Vol. 61. No. 11 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, April 25, 1980 Rescue Attempt Aborted Athletic Dept. May Run $200,000 In Red by Liz Taylor MB Chairman Dr. James Lambert the outcome of this review, I wouldn't funds," he explained. HOY A Contributing Editor said he was reluctant to set up a plan want to predict what I would do." Rienzo also pointed out that Hostages'Fate Uncertain The Athletic Department's budget for cutbacks in Athletics because Goldwyn also pointed out that since membership in the Big East Con- "contingency plans have a way of be- a deficit is expected this year, the f rence has caused athletic exp.enses to by Ron Jamn for this year may run as much as 7 the events. ing self-fulfilling." Athletic Department budget set for rise. Under the NCAA rules, In order HOYA News Editor $200,000 in the red, according to the The White House statement, Department's operating budget for the During a HOYA interview following next year will also fall short. The tui- to qualify for the Big East Basketball The White House announced while making clear that there was past few months. the AAB meeting, Athletic Director tion figure for next year is already set; Conference, qe?rget?w~ must s~n~ early this morning that a "daring" no military engagement with any Although Student Government Francis X. Rienzo stated, "I think that therefore the Athletic Department will athletes to partiCIpate m SIX other DIVl- military effort to rescue the fifty hostile troops, declined to elaborate President Dave Goldwyn (CAS '81) since the severity of the problem was either need to cut expenditures or the sion I sports. American hostages being held at on when the rescue attempt was asked the Athletic Advisory Board to predicted because of the Title 9 re- necessary funds must by obtained "However, along with the problems the U.S. embassy in Tehran has made, or how long the mission address the problem of the deficit dur­ quirements for women's sports and the from elseWhere in the University. presented by the Big E~t, th~re ~re been aborted due to an "equipment lasted. ing their meeting this week, the Board Big East Conference, there has to be a In a HOYA interview, Goldwyn many benefits as well, Includmg iU- failure. " reevaluation of the budget. Pending claimed, "The real problem is that creased income at the door (for games) The initial Presidential statement arrived at no solutions. During the withdrawl of forces, a also stated that the action had been they (the Athletic Department) have to and increased income from television collision of two American aircraft taken "without malice toward Iran give a good hard look at their program coverage," asserted the Director of on the ground in a remote Iranian or the Iranian people" 'and, had and figure out how they can live within Athletics;" I am confident that the desert resulted in the deaths of eight been made in "humanitarian in­ Exiled Russ Dissident their budgetary restrictions, without Big East will be both a good com- crewmen. terests," "to protect the national sacrificing the minor sports. My major petitive experience for Georgetown, as Presidential Press Secretary Jody interest," and to "alleviate interna­ dissatisfaction with the meeting was well as paying off financially." Powell, in announcing the incident tional tensions." that the Board did not want to address Dur;ng the Board's discussion of to the press, said that I!,il personnel The President also expressed Declaims Soviet Life this issue." scholarship sports as related to non- involved have been removed from "remorse" at the deaths of the by Gre~ Kitsock answer session which lasted two hours, "It's almost as if they're operating scholarship sports, Rienzo asserted, Iran, including an undisclosed eight Americans and said he was HOYA A\~oclJ.tc Editor , Ginsberg discussed human rights viola­ under the assumption that they will get "Are we going to take away the ex- number of injured. "deeply grateful" for the efforts to tions in the Soviet Union, the history the money they need, rather than cellence or the mediocrity?" Powell stated that the injured those servicemen who had gone to "In the Soviet Union today, of the dissident movement, and the follow the budget that has been ap- Challenging this statement, AAB men are expected to recover. Iran. political prisons are the only free in­ movements aims today. proved," the Student Government member Mary Jean Ryan questioned, He also said that, "The President Early reports gave conflicting in­ stitutions of human learning," Soviet President concluded. "Are we so committed to basketball takes full responsibility for the formation about the nature and dissident Alexander Ginsberg told a Ginsberg addressed his audience in Goldwyn stressed that, "I don't and track that we're going to ignore decisions to conduct and abort the source of the military action. standing-room-only crowd in the Hall Russian, pausing after each sentence deny the validity of the Athletic other sports?" so an interpreter could translate the mission."~ Israeli state radio claimed that the of Nations on Wednesday. Department's need for more funds, Rienzo stated that, "At this junc- Describing his first period of im­ sentence into English. "The U. S. still holds the govern­ U.S. forces departed from Cairo especially for smaller sports, but we ture, there needs to be some decision- prisonment - for trying to publish a ment of Iran responsible for the for Iran, and that the mission had "Not only are civil rights prohibited have to consider other priorities as making; and to again reiterate the role safety of the hostages," Powell ad­ been expected to end by late Thurs­ poetry journal without official censor- . ship - Ginsberg continued, "Through in the Soviet Union, " Ginsberg well." of the Athletic Department in the ded. day night. asserted, "but social and economic According to Rienzo, the deficit oc- Georgetown education. Educational the hundreds of people in the camp Previously, the militants holding Yet other accounts suggested that curs "primarily in maintenance and institutions and athletics are closely there was preserved for us the tremen­ rights as well." the hostages had threatened to kill the American troops had come into "Instead of a right to work, there is overexpenditures in the training room, related. Whether I like it or not, this dous treasure of Russian history, Rus­ their captives if an American Iran from Pakistan. a necessity to work. The only women's cross country, women's happens to be a reality in American sian culture,and Russian thought." military action was attempted. The President is to address the employer, the state, decides how much basketball, women's gymnastics, higher education." "It was a tremendous revolutionary There was no immediate word from nation on the action early this mor­ it is going to pay you," the dissident women's indoor track, baseball, and Goldwyn later commented, "I think upheaval for myself,"he recounted. Tehran of any Iranian reaction to ning. explained. In a speech and question-and- men's basketball." it's a fact that budgets make priorities. "The right to an education exists The Athletic Department made a re- The University has made a only for those who accept the doctrine quest for a budget increase two years philosophical commitment to Fire Saf~ty of the regime." (In order to get into an ago, but each year the increase was athletics, but it has been unable to university, he. srud, you need a paired down by the Main Campus back it up financially while still main- character profile with three signatures Finance Committee. taining the qaality of its student body - including that of the local party Since that time inflation has and academic life. Problems leader.) significantly increased the expenses for "When the University approved the travel, equipment, lodging, food, and athletic budget for last year and for the "Social welfare for the aged and medical expenses, said Rienzo. coming year, that set the limits for the sick permits people only to stay barely "Basically, during a period of dou- University's commitment. [ think that alive and not perish from hupger," Investigated hie digit inflation the Athletic Depart- calls for the Athletic Department to set said Ginsberg. "We do have free ment has been asked to' increase its priorities within those limits, like by Ron Iaain medical servi,ce, but each doctor has a HOYA Nt,"" Editor women's sports and to meet all the any other department here," Goldwyn norm of patients he must see, and no needs with the same amount of observed. Most University experts believe the patient is permitted more than five campus to be fundamentally safe from minutes." fire dangers, yet continue to fear that l, Ginsberg termed the dissident move­ several serious problems remain, ac­ ment "preparatory" - no politicaJ SLPC Approves Fac cording to a HOY A k movement can be successful in this H generation. " investigation. Among problems cited In;'u.... ~If" of Pennsylvania fire was attributed to a variety of unsafe con­ are attitudinal, personnel, phsyical, ditions. The fire took three lives. The path taken by the movement is and technical difficulties .. Housing Sub sidy Plan students in the quad was "less than pear to be locked, is extremely one of moral resistance, rather than The HOYA investigation included ideal for safety reasons", yet added, unsafe," asserted Fr. Hurley. violent revolution, he added. After by Patricia Pruelines The plan states that, "the total loss numerous interviews and on site in­ "it can be safe if students make the ef­ Cited frequently as a concern of five years of research, said Ginsberg, HOY A No"'s Staff of income, $6000, would come out of spections over the past two months.
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