, 19G..I, denied iho Riov 21 planning board meeting. altercation between the mayor • io anticipate added enrollment from | appellants their right io use tha But Mr. Traphagen declared a re­ and Mrs. Kenner Nov. 11 at tlie developments. acreage for its highest and best.. port the next day building was Im- Veteran's Hall, Cliffwood Ave, It was pointed out that some use, a housing development, there­ l classes are now running as high fore, it should on!v be assessed hilnent led to the assui-ance he CUffwood ________ ________ toe was giving this 1> not «o and that j as 3S pupils to a room. With the its other possible use, that of ihe Sewerage Authority mem!>er» lU-rocm addition to Central School fa rm in g . \ hud no need to take service to j—j stated ... io come into use n ext -'".jS c p - The former state senator c h a rg e d adjacent non-sewered areas ol Petition Scorcs j temoer. ihe board approved a plan , jt was H yro.ss inequitv that other Freneau in Matawan Borough inlo for luus.rtbutuig classes that the h an(j vuoaru in the township and their calculations. class si/x* .Mil be no larger thaw > ncg actively lilled for fatm purnou- Thomas I. Opie. Rcu Bank, ol Restaurant Sign M 1* Accomphsn this, the | shou!d *be y ^ ^ ^ e d for its own- teachers committee was authorized j y'rfi al to the Chariea J. Kupper firm, con­ ratio of farm pro p . sultants to the Authority, (md hud Told Case Is tu allow for the hiring four ne-v '| erty, while his clients, also with the body specify extra large pipe instructors in the budget. : unusable vacant land, had to pay to go Iji last summer in tlie Strath- Due In Court * taxes on an assessment advanced tnore-at-Matnwan Deerfield section tn $200 per acre ■. bordering the borough where the A petition signed by 14 residents Harold G. Smith, Ch&esequnkt?,: options for 30 acres had boen tak­ of tne Mill Rd. area was received Riverview Rules j the township attorney, had Georgs en, lest there s'jould be a Levitt bv tho Matawan Borough Council Flore, the assessor, testiTv at ad­ application to make a tie-in from Protesting » sign advertising The jacent lands, particularly on tho the borough lands lo tlio township Joet’s Inn which was constructed Out Middletown at the intersection of Mill " ' and south side of the highway in Sayre aew ers. Woods South and Pine Haven, had Could Become Source Ot Revenue R o u te 34. Board Not For New been developed for n.any thousand Harry J. Gelst. chairman, dis­ The petitioners decla. the sign homesites. so the Midtown land* counted tlie possibility of tho Au­ Branch Hospital would detract from tha value of had acquired an intrinsic value be­ thority over allowing tho - capacity their property and that ii was Il­ Riverview Uosphal Board of Gov- yond that of farm property by It* any sewers to servo the town- of legally erected in a residential potential for development in a rap­ •hip being used up for tho benefit ernois last night declined to go zone. They also claimed the sign idly grow ins area * of users beyond Its bounds. But represented a hazard to motorists along with the proposal to build Mapped For Subdivision John E, Moran, Bed Bank, con- e n te rin g R oute 34. a $2 ,2f)0 ,ni)0 hospital on '• liner tultant on finances, suggested un­ M r. Sm ith w ent fu rth e r an d ^wint,- Mayor John W. Applegate noted Ave. in Middletown Township un­ ed out thal Midtown Properties, used capacity could become a that a complaint has been tlgned •ource of more revenues. der a grant to their institution of Inc., did, in fact, have its 1450 acre* iu this case and suggested thu peti­ mapped out for subdivision, so It Tho Authority approved Arnold tioners attend tha hearing on the $750,000 of Hill-Burton funds to fur- Hughes, Beimar, a first-class li­ matter In municipal court. Tha pe­ ther the undertaking, instead, the j "'as /'ertainly neither vacant land censed sanitarian, to be part-time , , . , " . ‘ nor farm property. Ihe township tition was referred to the Building iKjat'd appointed a committee to! attorney called the board's ulteri- (20 hours per week) superintendent Inspector, John Thaler. o f Strathmore sewer plant at come up with a decision on whelh-1 lion to the fact that Midtown Pri)[>* the Signs In Violation ' |4000 por year. The previously pro­ er to attempt to buy sufficient real j f,rties. Inc., now has an appeal vided contracts for Steve Ger- Councilman Edward Hyrne said estate in Red Hank directly ud-'^,orn lhe decision of Judge Hal* tnann, Cliffwood Beach, as full he has noted a number .’ violations ... , t , , , ‘ . I pern awaiting adjudication in tlm in tho form-of real estate signs joining the present siu* of the hos * Appellate Division of Superior Court time (40 hours) supervisor at {51100 picai to expand its work at a “cen alo n g R oute 34 a n d asked w hat and that an exhibit in the appcU tnd of Ronald Mitchie, River Car­ tralized" location or to loe.ue a j coula ba dono about these. Mr. 1 nit’s case before that court wus a dens, aa part-time operator (20 “satelHii**’ at some other place. hours) at (2500 for the Strathmore Thaler said ha would investigate map of the so-calh d "farm** lauds any alleged zoning violation provid­ The Rivrrview authorities have; winch presents them as 5/89 65* fclant were formally approved, two years, under the grant by the ; ed the notice of violation ia writ­ Sy-ltKMoot lots on winch prehmt- (continued on page four) State Hoard of Control of lhe State ten, signed and sent to him. n.irv approval was gran'.ed Sept. Depariment of Institutions and I 21). V , B orough A tto rn e y E d w a rd W. Agencies,, io •.decide-bowv thcy w ili [ Currie was asked lo determine how Tiie u \ lK>ard member; did find Postmaster Says u s e rhe $7'>U.0()U in H ill-13 urton i an incon*.:s:ency in the position of the assessed valuation of municipal­ funds io expand their facilities and ; the appellants in that the admis­ ities can b? used as the basis of to seek federal and state approval j sion of their aopeul by tne higher “Mail Early” ' financial support of the joint Mata­ for iheir plans. For thi^- period, j H'iintmufd un page four) wan Free Public Library District, the Bayshore liospi' 'rp.. a| which comprises Matawan and Mat­ Suggests Ways To The upper left hnnd corner gives the first Inkling of what was com-1 die right side ls n picture taken In the lone time for Keyport satisfaction “roup seeking In brm , u hospital; awan Township. In the football classic Saturday between Matawan and Keyport. lt j In the game, when the Keys were on the move for three ^successive first to tho Kcyport-Matavvan area, or ' Insure Delivery The Board of Trustees of the li­ shows George"^Miirrdl, MMS (iiiarierbnck, clashing off tackle'for eight j Jowns'iate in the second quarter, llol) Bratsafolis carrying, any other hospital that would bnng K eyport Use Of Hill For brary recommended that assessed yards on the first Maroon und Steel play from scrimmage of the game, j Across the bottom Is Matawan’s .luck Yates dragging a u futility to this area seomingly! Postmaster Charles J.
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