ArchivesACT Finding Aid Federal Capital Territory Rates Book Introduction This index to the “Rates Book” lists the ratepayer’s name, rateable rural land including agistment and dairy blocks and the address of the ratepayer for the years recorded, 1927, 1928 and 1929 of the Federal Capital Territory. The register was made under the Rates Ordinance 1928. Two pertinent clauses state: 6. All land in the Territory, including Crown land, shall be rateable in pursuance of this Ordinance, except— (a) commons, public parks and public reserves not held under lease or licence ; (b) sites of cemeteries, public hospitals, benevolent institutions, and buildings used exclusively for public charitable purposes; (c) sites of churches and other buildings used exclusively for public worship, and free public libraries ; (d) and Crown lands which are unoccupied and not leased. 7.—-(1.) The Commission shall, as soon as practicable after the commencement of this Ordinance, cause an assessment to be made of the unimproved capital value of each parcel of rateable land in the Territory, and shall— (a) cause particulars of the assessment to be recorded in the office of the Commission ; and (b) cause notice of the assessment in respect of each parcel of rateable land to be given to the owner : Shared Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 58351 Version 1 17 Ausgust 2011 1 The rates book is a printed register with column headings: Progressive number Occupier of holdings – Name; (a) holding (b) address Arrears of rates Acreage of holding – Agricultural land; Other land Assessed carrying capacity of land other than Agricultural land Stock and current rate – large stock and sheep per head; amount of rate Amount of deduction of rates in respect of area enclosed by a Rabbit Proof Fence or within a group Total amount of assessment by Director Total amount of assessment on Appeal Total amount of Rates Payable Payments of Rates made – Date; Amount; Folio Cash Book Number of Receipt Amount of Rates still Due Remarks The columns actually used are: Occupier of holdings – Name; (a) holding (b) address Acreage of holding – Agricultural land; Other land Stock and current rate – large stock and sheep per head; amount of rate Number of Receipt (1927 only) The Rates Book is valuable for listing the stock numbers, as well as the rates, ratepayers and ratepayer addresses for these three years. For details on the conservation of the Rates Book see http://www.archives.act.gov.au/home/what_do_we_do/whats_new/rates_book_1927 Shared Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 58352 Version 1 17 Ausgust 2011 2 Lessee's Name District Block Holding Type Address Year Year Year 1927 1928 1929 Alison, W. L Woden 24A Weston Cotter Road Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Allen, J. B. R. City 103 1929 Anderson, K. S. Stromlo 22 Allawah Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Avery, Wm Belconnen 10 Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Avery, Wm City 125 Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Avery, Wm Belconnen 10A Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Barrie, J. 5 Dairy 1929 Farm Bell, C. J. Belconnen 38 Weetangera 1927 1928 1929 Bell, C. J. Belconnen 37A Weetangera 1927 1928 Bell, R. M. Hall 23 1929 Bingley, E. G. Woden 11A Moore Street Queanbeyan 1927 1928 1929 Bingley, E. G. Woden 11B Moore Street Queanbeyan 1927 1928 1929 Blewitt, E. J. A. Stromlo 13 The Rivers Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Blewitt, H. Paddys 37 Lambrigg Tharwa 1927 River Blewitt, J. W. Paddys 10 1929 River Blewitt, S. Lanyon 12 McIntosh Street Queanbeyan 1927 1928 1929 Blewitt, W. J. Paddys 10 Gibraltar Tharwa 1928 River Blewitt, W.J. Stromlo 14 Cotter Junction 1927 Blewitt, W.J. Woden 49 Limestone Burra PO 1927 Bolton Bros Hall 8 Hall 1927 Bolton Bros Hall 8A Hall 1927 Bolton Bros Hall 8B Hall 1927 Bolton, A. Hall 8 Hall 1928 Bolton, A. Hall 8A Hall 1928 Bolton, A. Hall 8B Hall 1928 Shared Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 58353 Version 1 17 Ausgust 2011 3 Lessee's Name District Block Holding Type Address Year Year Year 1927 1928 1929 Bolton, A. G. Hall 8A Hall 1929 Bolton, A. G. Hall 8B Hall 1929 Bolton, E. T. Stromlo 5 Hall 1928 1929 Bolton, E. T. Belconnen 5B Hall 1928 1929 Bondfield, E. C. Belconnen 7 Hall 1927 1929 Bondfield, E. C. Belconnen 9 Hall 1927 1929 Booroomba Pastoral Co Tennant 2 Booroomba Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Booroomba Pastoral Co Paddys 23 Booroomba Queanbeyan 1928 1929 River Booroomba Pastoral Co Tennant 24 Booroomba Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Booroomba Pastoral Co 286 Booroomba Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Booroomba Pastoral Co 394 Booroomba Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Bootes, A. G. W. 137 Bywong Sutton 1927 1928 1929 Boreham, Ed. Belconnen 23 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Boreham, Ed. Hall 24 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Boreham, Ed. Hall 25 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw, D. 138 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw, D. 138A Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw, R. 140 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw, R. 387 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw, R. 388 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw, R. 389 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brayshaw. R. 386 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Brown, A. Stromlo 16 Bulga Creek Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Brown, H. T. Stromlo 9 Arawang Cotter Road Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Brown, James Stromlo 29 Bulga Creek Canberra 1928 1929 Brown, James Stromlo 29 Cotter Road Canberra 1927 Buckmaster, V. 193 Fairlight Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Shared Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 58354 Version 1 17 Ausgust 2011 4 Lessee's Name District Block Holding Type Address Year Year Year 1927 1928 1929 Buckmaster, V. 242 Fairlight Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Burgoyne, J. A. Belconnen 28 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Burgoyne, J. A. Belconnen 28A Ginninderra 1929 Butt, J. W. Gungahlin 102A Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Butt, J. W. Gungahlin 102C Queanbeyan 1927 1928 1929 Butt, J. W. Gungahlin Agistment Queanbeyan 1927 Butt, P. J. Belconnen 31 Weetangera 1927 1928 1929 Butt, S. N. Gungahlin 26 1929 Butt, W. A. Gungahlin 42 Majura 1927 1928 1929 Butt, Wm Gungahlin 62 Queanbeyan 1927 Butt, Wm Gungahlin 129 Queanbeyan 1927 Cameron, E. R. Belconnen 34 1929 Cameron, Evan Belconnen 20 Weetangera 1927 1928 1929 Cameron, Evan Belconnen 20A Weetangera 1928 Cameron, L. E. Kowen 9 Burbong Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Cameron, L. E. Gungahlin 98 Bamaric Ainslie 1927 Cameron, L. E. Gungahlin 98E Bamaric Ainslie 1927 Cameron, L. E. Gungahlin 98F Bamaric Ainslie 1927 Cameron, L. E. Gungahlin 98G Bamaric Ainslie 1927 Cameron, L. E. Gungahlin 98H Bamaric Ainslie 1927 Campbell, A. D. Woden 53 Woden Queanbeyan 1927 1928 1929 Campbell, G. B. Woden 27A Yarra Glen Canberra 1927 1928 1929 Cargill, T. R. Woden 26A Braidwood 1927 Carney, W. J. Belconnen 4 Hall PO 1927 1928 1929 Carney, W. J. Belconnen 6 Hall PO 1927 1928 1929 Cavanagh, C. Hall 10 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Cavanagh, M. J. Gungahlin 4 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Cavanagh, M. J. Hall 19 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Shared Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 58355 Version 1 17 Ausgust 2011 5 Lessee's Name District Block Holding Type Address Year Year Year 1927 1928 1929 Champion, P. H. Belconnen 18A Pine Range Weetangera 1927 1928 1929 Chapman, R. P. Kowen 2 C/o C.T. Campbell Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Chapman, R. P. Kowen 2 Weetangera 1927 Clarke, W. D. Woden 112A Tharwa Road Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Clarke, W. D. Woden 112A Police Station Queanbeyan 1927 Clayton, R. R. Hall 4 Ginninderra 1927 1929 Clothier, H. A. Stromlo 19 Oaks Estate Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Clothier, H. A. Stromlo 19 Queanbeyan 1927 Clutton, W. F. 1 Dairy Causeway Kingston 1927 1928 1929 Farm Collett, A.H. Gungahlin 91 Queanbeyan 1927 1929 Corkhill, R. City 22 River View Canberra 1928 1929 Corkhill, R. City 22 Canberra 1927 Corkhill, T. Agistment River View Canberra 1928 19219 Corkhill, T. Agistment Canberra 1927 Cotter, G. 392 Michelago 1927 Cotter, G. J. Mount Clear 2 Michelago 1928 1929 Cotter, G. J. Booth 9 Michelago 1928 1929 Cotter, G. J. 392 Michelago 1928 1929 Cotter, J. A. 392 Michelago 1927 Cowl Corol Past. Co. 159 Lanyon Queanbeyan 1927 1928 Cowl Corol Past. Co. 250 Lanyon Queanbeyan 1927 1928 Crace, E. G. Exors of Gungahlin 16 Gungahlin Ginninderra 1927 Crace, E. G. Exors of Gungahlin 21 Gungahlin Ginninderra 1927 Crawford, D. 158 Bobeyan via Cooma 1927 1928 1929 Cregan, J. E. Paddys 13A Tharwa PO 1927 1928 River Cunningham, A. J. 137 1929 Shared Services Territory Records Office ArchivesACT GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 6207 5726 Facsimile (02) 6207 58356 Version 1 17 Ausgust 2011 6 Lessee's Name District Block Holding Type Address Year Year Year 1927 1928 1929 Cunningham, U. A. Paddys 13A 1929 River Curley, C. Lanyon 29 Tuggeranong Valley Queanbeyan 1928 1929 Curley, Chas Lanyon 26 Tuggeranong Valley Queanbeyan 1927 Curley, Chas Woden 33 Tuggeranong Valley Queanbeyan 1927 Curley, Patk Woden 110E Kingston PO 1927 1928 1929 Curran, A. H. Belconnen 24A Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Curran, H. E. Belconnen 45 Ginninderra 1927 1928 Curran, H. E. Hall 12A Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Curran, H. R. Hall 1 Ginninderra 1927 Curran, H. R. Belconnen 11 Ginninderra 1927 1928 1929 Darmody, W. J. Gungahlin 34 Majura 1927 1928 1929 Davies, Mrs G. D. Stromlo 15 1929 Dixon, O.
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