522 STOKE CHARITY. HAMPSHIRE. [KELLY'S STOKE CHARITY is a parish and village, about r~ and Chapter of Winchester, and held since r892 by th& miles from Sutton Scotney st.ation, on the Didcot, New­ Rev. Champion Welbank Streatfeild B . .A.. of Trinity 0:>1- bury and Winchester line of the Great Western railway, lege, Oxford. Hy. .Tohn Elwes esq. .T.P., F.Z.S., F.L.S. of 4 miles south-west from Micheldever station on the ColesbournP park, Gloucestershire, is lord of the manor llasingstoke and Winchester 11ection of the London and and principal landowner. The soil is loam; subsoil, chalk. South Western railway and 7 north from Winchester, The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips The in the Western division of the county, hundred of Bud­ area is r,839 acres; rateable value, £,1,679; the popula· dlesgate, Winchester union, petty sessional division and t~on in 1891 was 138. county court district, and in the rural deanery, arch­ Sexton, William Child. deaconry and diocese of Winchester. .A. tributary of the Test flows through the parish. The church of St. Post Office.-Mrs. .Alice Child, sub-postmistress. Dis- Michael is an ancient edifice of flint, in the Norman patched at 9·35 a.m. ..& 6.55 p.m. week days & 10.25 ~tyle, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, north a.m. sunduys. Letters through Micheldever Station, aisle, south porch, and a tower with low shingled spire, arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 1.20 p.m. The nearest money containing 3 bells : in the church are some remarkable orclPr offic~ is at Sutton Scotney & telegraph office a~ tombs ; there are 9o sittings. The regiilter dates from the the Railway station there, 2 miles distant year I5-fi. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £230, Parochial School, built in IBIS, for g6 children; average with re<;idence and r8 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean attendance, 28 ; Miss M. S. Harding, mistress Streatfeild Rev. Champion 'Velbank Cordery Bros. farmers, ·west Stoke frm/ Walker .Alfred E. farmer, Stoke farm B..A.. (rector) Hillary Wm. Frdk. shopkpr. & builder NORTH STONEHAM is a parish, I~ miles south- Edmund Thomas Leighton esq. is pleasantly situated in west from Eastleigh (late Bishopstoke) station on the well-woorled grounds of about xoo acres in extent. Red London and South ·western railway, and 4 north-north- Lodge, the property and residence of Robert Cbatfield .east from Southampton, in the New Forest divi!ion of Hankinsun esq. .T.P. is a modern mansion, situated in the county, hundJred of Mansbridge, Stoneham union, tastefully laid-out grounds of about 29 acres. .Tohn E. North Southampton petty sessional division and county .A. Willis-Fleming esq. .T.P. of Chilworth Manor, is lord court district, rural deanery of Southampton and arch- of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is red loam; deaconry and diocese of Winchester. The river Itchen sub-soil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, passes near the parish. The church of St. Nicolas is oats, barley and meadow. The area is 5,020 acres of land a building of stone in the Early English and Perpen- and 36 of wat('r; rateable value, £17o541 ; the population tdicular styles, consisting of nave of five bays, double in r8gi W'lS I,569. aisles, north porch and a low embattled tower, with Swaythling is a village, on the road from Fareham to pinnacle<>, containing a clock & 6 bells: the windows Romsey, I mile south, and the hamlets of North End, It throughout are stained; those east and west containing miles north, and Bassett, I~ miles south-west, are all religious subjects and those north and south displaying in the parish of North Stoneham, excepting a portion of armorial bearings of connection! of the Fleming family: Swaythling, which is in the parish of South Stoneham; the church contains the remains of the celebrated Lord the naml'S of the residents are given under South Hawke, Vice-Admiral of Great Britain, who died at Stoneham. "Sunbury, Middlesex, October I7, I78I, and to whose Parish Clerk, Edward Mundy. memory there is a monument: there is also an elaborate Post Office. James Cox, .sub-postmaster. Letters- monument to Sir Thomas Fleming, Lord Chief .Tustice through Southampton, received at 8.15 a.m. & 2 p.m. &i <Jf the King's Bench, r6o7-I3, with effigy in robes, and are diHpatched at 2. Io & 6.30 p.m. Postal orders are to his wife and cbildren: a. tablet to the Rev. Frederick issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order Eeadon, canon of "\'V ells cathedral and for 68 years rector & telegraph Qffice is at Eastleigh, 2 miles distant <Jf this parish. who died June roth, 1879, at the age of Wall Letter Box, Red! Lodge, cleared at 12.5 & 6.55 IOI years, and to his father, the Rev. Edwardes Beadon p.m. ; sundays, Io a.m M . .A.. chaplain to George Ill. who was also rector of this Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, [Jarish for 49 years: t.he church was restored in I8gi Parcel Post & ..Annuity & Insurance Office, Bassett.- :and affords 300 sittings. The register dates from the year Frederick Charles Hansford, sub-master. Letters 1640. The living is a rectory, net income £4oo, including through Southampton, received at 7.:rs a.m. & 12.35 5o acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of John p.m. & are dispatched at I2.Io, 7.10 & 8.25 p.m.; sun- E . .A. Willis-Flemin!!' esq. and held since x886 by the Rev. days, 10.5 a.m. & g.ro p.m Elliott Kenworthy Browne M . .A.. of New College, Oxford. Wall Letter Box, near Bassett Lodge, cleared at I2.IO, The dedicn.Uon stone of the new church of St. Michael 7 & 8.20 p.m. ; sundays, 4 p.m ~nd ..All .A.ngi'ls, at Bassett, was laid on Michaelmas day, Wall Letter Boxes. Near Heathfield House, cleared at l897; the building now (r8g8) in course of erection is 8.10 a.m. & 1.50 & 8.5 p.m.; sundays 8.50 p.m. North <Jf red brick with Bath stone dressings, and consists at Down House, cleared at I2.5, 6.55 & 8.I5 p.m. ;sunda.ys, present of a chancel, transepts and one bay. 9 p.m North Stoneham Park, the property of John Willis- Parochial School (mixed), erected by voluntary contri- Fleming esq. contain!! about soo acres; the mansion i!l butions in 1875, for 154 children; average attendance, •mfiui,hed and unoccupied, but the grounds are carefully I3o; 'rhomas Henry Bowen, master laid out, an•l include a fine fish-pond and shrubberries, Railway Station. :and are well timbered. Bassett Wood, the residence of Swaythling, .A.rthur Binsted, station master NORTH STONEH.AM. Bradley .Tames, Boundary hall (letters Mercer George Yeates, Hillfield llerkeley Maj.-Gen.Emeric Streatfeild, throng~ Burgess street, High:E.eld) Mitchell Charles, Fernlea Park oottage Brown M1ss, Ingle nook . Molrneux Mrs. L. Glen Eyre Erowne Rev. Elliott Kenvrorthy :M . .A.. Bucknall Hy. Leeh~a?, L1t. Bassett wd Neville Mrs R to Bushe Rev. Jn.PhlllipsM . .A.Bassett ho Owen Henry Capt. Saxholm ec ry Candy Francis H., J.P. Glandore Poingdestre .Tames, Tower house 001\IMERCIA.L. Cartwright Thos. Hy. C.:E. Oakfield lo Ramsay William J.P. Clevelands .A.rnold ·wm. farmr. Ntb.Stoneham frm Crompton Edward, Larchwood Rogers William Henry llarnes Frank, blacksmith Darwin Wm.Erasmus J.P.Ridgemount Rnbie George Parsons, H~>imath lkoth John, foreman of works to .T. Down Maj . .A.. Thornton,Bassett thickt Rudge Rev. Wm. Jn. M.A. .Ardnave '"Willis Fleming esq. Nth.Stoneham ho Ford Miss, Ingle nook Searle .A.lan, .A.shton lodge Brasier .Tnlia (Mrs.), market gardener Gardner Lt.-Col. Thomas, Heathfield Sharp Maj. John Reuben P. Red bill Erowning William (Mrs.), cowkeeper Gipps William, The Bungalow (letters Simpson Mrs. Thanet house Crate Henry, Cricketers' Arms l).H through Burgess st. Highfield) Sparks /John, .Arl1ngton lodge iFray George, farmer, Doncaster farm Hankinson Robt. Chatfield J.P. Red lo Spooner Henry Stewart, Roseneath Fray James, farmer, Park farm Harling Robt. Dawson M.D. Higbwave Trethewy Capt. Walter Hugb {adjt. Gaskin William, farmer Harris John 2nd Vol. Butt. the Hampsh. Reg.). B.ASSETT Hepherd William Hy. The Knowle Bassett mount ' • Hewett Sir Harald George, Red house Tyrrell Francis W. The ,Grange _ PRIVATE RESIDENTS. (letters through Cbilworth, Romsey) Vincent Mrs Allden .John Horatio, The Fir~ Hill Mrs. Bonniecot Ward Mrs. Bernard E. South hill .A.rchdnle Frederick, Woodlands Kerr Major William Henry (R.P. 22nd Way David, Pinewood .A.shby M<Jrris, Lingwood Reg.), North Down Webster Col . .A.rthur Geo. O.B. Fairlea .A.shby Morris Chas. Hooper,Elmsleigh Lankester Mrs. "\V. G. Bassett lodge COMMERCIAL • .Ashby Robert, Pinehurst Leighton Edmund Thos. Bassett wood Brasier Ernest Thomas, market gar- Beadon Col. Reginald, Beechfield Limerick Rev. Philip, The Cha11e dener, Broomfield cottage :Beatty William G. Chetwynd McCutchan John, Fern~de Franks Edward L. nurseryman .
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