![Tourists' Behavior to Promote Conservation Tourism in Ko Kret, Pak Kret District, Nonthabt]Ri Province](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
15 JAN 2003 +1. ffiffi. l+ 3 Hd TOURISTS' BEHAVIOR TO PROMOTE CONSERVATION TOURISM IN KO KRET, PAK KRET DISTRICT, NONTHABT]RI PROVINCE CHARTIWAN SAENGJUN z With compliments of rinrf, rln srfru unflnurfiuufi nc A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (ENVIRONMEI\T) FACULTY OF GRADUATE STTTDIES MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY TH,+ 2002 c \r6 L ,n ISBN 974-042-294-2 7.J00 t- COPYRIGHT OF MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY L-.* Copyright by Mahidol University \ tr Thesis Entitled TOTruSTS' BEHAVIOR TO PROMOTE CONSERVATION TOURISM IN KO KRET, PAK KRET DISTRICT, NONTHABTJRI PROVINCE .....{,...fur.fosm! ;.... 1.:o.: Prof. Jiraporndhuckpaiwong, B.A., M.A. Major-Advisor $ Qrt' O ........91q1p.+....... )4{.qlrunn Asst Prof. SnuUma' S;;ffiil;; M.A, Ed.D. Co-Advisor LL.B.(2"d Class Iions.), l,i.rvr. Co-Advisor ,-) 'P%:/t/ lt lJt Il"**rl^t; A"f[*v,.,-thu ^,*,rtL Assoc. Pror.n"r, -i4"."' H""rr"*",, Assoc. Prof. Thawatchai Arthornthurasook, Ph.D. M.P.A. Dean Chairman, Master of Arts programme in Faculty of Graduate Studies Environment Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities t Copyright by Mahidol University fl Thesis Entifled TOURISTS' BEHAVIOR TO PROMOTE CONSERVATION TOURISM IN KO KRET' PAK KRET DISTRICT;- NONTHABTru PROVINCE was submitted to t=he faculty of Graduate studies, Mahidol university For the degree of Master of Arts @nvironment) on October 29,2002 /n /- Lk,,*"...........JJi............... )*,,,^ Miss. Charuwan Siengiun, Candidate s J. drrel.....-.,frk.q(4J $:o.: Prof. Jir{po.o ffu.kpairvong, 8.A., M.A. Chair ........$.h.ut lra,... J.q/,Iq.r{+ rn.. AssL Prof. Shutima SaYnfngern, M.A., Ed.D. Member NryU R"^^rl"*^ ..j.f:n*\t> B"'-,,pf^t@ Asst. Prof. Wasin Pleumcharoen, pannipa Buraihacheef, M.Ed. f:LPl"I LL.B.(2nd Class Hons.), LL.NI. Member Member .a) /<n/r/'/' ll-r Assoc. Prof.Rassmidara Hoonsawat, Ph.D. Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty of Graduate Studies Mahidol University I Mahidol Universitv Copyright by Mahidol University Fac.of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. Thesis / iv t 4336905 SHEVA4 : MAJOR: ENVIRONMENT; M.A. (ENVIRONMENT) KEY woRDS : BEHAVIoR / Touzusr / pRoMore coNSERVATION TOURISM / KO KRET COMMI.JNITY. CHARUWAN SAENGJUN : ToURISTS, BEHAVIOR To PROMOTE CONSERVATION TOURISM IN KO KRET, PAK KRET DISTRICT, NONTHABURI PROVINCE. THESIS ADVISORS : JIRAPORN CHUCKPAIWONG, B.Econ, M.A., PANNIPA BURAPHACHEEP, rr.n.ti;i class Hons), LL.M., CHUTIMA SAENG-NGERN, M.A., Ba.o. (ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION). 96 p. ISBN 974-042-294-2. The pu{pose of this research _ is to study the levels of behavior, as well as factors and obstacles, which promote conservation tourism in Ko Kret, pak Kret distict' Nonthaburi_province. The study looked at both quantitative and qualitative data. The samples for qualitative research were tourists who have naveled in Moo 1,6 and 7 areas for 15 years or more. This involved 400 cases. In addition, the samples for quantitative research were taken from sub-district officers, community leaders, tourism business operators, and the local people (13 people). The results found that the samples had behavior to promote conservation touiism at a high level. Behaviors, which were shown to promote conservation tourism were: access to conservation tourism information, at 0.001; and aims of trip and knowledge on conseryation tourism, at 0.05. Age and income were posiiively tr related to behaviors, which promote conservation tourism. Problems and obstacles related to conservation tourism are that tourists have limited opportunities to select tourism services and participate in activities or environmental conservation projects; some tourists lacl awareness in maintaining environmental conservation; and insuffrcient budget and personnel for maintenance of the environment around tourist areas. Besides these, the officers and people in the community also lack knowledge and understanding about the management of conservation tourism. Therefore, they lack useful information for the tourists. The suggestions from this research are: the community should encourage business enterprise operators, local people in the communities and tourists to cooperate in taking care of the environment; manage the tourist areas so they are free of pollution; promote using nafural materials; arrange environrnental conservation activities or programs involving the tourists and community people, directly; and arrange training for officers and local guides, so that they undlrstand and have the ability to give useful information to tourists. There should also be an information center for conservation tourism. This center could make simple and understandable media available. In addition, there should be a variety of conservation tourism activities, so that the tourists can have more opportunitils to I make selections. Copyright by Mahidol University Fac.of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. Thesis / v I 433 6905 SHEVA4 : drrrim : fr lurndoru ; an.il. (fr lurordot) 01i?tr0{ uaqffuvrf : nqot'n::rutotrindoufi u'rruaoeilrairunr:vio.rrfi urrfiloqindlupru rnrsrnfn rirrnorJrnrnfo 6'luinuuvrrli (touusm' BEHAVIoR To pRoMorE CONSERVATION TOURISM IN KO KRET, PAK KRET DISTICT, NONTHABURI PROVINCE). nflyn::ilnl:n?urlilenulfinuf, : 6:rn: f,n:lvrxd, 4.u., an.il. (fi.ruredou), n::finr q:nrfiu, u.l.(rfiu:st^fiuil6;, u.ru., qorur uarriu, Rf,.:.J., dR.tJ., rfs.o. (durrndoudn!1), 96 firlr. tssN gzq- 042-294-2. nr:ifiun9.:d fiioqrJ:varrirvliodnurvrqd^n::ru flrf,uiifinrneionqfin::ursrfnilo{rdur tniorilteiunr:violrfiuafiroqindlugrurutnrsrnf o drrnorJrnrn$o 6'rudoruuvrqE :rruvfidnuldRlr flrynr qrla::ndrfioornnt:riortfiur uas{orauouuslunr:riuairfiqurni:yioufiorr8rorlinflu d o I d e q 4 at9raA 4 a rA ptvutnrvtnio drmoilrntn5o {'lttiouumqE lffi nr:dnsrrfrliliuroruavrfilqornrvr Iounrjrudr odtfilddnsrlur8uJirurarfio rinvioufiurdfiurg rs fldulrJiirrriiuelududv:,j r,o uasz ,iru:u 400:tu nriruor'rodrsfildfinurlurfirqa{nr?l 6e ri'ruriiiidhuilnn:os:cdurirun {rirErutu {rJ:vno:L nr:q:fioviortdu: uavil:vryrryuluuasuuo$fud i?u l3 :ru runnr:finuruudr nrjruoYrothrfinqo' t n::r:nr:doltfiu'lrvr"orilrairunr:dsudsrr8roqindlu:rduqr uayflof,ufifiruaoiovrq6n::rurol#n vioufiu'rrfioeirtciunr:vioudua8rorlfndlupmmrsrnfo rirrnorJrnrn5o 6'wriouuvrq:' n'o Rr: _o_.y_t- - _._, d __o,. r_-.d-__.e-_-.s,_-4 4-. _, ,r j d ! .a r j tUWl?fl1:lRU?nUR1:Ylo{t1lU?tg.loq:RU-- ilflnnoflqnn::ilR15y|0{t14U?n{-0ri{tdirJnr:vio.trfrUerBl--r_-.-_F__ - vdr@ra orlfndunnoirrfr'uotitfiriudrn'qvrrla6o^fi:sd:L o.oot iorqr.l:varrimfinnr:rdumx nrrlflrfiuefi'u 4----F----,-----t--.d,.-,A ! ,a t i a o d r s r a n1:vlo.ltllu'l[ry{oq:nu-----r--.e,,e,-,s,{ ilv'|qnR:5ilR'llvlo{tvru?r11061{tcltiln15To{tytu?ru{oq5nu$nngtrlrluodrsti riudrd'tyvrrsa6fid:s6'u 0.0s uoRorndf,.rnu'ir orquav:ru1drndueier6ou finrrudrurf,uf,rfiwrnfi'u ar.iiratias/ yrqnn::ilnli?l0{rytu?rv't0cT{[cItlJRl:yt0{lvlt ?r5{oq:nu fl tgu rqrJa::nrfi u'rfiunr:rioufi urt8r oqindluqrurru fi o rindosrfi urft Ionrcrfi ontfi rinr:q:fioviortdur uasfidrudautufitn::ruufoloxnr:oqinfdqrrodorurisu finvioufiurut nucJroiqdrfinlunr:drruinurfrsttro6'0il qlruttorud:silr$ttasqflnrn:lunr:qunnnrnrnodsru i Jgt e A I u5t'lruuurirvioctfr0e' uonornfrtdrtfirfruasil:ssrru1uEruruf,stronrrrufnarilr{rtolunr:i'qnr: vio ufi sa8r orlfnd 6cirl#un {0ryafi rfl u:J:s Iuryridruiurinvioufi se druir{orauouuslunr:r'{'onirfin'o qurunr:riuaiul#{rJ:vnornr:q:fi0 il:ssrsu lufiorfiu rinviorrfiurdrilfi'uinsrenrnnrerdoru fionr:vioqfisrl#rflu$f,uiirj:rsornruafiu ri.rra?r q 9v n1: ts?delr::iltrfl nr:finfion::ruioln:rni:or1inddunflfloilInul#rinrioufiu:uavErrufiriru i:rulousr:{ nr:6'nflnou:rurflrnriri,itiorinqtvrerifiorfiul#r{rlordur6'rLnr:vioqfislfiroqinfuav I arur:o1#{oryafirflurJ:vlumiuiu-nvioufiu'r uarfiquti{oryanr:vioufiulslorlindrJ:snounr:o'o firdofir{rlouavnrrfiulddruCopyright uonorndnr:ffofirn::ilnr:vioufiuar8roq:hffrna",nnu',0,n*0lfi'rin by Mahidol University vi o s rfi urfi Io n rarfi o nlduinr: ldrurn0r du + ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis has completed with special kindness and contribution from my advisor,Assoc.Prof.Jiraporn Chuckpaiwong, Chairman of thesis committee, and other professors, Asst.Prof.Pannipa Buraphacheep and Asst.Prof.Chutima Saeng-ngsrn who have helped in suggesting and improving the study from the beginning to thE completion with never-tiring kindness in the concept, methodology, statisti., *i all other aspects, and Asst.Prof.Wasin Pleumcharoen, member of thesis-committee rvho have b"en gi*r"n me a good idea and information for improving. The researcher-lould like to present my appreciation for professors in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities Science who- have given thl academic knowledge, visions and valuable experience and all the staff at the faculty of Social Science and Humanities and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for their wonderful contributions to make this study success. Special mentions and thanks to the tourists, Board of Ko Kret District, I Community leaders, local people and tourism business operators who provided cooperation and time for interviews and answering questionnaires. Nty heartfelt gratitude went to all my friend (SHEVA4 No.20) especially thanks to Chainarong Kaewjimnong, Varunee Pimpa, Vorarat Kunajitpimol and Vichuta Haicharoen whose have heiped mel lot had engourage between study. Finally, to my lovely parent, who have give me a good life and supported a budget. They always show me great concern and happin.rr, ih.r. laelp me gei ready to keep walking, thank you very much mom, dad and Jiiter. For other valuabtJassistance, whose names are not listed here I would like to express my specian thanks to them for their kind assistance.
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