m If m ■<> ,;- ’•■■ -•'/. v^v^ws 1 ■ v. /: ■' Circidatioii Statemeiit. Average dallj cdrcnlafio]i of TBDB Fair tonight eatf EVENING HBEALD'for Q O O Q ]jr ooqtor* ' ' month of MAT O f ^ ^ l O k'iV THE HERALD’S. COL- EBtablished m a Weekly 1881i , BIAN^ESTER, CONN.,>ilMDAY, JUNE 27, 1919. Cost one cent for PRICE TWO:^CllBt^{:i«^ Eetabllshed as ft Semi-Weekly 1888. first' Insertion, halt cent thisr^fter. VOL. xxxvm NO. 228 Eetabllahed as a Dally 1914. I ^ ■<' WDSEIVES PUN TEST W EilB W UW Ckmfid&xt that If. S, Wm OF TREASUIIY DEPT. TOM iltE CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT H ^ n a O F L Injunctions Pbined for AD YES, YES, YES, GO ON! SUSPENSE IS AWFUIi. Petitions Reaching Congress Snpposed to Destroy fWJ Washington, Jnne 27.—Sec­ I h'l i» ■'■'a retary to the President Tumul­ Held in Cm C. H. TnniiboD Patcbed ty was routed out of bed early in Great Numbers Ask- torlay by the Insistent ringing He Leaves with *Bleeding Heart* Will Land in New York W edi of his telephone. At the other . ing for Probe. Them Up and Placed Than end was the White House at­ TO KEB* S i^ S OP^ tache who handles the cable To Sign the Treaty at Versailles Later and Call for NM in Grculation -- Money messages from the President. “Cablegram for you from 4 Sesrion of Senate and U. S. District Attorney Crosby to >’3 th^ President,” he said. “Read TWO BILLS PROVIDE Berlin, June 27.—“I leave with sen this morning by Dr. Bell, An­ Found Buried in His Cel­ it,” the Secretary ordered. .. Enforce. Ijaw £n State—Then Test other member of thn cabinet who is .. “ ‘J. P. Tumulty, White «Case Will Conie Up. a bleeding heart,” declared Foreign House — CerUun Pnbfic House: I have decided to lift FOR CURBING PACKERS going to Versailles to sign the lar—Confesses to the the ban on — ,’ ” Minister Hermann Mueller, as he treaty. They are due to arrive in . .'“Yes, yes, go on,” Movement All Over Country to Re­ boarded a train at Pjotsdamer Sta­ the old French capital early Satur­ Opimon is for League—To “ ‘------^the export of gold New Haven, June 27.—That the Police. bullion.’ ” duce Idving Costs—Senators tion last night, enroute to Versailles, day morning. :■ \ Flooded With Letters From All fight of the liquor men to keep their T#hert Ifo #111 head the German dele­ Herr Mueller said the German Tour Country. delegation would discuss enroute to Washington, June 27.—Accused Over U. S. places of huBiness open after J ^ y 1 gation that will sign the peace Versailles the question of whether of embezzling nearly $67,000 in par­ ma^ cenkW Ih this state was e't^I- treaty. He added that he consid­ they would participate In any peace Paris, June 27.—President Wilson tially mutilated bank notes, Charles 17 OFFICERS AND MEN Washington^^ June 27.—House­ deht wken it became known today ered hViriself the t’medlum of ^ f^eat celebrations in Germany after the has the utmost confidence that the H. Turnbull, a member of the de­ wives’ protests against the hll^h cost sioriddB.’’ ^ through a letter written by Uiall! signing of the treaty. United States will ratify the peace struction committee of the Treasury OF A E. F. GET CROSS of living are reaching Congress iff rief r -ilueUhr was joined -at Es­ such numbers that an Investigation States District Atltomey John F. treaty shortly after it is presented in Department, was today being held its final form. In $15,000 bail for trial. Operat­ was being plauned today. Crosby, of Hartford, that he~weuld One Connecticut Man Among Them, The President plans to sail Immedi­ ives of the secret service who made Senator Gronna, of North Dakota, enforce the law against the^ Ifquoi Sergeant Thomas W. Murphy, of ately after the signing, probably the arrest, say that Turnbull has chairman of the Senate Agriculture men In this state on July 1 unless New Haven. restrained in some way, and the am Sunday noon, landing in New York confessed. Committee, stated today that an­ IlliJES ARE ilE S I K A lG THE REPORT a week later. other probe of the packing industry nouncement that several promlneni Notes Found. To Ask For Joint Session. Washington, June 27.—Award of would be undertaken by his commit­ liquor men In the state, representing The mutilated notes, some of It Is expected that he will request the distinguished service cross to tee as soon- as appropriation bills the entire business. In the state, which were said to have been patch-, THAT EX-CROWH PRINCE HAS ESCAPED a Joint session of the Senate and 17 offlcets and men of the A. B. F. would through theii^ Attorneys, Col­ ed up and put Into such shape that are out of the way. House on Monday when he will ad­ and to four members of the French The Rendrick Bill. onel A. A. Ailing, orf this city, New they were negotiable, were found, dress the members and at the same ari^y for acts of extraordinary hero­ The Kendrick bill providing gov­ Haven County- States Attorney and the operat^es say, secreted In vari­ time deliver the treaty to the Sen­ ism was announced by the War De ernment regulation of the packers William A. King, of Willimantic, HAMBURG MOB TO SEIZE ous parts of Turnbull’s home and In Thns Far No Official Conlirm ate committee on foreign relations. partment today. Among the was made the vehicle for the investi­ former Attorney General of the one Instance were buried in paint Latest advices reaching the Pres­ awards, made by General Pershing gation which will he broad in Its State, bring an Injunction against AMERICAN FOOD SUPPLIES cans beneath two feet of coal in a ation if Rumor Has Been ident indicate that sufficient .votes the federal officials restraining them cellar bin. were: scope and Include not only an In­ can be mustered to secure ratiflca-^ :!rom enforcing the law. - Employed 8ev»al Years. First Lieutenant Royal H. G. quiry into the ^ost of meats, but U. S. Vessels Armed and Able to Received in Paris—Must tion, although the Administration ex­ It is understood here tl\at similai Turnbull had been an employee Smith, South Gorham, Me. will include other foodstuffs. The Resist If Attempt Is Made by the pects a bitter fight in the final stages.^ jajunctions are planned to be issued of the macerating room in the Sergeant Thomas W. Murphy, 246 Kenyon Bill, which also is before Spartacists. Public Wants League O. K.’d. n all states where liquor Is now Stand Trial Treasury Department ,for several County Street, New Haven, Conn.... Congress,' provides for regulation of The President has informed his. sold but that the test of the matter years, and had access to the worn Serge^mt John Hussey, (deceased) large firms dealing in foodstuffs and London, June 27.—It Is believed colleagues that he is entirely ron- n the federal courts will be made treasury notes that were sent there Holyoke, Mass. hearings on this bill will be In the here that the Spartaclst mob which • London, June 27.—Allied repre­ vinced that public opinion will d^j, in Connecticut. to be ground up and replaced by Sergeant Frederick J. Hawke, East nature of a general probe of food has taken possession of Hamburg sentatives In both Holland and Ger­ maud the ratification and that it Greenwich, R. I. ^ costs. ‘ . new ones. The arrest was made by Crosby’s Letter. will attempt to capture the supplies many were today instructed to make will be %unwilliag to soonsent to Distinguished service medals have Honsewivcs Interested. immediate efforts to verify or dis­ John G. Slye and Albert L. Peck, The- letter of United States aboard American food ships, which separation of the treaty of the I^guq been awarded 12 officers for render That there is a movement through­ recently arrived there. The Ameri­ prove the report that the former both members of President Wilson’s District Attorney foljpwa: of Nations cov^ant. Inxmedlate^ -J iUg-services of conspicuous value to out th^ country among house wives Crown . Prince Frederick, 4 , bodyguard on his first trip, to ■^JiihB‘26, 1919. can vessels are armed and.. shh.*ri(L following hl4 addrsM the A. E. F., the War Department for governmental steps to reduce be able to repel the attempt. William has fled from his Island of t'rance. ......... ‘Amon A. Ailing, President will conimenee a eoant^ When arrested Turnbull, the de­ also announced. The officers hon­ living costs. Is evident from the refuge in Holland and returned to wide «tour, presenting the tacts to ored are: large number of protests being re­ “and William A. King, tectives say,' had $2,445, worth of “Counsel for Retail Liquor Deal­ Germany. the people. Major General C. D. Rhodes, mem­ ceived each day by the members of SHOOTS LOVER AND SELF Mast Stand Trial. partially mutilated bills in his pos­ ers’ Association of Connecti­ Won’t Try Kaiser. ber of the Interallied commission at Congress. Senators and Representa­ It Is understood this action was session. cut, New Haven; The American peace delegates are Spa. tives are flooded with letters ask­ taken at the request of the allied “Gentlemen: WHILE ON AN AUTO TRIP convlncied that the ex-Kaiser will Major General William H. Hays, ing that an investigation be made chieftains who are In Paris, who are never be brought to trial, v Thla In response to your recent oral In­ J.
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