September 2lXD MeGtin$ tr€ hcld et PERKINS Restrursnt, 12:n0 S. Clcvelrnd Aye" (US41), 2.5 miles South of Edison M.ll or lJ mlles North of Dsniels P[wy (SR865).Fllst Tresday of cvery month, 4:30 to 7:30 PM r?,. FtMyers I-astMeeting Update The August meeting of the Ft. Myers Knife Club had a attendanceof 22 members and guests. This month's door prizes were a Frost Stag Bone Canoe and a Frost Ranger w/Guthook. The winner of the Canoe was Ken Rabedeauand the Frost Ranger went to Marty Ehnore. A 50/50 drawing was held and the winner of $30 was Marly Elmore. Congratulations to all the winners, you too can be a winner of our monthly door prizes, 50/50 and/or raffles just simply attend one of g monthly FMKC club meetings. A raffle was held for a beautiful Queen Honey Bone Folding Hunter and the lucky winner was Marvin Fratu. The meeting was well attended for this time of year and many trades and buys were observed. Thanks to all that attended and we hope to see a great turnout again for the September meeting, see you then.... Next meetingDate: Sept lst - Free Door PrizesDrawing Bring yourfavorite knivesfor Show & Tell and sharewith the members Monthlv Gun & Knife ShowSchedule SUPPORTYOAR LOCAL GAN & KNIFE SHOW * GO THIS WEEKEND ! ! ! Septl2-13 Port Charlotte - 2 Guys Gun Show - Charlotte County Fairgrounds Sept12-13 West Palm Beach - Sport Show Specialists - South Florida Fairgrounds Sept19-20 Ft Lauderdale - SuncoastGun Show - War Memorial Auditorium Septl9-20 Lakeland - Antique & Military Firearms Show - 700 Lemon - Lakeland Circle Sept26-27 Ft Myers - SuncoastGun Show - Lee Civic Center @ffi The tang is an extension of the blade that is covered by the handle or has scalesattached. For folding knives, the tang would be found below the shoulder and contains piercing for the hinge pin on which the blade pivots. Full Tang - A full tang is the width of the handle and is designedto have scales(sides) attachedpinned or riveted into it. Push Tang - This is a partial tang that is pushed into and securedto the handle. Encapsulated Tang - This tang is smaller than the handle. The handle is fitted around it. Rat-Tail Tang - the rat-tail tang narrows down to a point at the butt/pommel, and is screwed into the handle at that point. Full Tang Bevel - This is a full tang that has a bevel running the entire length of the blade full to the butt/pommel. Hidden Tang - This is a partial push tang that is sometimesreferred to as a hidden tang. NO fCf: If you would like to receive your monthly newsletter via e-mail instead oJ snail mail. Contact club secretflryr,RzssSmegal s/: [email protected] C6ea€t6ts uefuszfu qzt FMKC\IIEBSITE \rrww.geoc it ies. co m / mi keg m. g eo / kn ifec I u b. ht m I Pres:Ken Rabedeau(239) 466-8175-V. Pres:Bill Cyphert(239)9364746 Sec/Treasurer:Russ Smegal (239) 283 -7 253 - E-Mail: [email protected] Mailing Address:FMKC - P.O.Box 706- St JamesCity, Fl33956-0706 Kershaw Knives is a multinational corporationthat desieFsand manufactur€sa range of knives, including kirchen cuflery, pocket knives, and outdoor knives. Currently owned by the JapaneseKAI Group. Kershaw is headquarteredin Tualatin. Oresoq United States. KershawKnives was startedin Portland.Oregon in 1974when Knife salesmanPete Kershaw left GerberLeeendarv Blades to form his own cutlery companybased on his own designs.Early manufrcturing was primarily done in Jaoan;in 1977,Kershaw became a wholly owned subsidiaryof the JapaneseKAI Group. In 1998th€ main production frcility was openedin Wilsonville. Oreson; du€ to gowt[ the facitties were movedto a larger productionsite in 2003. Currentmanufacturing facilities are locatedin Tualatin (main factory) and somegoods come from their Japanand China factories. The current companyis named KAI USA Lt4 and has three lines of products;the original Kenhaw Knives name, Shun Cutlery, which sells kitchen cudery and Zero Tolerance,a new line of combatknives. The Zero Toleranceline representsjoint designsbe- tween customknife makersKen Onion, Tin Galyean"and Strider Knives; a portion of tle proceedsfiom the sale of eachlnife is donatedto t]le OutdoorRecreation Heritage Fund for the ParalvzedVeterans ofArnerica. Ken Onion is Kershaw'sbest-known designer, who has won numerousawards for his designswith the companysince 1998,such as his Sneed-Safeopening models. Shun Cutlery offers knives designedby both Ken Onion and Food Network personality Alton Brown. Kershawhas also coUaboratedwilh customknife makersGrant and Gavin Hawk, Frank Centofante,and EmestEmerson. In 2002 Kershawreleased a model which was a collaborationbetween custom knife makerKen Onion and SteohenSeaeal feah.ring actual stinsray leather on the handle. In 2004 Kersbawdeveloped a multi-tool for th€ National GeoqraphicSociew with National Geoemnhicfilmmaker Bryan Harvey. Kershawhas also releasedmodels in collaborationwith Jeep.Oranee County Choppers,tlre AmericanProfessional Rodeo Association, and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. In May 2005, KershawKnives won four of the top awardsat tle Blade Show in Atlanta. Georeia. This was the fiIst time in the shov/s history tbat one companywon this number of awardsin one year: 2005 Overall Knife of the Year, 2005 Most Innovative AmericanDesign, 2005 Kitchen Knife ofthe Year, and2005 Knife Collaborationoftle Year. In June2007, KershawKnives won Blade Shofs "Overall Knife ofthe Year Award" witl the model 1850 "Tyrade', in which the patent-pendingconc€pt ofusing two different steelsin the sameblade was intoduced. The blade steels$'er€ D2 tool steelat the cut- ting edge,and a spineof CPM154stainless steel. Itr 2009, K€rshawannounced a collaborationwith EmersonKnives. [nc. to produce an automaticversion ofEmerson's Commander. .
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