Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 12-15-1949 December 15, 1949 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "December 15, 1949" (1949). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949. 128. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49/128 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 48 LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS. DECEMBER 15. 1949 NUMBER 49 7Ae Pulpit Ct~llllll-~ CAu1-eA~ l.ittle f<1elt Pages Eight and Nine PAGE TWO ARKANSAS BAPTISl ~cut~e1-n fltJptiJ t t<tJt/ic /JtiniJ t,.~ The SablJath A Devotion by the Editor Ve ~rsus "The Sabbath was made for man." The Sabbath has always been a vital insti· 7~e ?et/eJ-(JI Ccuncil c( e~u/*C~U tution of religion, and we cannot consider anl religious heritage without a serious consid· eration of religion's Sabbath. By DR. S. F. LoWE Jesus met with a Sabbath that was boun< with such laws as to make it a burden. I When the Radio Commission launched its render our Lord a peerless service as well cramped and hindered life, and life's expan current Baptist Hour on ABC on a com­ as keep Baptists definitely in the radio pic­ sion and growth. It was a Sabbath of fea. mercial basis it ceased to participate in the ture in the South. that exhausted the vital energies of life. Tc broadcasting schedule of the Southern Re­ 2. Maintain the highest standJrds of live through a Sabbath day should be lik ligious Radio Conf-erence on a free basis. This quality in all our broadcasts-Southwide and walking through a shady lane where the flow was essential. Hence, the broadcasting sche­ locally, live and transcribed. Radio station ers bloom and the birds sing, and all life anc dule of this Conference was left to the other management likes this and will respond fav- nature conspire to give one a sense of th member-groups, all of whom are members of orably to it. - wholesomeness and worthiness of life, an1 to bring one nearer to life's Lord. The Federal Council of Churches. Further­ 3. Capitalize on the strength of Baptists more, all the present members of the South­ The Sabbath day should pulsate with th in the local community, in the States and in potency of God's love and his gracious minis ern Religious Radio Conference are active the whole Convention territory. It cannot be members of the Protestant Radio Commis­ tries to tired and worn humanity. Jesus res "in the public interest" for s ~ large percent­ sion which is affiliat-ed with the Federal cued the Sabbath from legalism or from th age of the religious population to be left out blue laws of His day, and handed it back t• Council. Tl),us, this network on a free broad­ of the broadcast picture. cast basis is to all practical purposes under man a free and glorious institution of relig the leadership of the Federal Council. Our Pledge ion for the benefit of man, but the pleasure· seekers seem to have taken charge of the Two Factual Statements The Radio Commission is in fullest sym­ Sabbath and have made it again the mos Two factual statements need to be made: pathy with the repeated actions of the South­ exhausting and enervating day of the week ern Baptist Convention in not becoming af­ This has come about, not because the da~ 1. Under the direction of the Southeast­ filiated with the Federal Council of Church­ has been hedged about by innumerable laws ern Intercouncil office of the Federal Coun­ es. We also recognize the extreme difficulty or because it has become a day that inspire: cil of Churches, and with the fullest sym­ we face when all the major denominations fear, but because it has become a day ir pathy and co-operation of every major de­ of the South-except Baptists-are members which to pursue every pleasure and reveJ.n nomination, except Baptists, the South is of the Federal Council of Churches and thus that the week has denied. So the Sabbatl rapidly being organiz-ed and marshalled by can make a common approach to radio man­ has become a debauch, a blight, a day wher the Federal Council of Churches. agement for religious broadcast time. In this the progress of civilization has been set bad 2. Wherever the Federal Council has pow:. extremely difficult situation, your Baptist immeasurably, and it takes the remainder o: er it controls religious broadcasting nation­ Radio Commission pledges its best to lead the week to recover the loss and start agair ally and locally. Southern Baptists in an effective radio min­ from the point we had gained by the Satur· istry-Southwide and locally, which will hon­ day night before. What Are Baptists to Do? or our Blessed Lord in the proclamation of Throughout the week we have met an As we face these rugg·ed realities your Radio His truth. grappled with the stern and often unfriendl Commission earnestly urges the following as To this nob~e end we earnestly appeal to realiti-es of a material world. Therefore, w the only apparent way out: you and every Baptist for your help-·finan­ often come to the end of the week with fraye 1. Make the current Baptist Hour on ABC cially and spiritually. S·end all contributions nerves, with lagging moral courage, and wit completely successful financially and spir­ to: Radio Commission, Baptist Radio Center, our spiritual reserves exhausted, and ou itually. Such a network will enable us to Atlanta 6, Georgia. souls in somewhat of a stupor, so what need on the Sabbath is not to further exhaus our lives, but to rebuild them. On the Sab bath day our spiritual natures should be re vived, our moral courage renewed, the reser , voirs of life refilled. Arkansas Baptist Hospital And Public Relations Jesus said, "The Son of man is Lord of thf Sabbath," and certainly the Lord of th~ By J. F. QUEEN Sabbath should not be forgotten or ignorec on the Lord's day. All the blessed benefit~ The question is asked occasionally, "What than he can at the hospital. During the of the Sabbath depend upon one's attitud~ does the Arkansas Baptist Hospital pastor nearly five years he has been with the hos­ toward and devotion to the Lord of the SaP· do?" This is a fair question and every Bap­ pital he has spoken in one hundred-thirty­ bath. tist in the state should know. His duties are nine places. All but eleven of these places "And he said unto them., the Sabbath wa1 to visit the patients, conduct chapel services, are churches. made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: teach the student nurses the Bible, counsel J . A. Gilbreath, the hospital administrator, therefore the Son of man is Lord .also of th~ and pray with relatives of patients, and pro­ has done much in public relations by speak­ Sabbath." Mark 2:27, 28. mote good-will for the hospital throughout ing on hospital reports in district associa­ the state. Promotion of good-will for any tions, Brotherhood meetings, and pulpits. ARKANSAS BAPTIST institution is called public relations. This The attitude of Arkansas Baptists toward 206 BAPTIST BUILDING, LITI'LE ROCK part of the hospital service by the pastor or the hospital is now most gratifying as com­ Official PubUcation of the Arkansas Ilaptlst pared to the days when no public relations State Convention chaplain, is the subject of this article. B. H. DUNCAN _ -----·-- EDITOE Public relations has been promoted by was promoted. Never before was the hospital MRS. HOMER D. MYERS.·-···-·····················- ED. ASST articles in tbe Arkansas Baptist, supplying and school of nursing so considered by our PubUcation Committee: J . T. Ell!ff, Fordyce, Chair· pulpits, speaking on hospital reports in dis­ state budget as it was in the recent State man; C. D. Sallee, Morr1lton; Paul Fox, Pine Bluff; Luther Dorsey, Star City; Dell Hames, Augusta; E. C. trict associations, talking with visitors at the Convention. As the people learn more about Brown, Blythev1lle; Wyley Elliott, Paris. hospital, sp-eaking in brotherhood meetings, the hospital and its problems in taking care Entered Post Office, Little Rock, Arkansas, as sec­ in clubs, missions, and wherever the oppor­ of the many calls for charity the Mothers' ond class man matter. Acceptance for ma1!1ng at special rate of postage provided in Section 1198, tunity is offered. There is not much a hos­ Day offerings will increase in the churches October 1, 1913. pital pastor can do at the hospital on Sun­ also. Individual subscription $2 .00 per year. Church Bud­ 1 days, because so many friends and relatives --------000-------- gets 11 cents per month or $1.32 per year per church fam1ly; Fam1ly Groups (10 or more paid annually In take the day for visiting. Many times too Christianity is a crusading faith which advance) $1.50 per year. Subscriptions to foreign ad­ much visiting is done on Sundays. One doctor must propagate its kind in ever-increasing dress $2.50 per year. Advertising Rates on Request. said to the pastor that often it took a day number or die.
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