The first sign of celebrities is seen as early as Thursday night. Packers, both current and former greats, Hollywood movie and TV stars, Bucks, Brewers and other pro athletes from the midwest come to register and to playa few holes. Friday a special par-S event is held for all participants and cor- porate sponsors. It is this day that Bob Hope, Bart Starr and Woody Hayes the last of the grooming takes pause on the 18th green and thank the fans place. Mounds, bunkers, fairways for their great support. are all given that last minute in- microwaves are raffled off with the spection. Friday night the gallery proceeds all going into the kitty for ropes and corporate hole sponsor the Cancer clinic. signs are put up. Concession ~allery ropes, stakes and signs. All stands are built by the clubhouse concession stands are torn down maintenance crew. Details like the and those large dumpsters now hanging of the flower baskets seem too small. The parking lot around the exterior of the and clubhouse grounds are clubhouse add a special touch of cleaned and hand watered down to color. The three local television give them that clean fresh ap- stations broadcast their sports pearance. segments live from select vantage The highlight of the event for the points in and around the club- sponsors is the grand ball held on house grunds. The grand old lady Saturday night. This is an appreci- is putting on her Sunday best. ation dinner for those who partici- On Friday night the big top is pated, the celebrities and spon- used for the first time as it houses sors. It is worth the price of admis- a fund raising dinner and auction. sion alone just to watch the (Wisconsin Turf is a reqular con- limousines return with their well tributor to this event.) The dressed patrons. The state of Menomonee Falls Police and Fire dress or in some cases undress Departments set up temporary makes me wonder about the old offices in the grounds saying that it's the clothes that maintenance shop. They tour the make the man. This definitely golf course through the night to doesn't apply to some very lovely ward off the ever present threat of ladies in attendance. vandalism. As the name Lombardi symbo- Saturday starts early, usually lized hard work and sweat to the around 4:30 a.m. Greens are cut Packers of the "Glory Days," it and traps are given that final touch The colorful caddios and crowds, tho b"autiful also means tiresome sweaty long of perfection. About 7 a.m., the North Hills course make the Lombardi an days to the various personnel of first of the crowd begins to show event to enjoy and remember. the North Hills Country Club. The up. Course marshals are enlisted trampled turf. legend lives on in the name of a and directed to their respective Crowd size is proportional to the golf tournament. A tournament holes. Caddies arrive from other number of big name Hollywood that serves a dual purpose by forc- courses. The first five-some tees stars and athletic greats present. ing use into a race with a deadline off promptly at 8 a.m. and the play Bob Hope, Henry Aaron, Ernie but at the same time creating a of the day is a team scramble tour- Banks, Phil Donahue, Bob Uecker, standard by which our grooming nament. Each team consists of a Mickey Mantle, Mclean Stevenson, practices are compared to for the celebrity and four sponsors. Fred McMurry, George C. Scott are rest of the golfing season. Celebrities are paired with teams just to name a few. Even Past- I personally feel every golf through the blind luck of a draw. If President Gerald R. Ford added to course should have a tournament you could bet on the favorite team, his reputation by unfortunately in which all the stops are pulled put your moeny on Lynn Dickey's knocking a drive off from out to put on the best show possi- team as he or Greg Koch are someone's skull. Crowd size can ble each year. Our membership always in the running for team range from 5,000 to 20,000 spec- sacrifices their course for one champion. tators. 400 cases of beer, 650 weekend every season, but Our work for the day is only half dozen hot dog buns, 1,600 pounds benefits in the long run for the rest completed at this time. Clean up of brats and hot dogs are con- of the season due to the crews' starts as soon as the event is over. sumed in a matter of six hours. new personal standard of dedlca- It is our challenge to return the The event winds down with a tion and commitment toward course to a point of condition that large raffle. Trips, cars, boats and excellence. it appears as if nothing happened, For the second and final time we I wonder if the coach would be barring the gallery scars of punch the clock to bring in the proud? 31 CELEBRITIES - '85 regulate (and eliminate) pesticides RECORD and their use. Russ is a very in- Jed Allan TV teresting, colorful and polished Paul Coffman Packer NUMBERS VISIT Robert Colbert MovieslTV speaker. His background includes George Cumby Packers KETTLE-MORAINE experience as a farmer and as a Lynn Dtckey Packers two term legislator in the wtscon- Coach Mike Ditka Chicago Bears GOLF CLUB FOR sin Assembly. These, coupled with Michael Douglass Packers his many years as the Director of Tom Dreesen TV Jim Fitzgerald Honored Guest WGCSA'S JUNE the Agribusiness Council, qualify Tom Flynn Packer him as the eminent spokesman for Earl Gillespie WITI-TV6 MEETING the varied business of agriculture Ron Hallstrom Packer in Wisconsin, His appearance was Jim Hampton Movies/TV Longtime WGCSA members Elroy Hirsch UW a rare treat and everyone was Fred Holliday TV were searching their memories to grateful for the opportunity to Jim Irwin WTMJ try to recall the last time over 90 listen to him. The WGCSA is a Greg Koch Packer people attended a regular monthly member of the Wisconsin Agri- Herb Kohl Honored Guest meeting. Almost 75 individuals business Council. Harvey Kuenn Former Brewers Mgr. played golf, a great compliment to Larry McCarren Packers Horst Distributing very kindly Tom Miller Packers Dewey Laak and his staff. They provided the prize for the June raf- Mark: Murphy Packers rolled out the "red carpet" for the fle drawing - a Jacobsen string Leslie Nielsen MovieslTV meeting and it was appreciated by trimmer. It was won by Beloit's Jim Paschke WITI·TV all in attendance. Jane & Lloyd Pettit Honored Guests Don Ferger, who commented, "My Randy Scott Packers The event was new to WGCSA wife will enjoy using this!" This James B. SIk:k:lng Hill Street Blues meetings and was divided into two month's raffle raised just over Hank Stoddard WTMJ·TV flights - 16 and under and 17 and $300. Bob Schnelker PackerslOffen. Coord. over. The goal was to play around Jan Stenerud Minn. Vikings the golf course and avoid all Tom Sutton WISN-TV Johnny Tillotson Entertainer hazards (OB, water, sand, bunkers, George Wallace TV etc.). The 16 and under winners "Stormy Weather" Entertainers made it all the way around the golf Rich Wingo Packers course without hitting a ball in any Steve Yoder UWIBasketball hazard. Three members tied for SUPER BOWL I first place, and the tie was broken WORLD CHAMPIONS by the low net. Erv Graf placed - GREEN BAY PACKERS first, host Dewey Laak was Herb Adderly Bob long second, and Mike Lees took third Bill Anderson Bill "Red" Mack place, The 17 and over winner was zeke Bratkowski Max McGee Dennis Robinson who also made it Willie DaviS Elijah Pitts ..... Boyd Dowler Dave Robinson all the way around the course Russ Weisensel, Executive Director of the Jim Grabowski Bob Skoronskl without hitting any hazards. Wisconsin Agribusiness Council. Doug Hart Bart Starr Second place was taken by Dave David Hathcock Fuzzy Thurston Beale, who made it 17 holes. Gil Ron Kostelnik Jim Weatherwax Jerry Kramer Willie Wood Bergdahl placed third and made it 13 holes before finding a hazard with his golf ball. The flag event winners were as follows: MILAEGER Long drive, 16 and under: Paul McKenzie w.n and Pump Co. Long drive, 17 and over: Charlie Shaw iNDusnln Long putt: Bill Sell MUNICI",.IJTIIS SUIDIVIS/OHI Closest to the Pin: P. Shaw A highlight of the evening was Ron Schumacher presents Don Ferger the prize from June's raffle. - "",,p Woll O'''''ng and Pump '""""'''00 _ the excellent talk given by Russ • ROTARV an" CABLE TOOl· - W.I' o.veloomen' by Acld"ing a Shoo"ng_ Weisensel, Executive Director of _ ~I' M,~., 01 Pumps Rop.".d _ the Wisconsin Agribusiness Coun- 24 Hour EMERGENCYService cil. Russ updated the group on the BYRON JACKSON - $uom.","'e Pumps pesticide situation in Wisconsin. If PEERLESS! - un. Snaft Puml)$ he had a message, it was that _ ChIO"""",S, V.,_. Wa'., M.,.,._ those affected by legislation pro- Lin. Shot! T",bln. P"mp, ond Subm."ibl. Pump. posed at the local or state level '0 700 HP ond 1.200 ft, Setting. must participate in hearings on HRVlCING WISCONSIN AND IWNQIJ that legislation. He also made it ~'" 0.... 60 Y.,,,, 209~0 Ento....rl", A•• , ~'O N. Mllwaukoo A"o. abundantly clear that there is ..... kfI.ld, WI 5300$ Wloeelln'ij, Il 60090 never any relief from the assault by 1414t 7«-3960 (312)541·8816 environmentalists and others to Part of the overUow crowd at the June meetIng.
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