H9440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 28, 2017 Friends have said that Brian always for 1 minute and to revise and extend care of the environmental needs for our wanted to be a police officer. Brian said his remarks.) wildlife, all that, and it can’t happen that he became a police officer because Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise due to these illegal grows and the dan- he wanted to make a difference. I want today to share some of the feedback I ger they bring. They should be able to my colleagues and the whole Nation to have heard from my constituents about enjoy them, and we should be able to know that he did. the tax bill that has already passed stop this illegal practice. We need Throughout his service as a police of- this House and is now under consider- many more assets poured into our ficer, he upheld the law, and he served ation in the Senate. Western forest lands to eradicate this the communities with dedication, com- More than 2,000 of my constituents illegal grow. passion, and a warm smile. He knew have taken the time to reach out to me f the risks that come with being a law and share their overwhelming opposi- CELEBRATING THE CAREER OF enforcement officer, and he accepted tion to this bill. MONSIGNOR FRANKLYN CASALE them willingly. I have heard from people like the 83- I had the honor of attending the me- year-old man in Lake Forest who will (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was morial service for Officer Shaw at face financial hardship when he is no given permission to address the House Mount St. Peter Church last week. The longer able to deduct his medical ex- for 1 minute and to revise and extend turnout was amazing. The church was penses; or the professor at Rosalind her remarks.) packed to the rafters. Thousands more Franklin University in north Chicago Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I stood outside, including more than who emailed that she is worried about rise today to recognize the career of 1,000 police officers. I can’t think of a what the elimination of the tuition Monsignor Franklyn Casale, who will more tangible expression of respect and waivers will mean for her medical stu- retire this coming spring after serving appreciation for Officer Shaw’s service dents; or the man in Libertyville who as president of St. Thomas University for the past 24 years. and his sacrifice. fears that, with the elimination of the Monsignor Casale has led an exem- In closing, I want to express my deep- State and local tax deduction for prop- plary life of service, including many est sympathy to Officer Shaw’s par- erty taxes, he will face both a higher leadership positions. In south Florida, ents, Lisa and Stephan; his brother, annual tax bill and more than a 10 per- we are most thankful for the mon- cent hit on the value of his home. Steffan; his fellow police officers; his signor’s distinguished presidency of St. Mr. Speaker, we need tax reform. I family; and his friends. Thomas, which included the expansion remain committed to working across f of campus facilities, positioning the the aisle to achieve it, but this par- university as a leader in the fight HONORING POLICE OFFICER BRIAN tisan proposal is not the way. I urge against human trafficking, and the es- SHAW my colleagues to listen to their own tablishment of the university’s first (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given constituents, abandon this fatally doctoral program. permission to address the House for 1 flawed bill, and work in a bipartisan During his tenure, Monsignor Casale minute and to revise and extend his re- way to accomplish fair, responsible tax created a legacy of committed service, marks.) reform. which transformed St. Thomas into Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I want f one of the Nation’s leading univer- to thank my colleague from Pennsyl- sities, and prepared thousands of his vania for his remarks regarding Officer HIGHLIGHTING THE RISING SE- graduates to become leaders in their Shaw. VERITY OF ILLEGAL MARIJUANA GROWS ON FEDERAL LANDS fields. The Book of Wisdom teaches that Once again, congratulations, Mon- ‘‘the souls of the just are in the hands (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given signor Casale, on a well-deserved re- of God, and no torment shall touch permission to address the House for 1 tirement and on a remarkable career them.’’ minute and to revise and extend his re- advancing St. Thomas’ legacy of aca- The family and friends of New Ken- marks.) demic achievement and spiritual devel- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, today I sington, Pennsylvania, Police Officer opment. Your lifelong emphasis on rise to highlight the rising severity of Brian Shaw today must trust in that Catholic values, diversity, and student illegal marijuana grows on Federal Scripture as they continue to grieve success has helped empower many stu- lands. his loss. dents to take on the world with com- In 2016, the DEA Cannabis Eradi- Officer Shaw was only 25 years old passion and strong conviction. when he was taken in an act of sense- cation Program found a 60 percent in- ‘‘Congratulations, my friend,’’ less violence, but in his short life, he crease in the amount of assets seized ‘‘Felicidades, mi amigo.’’ learned a great deal, and what he from marijuana raids compared to just f learned allowed him to give even more. the previous year. Brian Shaw knew his vocation, to The same year, the Forest Service CONGRATULATING ST. CROIX serve as a police officer and, as he said, eradicated nearly $1.5 million worth of NATIVE TIM DUNCAN to make a difference. His former super- marijuana plants from over 240 sites on (Ms. PLASKETT asked and was given visor, Frazer Township Police Chief National Forest System in the Pacific permission to address the House for 1 Terry Kuhns, recalled that when Brian area alone. minute and to revise and extend her re- gave that answer during his job inter- Local sheriffs from my district have marks.) view, he knew he meant it as he looked expressed to me their great concern for Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in his eyes and his smile. public safety, environmental destruc- today to congratulate St. Croix native Perhaps what Chief Kuhns saw in tion, a lot of time which farmers end Tim Duncan on his induction to the Brian were virtues our world des- up getting blamed for for water quality Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame. perately needs more of: authenticity and the chemicals and stuff that get In 1989, Tim was training to be an and sincerity. Those virtues contrib- left behind, not the farmers’ fault, but Olympic swimmer when Hurricane uted to what New Kensington Police indeed these illegal grows, and even Hugo struck the Virgin Islands, de- Chief Jim Klein described as Brian’s in- human trafficking gets caught up in all stroying all of the Olympic-size swim- credible passion for his work. this. ming pools. With no place left on the To Brian’s parents and family, you What is currently being done to ad- island to train, he turned his focus to raised him right. May Brian Shaw, a dress the amount of marijuana grows basketball. just man, evermore rest in the hands of on our public lands? Not nearly At Wake Forest, he helped lead the God. enough. People feel endangered by team to four NCAA tournaments, was f going out into their public lands, named the National Association of Bas- whether it is adjacent private property ketball Coaches Player of the Year WE NEED TAX REFORM owners or what have you. three times, the ACC Player of the (Mr. SCHNEIDER asked and was Timber harvest needs to be done, for- Year twice, and the National Player of given permission to address the House est thinning needs to be done, taking the Year in 1997. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Nov 29, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28NO7.007 H28NOPT1 November 28, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9441 Tim was drafted as the number one (1) Charlie Fowler was— Colorado (Mr. TIPTON) and the gentle- pick to the Spurs, where he served as a (A) one of the most experienced mountain woman from California (Mrs. TORRES) leader on and off the court for 19 years. climbers in North America, having success- each will control 20 minutes. Tim Duncan has not forgotten his fully climbed many of the highest peaks in The Chair recognizes the gentleman the world; home, and after two back-to-back Cat- (B) an author, guide, filmmaker, photog- from Colorado. egory 5 hurricanes, he helped to con- rapher, and wilderness advocate; GENERAL LEAVE tribute 20,000-plus pounds of food and (C) the recipient of the 2004 Robert and Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask donated millions of dollars through his Miriam Underhill Award from the American unanimous consent that all Members Tim Duncan Foundation. Alpine Club, an award that— may have 5 legislative days to revise Tim exemplifies the idea of making a (i) honors outstanding mountaineering and extend their remarks and to in- way out of no way. Hurricane Hugo did achievement; and (ii) is awarded annually to climbers who clude extraneous material on the bill not defeat him, just as Hurricanes have ‘‘demonstrated the highest level of skill under consideration. Maria and Irma will not defeat the U.S. in mountaineering and who, through the ap- The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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